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Everything posted by Biida

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]"KEEP IT DOWN IN FRONT ROW!!!" "...Ken?" "errr...ALL PRAISE THE WALRUS!!..." "......anyway in new today...OtakuBoards...our host that is allowing us to bring you this news...was upgraded to version 4...many new staff were made..." "MWHAHA....I AM A MOD!!!...PC/X BOX IS NOW A COMMUNIST and I AM COMRADE GENERAL!!!...FOR MOTHER RUSSIA!!" "....unfortunatly one such new staff member was our very own anchor Kenneth Howell...." "ZE DARE INSULT THE COMRADE GENERAL!!!....FEEL THE WRATH OF MY MOD ROD!!!" "AHHHHH!!!......many of the new mods already have the change in their status going to their head...one who seems to be out paceing them all in enlarged egos is also our very own Kenneth Howell" "FOR ZE WALRUSES!!!" [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson]*falls over laughing her arse off* AHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!!!!!! :rotflmao: :laugh: :haha: *sits up* hehe I'm okay... I'm okay... *giggle* ^^ [/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B] Yes..Now let's see your pic Bryan! Ryan=Bryan (Rhymes!) [/B][/QUOTE] We already have seen Bryan's pic! :D Search back a few pages and you should find it. PS: Ryan, you're cute.
  3. Biida


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I chooose *in big ehoey voice* BRITTY! [/B][/QUOTE] *appears out of nowhere* BRYAN?!?!? MY BROTHER?!??!? O.O;;;; *twitches*... bwah.... Oh, dear God, no... >.< *cough*... Well... Better make the best of this... *walks up to Bryan* Hello, [i]brother[/i]... can I borrow 5 bucks? ^^ :D
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Eh? WB? Well, I'm always here......:D E. Bola? Isn't that deadly? *sees T fall over* O.o [/B][/QUOTE] Britty: Yeah... It is deadly... And Travis has a weird obsession with saying it lately... :rolleyes: *leans back in her chair in her office and listens to the sounds of loud music echoing through the walls*.....*sweat drop* Oh, god, why am I stuck in here with these guys? -.- *a voice is heard* ???: Iono why you're in here... You just are... Britty: *sits up* God? O.o;;;; Ken: *walks out of the shadows* Where? Britty: *Sweat drop* n/m... *shoves him out the door and locks it*.... Geez. -__- *sits back down in her chair and music continues to echo throughout the place*
  5. [COLOR=crimson] *falls over laughing* *gets up, still giggling* This is hilarious, you guys! :D And I'm honoured to be part of it! (NOTE: I'm Britty Southgate) *bows to her "adoring" fans* Ken: HAH! WHAT "FANS"?!?! Travis: *looks around* Fans? Where? Oh, are there any cute girls in her "adoring fans"? :D *Ken and Travis get smacked* [/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]DOWN WITH BRITTY! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=crimson] :devil: Gavin, you shall die for that comment! [/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stormwing [/i] [B]always the optimist [/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]heh heh. That's what I said to her on MSN IM yesturday :D[/B][/QUOTE] Umm... *sweat drop* :D
  7. Be patient, guys. They'll start it when they're ready. :)
  8. According to Emode.com, my IQ is 119. :bawl: I feel dumb compared to all of the geniuses here! Oh well. :shrug: I guess 119 is better than nothing.
  9. [edit]Okay... Let me try this again.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Thorn Age: 20 Race: half-vampire/half-human (she'd be classified under Human, not Hybrid, though... She wasn't recently turned vampire, she was born that way... Father was human, mother was a vampire.... Therefore resulting in her being half-vampire) Description: Long light blonde hair, pale blue eyes, black tanktop, a thin, chain breastplate, short, darkblue shorts, silver cross necklace Weapon: Long sword Bio: (I'll think of something quick and edit later) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [/edit] Okay, if I need to make any more changes, just tell me, please. :)
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]subaru. .subaru all the way!! mms. .wrx sti. .man i want one :D with the rally paintwork:D*thinks of himself in the paris-dakar rally going 280kph in his wrx* sweeeeeeeeeeeet. . [/B][/QUOTE] *sees Liam daydreaming* *smacks forehead* Not again! Now he's not gonna shut up about that car for the next two weeks! -.-' Whooo, boy... I need a vacation... :rolleyes: *cough* anywho... As for what cars I like... Basically, I just like anything roomy and fast. *shrugs*
  11. Happy Birthday, hot head! :D I hope you had lots of fun, and enjoyed today! :) *snaps her fingers, and a huge banner with the words "Happy Birthday" written across it, appears* *snaps her fingers again* *confetti sprays wildly about the room* *smiles* My work here is done... *disappears* [COLOR=skyblue] Happy Birthday! [/COLOR]
  12. Yes... I've slept nude before.... And I quote Morningdew... "What an odd question..." O.o... I don't know many people who would actually ask this to anyone... *shrugs*
  13. I'd like to come, actually, I'd love to come! :D Unfortunately, I don't have AIM... Hmmm... *considers downloading it*... *cough* Anywho.... Even if I don't make it... I hope the wedding goes great! :wave: :) :whoops: :angel:
  14. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Britty: Huh? What's this?...*clicks the link* Huh? O.O *sees a naked dancing llama*....*big anime sweat drop*...uhhh.... *shrugs* *falls over laughing* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :D hehe. NDL... Oi, that's funny... :rotflmao:
  15. Oh, cool! You're the dude Ashley told me about! Hi. I'm Britty. :) *cough* Uhh... Gettin' off subject here... sorry... -.-' Movin' right along, now... *cough* Here's my advice... I think that if one of you doesn't seem to still love the other, you should probably just let it go... move on. There are other fish in the sea, more pebbles on the beach, more crayons in the crayon box... uhh.. you get the idea. But if you really do love her, and you really really want to try again, you should get her into talking about the relationship, and see how things go. :)
  16. #1: Babygirl "Jedi Master" #2: Ginnylyn "Digimon Goddess, Watch out for her mod rod" #3: Lady Macaidoh "One of Adam's Angel's" #4: Shyguy "Sorry, you should have tried harder" #5: Transtic Nerve "Gackt!" #6: Queen Asuka "Otaku and all around nice person" #7: Sepiroth " Cool" #8: James "Smarter AND more powerful than you" #9: Noryoko Angelcry "The Ultimate Gamer" #10: Cera "The Cynic" #11: kuja "Kuji - Wuji" #12: Forte "..." #13: Newbie "My power level is higher than yours!" #14: Thimoc "Legendary Spammer" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Awesome quiz Shyguy! I hope you'll make another one! :D
  17. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]Fenor: Quite Boring really... *Stares at the fight* [i]Fenor raises his hand and Ryu freezes... His finger tips turn grey, and the rest of his body turns to stone...[/i] Fenor: And exactly what is the trouble with this person you guys are having? If it's a matter of nothing I can un change him....[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: :wow:....Uhhhhh..... *stares at the stone-Ryu* *growls lightly* Nabashi:...*gets up off the stone body* *coughs*... Fenor:....Hm? Nabashi: I mean.... Huh? *looks up and sees the other demons snarling at them* I mean, let's get 'em! Thorn: *shrugs* *nods* *loads her crossbow* *fires at the demons, killing 3 of them with a single arrow* *grins* *pats the crossbow* God, I love this thing... *fires another arrow* Nabashi: *pulls out a dagger and gets to work* Fenor: *stands back and watches them* Amber: *charges at the demons, and slashes at a few of them with her dagger*
  18. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by super goku [/i] [B] ryu: fine by me ryu goes to punch nabashi who quickly blocks it and upercuts ryu in the stomache. ryu then clubs him on the back of the neck and they both jump back [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *raises her crossbow, preparing to shoot at Ryu the second Nabashi gets a chance to pin him* *bares her fangs* *growls at Ryu* Hurt him... And you die.... Ryu: *while fighting* I'm already dead, bi***! Thorn: Well, then... I'll send you to hell... Ryu: I've been there, and it's quite nice. Thank you. Thorn: F***.... Then I'll send you to heaven...? Ryu: NOOOOO!!!!!!! *hisses* *continues to fight* Thorn: *quietly laughs* *hisses at him, and struggles to control her sudden bloodlust at the sight of the battle* *continues to hold the bow, ready to attack*
  19. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by super goku [/i] [B]another 5 demons come swarming into the room, before anyone can attack ryu comes up through the floor. ryu: stupid humans ash: thats the demon from the ally thorn shouts a bow at ryus head but ryu grabs the arrow before it makes contact with his head.he then throws the arrow down, ryu the puts his arms out to stop the other demons from attacking ryu: fools [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *growls* *shoves a strand of her long silver hair out of her face* *eyes flash red* I'm not a human... And I resent being called one... I'm a ******* vampire. Ash:....*hears her say she resents being called a human* *scowls* Thorn: Sorry, Amber... But my instinct is killing me here. *pulls out her crossbow* *unfolds it* *loads an arrow* *shoots it at a demon standing next to Ryu* *the arrow hits the demon in the head, and passes right through the middle of his skull and moves onto the demon behind him, so on and so forth* *the line of hit demons discintigrates into ashes* Thorn:...*growls* *bares her fangs* *snarls*
  20. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: *looks around the room quietly* *studies every portion of the room* They are hiding...in the walls... Thorn: What? Nabashi: *walks to a section of the wall* *stabs it* *A scream can be heard through the house* As I said before they are hiding in the walls...now if I am correct in about 2 seconds this place will be swarming with demons attacking us...so get ready...*shakes his head* [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *looks at Amber* Can I use the crossbow now? Amber: No. Thorn: Damn.... *holds up her dagger and waits for the enemy to attack*
  21. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]Amber: *looks at Thorn curiously* put down the crossbow..how many times do i have to tellllll you ignorant.....ugh..things....to think SMALL! SMALL SMALL SMAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!! oi......:rolleyes: what makes me put up with u....blah [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *glares at her* *eyes flash red* *growls*.... Nabashi: *looks at Thorn* No, Thorn! Don't! Just listen to her! Control your temper for once! Thorn: *sigh*...*reluctantly folds the crossbow up and puts it away* *ties the folded up weapon to her left leg* *reaches and pulls her dagger out of it's sheath attached to her right leg*...*looks at it in the moonlight*...Small...But effective... It'll do. *shows it to Amber* Is this good? Amber: *nods* Thorn: *smiles*
  22. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    Thorn: *remains quiet and stares solemnly at the ground while the others talk*... Hm? *slowly looks up*.... Amber: *looks at her* "Hm"? Thorn:...I don't... Nabashi: What? Thorn: Them.... Nabashi: Who? *lowers his brows and stares at her, an expression of confusion on his face* Thorn: *sniffs the air* The demons. I... I can't smell their death, sense their evil, umm... You know what I mean. Dante: You don't think they're still there? Thorn: Sort of... They're there, *points to the house* but the reek of death has quieted down... Nabashi: In other words? Thorn:...The portal to Hell has been closed. And the demons in the house are trapped... Nabashi: *softly cusses* Ash:....*stares at the two vampires*..... The portal may be closed, but we can still kick the remaining ones' a**es... Amber: *nods* *looks at Nabashi*...He does...Have a point. Nabashi: *slowly looks up*....*nods* Fine then. Let's go. Thorn: *grins* *her green eyes flash red in bloodlust* Great. *unfolds her crossbow* *They cautiously walk into the house*
  23. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ss2Serren [/i] [B]Dante: Well just over here *jumps on top a the roof* It's just down there. *He then starts to jump from rooftop to rooftop. Does a front flip then lands on the ground.* Ok the house is just right over there around the corner. [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: Hmm... *folds up her crossbow and puts it away*... *walks a little ahead of Nabashi and Amber* *stops where Dante landed* *crouches down* *sniffs the air* *nose wrinkles*...Smells like death... and.... Demons... Amber: *scowls* Thorn: Uhhh.... *shuts up*.... *walks towards the house*....*stops* *turns around, leans against a tree, and waits for the others*...
  24. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    Thorn: Uhhh... *reluctantly follows Nabashi, after looking back at Amber and smiling a quick thanks into the shadows* Nabashi: *stops and speaks after a few minutes of silence*...Do you remember? Thorn: *stops* *growls lightly*...No...I don't.....I don't remember a thing.... Nabashi:...*stares into the night sky* *softly cusses* Thorn: *looks at the ground*..I'm sorry... *looks at him* *shakes her head slightly* *walks on, her crossbow at her side*...
  25. Biida

    Slayfest (play)

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]Nabashi: *laughs in the shadows* Its a trick us vampires learn...make em think we are running...catch em off gaurd....and off goes their head...its quiet fun...*comes out of the shadows grinning* Oh and you are welcome..OH and Thorn you can come out...I taught you everything you know about tracking someone....I know you....*grins* [/B][/QUOTE] Thorn: *steps foward* Damn you... *grins* Nabashi: *laughs* Thorn: Should we head back now? Nabashi: No, not yet... I'd like to look around... Thorn: *shrugs* Fine... And I'll tag along... It'll give me a good chance to ask you what's been happening... I'm really confused, and can't remember much... Nabashi: Fair enough... You have your weapons? Thorn: Mhm. *holds up her crossbow, and points to the dagger strapped to her leg* Nabashi: Good... Let's go, then... *Nabashi walked off, with Thorn close behind*
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