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Everything posted by Biida
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]It seemed like days til the forest ended and the Plains of Sora were seen. "Ah good. Were on the right track. After the Plains of Sora, there's the Deserts of Igro or also known as Izzy Deserts. Man that sounds familar." "What's in Izzy Deserts?" "That's where Andro lies, dead, his bones buried miles below the earth and where his eye lies in a disapearing temple. C'mon. Let's keep going." They traveled til it was night fall and had to get out their sleeping bags. Ryu tucked in Gin and started a fire. "Who's up for singing?" There was a long silence. "Fine." Ryu said. "I'll sing myself." There was a long gasp in the camp and Ryu started: [U]Oh where the meadows and the trees do grow,[/U] [U]there lies a dragon that use to go.[/U] [U]He was mighty, he was strong,[/U] [U]for he was Andro, the dragon of the eye, the mighty Dragon Cong.[/U] There music was actually soothing and put everyone to sleep. Ryu stayed awake the whole night, keeping himself happy with his music. [/B][/QUOTE] At about 2, Gin woke up. "Ryu, you're still singing?", Ryu grinned "huh? Oh, I guess I am.". Gin laughed at his friend's strange remark. "I've got 2 questons to ask you." Ryu laughed "Two questions? Well, ask away!". "Okay, first question. Why are Wind and Leona travelling with us?", "They're travelling with us, because Leona found out about Andro.". Gin stared blankly for a minute. Then said, "Okay, since you've answered the first question. Here's the second... WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE?!?!?!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Sweet deal :D but we need some others to start posting or Gold Angewomon and I are going to be the main characters! [/B][/QUOTE] You know what. I think our characters already are the main characters...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]anybud wanna Martini,Beer,Alchoholic bverage? [/B][/QUOTE] Just a beer, plz.
Okay now, back to the story... As they walked down the road, Wind asked, "Where are we going?" Ryu quickly answered "Andro". Wind was quite confused, "Andro?" she turned to Leona and asked, "What's Andro?" Leona just said "Don't ask, it's a long story, I don't even really know." Wind just shrugged "Okay.". After 2 or 3 hours of walking, Leona was getting tired. "Can we stop for a moment?" Ryu strictly answered, "No. We've got to keep going." Leona glared angrilly. "Hmphh, fine then..." She hopped on Wind's back and they started to fly at a slow speed, going only as fast as Gin and Ryu. Leona happily sighed, "Ah, much better..."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] No offense taken:) And by the last part I meant that he is close to Ryu and Leona, but he doesn't know it (or them). [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh... Okay. I get it now! :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] If thats the case, it's considered SPAM... which generally isn't accepted... at least make this thing make sense if you are going to do it.... [/B][/QUOTE] I've got it! Let's turn this into another crazy Dating Game!!! Just kidding!! I don't know what to turn this into...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B]After rescuing the group in the forest (and apologizing for the damage), Charlie set flight again, not knowing how close he was to Ryu and Leona. OOC: BTW GA, I also count, so there are 3 posting.;) [/B][/QUOTE] By "we're the only one's writing the story" I mean the main thing, not just one or two posts. No offense. BTW, how would Charlie know Leona, if they've never met?
I'll work on the story post in a sec, I've just got a question... When do you think the others will post? We're basically the only two writing the story.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]"Well.." Ryu says chopping wood with his blade, "It's a lost treasure known to be guarded by dragons. I'm not there for the money. Only for the Eye of Andro." "Eye of Andro?" "Andro was a dragon back in 100 B.C. The dragon had the power of immortality because he had a crystal eye. One day, theives stole the eye from him and he soon died. The thieves died because they were lost without their map which disapeared suddenly. The eye gives immortality. That's all I'm going to say." Everyone was quiet the rest of the night. [/B][/QUOTE] In the morning, Leona pulled Wind aside into the forest, and explained that they were going to travel with Ryo and Gin for a while. Not explaining why. After a couple minutes Wind sniggered and said, "Are the reason we're going is beacause he's your boyfriend?" Leona yelled at the laughing dragon. "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!! WHERE'D YOU GET THAT PSYCHOTIC IDEA?!?!?!?!" Wind tried to hold back a laugh. "Oh, nowhere *giggle*" "Grrrr.... Crazy dragon." When they walked back to camp, they were still yelling at each other. Gin and Ryu sweat dropped. Then Gin said, "Girls, they're crazy... One minute, they're best friends, the next, they're screaming and yelling bloody murder at each other..." Both of them shook their heads...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]"Well, there's only one thing to do now." He comes up to Leona and she curls up scared. He raises a hand and then gently puts it on Leona's shoulder, "Your coming with us." Leona looked up at Ryu. "Really?" "You know too much." Leona smiled and hugged Ryu. "Hey hey hey! No gushy moments here!" He unclinged her and walked off to start a fire. [/B][/QUOTE] "Oh, Ryu, THANK-YOU!!!!" About 10 minutes later, after Ryu had started a fire, Leona got up the courage to ask a couple questions. "Ryu?" She quietly asked, "Hmm?" he murmured, "What's the treasure of Andro?"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Ryu lay in his sleeping bag, looking at the stars. "Whatcha lookin at?" Leona asked. Ryu looked up to see Leona staring at him with big puppy dog eyes of curiousity. "The sky." "Oh? Why?" "Do you always ask so many questions?" "Do you?" "*Sigh* You said you'd keep quiet." That sentence actually did keep her quiet as she remembered her promice. Ryu seemed to be very tall and towered over Leona when he stood up. "Listen, I'm off to get some wood for the fire. Don't wake the dragons and watch over the camp. Okay?" Leona nodded. "Good." Ryu walks away. Just as he disapears into the forest, Leona scurries around, looking for the book he was writing in. "Ah! Here it is." She started to read in her head: [I]"Well, it's another long journey for the quest for the treasure of Andro. Were not too far and this sto-sto?" What's this word say? OH! Storm! "And this storm is making my book get wet so I best put it away."[/I] "Wow. Treasure!" "What are you doing?" Leona turns to see Ryu holding logs of wood. "Ryu!" :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] Ryu saw the book in her hand. "Leona! How could you?" Leona looked at the ground. "I... I.. I'm sorry... I shouldn't have looked at it... I... Ryu, I let the curiousity get the better of me... I'm really sorry... *gulp*" She didn't lift her head, she just kept staring at the ground. She kept thinking in her head, "I'm such an idiot. Why did i do that... Now he's just gonna' get angry, and make me leave... I'm such an idiot..."
Yeah, it's not too late. You can join! AND CAN PEOPLE BESIDES ME AND DRAGON WARRIOR START POSTING!!!!! We're the one's basically writing the whole thing!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud [/i] [B]Hahahahahaha sometimes i think i'm lucky... no one here hardly lives in canada let alone one of the least populated place in it. [/B][/QUOTE] I live in Canada. In Southern-Ontario.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]"Uh oh." "What Ryu?" "Were falling back down towards the pit. Try to move out of the way." They came across a branche and they grabbed hold of it. "Hold on tight, Gin. Climb down." They did so, not so easily. Ryu fell half the way down. He looked around for leona. The Canopy was so thick, no creature could see through it, even close up. "No sign of 'em. Let's go back to Akubar (note: Akubar- Home town)." Gin nods and follows Ryu. Once the canopy wasn't so thick over Ryu and Gin, Wind could see them running along the forest ground. "There, Leona. there they are." Leona peered down at them. "Okay. Take a landing and hind in those trees. We can make a disguise of leaves and branches. There's no way they'll figure it out." Wind followed her orders and flew down not expecting what will happen once they are down there. [/B][/QUOTE] Wind followed Leona's orders and landed, without making a sound. Leona smiled, "Great job, Wind!" Wind grinned. "Thanks!" Leona stopped smiling, and put a severe look on her face. "Okay, now we know where they are, it should be easy to find thim." The mighty dragon just nodded. A couple minutes later, they had set off to find Ryu and Gin. After 15 or so minutes of walking, Wind stopped. Leona turned around and asked, "Wind, what is it?" the dragon ignored her, and kept listening. "I hear them... They're over there." She pointed to the left. So they took off the way Wind pointed. By then it had turned dark, and Leona was getting tired. "Wind, are we almost there?" Wind sighed. "Yes, Leona." When they finally reached where Ryu and Gin were, they saw that they had laid out their sleeping bags, had lit a fire, and were cooking supper for themselver. Leona spotted them first, and leaned forward, just behind a growth of small trees. Suddenly, Leona lost her balance and fell forward. Right in front of Ryu and Gin. "Uhh... Hi." she nervously said. Wind just stood there, with a huge anime sweat drop. Leona got up and yawned. "Hmphh... You look a little tired." Ryu said. "Uh, yeah. I am." She answered. Wind sighed, and came forward. "Great way to stay hidden, Leona." she said sarcastically. Leona laughed, then stopped. She looked at Ryu and Gin and said, "Aren't you two gonna' try to run away again, or wonder where we just popped up from?" Gin spoke up, "No, we don't really intend to." Leona smiled. "Great! Well, uh.. I'm a little hungry, and tired. So, can we just camp here with you two for the night?" Leona held up her sleeping bag, and Wind held up hers. "We won't bother you." Leona quickly said. Ryu sighed. "Sure, I guess..." Leona smiled. "Great!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Ryu turned to look back. "Were being followed." "Oh no!" "What is it Leona?" "I think they saw us." "Hmm.. darn. So much for under cover." Ryu and Gin jumped behind a rock and down into a mossy pit. Gin followed. "Where are we?" "Me don't know." Gin said astounded by the scenery. "Where did they go?" Leona said looking to and fro. "Not sure. they have to be near. No way they are that fast." The two scouted the area. "Hmm..." Ryu paced around, pondering what to do next. "I have an idea! Gin, cling to my back and hold on TIGHT." Gin did what Ryu told him to do and Ryu put the edges of his hands together, faced them down and consintrated. [I]Please, allow me to summon thunder.[/I] With a huge blast that came from Ryu's hands, they flew out of the pit sky high. "Ah HA! They're.... they.. are?How are they flying. Go closer, Wind." They both went closer to the scene of Ryu doing a maraculous escape. [/B][/QUOTE] "Wind, fly higher. If they've already spotted us, we want them to think we've already gone on. Quick, fly above the clouds!" Leona commanded Wind. "Got it!" Wind grinned, and flew high. The mighty dragon flew with agility and swiftness, and made it look as no effort was needed. Her flying skills would put masters to shame. Meanwhile, much lower below them, Ryu and Gin where flying by some miracilous means not even themselves quite understood...
"hmm... I wonder where they're going..." Leona softly spoke out loud. "Pardon?" asked Wind, "huh? Oh, uh.. Nothing..." She looked at the ground and blushed. "hmphh.." wind murmered, then slowly smiled. Leona looked at her parter, looked away, then looked back with a shocked and happy look on her face. "Hey, Wind! YOU'RE FLYING!!!!" Leona excited to her partner. Wind was confused for a moment. "huh? Flying?" Then dumbly, she looked at the ground, far below her. "OMG!! LEONA! YOU'RE RIGHT!!! I'M ACTUALLY FLYING!!!!!!!!" Leona started to laugh. "Wind, I told you, you could do it! You just needed to relax! Well, now that we can fly... FOLLOW THEM!!" Leona smiled, and started to laugh as she felt the wind on her face and saw the ground below. After a few minutes of flying, Wind spotted Ryu and Gin. "Leona, quiet down. I see them!" Leona stopped laughing, and put a serious look on her face, "Okay, good job Wind. Now, keep following them, until I tell you to land."
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]I guess we started. :D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ryu is walking along the woods with Gin, feeling pretty darn good about himself and about what he did back there. That's when they heard something in the distance. "Hear that, gin?" "Sure did. Let's see." They both run through the underbrush and bushes that blocked the way and came to a scene where a girl and her dragon were training. "Keep low." Ryu warned Gin. "They could be harmful." "Right." "Huh?" Leona said softly looking up. "What is it, Leona?" Wind asks curiously. "Oh. Nothing. Thought I- Huh?" She squints as she peers at the bushes in which Ryu and Gin hide. "One second, Wind." She walks up to the bushes, looks behind and gasps. [/B][/QUOTE] "Leona?" said Wind, with a little bit of worry in her voice. "Wind, stay on guard! There's somone here..." Leona answered sharply. Wind stood beside her friend and slowly looked around. "Who's there?" Leona said quickly. Slowly two heads popped out of the bushes. A boy, and a dragon. Leona stepped back a little. "what do you want?" she asked "Is it a battle your looking for?" Ryu slowly aswered "Uhh... We, just.. uh..". "WHAT?" Leona said, she was starting to become agrivated. He spoke again "We just heard a noise in the bushes, and wondered what it was..." Leona flushed. She had gotten all agrivated for nothing. "oh, sorry..." Ryu and Gin grinned, "hi," he started. "my name's Ryu, and this is my dragon, Gin!" Gin waved. "What's your name?" "uhh, my name?" she foolishly asked. "Ummm, well this is my dragon. Wind." Wind just stood there. "And my name's Leona. Leona Mikono." she smiled :) ...
Shibby? Oy vei, you peeps are weird... Almost as weird as me!:D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]i know wat u mean Gold Angewomon not a pretty thing to explain it [/B][/QUOTE] *sigh* You're not kidding... :o
Okay, so when do we start this thing?
ACK!!!!! I forgot my intro! Here goes... Intro: *out of character* Leona sat by a tree, silently watching her partner dragon, Wind, practice her attacks. They had been camping out in the woods for 4 weeks now, and Leona was starting to become homesick. But she kept it in, because she didn't want to worry her dragon friend, and she knew she couldn't go back until she had learned to control her powers, for the safety of her family... Leona: *sad sigh* Wind: *stops attacking* *looks at her friend* Leona. What's wrong? Leona: Oh, nothing, I was just thinking... *stops in the middle of her sentance, as to silence herself* Wind: *worried look on her face* It's okay. You can tell me. Leona: *sigh* Well, I was just thinking about home... About the smell of bacon coming from Mom's kitchen every Sunday. About Dad trying to teach my little brother, Kale, how to tame horses. About Tucker (Note: Tucker is Kale's dog) barking at squirrells *small laugh*. About sitting under the apple tree, with you, and day dreaming. And about trying to teach you to fly... You've got those huge wings, but you never use them! So, have you learned to fly yet? *sarcastic laugh* -Wind knew her friend was starting to become home sick, but she knew that they couldn't go home until Leona learned to harness her power. Wind: Leona, I know you want to go home, and I don't mean to sound harsh... But we can't go home yet.. And you know it... Leona: *sigh* yes, I know... But you didn't answer my question. Can you fly yet? Wind: Fly? uhh.... *embarassed blushing* Leona: *laugh* *smile*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Can I join? [/B][/QUOTE] Sure! You've just got to sign up in the "Shrunk!!!!" topic! :D Happy shrinking!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by piccolo [/i] [B]Too bad, no Namek Women. How do they reproduce? [/B][/QUOTE] Don't tell me you haven't seen the namek dragonball episodes! :eek: If you haven't... Oy vei :o ... Basically, a single namek man can reproduce. If you don't quite get it, ask somone else. I don't really feel like explaining.
Alot of people say I'm mature for my age... But I wouldn't really know. :D
What the heck. I might as well join... Name: Leona Mikono Age: 19 Dragon's Name: Wind Element: Water Dragon's element: Nature (earthquakes, tornados, flood, ETC.) Description: Leona: Blonde hair, deep blue eyes, tan short shorts , light blue tank top with japanese symbol "light" on the front, cross necklace. Description: Wind: Blue and black, large wings, piercing green eyes. Personality: Leona: attitude, compasionate, sincere, respnsible, mature, gets really nervous around cute guys *blush*. Personality: Wind: Friendly, strong, swift, sincere, protective of Leona, worrysome. And I think that's it...