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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [color=skyblue]Britty - Blame Gavin for this one. It just sorta stuck. Althea Trieann - A baby name site, a day of boredom, and a lot of imagination. ;) (Pronunciation: Al-thee-ah Try-ann Leilandran "Leila" Nesotrea (Pronunciation: Lay-lee-ahn-dren "Lay-la" Nes-Oh-tree-ah) - She's my evil side, and she came from a sadistic mood, and a baby name site. XD; Leila means Dark Beauty. I.. uh, elaborated on the name a bit, then used Ken's infamous word "Nesotros," before modifying it, too. ^_^; Aleron (Pronunciation: Al-er-on) - He's an elven character I RP as sometimes. I just love the name, so turned it into a char. ^_^ (Yes, I do occasionaly RP as a guy character. O_o Hey, it gets boring always being the perfect princess or the evil biatch. Gotta throw in a bit of difference in there with the mysterious yet funny elven swordsman, and his cuddly pink dragon, Bubblez. Yes, I know, unoriginal. But hey, Fluffy (Ken) named her. O_o; ) Leona Mikono - A character from a long time ago. Leona is a name I've always liked, and Mikono is basically just kimono spelled differently. Lil B - My 9 year old form. Don't ask. Keitin Winterwind (Pronunciation: Kay-ten. NOT kitten. its [b]Kay-ten![/b] *nods* Thank you.)- My main character from EverQuest. Everyone calls me Kitty or Kitten, so I just changed the name a bit. Keitin. ^_^; Kubaria - Another EQ character. Lenare - The Raven is my favorite poem, but Lenore is just too... I dunno, it doesn't sound right with the personality I made up for that character. O_o; Also, the name was taken. Lol. So we have Lenare. ^_^; Oh, by the way, she's another EQ character. There's a few more, but I can't really remember them at the moment. O.o; So, there we have it. A dive into my weird messed up little brain. *Nods wisely, gives everyone a lollypop and a brownie, then skips off into the cotton-candy horizon* [Yes, I am weird. ^_~] [/color]
  2. [color=skyblue]*walks back in after sitting outside in the rain for a bit, enjoying the peacefullness of it* The rain, what else? ;) But then again... Robins, bumble bees and grass are just as good. Although, since I'm way up here in Canadia-land, the grass isnt too nice for a while, and the bees arent out yet. O_o; But there's alot more squirrels at the moment, if that counts. Heh. :bluesweat [/color]
  3. [Quote][i]Originally posted by Gokents[/i] Also glad you made it back with out being robbed or anything horrible.[/quote] [color=skyblue]*looks at Yu Yu's post again* ...[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] Coming up next! Rio de Janerio!!! Nude beaches! Robbery!! Carnaval!!! [i]Stay tuned!!![/i][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue]Need I say more? ;) Lol. Just playing with ya.. Anyway, glad you're back safely. ^_^ I wanna hear more. It sounds like a cool trip. And I'm studying about Brazil and its history at the moment in school, which makes this even more interesting. [/color]
  4. [color=skyblue] Invest almost all of it and live off the interest. And what I don't invest, I'd use on alot of random stuff. Mainly being travelling around to finally hang with my [i]crew[/i]. *Giggles evilly as she plots ways to drive then all insane.* XD[/color]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyriel [/i] [B]However...how worried could Chimiri be about Mikia? After all, he's only just met her... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue] He's the hero. He [i]has[/i] to be considerate, overly affectional, and so on. ^_~ Hehe, j/k. I love it, Lady K. ^_^ As with Ken, one of my favorite types of fantasy is the 'person being sucked into book' plot. And I guess I've got a thing for slightly mushy stuff. So... yea. ( :bluesweat ) It's good. Write more!!! :D *Gives you a lollypop and skips off* [/color]
  6. [color=skyblue] Woah... *stays silent for a few moments, lost and in love with the fanfic*... *grovels at Shaun's feet* MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...!!!! >< Give me moreeeeeeeeeeee! ... Please. ^_^; [/color]
  7. [color=skyblue] I love it. ^^ The characters, the places, everything. It's original, and captivating. All in all, I love it. ^_~ And now, I shall leave you with this: More! MORE, DAMNIT! GIVE ME MORE! X_x! [/color]
  8. [color=skyblue] Damn, I haven't posted in this forum in ages... Eh. It's nice to be back then, in that case. Lol. Anyway, here's a new one. So, uh, enjoy.. ~~~ [b][u]The Succubi[/b][/u] Silently, stealthily, I weave you into my web of death. I trap you, gradually, your life crumbling and falling. A warrior, a woman, a strength in my beauty... You'll never stop me. I hate, you hate, We feel the power. You feel the pleasure. I feel the death. The passion erupts, And it tears you apart. Laughing, I cry, the power erupting, From your surprise. From your hate... From your hate, I feel the energy flow. Your love, your lust, will be your demise. Forgiveness? Ptsh. What's that? You know why you hate, You hate me. I know why you hate, You hate yourself. And your hate will be your demise. I will be your demise. Can you resist me? And in your madness, You become but a dog, Begging and pleading at his master's, his mistress's feet. And you really think I care? Care. Ptsh. What's that? I kick you aside, And I laugh and I cry, And I feel the power all the more grow. And standing in the shadows, I rip you to shreds in the sunlight. In front of the crowd, the public. But in front of no one, In your chambers. I am the seductress, I am your goddess. Your lover, your life. And you really think I care... Care. What's that? [/color]
  9. [color=skyblue]Oooo. Cheesy jokes! Fun! XD ~~~ For this joke, you sorta have to bring the Trinity into play. Jesus decides to go for a walk in heaven and comes across a little old man sitting at the pearly gates. So he decides to talk to him. The little old man says, "I'm from the Mediteranean Sea area." Jesus says, "So am I." The old man says, "My father was a carpenter." Jesus says, "So was mine." Jesus said, "My son was given to me by a supernatural force." The old man said, "Mine was too." Finally, Jesus can't hold it in any more... [spoiler]Jesus: FATHER! Old man: PINNOCHIO![/spoiler] ~~~ Two rabbits are hopping down the road. One stops, one hops [i]on[/i]. ~~~ Daddy, mommy and baby tomato are walking down the road. The baby tomato falls behind, and the daddy stops and turns around. [spoiler]"KETCHUP!"[/spoiler][/color]
  10. [color=skyblue] Ah, yes. Jealousy, the green-eyed monster. *sighs and looks in the mirror, beginning to think her eyes are getting greener now every day* I'm bitten by the evil thing a lot, and usually just for stupid reasons... All in all, insecurities suck. O o; It doesn't necessarily always bring hatred, though. I prefer Juu's description of how it makes you uncomfy around someone. [size=1]And I'm tired, slightly hyper, and in need of a coffee. So, just ignore me for now. ^ ^; [/size][/color]
  11. [color=skyblue] *applaudes* Beautiful! ^^ I love the first one! I can honestly find nothing wrong with it at all. The second one is really good too, although her right hand and her breasts are a little out of proportion. As for the third, the body is perfect. Although, in my opinon, the face, even if it's a different anime style, doesn't seem too much like Trunks. The hair is great, though. All in all, I like it. ^^ [/color]
  12. [color=skyblue] A song that brings back good memories? Ahhh... American Psycho, by Treble Charger; Karma Chamelion, by Boy George and the Culture Club (I personally despise that song, although, the occasional time I do listen to it, it brings back good memories of me and my mom...); and Song 2, by Blur. Songs that depress me? There's too many of them for my liking, but I could name a few off the top of my head. Mudshovel, by Staind; I Feel So, by Box Car Racer; My December, by Linkin Park; Pretty Girl (The Way), by Sugarcult; and Whatever, by Godsmack. There's many more, but if I mention them all then you'd know too much. ^_~ [/color]
  13. [color=skyblue] Bryuo, I believe thats one of the most truthful poems I've ever heard in my life. I love it. ^_^ My only criticism is that you could work a bit more at getting it more in time... some lines seem too long; some too short. And that you need to use spell check. :bluesweat Just stuff that's simple to correct. ^^; Aight. I'm done. *Burns her PE teacher, then walks off* [/color]
  14. [color=skyblue] God save us. God save us all. Well done! :D *skips off, humming the Duck Tales one* [/color]
  15. [color=skyblue] Lately I've had rather bad writers block, so the following poems aren't quite as good as I'd like them to be. But anyway, enjoy 'em and let me know your C&C. :) * [u][b]Gone[/u][/b] Tired and sick Oh, just let me die. But feel no pain, There's no need to cry. I wanted it over, I want to be gone, But I want you to be safe, I want you to be calm. You lower your eyes... I ask what's wrong. But not from your lips Will I get even a song. Then I remember I'm dead... (And you laugh.) * [b][u]Contemplation[/b][/u] In my tomb, I contemplate my Life. The passions Of love, The passings of Pain, And the simple joys Of friendship. In my tomb, I Contemplate my life. * [b][u]Precious Words[/u][/b] "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." From the mouth of a famous poet. "You're my angel..." From a singing sensation. "A potrayal of he who holds my heart." From the mouth of a talented artist. "I love you." From my heart to yours. * [u][b]My Love[/u][/b] The man I love is lovely, precious to me in all ways. His face, the face of a God; Crafted in time and forged by the stars. The neck of my lover is like ivory, pure, and His shoulders as strong as his mind. His chest is as proud as the woman who loves him, And his back, smooth and strong to the touch. With long legs to carry him proudly about, As I gaze on in wonder and love. His voice is like nectar, A song to my heart; Melodious, soothing and kind. His eyes, deep pools of mysterious light, Full of love, enchanting, and great. His hair is soft, and dark as the night, Royal, wild and fair. But my favourite flair, His quick wit and mind, Will forever capture my heart. His genuis reflects in his every move, And his angelic body in his graceful steps. The man I love is lovely... You're precious to me in all ways. * [b][u]Untitled[/u][/b] Hey, you, over in your corner, Come over here and show me up. Show me who you are, Show me who you hate. Who? Me. You want to show me something? Pull it out. You want to tell me something? Bring it up. (You coward.) Tell me who you hate, (Me, Myself and I.) Tell me who you love? (Me, Myself and I.) (You Liar.) Hey, you, over in your corner, Come over here and show me up. Show me who you are, Show me who you hate. Who? Me. (I hate you.) * [u][b]Who Am I?[/u][/b] I dont know where I am anymore. The beat of the jungles. The snow of the North. Sand from the deserts. The forest and the marsh. Floating in an abyss Of neverending lore... Laying in the sweet grass, Or dead upon the floor. Now I'm a fly on the wall; Or a bird in the sky. Now a car on the highway - A man caught in a lie. Murderer on my deathbed, Secrets spilling forth. A child in a playpen. A racer, dead on the course. Boater in a yacht. Lemur in a tree. Slave locked up in a cage. Will you come and set me free? I don't know who I am anymore. [/color]
  16. [color=skyblue] *wonders if they'll make a catagory for "Name That Is Most Often Spelled Incorrectly."* Cough cough. o_o;;; [/color]
  17. [color=skyblue] Uh, well I'm going to see them in concert sometime in August if that counts for anything. o_o; [/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]Does anyone remember last year's New Year's Thread, I wonder.... :toothy:[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue] Do I ever... :rolleyes: Hehe, anyway. For New Years I'm just going to be sitting around at home with my family. Kiss my boyfriend, hug a few close friends... The usual. Yes, welcome to my life. :whoops: [/color]
  19. [color=skyblue] I will say one thing and one thing only. I would kill to play that game. Sigh. v.v [/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]NO! Just run and dont look back! My cousin plays it for computer and hes addicted. Buys every expansion and always goes to eq sites and message boards, its creepy:twitch: [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue] It's not creepy, it's fun. ;) I've been saving up for the latest expansion, Planes of Power, but I'm hoping to get it for Christmas so I can buy No One Lives Forever 2 or something instead. >.>; Lol, anyway... I myself haven't played EQ Online Adventures (although I have been hoping I'd be accepted for a beta phase >.>), but I've heard it's really good so far. Well, if it's anything like the game for the PC it must be. BTW, EQ is definitely an addictive game, and yes, it will destroy your social life. Then again, I never had a social life to begin with, so it's all good. ^_~ Hehe. Ummm... What could I do to help... uhhh... I've got a friend who's really into it, so I could ask him about it if I get the chance. But other than that, not much. Sorry. v.v; On a side note though, does anyone else here play EQ on the PC? I've got a lvl 20 Human Wizard, and a lvl 7 Barbarian Warrior. ^^; I know they're not that high leveled, but hey, I'm getting there. [/color]
  21. [color=skyblue]Well, I finally have more... [b][u]Wine[/u][/b] Deep red blood in a crimson glass. Ripples tugging on the surface As petals fall And begin to wilt. The wine glass is filled By a dainty gloved hand, Until it begins to overflow. Blood spilling forth. The hand becomes of a nightmare. The wine glass is dropped, By your scarred, weathered hand. Then it shatters, And you scream. * [b][u]Pain In A Bottle[/u][/b] Pain in a bottle, Sent off to sea. Pain in a bottle, Selling for free. Pain in a bottle. Washed up on shore. Open the bottle For life evermore. * [b][u]Noble Little Spider[/u][/b] Noble little spider, Spin your web so strong. Silent little spider, Teach me right from wrong. Innocent little spider, Drop upon my lap. Scary little spider, Begin to make me snap. Then, my lovely little spider, Crawl upon my arm. My pretty little spider, Show me what is harm. My precious little spider, Begin to make me cry. Then, my noble little spider, Leave me there to die. [/color]
  22. [color=skyblue] I have one thing to say. More... More! GIVE ME MORE, I SAY! MORE! O_O!! (In other words. Two thumbs up. :D) [/color]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]All I have to say is that you're actually saying a LATE happy thanksgiving to me! Over here we have thanksgiving at the beginning of October rather than the end of November!:p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=skyblue] :: jaw drops :: Ohmygosh! :eek: ANOTHER CANADIAN!!!!!! Ahem... Yes, well, around here thanksgiving is pretty advertised, I guess. Turkeys everywhere! :rolleyes: And there is such thing as too many turkeys, believe it or not. As for America.... I wouldn't know. [/color]
  24. [color=skyblue] :: Stares, jaw dropped as she reads it for the 5th time :: Wow. Like Kaiba's Angel said: Why can't I write like that? Its amazing! :D Is it okay if I save it? [/color]
  25. [color=skyblue] Yes. That's right. I have MORE Poetry! :twitch: Ahem. :D [b][u]Untitled Love Poem[/u][/b] Hand in hand, And cheek to cheek. I love you so much I'm scared to speak. (For this moment means so much to me.) Feet step in time; Two, one. One, two. Oh, how I love being So close to you. You stop and hold me In your strong, loving arms. On these wintry streets I feel safe from harm. One arm still around me, You gaze at the lights, Which prophesy The oncoming Christmas Night. They glitter and blink In the soft, falling snow, And we smile as we watch The spectacular show. (I've never felt so close to you.) I rest my head on your shoulder And you stroke my blond hair. You make me feel like a princess, So lovely and fair. (Then you kiss me...) You lean in and smile. I feel your breath on my face. My heart, now a rocket, Was just launched into space. Our eyes gaze into each other's, While you whisper words of love. I know, as I hold you, You're my one from above. (Now I tell you the truth...) "I love you." [b][u]Beloved[/u][/b] Auburn curls dance as if o' lore. Eyes shine through the soul; Bright and glinting stars. Skin like ivory, and heart of pure gold. Dance, beloved, in night evermore! Awaken and sing, sweet beloved - Goodwife, beauty o' souls. - Thine lips call to mine, Thine nectar voice fine, And thine perfection that never grows old. Awaken and dance, sweet beloved! [b][u]Baby[/u][/b] Thick, sweet milk upon young mother's bosom. Cradled in vines of yon ivory arms, Baby doth rock, as thee love singeth softly - 'Tis here thine child doth lay safe from harm. C&C, please. :whoops: [/color]
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