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Everything posted by Biida

  1. Calvin and Hobbes has got to be the greatest comic strip of all time! I mean, even though I've read them over and over again, they always manage to bring a smile to my face or make me laugh... even when I'm depressed. So its all good. :D PS: Hobbes Ownz J00r Soulz... :cross:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Uh my father by a long shot! [/B][/QUOTE] *sighs* I know exactly what you mean... and I agree... -_- I hate my [i]father[/i] with a passion... :shifty:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DarkOrderKnight [/i] [B]Ummm. This is going to sound a little odd... Could I maybe use your poem "Crimson Voices" for a book I'm writing? I swear I will give you credit. It just sounds so appropriate. My book is kinda about Satan trying to take over the earth. There's a lot of stuff in there and at the end I was thinking about Satans host, maybe i'll post the book on the board after I get it copywrited..., commiting suicide at the end and maybe that poem could tie in somewhere. Please?:angel: [/B][/QUOTE] Sure, that's fine with me. :) Just say it was written by Britty , and I guess if you need to include anything else, my e-mail's [email]gold_angewomon@hotmail.com[/email]
  4. Sounds good.... I'm in. ______________________________ Name: Nerine Taikai Race: Elf Warrior Type: Sorcerer Shards: 1 Magic Type: Water/Ice HP: 50 ATK: 20 LVL: 1
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B] See Britty I told you everyone on otaku is better than me at poetry! And this proves it!! [/B][/QUOTE] *says nothing*....*thwaps him over the head with a stick for the fun of it, continuing to say nothing* *continues thwapping him* :shifty: Yes, Sere...more... you must post more.. ^_^ pwease?
  6. Heh... thanks, Sere. ^^ writing come naturally to me, I guess... and your work is really good, so you shouldn't be envious or anything. :) Anyways.. here is yet another one. ^^; ____________________ [b][u]How Do You Heal A Broken Heart?[/b][/u] How do you heal a broken heart? It's causing me so much pain... It hurts deep down, It won't go away... I feel cold and alone.. Scared, shattered and pained. I feel like sh*t... I want to curl up and die. Oh, how do you heal a broken heart? You told me you loved me, Played with my emotions. Lied to my heart, My soul. "I love you". Then you let yourself go. Broke away from me; Shattered what I've delicately worked for. Ripped me to pieces-- Broke my heart. How do you heal a broken heart? I want to run... I want to hide... Get away from you. I want to forget; I want to lose it all... ...I want you back... How do you heal a broken heart? How can I heal my broken heart? It's so hard to forget; So hard to let you go; So hard to move on. How can I do it? Heal a broken heart... Heal my broken heart...
  7. :D That was great. I really liked the flow to it, and the vividness and choice of words to it was perfect. Got any more? I'd love to read 'em. :) And you said you seem like a "kindergartener" compared to what I do... pft. :rolleyes:
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hybrid [/i] [B][size=1] Heh, Britty, you know my answer, its good, just that I don't like the meaning, so I hate it :p Jk its really good [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Thank ya. :) :D ____________________ [b][u]Untitled[/b][/u] Depression... Hate... Fear... Demonity... Let it control you... Let the pain come... Feel the Blood flow down your arm, Feel the cold sweat on the back of your neck... The fear builds up... 'Till it's near a breaking point... You urge to scream, But hold it back... Now you see who I am... Who I have become... Who I am not... And it will happen to you too, If you let it.... So let the Fear control you, Then come to me and save me. ____________________ [b][u]Yet another Untitled one[/u][/b] Quickly, I'm falling... Slowly, I'm dying... Hearing their "comforts" and knowing they're lying. Hearing their comforts And creating my own. Into the lion's den I am thrown. Creating my masks... my life... my lies... I'm out of view of unsuspecting, untrained eyes... Showing truth to only those who deserve to see... Showing to so few, The inner real Me.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]I liked that one. Do you have any more? :) [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks. :D And yes, I actually have quite a few more.. although, I don't have 'em with me, so I'll post them next time I go to my dad's. :)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]But why in the first one did you put, "Or do I...?" It really recks the feel. No offence. And that's just my opinion. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, no offense taken, and I'm glad you gave me your true opinion. :) The reason I put "Or do I...?" is because, well, it's how the character is feeling... Angry and depressed deeply, filled with pain, but also partly filled with love. They're more than ready to die, but there's still a little part of them deep down that refuses to fade.... therefore, there's a bit of an inner conflict, which I showed in a few places in that poem, but especially in that last line. If anyone has any comments/compliments on my work, I'd really like to hear them, even if it's critism. :) ____________________________ [Edit] Here's another one I just wrote out of complete boredom... curse these Canadian holidays with a lazy overcast and no one to talk to... -.- *almost misses school* Welcome to Heaven, And welcome to Hell... Welcome to this Reality we know so well. Welcome to this Fantasy... Welcome to your mind... Welcome to all you will ever find. To endless pain, anger, hate and strife. The curse of eternal death - Welcome to life. [/Edit]
  11. :eek: wow... *hopes the rest will be posted soon* ^_^ That was amazing! I mean, I'd kill to be able to write like that! o.o and I'm not kidding either... :) *wanders off, thinking someone should start a Ravenstorture fan-club or something*
  12. My "poetry"... erm, just tell me what you think. O.o; and I'm sorry that they're kinda dark... ____________________ [b][u]Untitled[/b][/u] I'm scared and cold. Weathered and tired. Worrying, fretting, Hoping, regretting. Living and dying, Screaming, growing old; Staying young. Trapped in life, Set free in death. Help me... I'm praying for mercy, I'm screaming in pain. And it seems That the help I cry for, I will never gain. I want to live in the lies. Hide from shadows in the light. But I need to draw near to the darkness... Stand up and fight... I'm scared and cold. Weathered and tired. Worrying, fretting, Hoping, regretting. Living and dying. Screaming and crying. I want to die... Or do I...? ____________________ [b][u]I'm S.o.r.r.y.[/b][/u] I'm sorry for being here, And I'm sorry for being me... I'm sorry for living in death... And for not being who you want me to be... I wish I was perfect. That I could make everything all right... I'm sorry for not being who I should be... I'm sorry for crying all night. Why the f*ck am I weak? Why can't I help....? Don't you trust me? Or don't I trust myself...? ...I'm sorry.... ____________________ [b][u]Crimson Voices[/b][/u] Death is the truth, Life is a lie. Live by these words, Then wither and die. Face the truth, Feel its cold. We all have to know it; Both young and old. Sense the blade: You're filled with fear. Feel the hate And know I'm here. I am the voice inside your head. I won't leave you alone 'Till I know you're dead. 'Till you're dead. Yes, it's true... Doesn't matter to me, And neither do you. Get it through your skull: You're not worth sh*t! Just end it all! Get over it! Now grab the blade, And watch blood flow. Feel the pain? Now feel it grow... Let the darkness consume you; You have no soul. Got it? Good. Now dig a hole... A hole in your heart. Now fill it up, Hide your emotions in the over-filled cup. You can't take it anymore! Now, end it all.. Collapse, Die, Stagger and Fall. Now you're gone. I've watched you die. As I leave, I tell you the truth, "I lie." ____________________ [b][u]Hollow[/b][/u] Hollow... Alone... Tired and Cold. Trapped in Reality, Lost in a Fantasy. Is this a Dream, Or a Nightmare? I don't know... Let me run, Let me hide, Let me scream, Let me cry. Leave me, And let me be Me. I'm dying inside, Slowly rotting away. Let me die in peace. Please, Just forget I exist-- Go away... But, I also want you to stay... I need you to listen... Yet, I'm scared to speak... And I don't know what to say... God, help me; I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless, So lost and confused. No, I won't speak; Not yet. Not now... I'll just scream inside, Keep quiet, and, All my Emotions, I'll hide. I don't think you can help me, But if you want to... Please try... Just hold me and help me-- Protect me and love me-- Turn my Hell into a Dream.. Accept me for me. Don't let me feel hollow, Don't let me be afraid. Let me be human, And let me know hate. And don't let me sink Six feet under... ____________________ [b][u]A Warrior's Justice[/u][/b] A warrior died in battle today. Yet, an evil one before death, he slayed. A slash of justice, A bloody screech of pain. The evil, no more shall it gain. It screamed in horror, and hit the ground. As it writhed, It emitted it's last chilling sound. Silence, then, "It's dead" Our Hero stood tall As it began to rain. Now is the end of the Evil's reign. He coughed up blood, and weakly grinned, While his long, tangled hair rippled in the wind. He wiped his mouth slowly, Smearing the blood. And dropping his weapon Into damp, fresh mud. He soon collapsed, Overthrown in pain. Bearing a weak smile, Knowing what was slain. He ended his smile All too soon. His bloodied face accented By the bright, rising moon. He winced and looked at the mangled wound on his chest. Yes, The realm of the Living shall soon be left... Our Hero grinned, Both in victory and defeat. The gates of death, Soon shall he meet. He nodded to no one, And drew his last breath. Slowly sinking into the icy blackness of Death. So the Sword of Justice, For the last time was drawn... Our Hero is dead... Will Justice live on? ____________________ And there we have it, folks... ^_^; R&R please... :whoops:
  13. O.O Speed Racer? That brings back memories. o.o;;; I used to always watch that show when I was young. Around the time of '95-'97. It was my favourite show for a while, too... back when I didn't even know what anime was. Ke... ^^;
  14. [COLOR=crimson][b]hmmm... My favourite would probably be... Drumroll please. *drumroll* Thank you. That's much better... V3. ^_^ I won't bother to list my reasons why, though.[/COLOR][/b]
  15. [COLOR=crimson][b]Wow... :wow: I love it! ^_^ The color scheme is awesome! And I love this quick reply posting thingy at the bottom of the pages. Now it's alot easier than having to wait five minutes for the reply page to show up (damn my computer -_-). I also really like the new avatar size limits. :) All in all, V5 is great! :D[/b][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darkmoon [/i] [B]Am I the only one that lives in Canada? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson][B]No. O.o; :wave: There's a Canadian right here! I was born in and live in Southern Ontario. 3 hours from Niagara Falls, 4 hours from Toronto, and 10 minutes from the border. *Shoots the annoying smilie and coughs, putting the gun away* Woo... [/B][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Booyah! I got 80 on Britty's. I should get a prize. Yep yep. [/B][/QUOTE] No, you shouldn't. You didn't get 100. :p [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]I made a 100...where is my prize![/B][/QUOTE] >.< Bwah?! Not fair! You cheated! You retook the test [b]after[/b] you got the answers out of me!!! Evil bad man Travie! Bah. -_-'
  18. Hehe. Those were fun... But I'm scared at how well I did on Neil's test. :eek: Anyways... Here's mine. ^^ [URL=http://BrittyKitty1259.friendtest.com]http://BrittyKitty1259.friendtest.com[/URL] If anyone can get 100, I'll give you a prize...
  19. I love this place because of....um...because... O.o; *scratches her head* Geez. I dunno why. Ken (DeathKnight) : *appears out of nowhere* Da*n the gods... *tells her why she likes it here, then disappears* Britty (me) : Oh...yeah... that's right. ^^ Travis (Anti) : *Walks in and shakes his head* Blondes. :rolleyes: Liam (Liamc2) : *bounces in and looks at her*....*blinks*....Bwah... *bounces off* Amber (ssj chic) : *walks in and grins evilly* :demon: Bryan (DuoGod of Death) : MWUAHAH!! *runs in and thwacks her over the head with a metal bat, then runs out, cackling evilly* Siren (stormwing) : *leans against a wall and stares at them all like they're insane* *shakes her head* oi vey. Gavin (Dragon Warrior) : MOOOO!!!!!!!! :D :freak: Britty: *smiles* I like it here for way too many reasons to list.... but I like it most probably because I've met almost all of my best online friends here! :) Gavin: *smiles* GROUP HUG!!!! :bawl: *a cricket chirps in the background and they all stare blankly at him*..... Gavin:...right...*shuts up* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry... I'm very very hyper at the moment... -_- Someone remind me to never again have expresso coffee at 11pm...
  20. Buffy rules!!! I've seen almost every episode so far, and I love it! :D And, yeah, I think Spike and Buffy make a good couple. They both know they want eachother, and they look cute together... but... I'm only focusing on the good points. In the end, their "relationship" wouldn't probably even work out. And another thing, there is no way in h*ll Buffy would be able to stop Spike from being a "bad boy", so...um...yeah... I'll shut up now. *glances nervously at the angry mob of BuffyXSpike fans glaring at her* :eek:
  21. WE WON!!! WE WON!! WOO HOO!!!!!! :D Canada got the gold! ^^ Yesss!!! :) *smiles and parades around, carrying a Canadian flag* PS: USA did quite well, too! :D A silver medal is quite an achievement and they should be proud. :)
  22. Biida


    Britty: *sits down and sighs in relief as she listens to the not-so-peaceful screams of her brother, coming from the closet* :D God, I love being a pesky older sister. Bryan: *continues yelling at her* IF YOU DON'T LET ME OUT, I'LL DESTROY YOUR SECRET STASH OF COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.< Britty: :eek: *perks up* He wouldn't.... Bryan: HE WOULD!!!!!!! Britty: meep! *lets him out* Touch my coffee, and you DIE!!!!! :flaming: Bryan: :D uh.... buh-byes, now... *nervously walks away* *grins once he's out of her attack range*...ehehe :devil: *pushes a button and his sister is covered in water* :smirk: *runs for dear life* Britty: *Screams* YOU'RE GOING TO DIEEEEEE!!!!!!! *chases after her little bro, cussing like mad at him* :flaming: :mad: Bryan: :D ^^ :p Travis: *sweat drop* If anyone asks, they're not my friends... O.o; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Out Of Character) ehehe... Hey, Bry! Remember this? "Pg.99999999999999999 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" kekeke... ^^ *falls over laughing*
  23. Mike, Ryan, break it up! No fighting/arguing, please. -__- Now, back on subject... My username's meaning...um... It doesn't really have a meaning. O.o; It's just the name of my favourite Digimon, with the word "Gold" in front of it.
  24. *sigh* sunsets.... :) I love watching the sunset! It's so beautiful to watch that fiery orb set in the horizen, with a red, pastel-like back ground. Then you watch the moon come out once it's dark... :) It's absolutely gorgeous... really romantic, too. :love2:
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]But, yes, I actually DO have a heart...:p [/B][/QUOTE] *falls out of her chair* *sits up* :eek: I want that in writing, signed and dated!!!!! :eek:
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