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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Brittany Southgate = Buritsutani soufuate Gold_Angewomon = Gorude_Anjiwomonu O.o ....Weird.....
  2. No. I don't have a boyfriend. But, hey, it doesn't bother me in the least. ;) I'm doing fine single.
  3. Biida

    Dragonial RPG

    -Name: Leona Mikono -Element: Water -Dragon's Name: Wind -Dragon's Element: Nature (hurricanes, tornados, ETC.) -Weapon: Kali Yuga -Age: 19 -Personality: Friendly, compassionate, stubborn, intelligent, usually gets nervous around guys. -Description: Shoulder length blonde hair; light blue tanktop with the Japanese writing of the word "light" on the front; short short tan shorts. -Eye Color/Colour: blue -Dragon's Description: Blueish scales with a faint shimmery tint of green, huge wings, piercing green eyes, huge, long tail. -Dragon's Personality: Wise, friendly, compassionate, honest, hates to fight, is a great flyer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahh.... It feels good to use Wind in a story again. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyways... Is that good for my stats?
  4. Biida

    Dragonial RPG

    Umm.... D-Warrior just MSN IM me, and told me to join... So... Here I am... :) Umm... What do I put down for my stats?
  5. Hehehehehe... I typed in my nickname (Britty), and it said... "Buritsuchi"
  6. Guy: Nightcrawler!!!!!!!! (Boo yah! :D ) Girl: Rogue (No duhh... :cross: )
  7. I'd wish for a genie... One that would grant my wishes without question. ;) Then... When I have the genie, I'd wish for it to give me a dragon!!!!!! :D
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1][B]Inside his building the Kingpin watches Legend and The Thing enter through his vidoe cameras[/B] Kingpin: It looks as if we have company. I had better send in the welcome wagon. *The Kingpin presses a button on his desk and the Rhino walks into The Kingpins office* Rhino: What is it boss? Kingpin: The Thing and his friend appear to be after something in this building. I don't know what it is yet, but I want you to make sure they never get a hold of it. Rhino: Of course, anything else? Kingpin: No, that will be all. They are on the top floor, if they get any further than that; I am going to have you killed. Rhino: Yes Boss. *The Rhino walks out of the room* Kingpin: What could those two be after? I wonder... [B]Upstairs on the top floor the Thing and Legend are walking through a long hallway, trying to find a way downstairs, two security guards are covered in web and hanging from the celing[/B] Legend: It sure was easy infiltrating this building, I thought he had more security than this. Thing: So did I, this might be a trap. [B]The Thing and Legend walk into the next room , it is a large dining room with large stained glass windows[/B] Legend: Wow, look at this place. Its pretty elaborate. Thing: No kidding, I told you that the Kingpin spares no expense when it comes to leisure. Legend: Right, I forgot. *The door behind the Thing and Legend slam shut and lock, in the doorway in front of them thr Rhino walks in and the door behind him locks* Legend: The Rhino! Rhino: The boss doesn't know what you are doing here, but he wants you out. Thing: We aren't going anywhere until we get Cat and the Angonium. Rhino: A cat? Why do you want the Kingpins kitty cat? Thing: You mean you don't have the black cat? Then where is she? Legend: We have walked in here for nothing, the Black Cat must have ditched you. I can't believe she would do something like that... Thing: *Sigh* Either can I, it looks like she can't be trusted after all. Rhino: Enough talk, all I know is that I have to eliminate you guys! *The Rhino charges at Thing and Legend* Legend: Uh oh![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Rhino charged at Thing and Legend, and was mere moments away from crushing them... When all of a sudden... Black Cat and Ryu rushed in! Black Cat took out her whip and flung it at the rhino's horn, it caught, and sent him reeling in another direction. He crashed into a wall, got his horn caught in the wall, pulled himself out, then fell unconcsious. Ryu and Blck Cat ran towards Thing and Legend. Leona stopped short in front of them. "Are you guys okay?" Legend rubbed his forehead. "A little shaken. That's all..." Ryu and Leona noded. "Good." "Yah. We were worried you guys would do what you did, rush in, and totally destroy our chance of quietly sneaking in." Thing laughed, and Leona continued. "Anyways. We got the stone. We had just picked it up, when we heard the alarm go off. So we came in here to see what had happened." Legend nodded, and spoke quietly. "I guess you were wrong, Thing. She can be trusted..." The Thing only grunted in response. Ryu pulled out his laptalk, and started to type. "Okay. I'm entering the Kingpin's main computer, and turning off the alarm.. So we can hopefully turn off the alarm and make a clean getaway." Leona nodded in response, sat down next to him, and quietly watched him type. Legend quietly laughed to himself, then leaned over and whispered to the Thing. "Heh... They make a cute couple." But before Thing could laugh. Leona spoke up. "I heard that." Legend sweat dropped. Then they just waited for Ryu to finish.
  9. Biida

    Ok let's try this

    Britty: *sits in front of the ship's main computer* *starts typing* Yes, Anti. I'm putting up a temporary forcefield/invisabilty cloak now... We'll be safe... And as long as this ship's got a sound disruptor, model9 guns with 98 speed or higher, we're more safe than we'll ever be...
  10. Biida

    Ok let's try this

    Britty: *looks at them talking* Did you say you're going to try to get into a heavily matrix guarded space colony? :smirk: Siren: Umm... Yah.... Why? Britty: I'm a whiz at hacking Matrix defense systems. How else do you think I got to this god forbidden, planet?. I could easily, temporarily shut down the colony's Matrix system, so you could get through. If you want some help, that is.
  11. Leona sat down on a chair next to Ryu. "Anyways. I came here to ask you for help." "Really? What about?" "I know you're really smart. And I need someone smart--" "WHAT??? :eek:" "Ryu. You didn't let me finish my sentance..." "Oh... Right... Heh... *sweat drop*" "Umm... Anyways... I need someone smart to help me out with something I have to do." "Aight. What do you need help with?' "Do you know about the Kingpin, and his love for collectibles?" "Yes. I know. What about it?" "Well, he has in his collection, a special stone called 'Angonium', and I need to have it." "Why?" "To build a weapon to use against Venom and Green Goblin." "What?" "You heard me." "No offense, Leona, but, where on earth did you learn to make a weopon strong enough to use on them?" "I didn't. I'm just helping out the Thing. He's the one builing it. And I'm the one who needs to get the thing a ma jig." "I see..." "So, are you in?" "Defanitely!"
  12. Biida

    Ok let's try this

    Britty: *walks in, wearing a black tshirt, a pair of black pants, and a dark blue jacket. Holding her trusty light saber* Hmm.... *looks around* *sits down at the bar* Just give me a coke... Bar tender: Rum? Britty: No. Just coke. I don't feel like drinking tonight... Bar tender: *grunts* *hands her a coke* Britty: *takes a drink*
  13. Leona tried to open the headquarters doors, but they were locked. "He must have gone out for lunch...." She shrugged, and turned around. Only to see Ryu swing by. "What? RYU!!! HE'S OKAY!!!!!!" She leapt up onto a building, and followed him to his apartment. He soon reached his apartment door. He opened it, looked around to make sure no one was following him, then ran into his room to analyze and try and find a weakness to the sample of the symbiote suit he had grabbed from Venom. Leona was amazed he was okay. "How'd he escape? Hmm...." She walked in, and went to his room. He was on the computer, typing like mad. "*ahem* Ryu." He turned around. "Huh? Aiiyyeeee!!! Black Cat!!! What are you doing here???" "I need to talk to you." "About what?" "Different things...." "Explain, please." "Umm.... Well... Choices, to put." "Huh?" "It's a long story..." "Could you tell me about it?" "That's why I came, you idiot." "Hey! Wait a minute!" "What? Baka-Ryu? "There's only one person I know who calls me an idiot, or Baka-Ryu!" "Huh? Umm... Did I say that?" "Yes you did." "Well, then... I guess I can't keep my identity a secret from you, now. Can I?" Leona grinned. "You're right. You can't, Leona."
  14. Biida

    X-men RPG (play)

    *OOS* Umm... SS Trunks. If you read back a few pages, you'll notice I posted Leona's power alterations.... Could you please possibly look over them, and tell me if the alterations are enough? Thank you. :)
  15. As Leona swung back towards the fantastic 4s' headquarters, she started thinking to herself. "Jesus christ, what am I going to do? I either get that stuff for the Thing... Or save Ryu's neck..... And I've only one chance for both.... Arrghhhh.... If save Ryu, I have to once again become a baddie.... And if I get that stuff for the Thing, I'll have the city's trust.... Tough decision.... Cute guy, or trust? Cute guy, or trust?" "Okay... That's it... I can't think. I'm going to the Thing for help..." She reached the fantastic four headquarters, and entered.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] Hai, I must admit it, (even though i've said it several times on the board in misc. places) i guess yu just didn't see one, oh well, not yur fault, but yes, i regretablly inform you, it makes my heart heavy to say, hai, i know the pervy bunny that is Krillen, call him Eric, it bugs him b/c he wishes he was a strong as Krillen,... and had 18 XD!!! [/B][/QUOTE] :eek: Woah... I pity you... You actually know that... Erm... Ummm.... Whatever he is.. (perv).... *shudder* :eek: PS- Heheh... Nice pic, Kuja. :p
  17. Biida

    X-men RPG (play)

    okay... Here's the differences between Craig and Leona... If this isn't good enough. Just tell me, and I'll try to make a few more. :) 1) Leona is NOT blue. I repeat. She is NOT blue! She looks like a normal person.... 2) Leona cannot climb walls, ceilings, ETC. 3) She can fly. Sameness between Craig and Leona 1) They can both teleport. There.... I think that's it... :)
  18. Biida

    X-men RPG (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Umm, G_A, do you mind if I ask you to have someone else's power? How about Psylock? She's a psychic!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Question: Why can there be more than one Storm, but only one Nightcrawler, eh? ;) Umm... No offense. But I'd really like to also have Nightcrawlers abilities. But, so we're not too much alike, I could alter the power a lil. Just give me a little time, and i'll think of a good alteration.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DBZChikaGhan [/i] [B] AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! *dies* Krillen? A ... short... bald.. MAN?! AHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! *insane laughter* No no noooooo.. ahahaaaaa.. *sides start tu hurt* OWWWW.. i uh.... ahhaaaaaa.. no no.. can..t must.. stop... oww. ahaaaaaa no.. noo.noo *types through laughter tears*. Krillen is a 14yr old, with brown-ish blonde hair and horrible fashion sense *shudders* that likes to scare ppl by sneaking up on them and barking really loudly in their ear.. *looks around* WHAT?! don't ask.. -.- short.. blad.. man.. AHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! i am going to die!!! im gonna tease him so bad! bwarharharhar!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm.... I take it you know him in real life. No?
  20. Biida

    X-men RPG (play)

    *Leona teleports into the Blackbird* Leona: Don't tell me you guys are going to battle, and I didn't get to come!!!!!!!! Craig: Uhh... No it's just-- Leona: ARE YOU IMPLYING I'M WEAK?!?!?! :flaming: Craig: No.... Leona: K.... Umm.... Sorry bout that... I umm... I've got a short temper.... Ken: *whispers to Craig* So we've noticed. *Leona sits down, glares at Ken, then turns to Craig* Leona: Anyways... What team am I on? :)
  21. Biida

    Xmen RPG (sign up)

    -Name: Leona Mikono -Age: 16 -Gender: Female -Powers: Nightcrawler -Description: shoulder length blonde hair, black tanktop, short black shorts, black finger gloves, occasionally wears sunglasses. -Info: Leona looks nothing at all like night crawler. She is NOT blue. She looks like a normal human, but she can teleport, like nightcrawler. -Personality: Stubborn, intelligent, seclusive, can be friendly, loves to fight.
  22. Out of nowhere, Leona teleports next to Ken, in SSJ2 form. She started firing. Ken looked over at her. "Where'd you come from, Leona?" She grinned, then responded. "I sensed your power, and a bunch of other powers... So I figured you might need help, so I came." Ken nodded. "Right."
  23. SUB TEACHERS RULE!!!!!! They basically let you get away with anything... Heh. Even all the evil sh*t I do.... heh... :p
  24. *OOS* Anyways.... *IS* Leona watched Ryu walk out, and slam the door behind him.... "Sheesh..." She shook her head. "I shouldn't have brought him here... Now he knows who I am. And he's going to have the whole da*n town after me!! Even though they already are after me!!" She kicked the couch. "I'm an idiot...." Leona sighed, and walked to the window. "No use sulking about it. If he knows who I am... Fine. And if he tells the town... He'd better prepare to kick the bucket early... No... Maybe not... Ryu's a nice guy... Kinda cute too... But, he's a nice guy. And if he's really a friend. He'll keep my secret..." She smiled, leapt out the window, and swung off. "Now. I have to convince the Thing I'm good. Well. This is going to be tough. That's guy's too darn stubborn. Oh well... Even if I fail. At least I tried..." She swung a few more buildings, then stopped. "Good lord. I sound like an optimist! But I never think posative..." She shrugged, then started swinging towards the fantastic 4s' headquarters.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_Metroid [/i] [B]Just then Black Cat arrives and takes Ryu to Leona's house. Black Cat: We need to talk. I did some checking up onn you and it says you have a brother named ... Craig!. Ryu: NO! He's dead. He died when the symbiote Venom took over his body and I would like you never to bring it up again. OK? Now, all that's left of him is the purely evil criminal Venom. Black Cat: Is that why you tried to stop them single-handedly? It was like that, sort of, with my brother to but I don't worry about it. Ryu: It's in the Past!!!!!!! It doesn't matter anymore. Now, tell me where I am, so I can go home. Black Cat: NO! I care to much about you for you to do that. Ryu: Sure. Ryu thinks: I should have listened to the Ting. She's nothing but trouble. Ryu swings out of Leona's house and to a restraunt. Ryu then picks up a newspaper. Ryu: WOW! Me and Black Cat made the front page. Ryu reads: Suspected criminal Black Cat is supected of working with star reporter Ryu. If anyone sees these people, please call 1-800-CRIMINALS. Ryu puts the paper down and orders some food. [/B][/QUOTE] *OOS* Britty: *taps SM on the shoulder* One more thing... Leona lives in an apartment... SM: *sweat drop* Britty: Umm..... Nevermind... :D SM: :therock:
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