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Everything posted by Biida

  1. I love the rain. [size=1]I always wanted to die in the rain... *glances silently at her wrists*.... [/size]
  2. Snow.. *sighs and looks out the window hopefully* Up here in Ontario right now it's cold and windy. ~.~ I really do wish it would start snowing soon. Winter's my favourite season! ^^ Skating, hockey, snowball fights, snow-forts..soft, warm sweaters, hockey, curling up by a fire, drinking cocoa. Hockey! Snowboarding and skiing. HOCKEY!! ^^ And best of all: snow days! I love it! :D [And hockey!] But the best time for it to be snowing is on Christmas morning. You wake up then rush to the window, and when you open the shutters your breath is literally taken away by the beauty. The crystals fall and the fresh layer of smooth powder glistens in the morning light, brightening everything. People are just waking up and the morning silence has yet to be broken by a car motor or a dog barking. Houses are decorated, lights are on and wreaths are hanging from the doors, making the street look almost like a mismatched closet, yet, you grow to love it. A White Christmas is my favourite kind, and... *smiles* Gorgeous is the only way to describe it. :)
  3. *stares in amazement* .........*opens mouth and tries to say something*...*nothing comes out*... *tries again*.... ... wow.. 1000000/10!!!!!!!!! ^^ I have absolutely no criticizm whatsoever! More! Give me more. O.o
  4. Roadtrip! I'd get a ride and pick up all my close friends in a huge van, then we'd go cross country throughout, well, anywhere we d*mn well pleased. I'd spend all my cash, do all I wanted... and spend as much time with the love of my life as I could. But after the roadtrip, or before it, or hell, maybe even skip the roadtrip. I'd spend forever with my family, let them know how much they mean to me... etc. But one thing I would be determined to do, is to get along with my dad. To let him know he's been the greatest father I could ever ask for, and that I love him, even though I hate him... ...Just thinking about dying and leaving this all behind.........I'd better stop thinking hypothetically or I'll get upset. ~.~
  5. I don't have any exact role model to be truthful. All I have is people I respect.. but none I look up to. O.o I mean, not trying to sound cocky or anything, but no one is really [i]better[/i] than another in my opinion. We all have our faults, we all have our plusses. And in the end it's all balanced out between us. ^^ But anyway, it's time for my list of respects. Anti: Even though you'll never see this because you don't go to OB anymore, you're like the greatest friend I could ever have. O.o I owe you... lots. :) DeathKnight: ....*sniffle* FLUFFFYYY!!! *hugs* You're meh bestest friend. Get over it. XD Empathy: *hugs Jessi* I owe you my life, girl. Never, ever, ever forget that! You've been a great friend, you've listened, you've promised, you've pulled me out of suicide.. God, just thank you so much for being here.. *Smiles* Cassey (I think she's ~GohansGurl~, not sure though.): That night you cried with me through my pain.. thanks.. And you deserve to be on this list. You're an amazingly strong person. I can't believe how much the light in you can shine through to everything and everyone no matter what. And how positive you can be is truthfully a huge help to us all. MysticalShawty/BraceletWhore/whatever SN she's using now (Also known as Ash.): You're strong.. that's the only way to put it. How much you can go through, but how much you still love your life and the people around you. You're a great friend. Stormwing: I have my own reasons for respecting her, and feeling close to her.. and Siren, don't you EVER say you can't write. - -; DGOD: Bry, you rock. *thumbs up* Harlequin and Ravenstorture: I don't think either of you even knows I exist, but Liam speaks quite highly of you both, and after reading and staring at your work, I can understand why. Kool_aid13: Who here honestly DOESN'T respect her?! O.o Dude, she's awesome. Liamc2: Simply because you're my big brother. ^_^! SuperSaiyan: Neil, I can't say anything nice about you because if I do, you'll beat me up..again. >
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GundamGohan [/i] [B]That... and I believe I have the largest Porographic collection in the Western Hemisphere... lol [/B][/QUOTE] That's what you think. :bluesweat Um... as for the masturbation thing with girls. Remember, if you think you guys are horny lil rabbits, we're you times 10. :D; Eh. Anyway, on with the secrets. 1) I'm depressed, or at least used to be. But with a great deal of help from my close friends, I've been getting better.. Thanks, guys. 2) Yes, I [i]have[/i] attempted suicide. :twitch: 3) There is no three. For the rest of my secrets, will remain that. [size=4]Secrets.[/size]
  7. Mmm.. Let's see here. I know English, of course. I understand a tiny, itty-bitty, little bit of Spanish, but can't speak it worth crap. And in school I've been studying (Canadian) French for... *thinks* What? About 6 years now, I believe. Oh, yes. And I also speak gibberish and pig latin! :D
  8. *feels her emotions shaken as she reads it, her own experiences flooding back unwarningly into her mind as she tries not to think about them*... ....Damnit, Bryan. Warn me more thoroughly before you post something like that. O.o;;; But anyway. Good story. Touching... I like. *thumbs up*
  9. [b][u]Lying [i]Alone[/i] In My Mind..[/b][/u] As I lie in my void.. As I lie in my mind.. I search for myself, And what do I find? A creature that hides in the back of my soul. Fangs gleam as they threaten to devour me whole. Whilest I stare intently Into the eyes of my fate.. What [i]more[/i] do I find? That the thing is my Hate. The Demons made one. My hate placed inside.. The depression and guilt.. Trying to hide.. (In the body of an Angel.) They've ripped me apart. They've toyed with my mind, And clawed at my heart. And what else will I find?.. That they are all one, And One is all they. Then they begin to take shape And mold me like clay. (They are the emotions that make who I am..) Oh, how I hate that foul beast, How that foul beast hates me. We both hate each other As it's simple to see. It snarls as it rakes at the edge of my brain And as the creature take over I soon feel the pain. As I panic and scream And look for a way out, I remember the truth, That I'm just in myself. As I open my eyes.. [i]What else could I find?[/i] Nothing but the fact I'm still trapped in my mind.
  10. Can men truly have friends they can open up to? Sure they can, why couldn't they? I'm not a guy so I personally wouldn't know this, but from what I've seen in most of my (guy) friends, its usually with only their close friends they're so open with. O.o And maybe it's just me, but they seem to open up to girls alot more than the other guys... Eh. Who knows. I'll never truly understand men all that much anyway. ^_^;;;
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ×braceletWhore× [/i] [B]well im bored and decided to post a poem i wrote for my Class today, There are no pretty pictures. When it comes to war. Thin faces, captured souls. Engraved in time forever more. No fluffy white clouds, To caress the skys. Deep, depressing gray matter,hovering above. That took so many lives. There is no room for color, In this dark abyss. No room for compassion, And love is left in the foggy mist. Barbed wire coiled around, The evil metal gates. And the smoke that curled up, Which contained spirits, killed by hate. There are no dreams, in these rigid camps. They were crushed long ago. Replaced with tears. That constantly flow. Even today, the lesson isn?t learned. For they didn?t succeed. In wiping out a race. Because in the black and white photos. Is a timeless face. There are no pretty pictures. When it comes to war. Thin faces, captured souls. Engraved in time forever more [/B][/QUOTE] Ah, yes. You showed me that one today in class. :) I like it, but the first one is still my favourite. Y'know you have like binders literally stuffed with poems... send in a few more. ^^ They're great. [ PS: Bryan, the girl who wrote these... It's Ash. :whoops: ]
  12. Jesus Christ, Siren.. *stares, gaping, completely at a loss for words* Those are...amazing. O.O Hehe I wish I could write half as well as that. Do a few more and e-mail them to me in advance. :D [And Nefertimon, yes, that song was long. But it was well worth the time it took to read it. ^^ I love it. ]
  13. [color=crimson]What is sleep? o.o Yeah, honestly, I don't sleep often.. ^^;; I'm usually awake 4-7 days of the week. Heh. Just don't ask how, because even I don't know. O.o;; [/color]
  14. [color=crimson]Name: Brittybebbie Place Of Origin: Shibbidy-Dibbidy-Boo Age: 15 Weapon: An indestructable stick Trade: No exact trade, but is a bit of both a merchant and a traveller. Bio: Brittybebbie has spent her life travelling the world of Hubbentug, living out her life and dream to be a merchent traveller. Buying things in some areas, and marketing them off in others to earn her a living, working on various odd jobs when that won't suffice. In her travels, she lives merely on her brains, charm and wit, even though that's not much. That and her Almighty Poking Stick Of Power, which she aquired while in the land of the Boogala-Woogala-Stick-Lee-Moogles. Her various aquaintances find it a miracle she hasn't been eaten by an insect or anything with a higher mental capacity yet, and she seems to survive solely on her luck. Oh yes, and have I mentioned she's blonde at heart? No, but you've probably guessed. [/color]
  15. [color=crimson]Yes, its true. I'm finally posting some more poetry... I've got piles and piles of the stuff stacked up and placed somewhere (just not sure where o.o; ) but I'm just posting a couple of the more recent ones.... I wrote [u]Shoved[/u] because.... uh... well actually, I don't know why I wrote it. I just had some random inspiration and started to type. [u]The Concert[/u] I wrote on Sunday night, as soon as I got home from the Nickelback concert... ^^ Mehe And [u]Her Story[/u] is just another one of my random, depressing bits of work... Enjoy, and critques are welcomed. ^^ ____________________________ ~Shoved~ You push me through, Though I hold back. You shove too hard. I start to crack. Life was great when I didn't exist. Daily, Life poured from a knife and a wrist. I wanted no more, I wanted to die. Now all I can do is tremble and cry. I feel like I'm traped in some kind of cult... My "escape" from Death the Painful Result. I'm far too scared of it, I refuse to look, Because my Life needs an end... It's no more than a book. You want me to change. You want me to Be. How little you know. How little you see. My book needs an end, And so do I. Get over it. I just wanna fly. But my views are still open. I guess I'm still here.. My life's a bit better... Yet, Life I still fear. God... I give up. It's done. You win. I'll get you eventually. Now, let training begin... Try to teach me to live. To be happy and glad. But I warn you I still will Miss the depression I had. So... I suppose that's that. Things went... Well. So no one won. And I'll see you in Hell. _________________________ ~The Concert~ The people come. The cheers, they start. The spirit's here. The faith and heart. Now tension appears - The excitement rises. The flying emotions, They're no surprises. The sun starts to set... Yet it's still damned hot. "MUSIC! MUSIC!" It's all we've got. 3 minutes pass... Now hurry up! Now it's good to go... And we've waited all day! The bright lights flash. And the music, the bass, It starts to play! The Music, the cheers, the relief. _________________________ ~Her Story~ Joyful, happy and smiling, She looks at you with a grin on her face.. Sunshine carresing her cheeks.. Happy and bubbly. She seems like the most content person on earth. But you can't see the real girl, The real woman, The real person inside. She wishes you could know, And she wishes you would care. Look into her eyes and read her Story. It's a story of pain and hate, Regret and sorrow, Reality and love.. Love lost. Hope lost. It's her story. Why won't you listen to her? Instead, you judge by the cover... You don't read the whole book. Why? All she wants, all she needs, is someone to listen... Won't anyone listen? Or am I to be lost in the darkness of My Story, My Life, Forever? _________________________ [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]And Honey, whoever to girl that said she wanted to be Anti was, I feel really sorry for her. She just doesn't really know how he is...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson] *sighs* Not to be mean or anything, but trust me, I SHOULD know how Anti is... ~.~ He's one of my best and closest friends, for god's sake... Oi... And... so I won't be going off topic... O.o being Cera really would be cool... I mean, I'd kill to be able to make comments like hers. [/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B] And Britty because she's funny, nice, and unpredictable (sometimes).[/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson] Unpredictable? o.o... OHHH! You mean like that time Fluffy and I plotted to kill the Pr-- *Gets her mouth covered by Ken's hand* Ken: SHUT UP! :flaming: Britty:....*blinks and closes her mouth* o.o Ken:...*disappears* .........Well anyways. O.o you want to be me? Oh no you don't. But.... her.... YES! I WANNA BE HERRRR!!!!!!! *points to kool_aid* ^^ [/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [b]Britty: Cuz I would know me. *laughs* no um,....just cuz her cool little dogs...and MAk DaddY! o.O *sweatdrops* and she's a good artist/poet and I'd like to have her abilities in certain areas! [/b][/QUOTE] [color=crimson] WHY DO YOU PEOPLE WANT TO BE ME?!?!? *shakes him by the shoulders* Aye carumba... ~.~ ______________________________ Anyways, someone else I wouldn't mind being.. O.o Anti. He may be a freak, true, but for god's sake, his [u][b]DAD[/b][/u] role-plays!!!! That is not fair!!! :bawl: Then again, I wouldn't mind being Neil either. O.o Then [u][b]I[/u][/b] could be the ignorant, immortal biznitchah that gets to blow people up for no reason at all!!! ^-^ [j/k about the ignorant part, Neil..... Or... am I? :shifty:] ...That is all. :freak: [/color]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Uhh... if I could be someone it would be Britty. She has access to alcohol. And good coffee. And a river to be bored at. O.o... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=crimson] O.o Woah, Fluffy wants to be me.... Scary. Yeah, if I could be any guy on the boards.... O.o I'd wanna be Fluffy! He's got a great sense of humor, he's a genius, and strangely enough.. he's cool. Plus he's the all-knowing god of Music, and he's my best friend, so it's all good. :toothy: Or maybe I'd be Liamc2. His dad is cool. o_o And as for a girl..... I'd wanna be Empathy! Probably because she's one of my best friends IRL. She's trusthworthy, kind, she has amazing writing abilities... All-in-all, I pick her. :whoops: [/color]
  19. Biida

    Ray of Hope

    [COLOR=crimson] "Get out of my way," Phyra growled at a small boy as she gently shoved him out of her way. He stumbled, then turned around and glared at her, his bottom lip pushed out in an awkward pout as he narrowed his little blue eyes and stared at her. He let out a small "hmph," and took off down the busy streets, the cold-hearted girl losing his figure in the crowd. "Stupid kid..." She shook her head, pulling a lock of raven-black hair out of her face as she started off down the city's crowded walks again, picking up her pace and yelling obscenities at those who dared to cross her path as she brushed them off. "I don't know why the h*ll I'm even doing this..." Phrya sighed and flicked another strand of hair from her face as she stopped and slinked silently into the shadows... and began to dig around her pockets for that map she was given earlier by that freak in the cloak. Ugh. She didn't want to pull up the memory of meeting him, but her mind started to wander.... It was about a week ago, when a man draped in a long, dark red cloak had come to her, calling her name... She was standing in the back of a dead-end alley with a few close 'friends' from the gang... When she told him quite plainly to go away, he just seemingly smirked behind his hood and handed her a map. Once more she said to leave, or die, and he simply stood there. Phyra had shrugged her shoulders and calmly told the guys around her to "kill him." Little did she know it wasn't the freak that would be killed.... Soran was lost in the fight, if you could call it that even. She didn't even know why she called off the fight. For god's sake, it was just a LIFE lost! Why should it matter? Hah... Death's entertaining anyways. Watching someone fall with that awkward thud... watching them bleed... It was always fun. She shook her head quickly and pulled out the map, regaining her train of thought. "This is stupid...." Roughly unrolling the parchment, not really caring if she ripped it, gave it a dog-ear, or just plain destroyed it, Phrya began to quickly look it over.... Mmm... The Sanctum, she believed it was called. Some place that freak wanted her to go to. [i]"What is the Sanctum? Hmm... Probably something like that temple those idiots wanted me to go to as a child. To worship or whatever...." [/i] Phyra grimaced slightly as she drew a pale hand along the map, looking for the place. She stopped her hand as she located it, then stared for a few moments, before thinking to herself again. [i]"Wonderful. It is a temple."[/i] She closed her eyes and scowled, then pulled her cloak to the side as she put the map back in her pocket and took off once more. [i]"Sigh... Let's go have some 'fun'."[/i] [/COLOR]
  20. Biida

    Ray of Hope

    [COLOR=crimson]Name: Phyra Daicsen (Fye-ra Day-sen) Age: 20 Birthmark: On the front left side of her neck, Phyra has a small, skull-shaped mark with two long, demon-like wings sprouting from the back of it, and red patches running from them, symbolizing, what else, but the element of Death. Description: See: [url]http://deathknightv4.netfirms.com/PD.jpg[/url] Bio: As a child, and now as a young adult, Phyra was always secretive - almost cold - about her past, hence, not much is known of her. Although, I can tell you what I do know of her, or at least, what she's told me... Phyra's mother and father never got along, they constantly fought, attacked each other.... both verbally and physically. She would often sit alone and listen to her mother scream, while her father would yell back in a sickening tone... And after a long time of putting up with this, she got sick of it and started to let herself feel no more.. she became numb, hollow, and started to take pleasure in pain... learning quite well how to hide her emotions and use that to play with others' emotions and minds... Sometimes even her own mind... sometimes even her own wrists... *Sighs* Those scars prove it. When she turned 17, she stole away from her home two days after her birthday, and moved to one of the larger cities in the area (apparently the same one Isthanae resides in) and started to spend all her free time honing her skills at fighting, learning most of it off the streets... and I suspect she's been in a few gangs, but god knows.... She can now handle almost every weapon she could ever get her hands on, and although she isn't anywhere near perfect with them, in my opinion, she really seems to think she is. When she talks about herself, she tends to leave out anything "honorly" about herself, and tends to focus on boosting her own ego.... tsk.... such a pity, is it not? Ah well.... Well, back on subject.... As for that mark she has on her neck, she never told me how she got it, and I presume its a birthmark... such a strange one, though... Almost makes me think of her past... maybe its there for a reason.... maybe its why she loves to be in pain, and to face death constantly..? If we could only know... [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=crimson] Mmmm... Good poem, I like it. Although it may be short, in total it sums up quite well the fear and nervousness you felt of facing death, and also of your almost regret and pain for not going.... 8.6/10 And as for facing death... Yes, I'm scared, but when you die, you just die. We all face it, sometimes sooner than later, or even sooner than we should. Maybe part of me [i]is[/i] anxious to die... Who knows.... [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=red] Mehe. ^^ This is awesome, Gavers! Keep writing and post the next chapter as soon as you get it done. *grins* I WANNA READ MORE!!!!!! :D [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=red]Father's Day? o.o Get my dad a present? Um.... Why? O_o; Nah, I got him a card, gave him a hug, then came to the escape from reality known as a "computer". ;) [/COLOR]
  24. I don't tend to get myself injured very often, but when I do... Eee... O_o;;; It's insane, I tell you.... INSANE!!! Especially the ways I manage to get injuries like those. o.o; 1) I once busted my arm when someone shoved me down a hill... busted it at the elbow and I could see the bone poking at my flesh.... My arms were also pretty cut up when I managed to land in a thorn bush at the bottom. :rolleyes: 2) Ever had a knife through your hand? I have. I was cutting something up, and my little brother hit my shoulder.... I didn't know he was there and it scared the shiz out of me, therefore I wound up slipping and I just happened to accidentally shove the knife through my hand.... O_o; I could see the end of the knife through my hand, and there was blood everywhere. My lil bro started freaking out, but me.... I just laughed. :blush: :freak: 3) I fell off a swing and majorly messed up my back... I won't go into detail and I'll let you think of it for yourselves. Surely, you must have a brain. 4) Falling into a river... o.o and messing up my leg. 5) Let me tell you something.... walking over a broken bottle in bare feet is not fun. 6) I can't even remember how many times I've had my hand slammed in a door :babble: 7) Falling off a roof is not a very pretty thing to do either 8) I've cracked at least one of my ribs many times... too many ordeals to describe... Eee... the pain... :blackeye:
  25. Dayum.... That's amazing, Jessi. ^_^ I told you that you can write well! :D And as for the parents and poetry thing.... Eeee.... My dad saw a few of the ones I keep in my notebooks (one's I haven't posted *cough*) and he started freaking out.... He took the notebooks, studied the poems, then got rid of them and started yelling at me... *mutters something under her breath* Then, something happened that made me start laughing my arse off... "Are you sure you don't need counselling?" :devil: I'll let you people decide that for yourselves ;) :cross:
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