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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson][b][size=1]You guys are enjoying this... eh? Next Clue.... Erghs.... *thinks for a bit* Clue is..... Her posts are above.... 500.... [/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Hmm... That doesn't do much good, considering there are 44 members with 500 and over posts...
  2. Biida

    Holy Islands RPG!

    Leona Mikono looked up at the falling rain. Her blonde hair glistening, and her eyes shining. "Ahh... I love the rain! *sigh* Kenjiia would have liked today, he always loved the rain...." She shook her head trying to clear her mind, and stop thinking about Kenjiia. She really missed her older brother, and thinking about him made her want to cry. She had just moved back to the city of Ifrin. She had lived there as a young child, but when she was a little older, her parents moved to the forest. They were both master Summoners, but were now dead. Along with her brother, Kenjiia. Leona put down her backpack, and pulled out a map. She quietly studied it. "Now. Where is that Shaman's house? The one who summons dragons? I want to know if he thinks my attack, Dragon Summon, is strong enough. Ah HAH!!! Here it is!" She put the map down, and started to run. In a few minutes, she stopped. She had a dumbfounded expression on her face. "Why do I keep talking to myself? Oh well... I dunno...." She soon lost the expression, shook her head, and again started running...
  3. here's a few more: Van Fanel, Allen Schezar, Link, Dart, Yukito Tsukishiro
  4. Ooo... Now we can post the names of cute guys!!!!!! :smirk: My list of hotties (anime): Trunks, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida, Takeru Takiashi, Lee Jenyra, Li Shoyron (sp?), Gohan (his teenage years), and the hottest of all.... KOUSHIRO IZUMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: okay, I could go on for quite a whiles longer, but I'm too darn lazy. ;)
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1][b]The person i like... her name has to deal with one of the Anime series talked about on these boards...[/b][/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Ooo.... Trying to figure out who Ken likes!!!!! Ehehehe... This could be fun! :D *thinks* Oh, yeah... That clue REALLY helps... :rolleyes: Erm... Could we have another clue? Ooo!! I know a clue you could give!!!!! Tell us how many posts she has!!! Or, you could just PM me and SG the answer, we won't tell! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay, here's a little more added to the list... If I liked other girls, I'd defanitely think these girls are hot... Anime girls: Hikari Yagami, Mimi Tachikawa, Bulma Briefs, Android 18, and a few others that I'm too darn lazy to type out... Real: Christina Aguilara (sp?), Angelina Jolie, Lucy Lui.
  6. Eeep!! I forgot an bio and a description!!! Hehe.... *sweat drop* Bio: Her mother and father were both summoners, but they died a long time ago, leaving her and her older brother to fend for themselves. Recently, her brother died of pnemonia, and she's left alone in the world. After a couple weeks, she decided to move out of the forest, and back into the city of Ifrin, where her mother and father were born and trained to be summoners. And she now plans to be a master summoner. Description: Shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, gold locket, sometimes she wears a black tanktop, and other times she wears a light blue one, short short tan shorts, black sneakers. And I think that's it... :D
  7. Biida

    Lets GO!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]*both of them look at Ken* Ken: i'm not fighting G_A i'd lose! :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] G_A: lol! *thinks* *sweat drop* Are you just saying that to be nice, or is that the truth? :smirk:
  8. Biida

    Lets GO!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] [COLOR=blue]Dew - (look around) G_A, who will be your oponent?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I meant I'd fight you... erm... Nevermind... *sits back down* Does anyone wanna fight? Anyone?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]YES!!!! I KNEW!!! WHOOOOOOOOO!! I WIN!!!! OK, so its only been 2 votes, one of them was mine, but still!! CALVIN & HOBBES RUUUUUUULE!!!! WHOOOOOO!!:D Hey, waitaminute.......SOMEONE VOTED FOR THE ENEMY!!! A PLAGUE UPON HIS/HER HOUSE!!!!!:flaming: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Hm. I suppose you call a plague upon my house, then. :smirk: Hey, just because i like Garfield better, is no reason for you to get angry. :naughty:
  10. Biida

    Lets GO!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Dew - He's not in a good mood. Oh well, I just sit :sleep: and wait for another fight. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] G_A/Britty: Umm... I'll fight! :D
  11. Biida

    Lets GO!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]Ken: .... G_A Challenged him and he left.... *looks at G_A* Ken: how did you do that? :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] G_A: *innocent look* Do what? :D ;) PS- you're not allowed to advertise websites on the boards....
  12. Biida

    Lets GO!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Android 17 [/i] [B]*taps foot on ground impationtly* I've never been in a place with so many chicken shits in my entire life! FIGHT ME!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] G_A: Fine! Fine! I'll fight ya!!!!!! Happy? :D
  13. Biida

    Lets GO!

    *the audience: G_A/Britty; /Death Knight/Ken; and Dew are still waiting until a challenger comes* *silence* *more silence* *even more silence* *a cricket chirps* *even more silence after that* *everyone falls asleep* :sleep:
  14. Biida

    Lets GO!

    G_A: *walks in* *looks around* *grabs a bag of popcorn* *sits down* *waits for a fight to unfold* *Note: I'm an observer only in this battle. I've got enough fights going to last me for a while... *
  15. G_A: *is bored* *VERY bored* *yawns* *looks at dragon* *eyes get all starry* AWWW!!!!!! IT'S ADORABLE!!!!!!!! I LOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!!! *runs over to the dragon, what ever it's name is* *hugs it* :D :D :D Dragon: *purrs* :) *in background* Izzy: *sigh* Lucky dragon.... *note: :eek: DON'T TELL ME YOU PEOPLE HAVE FORGOTTEN I LOVE IZZY!!!!!!!!! :eek: Tsk tsk...* G_A: *hugs Izzy* *All is happy and well ;)*
  16. Welcome back, Ginny! And congratulations!!! :D If anyone deserves the title of "Goddess", it's you! :D :D :D
  17. Link walked up to the counter at Mcdonalds... "I'll have #2. And rootbeer to drink with that combo." The Mcdonalds dude calmly answered him. "Mkay... That'll be $2.50." "Perfect! That's just how much I won!!!!!!" The Mcdonalds dude looked curiously at him. "Eh?" Link sweat dropped. "Never mind... Just... Nevermind..." Link walked off with his combo, and was happy. PS- YEAH!!!!!! YESSSSS!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! POST 800!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!! OH YEAH!!!!!!!!! POST 800!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *does a victory dance* :D :D :D ;)
  18. *SIDE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* The servant left the evil headquarters, and walked over to the nearest Mcdonalds... *at Mcdonalds* Servant: Hi. I'd like a #6 with a large rootbeer, and a #3 with Coke. Mcdonalds dude: would you like that with fries? Servant: With fries? But I'm ordering a combo? Mcdonalds dude: Yes. but would you like fries with that? Servant: BUT THE COMBO COMES WITH FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mcdonalds dude: Fine. What do you want to drink, then? Servant: A rootbeer, and a Coke. Mcdonalds dude: *hands him the food and drinks* That'll be $12 servant: But the master only gave me $10! Mcdonalds dude: You need to pay. I don't care how much the master gave you. I need the $12. Servant: Wait a minute!! *looks at repciet (sp?)* YOU CHARGED ME 2 EXTRA DOLLARS FOR THE DRINKS!!!!!!!! Mcdonalds dude: You ordered 2 combos, and 2 drinks. Servant: BUT THE DRINKS COME WITH THE COMBOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flaming: Mcdonalds dude: Yes. But you ordered 2 extra drinks. Very pissed off servant: NO I DIDN'T!!!!!! I ORDERED TWO COMBOS!!!!!!!! ONE COMBO WITH A ROOTBEER!!!!!!!! AND ONE WITH A COKE!!!!!!!!!!!! :flaming: Mcdonalds dude: Oh... *sweat drop* You still owe 2 more $s. Servant: THAT'S IT!!!!!! I'M GOING TO HARVEY'S!!!!!!!! THEIR FRIES ARE BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! *storms off* *outside* I hope it's not this hard getting the advil... *sigh*
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj trunks 7 [/i] [B]:flaming: :mrt: don't diss the donkey:mrt: :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] *OOS* Eh? What? Could you run that by me again, in english, please? *is confuzzled* :confused: :therock:
  20. Dart nodded. "Fine. I've got that guy," He pointed to Wario. "Shana, you take her," He pointed to The Sorceress (from Spyro: Year of The Dragon). "Zero, you get him," He pointed to an evil soilder dude. "And Link--" But Link interuppted him."I already know who's booty I want to kick." He muttered, as he slammed his fist into his other palm. "Ganondorf." Dart nodded. "Fine." He turned to fac the others. "On the count of 3, attack! Ready? 1....2...--" But before he got to 3, they all jumped out and attacked. Dart sweat dropped. "Okay then. Don't wait till I'm done!" He yelled, then ran out to fight...
  21. Are there too many people, or can I still join? ;)
  22. I don't know if it's true or not, just let me say this. Anything is possible.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I love this song!! I don't really care if she is a one hit wonder..this is one of my favs!! [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. Same here! Even if it is a one hit wonder, I still like it. :D And I truthfully care what others think of it! It's a song I like, so... HAH!! ;)
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] OOS: *slaps himself* i knew that.... yea... i really did!!!! yup.... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] *OOS* Erm... Yeah... Right... Well, then... *starts typing* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *IS* In the Hyrule kingdom, Zelda and Link showed Dart, Shana and Zero arond the place. Shana looked around the kingdom, with stars in her eyes. "It's so nice here!!! Peaceful, and dreamy. I could get used to this place!!!" Zero and Dart nodded in agreement. "Me too."
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] ehhhh?.... :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] *OOS* No, no, no. He doesn't mean you, Ken. He means Donkey Kong. :D
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