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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [color=skyblue][b][u]Actions Speak Louder Than Words[/u][/b] Silent pains in a mindless drone, Hidden behind her smiles. She nods to you, tears in her eyes. All she needs to get out - A chain and a file. Its not that hard to understand, Yet it so, oh, so confusing. Why are words so painful? Oh, but actions speak louder than words. Falling, spilling, blood stained on our hands. Gore from a horror movie, Spilling from my mind. Pain engulfing my inner- My outer- The bleeding mass I Call my "Body..." Its not that hard to understand, Yet it so, oh, so confusing. Why are words so painful? Oh, but actions speak louder than words. Drugs in a pile, In the corner of a drawer. Empty bottles Smashed and broken in a corner. His life is slowly falling apart, But he's too high to notice. We're from a perfect realm, We're such happy little people. We tell you how great it is... But actions speak louder than words. (Life isn't so perfect.) Its not that hard to understand, Yet it so, oh, so confusing. Why are words so painful? Oh, but actions speak louder than words. Its not so hard to comprehend, Your actions speak louder than words... [/color]
  2. [color=skyblue] More, Bryan! More! YOU WILL POST MOREEEE... *sob* :p Anyway. ^_^ Its really good. Definitely captivated me. So get your lazy butt goin, big bro. :D [/color]
  3. [color=skyblue]*Smiles* ^^ Great. *Starts counting the hours until more is posted* I believe you have a fan now. Oh, and uh. *holds out a notepad and a pen with a fluffy blue feather at the end.* Could I bug you for an autograph? [/color]
  4. [color=skyblue] They're both beatiful. I wish I knew more of what to say, but unfortunately, I don't believe I was gifted with words. I really like the concrete one, by the way. The emotion it gives off... and just how cool it looks, too. ^^ [/color]
  5. [color=skyblue] Your writing honestly never ceases to amaze me. ^_^ I love it. Will you write some more for it or..? Well, if you do. Expect me to be reading it then chasing behind you and asking for an autograph. :bluesweat [/color]
  6. [b][u]My Beloved[/u][/b] Love is by far impossible to describe... Poets have hoped And poets have tried. But all fell short of the truth. They have tried with cupid, hearts, flowers and bows. Yet this does true love injustice And this we all know... (Those of us who have truly felt it.) So I will not Cannot Never shall try To depict the messaage held not in parchment or sky But in my heart and my soul And my body. All I can do And all I can say Is to tell you how I feel each and every day When I rise to the sun and look out at the sky And loving words float through my head These words, by and by. (That remind me of how much I love you.) Ah, this poem does it injustice. Quite far from great.. An invalid description Of a miraculous state.. So now I shall close And leave you with the truth. You are worth more to me than gold or silver.. Sleep well my beloved.. Good Night.. (I love you...) __________________________________ Yes, I know it's quite mushy compared to my usual writings..but.. I suppose life always has its odd moments, does it not?
  7. Surgery? Mmm, the only surgery I've ever had was when I was a baby that I can't even remember. I was born very prematurely, and when I came out my esophagus wasn't attached to my stomach. I couldn't eat anything for two days and I was near death by the time they finally were prepared to do surgery. Ever since I've had a scar halfway across my back and a little hole - well, more like a dent, - in my right side. The only other surgery I believe I've had is when I was also really little. The person who was watching me one evening while my parents were out was paying no attention to me whatsoever. I wound up falling off the couch and landing on my face, and my bottom teeth (which had just grown in) literally went through my bottom lip. I had to get stitches across my lip and it took months for my gums to heal. Although I can't remember it, I guess it was pretty painful... Then again I should be glad I [i]don't[/i] remember it. Lol.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]Very nice Gold_Angewoman. (im sure your name is brittney or somthing but 'im not on a basis with you..yet)[/B][/QUOTE] :) Thanks for the boost of confidence, today was..well..um......definitely not one of the best days of mylife. ~.~; Oh, and yea, very close. My name's Brittany, but you can call me Britty. *Shakes your hand.* Nice to meet you. ^^ PS: *pulls out a pen and gets to work at finishing another poem* Where is creativity when you need it?
  9. [b][u]My Dull Crayon Girl[/b][/u] [color=crimson]My Tears, Crimson Shades of Red.[/color] [color=blue]My Heart, a Frozen Blue.[/color] [color=seagreen]The Dress I Wear, Sickening Green.[/color] [color=sandybrown]My Hair, Ruined Gold.[/color] [color=teal]The Colors Scribbled On My Dull Crayon Girl:[/color] [color=silver]These Are The Colors Of My Soul.[/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~GohanRulz~ [/i] [B]Well, brit explained about the cops *hugs her and thanks her for that* and yes, my dad tends to flip about stuff like that. He doesnt get violent, he just gets mad. Zach..*tells brit its alright*..had his mom talk him into calling the cops...I'ts a long story and very complicated but thats it in a nutshell. *hugs brit for saying that stuff about her* stop it or you'll make me cry...*sniff* [/B][/QUOTE] *smiles and hands her a lolly* Its okay, Cass. And Zach'll be fine. He's got a roof over his head, he's got a bed to sleep in, and he does still love you. Don't ask me for proof on that one, I don't know him well enough and only you two can supply that to yourselves. Just trust me on it. And do me a favor. Cheer up a little. :p
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]But ask Britty I think I can guess a card atleast 75 percent of the time. Its freaky, I just know. [/B][/QUOTE] *is walking down the street, when suddenly stopped by a random person asking if Bryan can really guess cards* Why, yes, he can. O.o Once we were really bored, so I pulled out a deck of cards and had him guess the number, and color or suit. He got almost all of them dead on. Oh, yeah, and you should probably note that I live in Ontario, Canada, while he's in Kansas. o_o;
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rancid [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Why did he show up at your door with the cops?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Because he's of legal age to be leaving home, but his father may have flipped out and an argument or worse could have began. The smartest thing to do would to let the authorities know he wasn't going to be there anymore and to have them watch them just to make sure nothing bad happens... Well that's my interpretation, at least. I dont know all that well, since I've only met him once. But from what I've heard, safety is always a biggie with him.. And ~GR~, you already know what I thought of it.. I don't really feel I have to tell it all over again just for the sake of people reading how I feel on a personal matter like this.. So, I'll just let you know something I can never say enough because you're such a great friend. I'm [b]ALWAYS[/b] here for you. If you ever need anything send me an e-mail or gimme a ring. What else are friends for? :)
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Empathy [/i] [B]Whhere'd you get the idea for this one?[/B][/QUOTE] *Smirks* Would you believe, my boyfriend? XD
  14. *smiles and gives it a thumbs up* It's great Cass. Quite true as well.. Heh.. *gives her a hug* And cheer up, girl. I promise to do the same. ^^
  15. Um.. Well.. I live in a haunted house. Weird stuff happens, yet it seems to happen only to me. ~.~ Doors open and close by themselves, I see weird things, I hear voices and floorboards creaking, as well as scratching on the walls. I feel things touching me. I dunno if that counts as a 6th sense or not, though. *shrugs*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B]Moo is a sexual calling to other cows? o_O Maybe not.... [/B][/QUOTE] I honestly don't know... Ken: LETS ASK TRAVIS \./ Britty:...; Er. Moving along. Ken: XD Here's another one.. [b][u]Your Faded Words[/u][/b] It feels like you're fading away; Lost in a misty fog... I search for endless nights. Oh, how I hope I'll find you. We used to be inseperable, Lovers under the sun. Angels borne unto this world Even though we'd lost our wings. All you ever tell me, is how things should be. Yet all you ever do are the acts that hurt me most. Ever since yon days before; Ever since the end. The past begins to haunt us, And friendship starts to fade. I don't feel close to you anymore All you say to me is automatic. Like its programmed to your brain, And subconscious is the writer. I start to change, Yet for the better. You told me it was good, It was what you wanted for me. But change is coming with a price A hefty one, I fear. Thine heart is slowly drifting from mine And as I reach out to grasp it again, To hold you to my chest, It drifts into the fog.. And I lose sight Of you. It feels like you're fading away; Lost in a misty fog... I've searched for endless nights, But I'll never find you.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]*Claps using the EGMV* I loved it! *Prints off a copy for his wall* [/B][/QUOTE] *Falls over anime style at the EGMV* Oi vey. *coughs and stands back up, dusting herself off, then looks up and sees him printing out a copy for his wall* o.o....wow. And the following is a completely random piece of sh*t thrown together in a period of about 2 minutes. Being hyper sure affects you strangely, no? [b][u]Cows[/u][/b] Cows, Why are they what they are? They aren't fuzzy, but in sense they are. They don't moo, but they moo. What [i]is[/i] a moo exactly? Why are cows cows? Couldn't they be chickens? Or pigs? Of fluffy pink rabbits? Ah, so you scoff. Oh well. I still like cows. ^^
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Break [/i] [B][size=1][color=green]Well, I used to be called ShadowGohan (SG), but was able to have that changed to Break. It's a long story, James was telling me about Shift (I think that's Herman) so I started going "Caps Lock, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Alt Gr, Print Screen, SysRq, Scroll Lock, Pause, [b]Break[/b], Insert, Home, Page Up, End, Page Down, Num Lock". I was just looking at all the keys on the keyboard, and I just thought "Hmm, Break sounds pretteh coolbeans." So I had it changed.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Russ? :eek: RUSS!... RUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSIEEEZ! *hugs Russ then gives him a lollipop* So THATS who you are now. :bluesweat
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]I believe I am officially an admirer of your work. ;) Hope that doesn't creep you out. [/B][/QUOTE] :blush: Wow. ^^; My work actually has an admirer.. :D Yay! *feels special now and smiles, then gives you a lollipop* Thanks. ^^ And now for a special treat. A (heavily edited) poem from my... Private collection. ;) In other words, my deeper works which none of you should ever see, but you'll see nonetheless. ^^;; Hehe; Enjoy it if you can.; [u][b]Why?[/u][/b] How the H*ll could you do this to me? I don't know why, but I know I'm afraid... I'm afraid of you, Of what you'll do. Afraid and filled with hate. One day I'm fine, The next I'm lost. Confused and crying... My Life the cost. The cost it takes to please you. The cost it takes to love you. As if I could ever love you, Love you again after what you've done. Sometimes I love the feel of the fear and the pain. Sometimes I hate it, the driving rains. F*ck these memories... They surface too easily. They drag me down when they pull themselves up, They're starting to drive me insane... Sometimes they're joyous, Although most are depressing... What's the fun in that? I won't comment. The memories today, were happy and joyous. Yet all they did was depress me. I don't understand... Why? ...I don't know, I can't see... I still don't know why you did this to me... You know I can't hate you, yet I feel so much hate. So who's it for this time? Yet again, I don't know. Not like I ever know anything.. I can never be what you wanted. The fact still remains and still I am haunted. You [i]try[/i] to be nicer I [i]try[/i] to be better But after a while I'm back in the gutter. Why does this happen? Why am I me? Why can't I see.. Why do you hate me?
  20. Mmm.. Thanks guys. I've been needing that little ego boost for a while now.. *smiles* Just, thanks. And just for the heck of it, a little..um... Well, its 17 syllables like a haiku but not really formed like one. It's just a really, really short poem that puts togethere how I've felt in the last two days.. Enjoy.~ I stand alone, On dark grey waters; Calling to the sea For answers. And I think that one's going in my sig. *runs off to put it in*
  21. In the environment I lived in, having to live with my family, I was forced to grow up quickly. At age 8 I started taking care of my brother and both of my parents to keep them from doing something completely stupid when they'd argue. At 9 I became physically depressed and learned to wear masks. At 10 I had to save my mother from a near-death experience she had during a bad spasm of hyper-ventilating during a drunken fight with my [i]father[/i]... And things just got worse as I got older. But yeah, there's nothing wrong with it. I can't even count how many times I look back, if but for a moment, and realize how much I wish my aura of childhood innocence wasn't stolen from me so early... I'm still a kid at heart, but this just feels...different...
  22. I don't think I can even count how many times I've answered this question before, but here goes... Angewomon is my favourite Digimon, but just "Angewomon" was too plain. Hence, I added "Gold" in front of it, and voila! G_A is born.
  23. Biida


    Your eyes are lovely Your lips so soft and perfect Your voice my calling Love comes like a breeze A soft whisper to your soul Tender kisses sweet I watch the blood flow From my wrists, arms, and my soul I savor the pain And that's all I can think of before my brain begins to rot from lack of sleep. *looks at the clock which says 3:07am*
  24. It rained today. The rain came down in sheets, and it came down hard. It stung like hail, like needles, like bullets. Listen, listen to the storm... Do you hear it? It's brewing and bubbling, screeching and blaring in its lair... its coming... It came. It rained today. __________________________________ That was, well.. It was.. *silence for a few minutes* I don't know WHAT it was. I just write weird things when I'm depressed.. ~.~; __________________________________ [u][b]Tear Away[/b][/u] It's not like I ever mattered anyway. I give and give And you take away. I thought we were friends, And had secrets to share. But you play with my head And then you tear... Everyone else always knows before me. So much for the friends I thought we'd be. I thought we were friends, And had secrets to share. But you play with my head, And then you tear. I found out from him - Whom you barely know. How true of [i]friends[/i] we are Is now starting to show. I thought we were friends, And had secrets to share. But you play with my head, And then you tear And Now You Tear Away From Me. _____________________________ No real comment on that one so far. [And it's not about anyone so don't even ask. o.o;] C&C please.
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