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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]Ken:Goddamn.... Chang: :D Ken: .... nice summon .... train us so we can summon like that!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Leona nodded in agreement. "K, Chang. I'm gonna be nice, for once. And say this... OH WILL YOU PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TRAIN ME TO SUMMON THAT DRAGON!?!?!?!?!?! OH PLEEEAAASSSEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Chang smirked in not too sure victory. "Sure. Anything for you, babe." Leona lost her pleading look, and stared angrilly at him. "If you ever call me that again! You will die a slow, painful, horrible death!!! :flaming: " Chang backed off. "Sorry, hon." "HON?!?!?!? WATCH IT!!!!! YOU'VE GOT ONE LAST WARNING!!!! :flaming: :flaming: " "EEEP!!!!! EEE!!!! SORRY!!!! Please don't kill me!" Ken watched them argue, and started to laugh. :laugh:
  2. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*Ken looked at Chang and arched his eyebrow* Ken: If you are the master dragon summoner... show me your summons... [/B][/QUOTE] Chang looked at Ken. "You sure you wanna see my attacks?" "Yes. I'm sure... I just want to be 100% posative you're the dragon master..." "Fine..." "Fine." Chang fixed the position of his bandana, took a deep breath, summoned a target, and stepped forward. He positioned himself, closed his eyes, and quietly spoke a chant. "Dragon of power, hear my call, I summon you to do my bidding. For I am the master summoner, and I call you forth to aide... Come, now... DRAGON OF WORLDLY POWER!!!!!!" Suddenly, it seemed as though the earth shook, then the sky went black. A single star lit, and the moon shone bright. Chang opened his eyes. And they were a pale gold, rather than their usual green. He calmly stared straight ahead, as the ground continued to shake. Soon, a dragon too large and beautiful to describe appeared before them. It seemed to glow gold, and it's large ruby eyes shone pure. It's huge wings glittered in the moonlight. It roared proudly, as though it was yelling at Chang for summoning it without serious reason. It looked at Chang, Ken and Leona, then looked at the target. It seemed to nod, like it knew why it was summoned. It smiled at it's master, Chang, then walked to the target. It screeched, and a huge flash lit. Then the sky shone the colour of many jewels, and then... Stopped. As soon as the 3 mortals had regained their normal vision, after the flash, they noticed that the target and it's surrounding area had been completely obliterated. And the dragon had dissapeared. The sky turned back to day, and the earth stopped shaking. Ken and Leona's eyes were wide with awe. Chang smiled proudly, winked at Leona, then turned to Ken. "Anything else, non-believer? :smirk: " Ken still couldn't believe that had just happened, and he had been witness to all that power. "Umm... No." Chang smirked. "I thought so..." And Leona was still silent, in awe.
  3. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]Chang: Summon your dragon...... if u can... haha... :laugh: Ken: Uh.... ok... Ken:.......... Earth's Fury! *Antharus the Earth Dragon Appears and launches a Earth attack at the target* Ken: Eheh... Chang: That's it? your only summon? Ken: I am a Necromatic Summoner, i can only summon things that arent holy... my other summon is a Undead Knight... Chang: Undead Knight? Ken: Yea.. Death Knight come before me! *out of the depths of hell Death Knight Appears with his sword dripping with blood* *Death Knight's eyes glow a bright red as he attacks the practice target* Ken: Well... that's all i have so far... i plan to go and talk to Grathor the undead dragon to summon him... [/B][/QUOTE] Chang's eyes grew wide. "Wow...."
  4. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*Ken looked at Chang... he had a big red mark on his face where Leona slapped him* Ken: haha... hahahahaha... Chang: What are you laughin at? Ken: Nuffin... haha..... Ken: Aight.... so... what do we do for training Chang? Chang: Show me your summons... Ken: Aight... well... i'll let Leona go first... [/B][/QUOTE] Leona nodded, and quietly stepped forward. Her blonde hair lightly blew, and her blue eyes shone with a half worried, and confident look. She had changed her normal blue tanktop for a black one, and instead of shorts, she was wearing blue jeans. Chang looked thoughtfully at her, then lowly exclaimed. "First, explain your attack, and it's powers..." Leona again nodded. "My attack is 'Dragon Summon'. It's an attack which can summon the dragons of fire, water, earth, wind, light and darkness... But, so far. I am only able to summon the dragons of fire, water, and light..." Chang closed his eyes in thought, and nodded. "Go ahead... Attack me." Leona's eyes grew wide. "What? Attack you? Have you gone mad?" "No..." "Whaddya' mean?" "You've broken my heart... So you might as well destroy the rest of me too..." Leona scowled. "No way. I don't care what kind of stupid line you use on me... I don't want to kill you. Now get out of the way." "Hmm... Fine..." Chang sadly stepped aside, and summoned a target for Leona to attack on. Leona took a deep breath, and wistfully spoke the chant she knew so well. "I call upon the power of the dragons of the world... Fire... Water... Earth... Wind... Light... Darkness... DRAGON SUMMON!!!!!! I CALL UPON, FIRE!!!" A huge red dragon appeared, and blasted a fireball at the target. Then dissapeared as quickly as it had appeared. Chang looked at the spot where the dragon had been. "Impressive... Now. Summon the dragon of water..." Leona nodded. "I call upon the power of the dragons of the world... Fire... Water... Earth... Wind... Light... Darkness... DRAGON SUMMON!!!!!! I CALL UPON, WATER!!!" A gigantic blue dragon with huge wings appeared, and a large gush of white water hit the target. Chang soon quietly continued. "Now. Light." "Fine." "I call upon the power of the dragons of the world... Fire... Water... Earth... Wind... Light... Darkness... DRAGON SUMMON!!!!!! I CALL UPON, LIGHT!!!" A medium sized, white, angelic dragon appeared. It seemed to be surrouned by a glowing gold aura. It opened it's mouth, and out shot a huge blast of light. It hit the target, and destroyed it. Soon after, the dragon dissapeared. Leona was breathing heavily, and her forehead was covered in a light sweat. Obviously, the attacks had taken alot out of her. She staggered to the couch, and collapsed onto the soft leather with a sigh. She was asleep... Chang and Ken happily looked at the sleeping beauty. But Chang soon put a serious look back on his face. "If those three attacks took all that out of her... She needs to train, and learn to keep her strength..." Ken nodded in agreement. The dragon master soon turned to Ken. "It's your turn... Show me what you've got..." "Hm... Fine.... Here goes..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *OOS* Phew. I'll add a little more to the story soon... But now I need a few minutes break. That took a long time to type...
  5. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*a few minutes later* Chang: Wait... did you say you hate me? Leona: Erm... yea... Chang: ...... Ken: Uh.... Chang you ok? Chang: ....... Ken: Nevamind.... Chang: ........ Ken: Well i'm done wit pizza... what now? Chang: ......... Ken: Goddamn it! say something... Chang: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Ken: Uh... i'll just be outside... Chang: :bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Ken: Rightttttt..... *Ken walks outside* [/B][/QUOTE] Leona arched her eyebrow, and looked at the now bawling Chang. "Sheesh.... You're acting like a baby..." Chang kept crying. "Umm..... Are you okay?" Chang kept crying. "Hello?" She waved her hand in front of his face. Chang kept crying. Now, Leona was pissed off. She slapped Chang, and amazingly enough... Chang stopped crying. He stopped, and Leona looked angrilly at him. "Okay, buddy. Look here! I'm sick of hearing you cry like a 2 year old! Maybe if you shut up, and act more mature. I might actually start to like you as a friend!!! :flaming: " "Ya' mean it? *sniff*" "Of course I mean it! You baka idiot!" "Umm... Okay! :D " "Good." As soon as that was settled, Leona walked outside, and told Ken it was safe to come back in now, considering she had made Chang stop crying. And they resumed training...
  6. Which instant messengers do you have? Vote for one! And if you have more than 1, just vote for the one you use most... :D
  7. Yaay! You're happy!!!! *gives him a hug* Don't worry! Be happy now! Doo dee daa la la la la laa laa laa dee laa!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D Be happy! La dee da dee doo dee da! Be happy! La la la la laa!!! :D Sorry... I'm sorta hyper... :o
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Just was, about a day before you said that, but thanks anyway, I thought that it was just winter getting me down...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Does that mean you're still happy? :D
  9. Shy? Yeah... I'm shy... VERY shy! In real life, I rarely ever speak (unless it's to my family or one of my close friends)... I hate admitting who I like... And when others are talking, I usually just hang back and listen... And as for relationships... I handle them quite well... But that's probably because I've never been on a date... *sweat drop*
  10. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*Ken eats a slice of pizza* Ken: Pizza... mmm....good... Chang: Leona.... mmm... good... :blush: :blush: :blush: Ken: Erm.. ok.... :therock: Leona: ...... Um.... ok.... *Ken finishes his pizza* Ken: *burp* Erm... uh... oops... erm... excuse me.... Chang: Never do that when a lady is in the room! Especially Leona.... :blush: Ken: Rightttttttt...... [/B][/QUOTE] Leona looked scornfully at Chang, as she finished her slice of pizza. "Leona, yumm? ughh... You know what, Chang?" "What? :blush: " "I hate you." "That's nice! :blush:" Ken and Leona both sweat dropped, and arched their eyebrows at Chang.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lyka [/i] [B]Britty, read the other one [/B][/QUOTE] *reads* *sweat drop* Oh.... Nevermind what I said earlier...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kileone_s_n [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]ok, ok, this is great, we have almost half of the good forces[/COLOR] ok so far the accepted are: kileone_s_n Lyka gold_angewomon forte ss trunks [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] What about Ken? :confused: He posted, didn't he?
  13. -Name: Leona Mikono -Alias: Leona -Age: 15 -Current power: 15,000 -Chi: (chi? What's that? *shrugs* Oh well...) 100 -Current true power: 10,000,000,000 -Parents: Unknown... -Special Powers: is able to control elements... Water, fire, earth, air, light, darkness, ETC. -Special forms: Water goddess -Background: Was found on an old farm couples' doorstep late one night 14 and 6 months ago. Was raised in the country, unknown that she wasn't raised by her real parents. But one day her (not real) father told her the truth, she freaked, and something happened... But she hasn't admitted or said anything yet, as to what happened. She left home on a quest to find her real parents, and solve the mystery of her powers. She went to a temple one day, and her powers started to react. And out of nowhere, a man appeared, and told her she was destined to be one of the 12 true Xians...
  14. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*Ken looks at Leona* Ken: Erm... Hello Miss Chang whispers to Ken: Ehhhhh i like her alot :blush: *Ken looks at Chang and arches his eyebrow* Ken: You sure you're the true Master Dragon Summoner? i imagined you older and more mature... :therock: Chang: MORE MATURE? :mad: Ken: Erm uh erm... i mean uh... Chang: I AM MATURE! :flaming: Ken: Yea i was jus... erm... joking around... yea Chang: Oh... i see.... sorry... Ken: *sweat drops* *Ken looks back at Leona* Ken: Nice to meet you [/B][/QUOTE] Leona looked at the blushing Chang. She arched her eyebrow, scowled, then turned to face Ken. She quickly smiled, set down her kali yuga, walked up to Chang and Ken. "Hi! I'm Leona." Ken nodded, and Chang just stood there with this expression on his face ":blush:". "I'm Ken." "Hmm... Ken, eh?" "Yeah." "Nice name." "You too." Then there was silence for a few minutes... That was, until Chang chimed in. "Does anyone wanna go for pizza?" Ken and Leona nodded, and off they went to order a double cheese pepperoni and ham pizza... Yummm... Pepperoni and ham... :tasty: :tasty:
  15. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [B] Meanwhile... [/B] Leona pulled out her kali yuga, and sighed. "Sheesh. What an idiot." She looked around her, at the beautiful palace, the elaborate statues, and... The angry attacking dragon which was charging at her. She put down the kali yuga, and spoke. "I call upon the power of the dragons of the world... Fire... Water... Earth... Wind... Light... Darkness... DRAGON SUMMON!!!!!! I CALL UPON, FIRE!!!" Suddenly, a huge red dragon appeared out of nowhere. And attacked the enemy dragon with a fireball. Then, it dissapeared as quickly as it had come... The enemy dragon coiled back in a mixture of pain and fright. It was bleeding, badly. Leona spoke out loud. "Good. I can finish it off from here..." She pulled out her kali yuga, sliced a few times, and the other dragon was defeated.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B] Soon... [/B] Leona had gathered up her things, and walked back to the room where she had met Chang. She was now at level 2, and was very content with her achievement...
  16. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*Ken a few days later arrives at the dragon training place :cross:* Ken: goddamn it it's raining again.... *Ken falls down* Ken: .......... *He jumps up* Ken: Why is it so frigging slipper- DAMN! *Ken slips backwards* Ken: *mumbles* *He gets up and walks to the Dragon... Tamer... Summer.... Trainer... dude.... :therock:* [/B][/QUOTE] Ken quietly walked up to the Dragon...Tamer...Summoner...Erm... What is he? Okay, let's just call him the Master Dragon Summoner, but his real name's "Chang". Okay then... On with the story!!!!! Ken walked up to Chang."Erm... Scuse me! Sir. Mr.Master-Dragon-Summoner, sir..." Chang ignored him. "Hello? Mr.Master-Dragon-Summoner, dude!!!!!! HELLO?!?!?" Ken whacked him on the head. Chang looked up at him. "Fine! Whaddya want!!! I've had a bad day! First off, my favorite tea set broke, it rained, I was turned down by a pretty girl, and it rained some more!! Now some punk kid won't leave me alone!! It ain't fair I tell ya'! It ain't fair!! :bawl: " Ken sweat dropped.
  17. He's a mutated purple hamster. :D lol j/k. No! He's a rotten hamburger patty! Well, that would explain why he's purple...
  18. [url]http://www.dbcollection.com/trunks/[/url] has some pretty good music vids...
  19. Most unattractive thing the opposite sex could do? Oh, geez... I dunno... Probably... *thinks* Smoking, doing drugs, being drunk, being egotistical while trying to get a date, and *ughh* peircings in weird places (tongue, ETC).
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][b][size=1]If life was meant to end early on... Why do they prepare us for a job? Why do your parents teach you things? Life is meant to live.... Not to end... or to hurt yourself.... [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. :D Look, SG. Ken's just given you great advice! Life is meant to live! And you have no reason to kill or harm yourself. We all care about you here. And we don't wanna see you or anyone else hurt, or worse!!!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Thanks, you can't stop me though...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] You're welcome... I know I can't stop you. But I can try, and be here to support you. So you hopefully won't. I'm saying this because I'm a friend. And I don't want you to do anything drastic. And that goes for everyone else to. If you ever need to talk, feel free to PM me.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Whatever you say... but I'm too depressed to go into school tomorow, I don't think I can face anyone of my friends... plus I feel sick from the candy... OHH! I stabbed my hand with a compass at school! YAY![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] *is upset that SG feels that way* *gives SG a hug*
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]After changing the locks and runnign away Shana decides that she need to find the others. She runs t othe local in and there they were checking out of the mega ultra sweet. She yells to them " HEY, WHY DID WE SLEEP OUTSIDE WHEN I WAS HERE BUT AS SOON AS I LEAVE YOU SLEEP IN A MEGA ULTRA SWEET"!! The other heros look at her and say in a single voice " you were gone?" Shana now being enraged runs over to dart and slaps him. [/B][/QUOTE] *OOS* You mean "suite"? A sweet is like a candy or such. And a suite is like a super luxury hotel room... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *IS* Dart winced and looked back at Shana. "Owch. What was that for?" He had a red hand mark on his right cheek. "For staying in a luxury suite without me!!! That's what!!!" "Oh... Umm... Sorry..." "You'd better be sorry!!!" "Eep! Yes ma'am!" Shana calmed down, they rented the suite, and they all walked off to look around the hotel... [B] Meanwhile, at Dark Matter's Fortress... [/B] Dark Matter was trying his 64th, and last key on the door. "Darn it! Fit you stupid thing! Fit!!!"
  24. I suppose everyone has their own theory of the purpose of life... So, here's mine... Life doesn't have the same purpose to everyone. We were all given our own gifts and purposes. So, ultimately, life doesn't have a single purpose for everyone.
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