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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Well, I don't know how else to really put this: I drew Anti. o_o;; Being as he kind of is one of my best friends ever, it's only normal that I wind up drawing him. I, unfortunately, don't have a picture for it to be compared to. But I really like how it turned out. ^^; It's one of the first chibis I've ever drawn in my life, and I wanted to know what other people think of it. I admit, I drew this a whlie ago, but I haven't had any time to post it. >.>; Anyway, comments and criticism are welcomed. And as for the "GOD" thing on his shirt, it's a long story. Don't ask for your own saftey. o.o;; [EDIT] By the way, the thing above his hand is an orb. Again, I say: Don't ask. [/EDIT]
  2. Yes, I do believe in ghosts. Mainly because of how I was brought up. On my dad's side of the family, my grandmother was a medium. My father has many articles and informational snippets on what she did, and from what I see and hear, it's true. The fact that my dad was with her once when she was talking with a misty man adds to it. Where as on my mother's side of the family, her family is Ojibway, one of the tribes of Native American Indians in the area. My grandmother on mom's side believes in spirits, and she has quite a few of her own tales about them. I personally dislike to call the Spirits "ghosts." It makes it feel to me like they're all labelled as evil and dark. When from what I know, they mostly aren't. I could go on and maybe even tell my own stories, but it's not worth it. I believe what I believe. I'm not going to waste my time trying to conform other people or "wow" them. O_o
  3. Most annoying thing in the world: The idiots who leave their cell phones on in a packed theatre. Then when it rings, they pick up and start blabbing for half an hour. It's time like that that popcorn becomes the greatest artilery in the world. XD ~~~~ Person on phone: *blah blah blah, laughs OMGZ LOLLZZZ HAHAHAH AHAAHHA URR SUUU FUNNYYY OMGZZ blah blah* Britty: ... Fire. Britty and friends: *chuck popcorn and ice cubes at the person* ~~~~ ... Okay, so maybe it does have its good points, too. :bluesweat
  4. Biida

    Loaded: Debugged

    [i] Looking up from her conversation with one of the varioius techies (Rosa, was her name), Leona managed to catch her brother's gaze, giving him a quick grin. Most of the others might be upset with this new technicality, but it really wasn't anything Leona hadn't been expecting. But then again, having your brother as the group leader did tend to come in handy... At the end of her brother's speech, Leona let out a lazy yawn and stretched her legs out, before turning to get up. Best to get those needles out of the way right now and put up with grumbling techies later. There's never really any point in trying to settle them all down. Cushy life's gotten the best of them, she thought to herself, as she glanced over a row of techies that all seemed to have put on a few extra pounds in the last little while. And besides all that, she had to get the latest batch of gizmos handed out before they all left to Ole Ireland. And the suits also had a new little handy device or two she should probably get installed... alas, there wouldn't be time for that now. Leona sighed faintly to herself. "So much to do, so little time," was a quote that came to mind in situations like this. But she didn't have time to be dwelling on such matters now. Or else she'll wind up thinking too hard and getting left behind.. it almost happened last time she started dwelling. Sigh. Finally turning from her seat, she started towards the break room, trying to ignore the angered calls of the techies. After a few moments, though, as she was waiting for the line towards the doors to thin, Leona began feeling a tad "pissy" at their remarks. Finally, she turned to one as he shouted out something to do with barbarians. She had a quick temper, and just because he was a new one here, she wasn't going to be taking it too lightly on him.[/i] "Barbarians they may be, I really don't know or care. But whether you like it or not, we're going there, we're putting up with them. If you don't like it, blame yourself for signing up for your job. Sitting on your *** all day isn't going to work. This is a team job, and will be a team effort. From the techies, also known as you, just as much as the dedicated defenders." [i]The techie returned her glare for a few moments, before almost whispering. to her, [/i] "Easy enough for the favored one, the sister, to be saying..." [i]At his remark, she stared, almost appalled. Just because she was Jonathon's sister didn't mean she was going to get -- or try to get, for that matter -- out of anything. ... Stupid, ignorant old idiots they are, anyway. Leona cast him another cold look, before turning on her heels and out the door. Making her way through the now-thickened crowd of men and women, hoping to find Jonathon, or at least be one of the first to get to the break room. God knows she needed a coffee before suiting-up. She sighed. Even needles seemed better than having to put up with this right now. [/i]
  5. Taffy, my female chihuahua, is the loudest thing you'll ever hear in your life. A good point is that she sings. When you play the harmonica, she'll follow along, right in tune. The bad part is, she'll whine and whine in this extremely high-pitched tone till you give her what she wants. Other times she'll start "singing" totally randomly in the dead of night and scare the crap out of you. Domino, my male chihuahua, is very cuddly. It's really cute, and he's nice to cuddle when you feel like it. But when you're half a sleep, and all of a sudden a little ball of fur leaps onto your head and starts licking your cheek and trying to cuddle up against you, suffocating you... then it gets kind to be a tad too much.
  6. Name: Leona Richton Age: 25 Appearance: 5'7", with reddish-blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders, and the same blue eyes as her brother Jonathon. Most would call her pretty, which is exactly what she doesn't want to be. She wants to be known for her skills, not for a pretty face. Bio: Whether the rest of the world (but mainly her brother) realized it or not, Leona and Jonathon's relatives seemed to always favored her brother. He was the spitting image of their heroic father. In no way whatsoever did this make her develop any animosity to her brother, in fact, it made her prouder of him than ever. But when Jonathon decided to follow in their father's footsteps, there was a pressure on her to take to the same goal. Being young, she never knew what she really wanted to do, so she tagged along with her big brother. She doesn't always fit in with the team, nor does she always feel that she's truly meant to be doing what she does. Nevertheless, she's grown to love it, and does what she can, when she can. Leona can sometimes be a little over-perky and friendly. But she's always thought it's better than being nothing but a grouch. She specializes in creating and correcting the various pieces of equipment the team uses, but she's partial to working with the firearms.
  7. 20-something odd hours, not counting bathroom breaks and the times I had to go make myself something to eat.
  8. Biida


    [b]Name:[/b] Flare Kasei [b]Race:[/b] Half Nephilim, half Human. [b]Class:[/b] Somewhat of a potion maker, and somewhat of a brewer. When she lived in the village, she was trained in brewery and herbal potions. She can make your average ales and beers, but being as she was also trained in the medicinal and herbal points of "brewing", Flare can mix a wide variety of healing and medicative potions. As well as one or two other various tonics that aid in boosting offensive and defensive powers for a short amount of time. Not without a few side-effects, of course. [May I also note, Flare is not necessarily an expert in either of these crafts. She was taught a lot by various craftmasters, never really finding anything she liked specifically. These are just what interested her most and she took to learning a bit more in.] [b]Bio:[/b] Flare's mother, Trepadiam, a well-respected and looked-up to member of a Nephilim tribe, was a woman with a dark secret. Precisely 8 months ago, a wounded human man had somehow managed to stumble his way close to the camp. At this time Trepadiam had been away from her tribe, on a mission of cleansing and purifying herself to please her religious father. She was about the age of 18, the common age for a woman to be sent to purify themselves from the rest of the world, away from life, for a few weeks at a time. Her father was one of the few religious Nephilim to live with the tribe. Most of the others just scoffing and laughing at his beliefs behind his back. Trepadiam loved her father, yet as much as she disliked his beliefs, she followed them out of a kind of pity for the old man. Never being allowed to be too close to any member of the opposite sex, Trepadiam was startled and intriuged at finding such a handsome man on her way back home. She felt sorry for the injured soul, falling against all customs and hatred of mankind her tribe held, and she hid him in a shelter not too far from where she lived, yet far enough so no one else would find him. Over the next month, she nursed him back to health, masking her true appearance from the man, in hopes of making him believe she was just another human woman. Over time, the man, Karten, grew fond of his mysterious nurse, flirting with her and seeking to be with her every time the moment arose. Trepadiam of course, found his daring as yet another thing to lust after. The two grew close, and one night, when she least expected it, Trepadiam realized how she felt. Could this be love? The next day, as she approached his shelter for what would be the last time, she started to feel more like a woman than she ever had. Karten had brought something out in her. That night they became one. That night, Trepadiam became pregnant. The next day, back with her father, she fully realized what she had done, and out of guilt, she stayed away from Karten. He was healed enough to look after himself now, wasn't he? He was indeed, but it wasn't what he wanted. Karten waited for her for a month, wishing with all his heart that she would return to him soon. Alas, she didn't. And she had never told him where she lived, either. So once he felt strong and confident enough, he set out in search of her. Soon after, he came across a Nephilim village. These creatures were ones that Karten knew almost nothing about. Supposedly though, they were wise creatures. Perhaps they knew where his lover was. It was then that Karten made the mistake of entering the village. At once, he recognized the form of Trepadiam, hidden beneath the long, green robe she wore, with the hood pulled up. He called to her, running towards the form of his lover, only to be shocked when she turned her face towards him. It was the first time he had seen any of her face more than her eyes, and he couldln't, wouldn't believe it. Trepadiam was a Nephilim. Seeing him, she cried out and gasped his name, stepping backwards with a hand over her belly. Seeing this, he asked what was wrong with her stomach that she was holding it. She stared at him silently, before whispering the truth to him. She was pregnant, and no one in the village then but him knew who the father was. At seeing a human in their midst, the tribe panicked and seized him. They hated men, and if they had anything to say about it, this man would die for his trespassing. Karten was held captive, and soon after, in the presence of his love, he was beheaded. Many months later, Trepadiam still had never admitted who the father of her soon-to-be-born child was, lying to her father that a holy Nephilim man had met her on her travels, and she mated with him, the man of the gods. Strangely enough, her father believed this. But when her child, a girl, was born, his trust in her was completely shattered. Apart from a few distinct cat-like features, this child was human. Trepadiam's father burst into outrage, along with the rest of the tribe. After many arguments and threats, and altinum was decided. Trepadiam could either raise her child and be thrown out of the tribe, or she could kill the child and continue with her life with the tribe. She couldn't face such a fright as being cast off, and she chose the death of her own child. She requested to leave the tribe for the killing, unable to do it around so many others. It was granted to her and she left. As she walked, she realized she could not kill her own daughter, whom she had named Flare, as the child was the only reminder Trepadiam had of Karten. She would not kill Flare, she decided, she would just give her a better life. Getting as far away as she could from the tribe's lands, at a stroke of luck, she came across a wandering merchant couple. Seeing her chance, Trepadiam pulled up her hood and began talking with them, convincing them that the child's mother had died in birthing, and that she was but a young niece of the woman, the only living relative. She could not handle the child, and wished that Flare were to have a better home, possibly with this man and woman. Taking pity of the girl, the couple took Flare in, agreeing to keep the name the child was given. Trepadiam then thanked them, and fled back to her village without Flare. And the couple returned to their surface home, where they raised Flare as their own daughter until she was 17, always making sure she knew her "true" past. Over time, they had come to gather that Flare was at least half Nephil. Not being a prejudice couple, they made her realize it. She took it suprisingly well, being brought up around other children who hated any other race but man. When she turned 17, Flare felt almost too grown up for living in the tiny village they lived in anymore. Wanting to seek her own path, her own life, she left after a long farewell, packed and ready for a new world. The real reason Flare wanted to leave, was because she didn't feel fully accepted in the village. Her whole life, the other children had always teased her about her appearance, her almost cat-like ways, and calling her an outsider. Though none of them knew the truth about her parenting, it wound up hurting her deeply anyway. Flare wanted to be accepted for who she was, not what she was or what she looked like. Not wanting to appear unkind or anything of the sort, she always hid it with a smile and a comedic outer personality. But now she's free of the rumors and teasing of those in the village, and she's ready to start anew. Hopefully to find somewhere she belongs, and people who accept her for herself. [b]Description:[/b] Of a lean and thin frame, Flare is truly quite far from the much sought-after hourglass figure. Not overly large of bust, and not of wide hips either. It suits her well though, letting her move more freely and able to jump and run higher and faster than most. Her hair, long and blonde, with natural streaks of crimson, is often held out of her face in a braid. Though her bangs, which hang loosely around her face, have a tendancy to come free. Flare looks mostly as just a plain human girl, but sharp features and wide, bright eyes are very obvious tributes of her Nephilim heritage. Her skin is ivory, and her eyes are a deep shade of green, on a side note. Partial to the colors red and blue, Flare wears a dark-blue shirt that bares her shoulders, with loose sleeves that reach only to her elbows. Loose black pants, tucked into a pair of leather walking-boots complete her outfit. She'll also often wear a dark-red travelling cloak. And always, no matter where she goes, or what else she's wearing, Flare has a garnet in the shape of a teardrop and attached to a silver chain around her neck. Personality-wise, Flare is a wisecracking, playful prankster with a usually hidden deeper darkness. She's always finding irony in the randomest of situations, and she usually lets her emotions lead her, rather than her head. Often times, she'll leap into something without thinking, only to feel like an idiot when she realizes what's going on. She's playful, but tries not to let it get in the way of being mature, even though she fails often in that. She's scared of rejection and being shunned, constantly seeking companionship, and being prone to get somewhat annoying from her giddyness. Amazingly enough, she has a serious side. It just doesn't come out too often. [b]Other:[/b] She carries a thin longsword, and two concealed daggers that her adopted father had fashioned for her especially. The sword is light and thin, matching perfectly her dance-like fighting style. She prefers to use the daggers, even though she rarely, if ever, fights. They're mainly used for everyday tasks. She also carries a backpack containing all she feels that she needs to live off. Two rocks of flint, an extra knife, food, water containers, parchment, a quill, and a small pot. Flare also loves peach juice, and would do just about anything for it, being as peaches are rare to come by where she lived. Oh, and one last thing. Kasei isn't Flare's mother's last name. She took the last name of her adopted parents.
  9. Now I lay me down to sleep, My dying waters, dark and deep. Will I die before I wake? Dear-heart, my soul, I plead you take. And as you lay me down to rest, A frightened body held to breast. My heart a flutter, dare I say, Lest it never beat another day. And soon you sing me fast to bed, Slowly laying down my head. And while you now approach the stairs, A soft, sweet whisper: "Sweet nightmares..." Amen.
  10. My dad whistles. Honest to god, he whstles, and it drives me insane half the time. It's always the same weird little tune over and over again, and he always choses to do it in a very crowded spot. I love my dad, don't get me wrong, but it's really kind of annoying at times. As for my mom, she has tendancies to make perverted comments... in front of my friends. XD I'm the kind of person that loves to scare the bejezuz out of random people, friends included. It's just kind of unnerving having my mother be the exact same way. Go figure.
  11. Put simply, I worship just about any Monty Python movie. ^-^ But the Holy Grail was by far the best, and funniest, one. Close behind that would probably be Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery. I hated Goldmember. It was sketchy, jumpy, and it got very old very quickly.
  12. Biida


    It happens to all of us eventually. Why should we fear it? It's natural. No matter how much you try, you cannot evade death. It happens every day, all around us. Not trying to sound pessemistic, but death is going to happen eventually. I don't look forward to it, nor do I try to shrink away from it. What happens, happens. When I die, I'm dead.
  13. I'm usually working on Saturdays, and busy with my family on Sundays, so I don't have too much time to myself on weekends. Well, during summer vacation anyway. Usually I'll play a few games, hang out with friends, or read. Something I love to do is just curl up with a good book.. ^^; Ehe. I'm a nerd, I know.
  14. Congratulations on your acheivement, and its a lovely poem. Short yet sweet; I like it. ^^ Hmm.. It's from poetry.com, right? I hate to be a damper on this, but it's going to eventually wind up costing you money for them to publish it. You have to pay for it's publishing, and pay for the book (I believe it's close to 50 bucks). It's only sold in hard-cover, so they'll eventually make profit off of it, and you'll get nothing in return.. The same thing happened to me a year ago, but my parents didn't want to spend the money. So nothin' was published. Anyways.. It's a great honor for you, and I'm glad for you. ^_^ Thousands upon thousands of poems are sent in every year, and they only choose the best of the best to be published and enjoyed by many for the years to come. Good job on ya, and congrats once again.
  15. The top one would be "My Immortal" - Evanescence. Every single line in that song strikes me in some way, and I've yet to be able to listen it through one time without starting to cry. Next, "1,000 Miles" - Vanessa Carlton. A few months ago, my favorite uncle passed away. It was his favorite song, and they played it at his funeral and a few times during the visiting hours. My cousins even made a big poster with pictures and memories of him, with the lyrics to the song written on it. The song makes me think of him and miss him so much.. "Echo" - Incubus. I don't know why this song makes me so emotional, to be exact. The first half of the song just strikes a memory in me of how my life was before the divorce of my parents.. Dunno. And but of course, "Under the Bridge" - Red Hot Chili Peppers. I think there's plenty of us who are moved by this song. Heh.. There's a million more, but I'll end my list here. ^-^;
  16. Er, well. I can't find too much worth posting. But here's a few I wrote up not long ago. Enjoy 'em 'n' all.. [u][b]Every Time[/b][/u] Do you know what love is? Do you know how it feels? I do. Every time he holds me, My heart races. Every time he caresses me, A wave of pleasure washes over my body. Every time my dear-heart kisses me, I blush, because words cannot express how I feel. Every time he tells me how beautiful he thinks I am, I wish I had the words to tell him how perfect he is to me. And every time he's with me, I fall in love all over again. [u][b]Frozen Fire[/u][/b] Frozen fire, trapped in water Angels reaping death on high Silent music Weaving murder, Death is screaming One last lie. Long-gone heroes lost their battles, My hope is dying; What is love? Armageddon, Revelation. Here I lay, A dying dove. Are you my savior? My one true lover? Come to me In pale moonlight. The one last hero, All I want. Show me love, And show me life. Sing to me of my rebirth, Sing to me an end of strife. Sing to me of my new world, Sing to me of our new life. Teach me once again to love, And let me soar, A mended dove. Frozen fire, flowing water. Forests green; The world's rebirth. Now we lay, Dear heart and dove, One forever with the earth.
  17. If my parents weren't divorced, I probably wouldn't have even looked at the thread, to be honest. So yes, they are. They've been divorced for a few years now, after 20 years of marriage. Of course, they never told me and my brother until 2000, because they didn't want to upset us. Ironically, we were more upset with them being together and fighting than being split. How I coped. Lol. My coping was [b]bad.[/b] No one else here follow what I did. I got suicidal, and did bad things. Unfortunately, I have the scars left to remind me of it. After a while, I got help and things calmed down. Now-a-days, my parents are good friends, and we (my brother and I) go back and forth between houses as much as we like. Which is simple, because they only live 10 minutes away. Sometimes things go awry, but no situation ever ends perfectly.
  18. My little brother, my best friend/s, and my heart. I rarely ever stick up for myself, I don't have to. When people make fun of me or try to annoy me (which happens quite a bit -.-), I just ignore them and walk away. It gets them to shut up. But if they start harassing someone I love, they wind up as a pile of flesh and bones on the sidewalk. ^_^;;;;
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lalaith Ril [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]They took it really badly, but its ok. I mean I would move out and leave the house but I can't only 15 so I'm kinda stuck here. It doesn't really matter though.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Then move in with me, silly brother! Hehe. They'll learn to accept it eventually. Not necessarily like it, but they'll accept it. From what I know about them, at least they're not going to be sending you to a shrink to try to "cure" you or anything.. Anyway, I'm proud of ya; and you're definitely alot more brave than I am. v.v; I'm still trying to figure out how to tell my parents... last time I even hinted it to my dad, he denied it and gave me the "you're only confused, and it'll go away eventually," speech.
  20. *Smiles and gives big bro a hug* ^.^ I'm glad you told us. Most people I know wouldn't be able to even admit it to themselves how they truly are. You're meh big bro and one of my best friends, and nothing's ever changing it. So nyeh. =P And there's nothing to be sorry about, either. If there's someone here that doesn't support it, or outright bashes it, just screw 'em. O_o I'm really too tired to think of much else to say. So that's all for the time being. Lol. ^.^ *Gives him and lolly and skips off*
  21. [QUOTE][i]Yes. I have read the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy and the 4 others to the wrongfully-named trilogy. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue]Good boy. :D Those are the best books I've ever read, and your work honestly reminds me of Adams' work alot. The same weird and ironic humor, a slight likeness in the writing style... and so on. =P And trust me, that's a compliment. Anyway, write more! XD [/color]
  22. [color=skyblue]Well, my parents are honestly 25 years apart. My mother is the younger one, and her entire family was against the marriage. But they truly loved each other, and went on with it anyway. They were married for over 20 years, and happily at that. Eventually, there were problems with the marriage (problems, may I add, that had NOTHING to do with their ages. My father is turning 68 in a few days, and he has the physical health of a well-fit 40 year old. He still works at a very well paying job, and he doesn't look a day over 50.), and they divorced. But they're still the very best of friends, and they still love each other. But not the same sort of love they felt when they were married. So personally, age, to me, is just a number. It depends entirely on a person's maturity level.[/color]
  23. [color=skyblue]Cute, Gaverz. It's witty.. ^^ I like it. Oh, and by the way, if you haven't already read The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, by Douglas Adams, I reccomend you do. =P[/color]
  24. [color=skyblue]*listens to it and chuckles, then blinks and tries to think of something*... *eyes grow wide* ... [size=6]THE DIGIMON SONG! ^______^~[/size] *everyone around her falls over anime style.*[/color]
  25. [color=skyblue][b][u]Rain[/b][/u] Tiny droplets, falling freely. From the sky, into my life. Cascading all about my open arms. Decorating my cheeks, my eyelashes, my smile, With tiny pearls of beauty. Walking along in the green spring grass, Those tiny drops still falling. I smile, The water caressing me. The sound of each droplet, Hitting its mark, It's music to my ears. The sensation of each one Pressing against my flesh, A cool feeling of relief and pleasure. Thunder, The sound of a father's booming, loving laughter. Lightning, The figures of children Dancing in the sky. The wind, A mother's loving whisper, As she coos her baby to sleep. Tiny droplets, falling freely. From the sky, into my life. Cascading all about my open arms. Decorating my soul, my heart, My smile. ~~~ [b][u]A Lamentation of Time and Loss[/u][/b] Yet this I call to mind, As the walls collapse around me. In the joys of times past, In the joys of times lost. Where were you? On, he who holds my heart, When the fires and the roses fell, When my children died and the black cloud of death covered the land. Where were you? Oh, he who holds my heart, Where were you when the flowers bloomed, And the land prospered, And the harvests came a plenty? Oh, he who holds my heart, Here you stand, a wild horse watching from a distance, A mourner in black, grieving for the children you never knew. Before you whisk yourself off once again, Into the mist and the dawn of a new day, a new life. And this I call to mind, As the sun sets on an old day: Oh, he who holds my heard, Oh, father of my children, My lover, my life, Where are you? ~~~ C&C is more than welcome. :)[/color]
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