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Everything posted by Biida
Jeez, where do I start? The Ramones, for one. You can't beat the classics, man. The Offspring as well, and I guess NO FX and Greenday for starters... o_O; But the majority of what I listen to isn't even on that list... so meh.
Well, on a lot of the other boards I've gone to, people keep giving me the title "Goddess of Lollypops," or "Giver of The Lollyz." O_o; I have an obsession with giving people candies, usually lollypops or candy canes. Any other time, I'd be proud to be called "Local Blonde." Long story, don't ask. :bluesweat [EDIT] Oh wow, I almost forgot. "Teh BrittyKitty." Classic-ness... yes... :whoops: [/EDIT]
Actor: A tie between Jim Carrey and Ashton Kutcher. Carrey is just so bloody hilarious, and I'm a total sucker for a good comedy. Kutcher is... well... LOOK AT HIM!!! A God in the making. XD He's also a comedian. So, yeah..
I'm suprised. So many people have the perfect answers, yet when you face it in real life, it's not often that you'd pick someone with more personality than looks... unless it's for the long run, at least. I mean, honestly, how many people would go out with someone that has awful looks, but they don't know them enough to actually *know* their personality? I probably sound like I'm ranting and getting strange, but I'll continue anyway. I wouldn't date someone I don't know very well unless I actually am physically attracted to them. If I'm friends with the person before-hand, though, then looks aren't really important. O_o And may I also make this clear: I'm not the kind of person who'd date someone only for looks. If they have looks, but no personality, then they're through asap. Anyway, I'll stop before I get out of hand. (Some) looks and (lots of) personality is still the best in my books. ^^;
I wouldn't have let myself become such a push-over. I'm not sure when exactly, but over time I just sorta.. became one. I hate it, because I'm scared to stand up for myself to people I care about. I get scared they're going to hate me, snap at me, and make me feel like crap again. I've bitten and held my tongue enough to make it bleed.. It's the one "bad habit" I can never seem to really stop.
[i]Climbing onto the cart, Leona tried to decide whether to grin, or to start sending evil-eyed glares in her brother's direction. So she had to be a princess, no big deal.. right? I mean, it's just that you're not going to be able to do anything, and you're probably going have to stay out of the eyes of the public on this, all hopes of fighting and such are out, and -- ... thinking about it, she realized how boring it sounded. As the cart bounced along its way, she just glanced out and around at the scenery to keep herself occupied. Or at least [b]looking[/b] occupied. It gave her time to think. Knowing the history behind this mission would help her, thank god. But Leona was feeling a little iffy about this. How did she manage to become a princess anyway? Absentmindedly twirling her hair, Leona fixed her dress and stared out at the rolling hills as the carts continued to bounce along.[/i]
I feel really tired, and I'm home alone. I'm in a somewhat depressed/bored state, so I just started writing. ~~~~ Lost inside my own mind, And I don't know who you are. Never have I felt so cold. Never have I felt so distant. Never have I felt so Alone. No one told me what to do, No one showed me how to live. No one warned me It would hurt this much. And here I face it, No one here to guide me. I am Alone. I feel so tired. Lay me down to sleep. Snow white in her icy chamber. My poisonous apple, My call to pain. Does it really Keep me alive? Walls of ice, Of my own accord. So cold, So Alone. I feel so lost without you, I cannot face this anymore. I cannot run, I cannot Even crawl. And I want to be saved. I want to feel love. But my walls of ice, Your silence. I am Alone...
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Biida replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
These words, These words, Spewing from your mouth. Searching my mind, You kill what you find. And you love me. And you leave me. And you kill me. "You'll never bring me down." "You'll never bring me down." And you bring me down again. -
Bugs. Ugh. Don't get me started. >.> I live right next to a river that's a very popular breeding ground for mosquitoes and the likes. So whenever I leave the house any time past 7pm, I get eaten alive. Another thing, is the ANTS!! Again, being as I live near the river, the ants run to higher ground during the spring and summer. Unfortunately, their going to higher ground usually means going right through our house. ~.~;;; And in conclusion, at the request of my little brother, I leave you with a quote: "No, guy. What's really annoying is when bugs fly into your nose, and when you blow your nose, you have bugs in your boogers. - Cal, from Undergrads
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Biida replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
Misty, pale, beautiful, There she stands Below my windowsill. Light blue eyes, See through me. A fallen angel at her feet. Shivering, so cold, alone. Come to me, my sweet unknown. Tell me your name, My Goddess of the Moon... -
What I suffer/have suffered from? Oh boy, let me count the ways... A slight case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, emotional unstability, and I used to face depression. My OCD isn't that bad; it only "attacks" me every so often. Emotional unstability, on the other hand, is something I'm prone to. v.v I'm a very emotional person, and sometimes even the littlest things can set me off in the worst ways. As for depression, I went through it for two and a half years before getting out of it. As for other diseases and health problems that have run through my family, the main one would be diabetes. Two of my uncles on my mom's side, my grandfather on my mom's side, my great-grandfather on my dad's side, and one of my (half) uncles on my dad's side. As much as I love sugar, I have to be very careful of how much I have. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and chronic depression, are two of the main disorders on my father's side. All of my sisters, one of my brothers, and my father, all suffer from OCD. As for depression, all my sisters, and the same brother, have it. A tendancy to alcoholism, if that can count, is also a rather serious thing in my family. Oh, and a few relatives very close to me have also been diagnosed with borderline personality disorders. O_o; So basically, I'm more screwed/prone to be screwed mentally than really anything else.
[i]Smiling at Kathy, Leona repeated the briefing her brother had given to Kathy. But after an arched eyebrow and a strange stare from Kathy, she started to kind of blush and just start talking about the history on the misson, overly-determined to not let the conversation faulter.[/i] "From what I know, the time period we're going to visit in Olde Eireland, will be when the The Tribe of the Formorians, a once-very powerful and cruel Tribe in Eire, was trying to run the Tuatha De Danann Tribe out of the land. After a rather epic, yet only four-day, battle, the Tuatha De Dananns had gained posession of, I believe, four-fifths of Eire. After the battle, the Tuatha had offered a permenant peace gesture to the Formors. Basically by offering Bress, a royal son, the opportunity to rule of the Tuatha by marrying one of the royal daughters. Bress accepted, on the condition that he would abdicate if he were to ever displease the Tuatha. Soon, though, he began getting stingy. In rebellion of this, a Tuathan physician cursed Bress and made him break out in red splotches. At this, the people tried to force Bress to abdicate, but he refused, and retreated to his father, where he complained to him. So then the Formors they decided to try to run the Tuathas out of Eire with their armies. After a war fought with supposedly [i]magic[/i], but mainly by men, the Tuathas came out victorious, driving the Formon horde back into the sea.." [i]Looking off into space for a moment, Leona frowned slightly.[/i] "I have no idea, though, as to how the Rift could have, or may, affect that, though..." [i]After a few moments, Leona noticed Kathy staring at her in a blank and almost awed way. She blushed furiously at once, realizing that she had once again probably been talking far too much again. Lowering her eyes a little, she murmered a little shyly.[/i] "I'm... a bit of a history..nut...." ~~~~ [OOC: Liam, my knowledge on this time-period is honestly very rusty and limited.. if I've made a mistake, just, uh, tell me. ^_^;;; ]
As head of waitresses and waiters, I'm going to be a heavy influence in who is chosen to be one. Don't worry, though, because it will be talked-over and decided as soon as possible. But before anything else, I'd like to make a few things made clear to everyone: - All posts, from both patrons and Staff must follow this guidline: Each post should contain at least 3 lines of (and I can't stress this enough) [b][u]Good Quality Role-Playing[/b][/u]. - Staff must be able to set a good Role-Playing example for all patrons, being as even those who are new to RPing are welcomed to join us in The Café. - This time around, The Café is going to be well-monitered and guarded against spam, which will be a duty of the Staff. Just watch out for spam, but have fun doing what you do. - Lastly, staff members have to have imagination. As staff, you're going to be required to come up with ideas for adventures in The Café. This is a meeting place of Role-Players, and is in itself also an RPG. Which means we will constantly have plots and adventures happening. ^-^ Do bare in mind, The Café is going to be a fun place. I'd just like to make it clear that we're not going to be a spam-fest. Now that's over with, let's get down to business. ^_^ I'm very honored that you all would like to become part of the Staff in The Café. Requests to become staff, though, are being pended and gone through at the moment. Congratulations to those who are chosen. And to those who are not, I hope you'll join us in The Café as patrons. ^_^ As of now, all requests to become waiters/waitresses are being pended. I will edit this post as soon as decisions are made. [color=blue]"Trance Shimmer Rai" (Raiha), Status: Pending. "Falkner McCloud" (Dragon Warrior), Staus: Pending. [/color] PS: Anyone else who would like to sign-up, feel free to. :)
Stupid things? Well, let's see. I've done quite a few "blonde" things in my life. Such as leaving a store with an empty bag, thinking that for some odd reason, it was the one with my stuff in it. As for serious stupid things, I've got scars on my arms and attempted suicide 2 or 3 times. o_O
The opening theme-song for Gundam Wing. I honestly have no idea what it's called though. But I love it anyway. For some reason, the tune just strikes a lot of odd memories in me, and I've always been partial to songs that give me bursts of emotion. I don't get to see GW very often though, so I don't hear the song too much as of late. Although I have a close friend who somehow or other got a hold of it, and I've driven her mad getting her to play it for me every time I come over. ^-^;
That one song from Cowboy Bebop. I think it's called "Yo, Pumpkin Head!" There isn't really any lyrics, but there's this creepy-sounding crowd in the background saying stuff..
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]Was it called Hit-List? :P Anyways Jack FM is pretty kewl and they have a rolling stones contest going on now or something lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Hit-List? Ew, ew, ew. >< GROSS! All that show is is a load of really annoying pop music. No, I just remembered what it was called. Chart-Attack, I believe. What kind of music more specifically does the station play?
Silent prayers and whispered music, Raindrops falling upon my soul. A panel of glass seperating Man's subconscious and the dying world. An angel's tears, the wings of a cherub. The light of millions of golden eyes. A flash of lightning, nature's power. Another wingless faerie dies. Raindrops falling, nature singing. The Mother walking upon Her Earth. Children crying, scared of thunder. Not knowing what angels' tears are worth. Here we lay, fallen saviours, Each of us without our wings. Trapped inside our feeble minds. What could happiness ever bring? We lock ourselves into a cheap glass box. Our Soul's own calling we chose to leave. Our Mother weeping her tears of loss. Oh, what webs we weave... ~~~~ I just wrote it as a spur-of-the-moment thing, but I do really like it. ^-^ And by all means, comments and criticism are welcomed! :)
I unfortunately live just outside the point to where the radio-waves from Toronto reach. Whenever I'm close enough though, I'd always loved listening to Mad-Dog and Billie (I've always worshipped Mad-Dog XD). I'm probably going to be headed to Toronto soon, there's something my mom wanted to go do, so I'm gonna tag along. I'll make sure to check out the new station though. Btw, even though it's almost a year later, I still miss that one show they had Mad-Dog host on YTV.. it was the only show around here where they had actually shown hard rock and metal music videos. >.> Sadly, I can't remember what the show was called.
Mid-2000 or so, I was searching Yahoo! for a Digimon site. I found a link to theOtaku.com, so I checked it out, and fell in love with it. After a little while, I decided to check out the forums. I fell in love with that, too. So I've been here ever since (off and on, of course).
Being as mods are only human, yes, they can be occasionally overly-strict. This forum is run quite a bit better than any other I've ever been to, though. They keep the spam down and they respect the members. Hey, it's better to be strict than to let spam overflow. Kudos to you all.
Considering that I am bi-sexual, my opinion on this is probably going to be rather varied compared to those of (some) others. I don't see what the problem is with being gay. A few of my male friends are gay, and a few of my female friends are lesbian. The majority of those I know are bi-sexual as well, though. I see nothing wrong with public displays of affection from either straight or gay couples. I admit, if they start going too far (over-the-edge tonguing, groping, fondling, etc.) with it, then it gets to be way too much. Before I embraced my sexuality, I'd never had a problem seeing other women paired with women (since I'm a girl), even though quite a few of my friends did have problems with it. I mean, if someone's in love, or in a relationship, there's not any real reason that they shouldn't be "allowed" to show how they feel about each other. As for homophobia, I don't see what the point is. Straight people usually don't want gays hitting on them, and from what I've seen (coming from my gay friends' opinions), most gays are just as uncomfortable with straight people making a pass at them. And I'm not a religious person, nor do I want to start a useless debate. So I'm just going to avoid commenting about anything to do with religion on this subject. May I also add, not everything I say in this post is necessarily going to be proven or not proven. So please spare me from trying to correct me on a few thousand things. It's my post, with my opinion. ^_~
I personally have only met one of my grandparents... ever. My grandparents on my father's side both died at least 5 years before I was born, and my grandfather on my mom's side died when he was 35 from a heart-attack. To me, it's not that much of a big deal, to be honest. If I've never met them, I can't miss them. I do admit it's a shame, though. According to my dad, my grandmother and I looked exactly the same, and my grandfather and I had almost exactly the same interests. My living grandmother kicks arse, though. She can be rambly and kinda boring to be around sometimes. But mostly she's awesome conversation, and she's also very wise. I'm really into learning stories about my native heritage, and she's like a walking encyclopedia on it. :)
[i]Standing in line as she waited not-so-eagerly for the unavoidable needle shoots she was soon to face, Leona let her mind wander. First upon the mission, which eventually led to what everyone was going to be like, to boys... to cute boys.. to-- Wait! She just about smacked herself as she snapped out of it. Trying not to let out a chuckle, Leona peeked over the shoulders of the people in front of her. Just one more person to go, after that big, tall guy. So she just started humming. A random little ditty she heard Jonathon singing not long ago. She couldn't remember the words, but the tune was close enough. After a few moments of this, the guy behind her kicked her ankle lightly.[/i] "Do you mind?! That's the most annoying thing I've ever heard!" [i]He whispered harshly, glowering in an annoyed fashion at her. Instantly turning pink, Leona shut up and just stared ahead, waiting quietly for her turn to come. Finally, she was at the front of the line.[/i] "You can sit down now, dearie. This won't hurt a bit!" [i]Said the woman holding the needle in an all-too-cheery voice. Leona inspected her for a moment, then sat down and looked away. "My god, not another one of those sadistic nurses." She winced a little at each of the 5 needles, her arm starting to feel like a pin-cushion. After the nurse had finished and patched Leona's arms up, she stood and walked away. She still had to get suited up, get [b]her[/b] newest little gizmos. So, after suiting up and getting her act together, Leona stepped calmly on board the shuttle, just in time for the five minute alert. After waiting for everyone to fight until they had their own seats, she took the last remaining one. Why there was such a big fight every single time over seats, she'd never know. Well, at least she'd managed to snag one.. At three minutes to launch, Leona tilted her head and glanced at person sitting beside her. She smiled. They looked nice and approachable enough, and she cleared her throat once. Doing her best to smile amiably, she spoke in her cutely annoying perkiest way.[/i] "Hi! I'm Leona!"
I'm scared of... um, Small children...? o_O;; I'm terrified of needles, mostly. I dislike heights sometimes. It depends where the high-up place is, really. I mean, I love sitting on my roof or climbing a tree. But once at a summer camp, they had you put on a tiny little harness and walk across a log from tree-to-tree almost 20 feet above the ground. One of my darkest fears, though, is to be, and to die, alone. I seek companionship and friendship. I've been alone before, and I never want to be alone again...