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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson]*comes out with boxer shorts on his head* AYE! DE LEPHRACHUNS BE BLESSIN ME! [i]Pulls out bagpipes and dances around playing them....[/i] ---~!~--- Tis an honor to be nominated...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] *sweat drop* I'm not sure if nominating you was a good thing... or a really really really really scary and bad thing... O.o; *twitch* :worried: -_- *thwacks him on the head with the almighty poking stick of power* And be silent with the bagpipes, Fluffy.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Ok, i am tired of waiting for Britty and so i will post her stats for her (I did tell her the Chara info in the first place) Chara: Samus Aran Game: Metroid Weapon: Ice Beam Armor: Space siut Defence: Roll (turn into ball like in SSB) Level: 1 [/B][/QUOTE] Right. Thanks, Kizu. -__- I sorta forgot about this RPG.. :nervous: *gets thwacked by Gavin* >.< *thwacks back* NO THWACKING ME!!!!!
  3. Can I nominate someone? Yes? All right, then... I nominate.... *drumroll* [SIZE=6][B]KEN!!!![/B][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] [size=1][color=crimson]Not like you are going to fall in love with the shirt...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] -__- Ryan, this is NEIL we're talking about here. I wouldn't be surprised if he did fall for a shirt. :rolleyes: *looks at the shirts*...um.... Interesting... O.o;;;
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Now the only person who's pic I want to see is Britty's...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Liamc2 [/i] [B]hm.. well i wanna see: Sere Travis Britty You Kenna (lol) and so on [/B][/QUOTE] How many times do I have to tell you people?! >.< [SIZE=5][B]I'M CAMERA-SHY!!!!!!!![/B][/SIZE] Look, I'll post my pic whenever someone can convince me to get in front of a camera... but don't expect it to be real soon. -_-
  6. Way to go, Adam! :D 'Twas a good read, and quite funny too! :)
  7. It sounds great so far. I hope you'll post some more of it soon. :D Side Note: Even though this is a Digimon story, it still should be in the Story/Poetry section. Thanks. :)
  8. *hears the scream and falls out of her chair* AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: *catches her breath* O.O :eek: *closes the window with the freaky face in it*... Ryan... *gasp* I... *gasp*...am going to... *eeep*... KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
  9. I love the Olympics! I watch almost all the events, especially hockey! :D
  10. Biida


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]*walks up behind Britty* HEY TRAVIS YOU MIGHT ENJOY THIS!! *soaks britty* *hides behind Amber* Don't let her hurt me! [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: *gets soaked* *screams* BRYAN, WHEN YOU GO TO BED TONIGHT, DON'T EXPECT TO WAKE UP IN THE MORNING!!!!!!! DON'T EXPECT TO EVER WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flaming: Bryan: *continues cowering behind Amber* Amber:...uh.... O.o; Travis: Wet...t-shirt.... Ooooo... :wow: Britty: *scowls* *walks up to her room* *comes down in a dry pair of clothes*....*glares at her brother*
  11. Biida


    *walks in and looks at the avatar* This had better be worth it... *changes avatars to the "I Love CK007" one* *starts posting with the avatar on Saturday, February 16, 2002, with 711 posts*
  12. *Starts crying tears of joy as she looks at it* It's gorgeous... :bawl: Oh, god... Now I'm reminiscing. :) :bawl: This is definitely going in my bookmarks! :D
  13. Biida


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Sis...oh siiiissss....I got a present for you!!! *grins* *God its fun being a pesky younger bro* [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: *hides from her brother* God, save me! >.< *huh* *hears amber say she'll beat the crap out of Anti for Chika* *grins* *comes out of her hiding place and walks up to them, evading Bryan* *grins* Beating up on Anti?!?! :smirk: :demon: Can I help?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]We need more people. Britty... that means you *points to her* [/B][/QUOTE] *appears out of nowhere* Wtf? uhhh? *sees Gavin pointing at her* *blinks* uh...? O.o;;; *confused* Aight, aight. I'll join. I'll think of a good character to use and I'll edit later.
  15. um... I've already read that one, but I'll say it again... Interesting story, Gavers. very interesting. Nice ending on it too. Sorta an ironic twist. :)
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Very nice poems Britty. And you know they're good for me to compliment you..^^;;;;;;;; [/B][/QUOTE] *falls out of her chair* AAAAAHH!!!! *sits up and looks at the screen* HE complimented me?!??!?!? O.O *scared* uh... I mean... *cough* thanks.
  17. Those are awesome, Amber! :D I'd love to read more of them if you have any. :)
  18. Thanks for the compliments. :)
  19. I'd love to be a vampire! :D I don't know why, though.... O.o; I've just always thought vampires were awesome. :p
  20. ~A Warrior's Justice~ A warrior died in battle, today. Yet, an evil one, before death, he slayed. A slash of justice, A scream of pain. Nothing more, shall the evil gain. It's bloody, scarred body hit the ground. As it writhed, it emitted it's last chilling sound. A screech of horror, A blood-curdling yell. As it died, surrounded by the fires of Hell... "It's dead..." Our hero stood tall, winced, then grinned. His long brown hair, blowing in the wind. But there was a bloody, deep wound upon his chest. "The realm of the living. Shall soon be left..." He collapsed, and took his last breath... As he sunk into the icy blackness of death. And so, the Sword of Justice, For the last time, was drawn. Our hero may be dead... But his justice lives on... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~How Do You Heal a Broken Heart?~ How do you heal a broken heart? It's causing me so much pain... It hurts deep down, It won't go away... I feel cold and alone.. Scared, shattered and pained. I feel like sh*t... I want to curl up and die. Oh, how do you heal a broken heart? You told me you loved me, Played with my heart. Lied to my emotions. "I love you". Then you let yourself go. Broke away from me... Shattered what I've delicately worked for. Ripped me to pieces... Broke my heart. How do you heal a broken heart? I want to run, I want to hide. Get away from you. I want to forget. I want to lose it all... But I want you back... How do you heal a broken heart? How can I heal my broken heart? It's so hard to forget. So hard to let you go. So hard to move on. How can I do it? Heal my broken heart. It will take time, But I'm determined to heal. I can't stay this way forever. I must let you go. I have to forget. I need to move on... I'll heal my broken heart. So, how do you heal a broken heart? "I know it takes time... But you have to let the wounds close... You have to let go of the past love... Look for more on the horizen. Find the silver lining... And keep on living." Oh, that's how I'd heal my broken heart. How I healed my broken heart And kept on living... My heart is shattered no more. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yeah, yeah. I know it's crap. >.< *waits for shouts of "THOSE SUCK!!!!"* -__-
  21. Oh, lighten up, Bry! It doesn't suck! It's quite good.... Better than the shizzy poetry I do.. >.<
  22. Bishounen and Bishoujo are both pretty good... Bishounen and the cute guys and fight scenes. And Bishoujos' plots. :D
  23. I'm Ojibway (Native American), Canadian, English, Spaniard, Irish and Scottish. I guess you could say I'm a mutt. :D Anyways... I'm Ojibway, and proud of it. I get to go to pow-wows, learn my ancestors' language, etcetera. :) Oh, yeah... And I don't have to pay those awfully high Canadian taxes when I buy something!!!! BWUAHAHAHAH!!! :haha:
  24. All right! Now I've got a good background. :D Awesome work on both the background, and on version 4!
  25. That's awful to hear. :( It seems suicide is so frequent lately. And I'll make sure to keep him, his friends and his family in my prayers.
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