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Everything posted by Xai
I live in southern Virginia in the Piedmont region. (USA) Nothing to do here. :P
I'm not really that big of a movie goer...but here are my three favorites. (no particular order) Kill Bill - *hearts* My favorite. Great fight scenes and soundtrack. Pirates of the Caribbean - Not generally a fan of pirate movies, but I loved PotC. The Matrix - The action scenes were just awesome. I love this movie, but I didn't really care for the sequels. :p
I opened up my presents last night. I don't get as much as I did when I was a little kid though. I got a scanner, a watch, pajamas, socks, lotion, body wash, and body spray, a sketch book, some drawing pencils, a journal, $170.00 and some other things. I don't know yet what I'm going to spend all the money on.
What would you classify your clothing style as?
Xai replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
My clothing style is just a pair of flare-legged pants, any color (denim, khaki, black, white, etc.), and a T-shirt, usually a solid, dark or earthy color. I don't like my clothes to be too baggy or too tight. As long as it's comfortable I'll wear it. When it's cold I wear a black jacket with gray and black lines down the sleeves. I dress the same all year around. -
I love to draw. I've been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil and still do to this day. I'm not perfect at it, but I'd like to think I'm pretty good with all the practice I've had. ^^; Well I don't just like drawing, I like just about any type of art. Gaming is fun for me too. I'll play anything as long as it's fun, but console RPGs are my favorite. I'm not as big of an anime fan as I used to be, although I still like it, but I'm just not obsessed anymore.
This is my character, Xaila.(which I based my nickname after) She doesn't really have a story or personality behind her, she's just some character I drew that I liked the design of. The color scheme for her hair and clothes isn't exactly as I imagined, but meh. Something bothers me about her face... The background was ugly so I tried to cover it up a bit, lol. I like that little pom-pom thing on the hilt of her sword, by the way. ^^; This is the first oekaki I drew that I actually put some effort into as far as coloring goes. It's still kind of sloppy. Maybe the next one'll be better in that respect though. Drawn with a mouse. Comments and/or criticism appreciated.
My school has a rather strict dresscode, but it's still pretty reasonable as far as I'm concerned. The girls can't wear midriff bearing shirts or spaghetti straps(Some people shouldn't even be wearing stuff like that anyway. O_o;)and shorts/skirts have to be six inches above the knees or lower. You also can't wear shirts that advertise alcohol, cigarettes, or other drugs, or that have any illicit messages on them. Theres more, but that's it basically. It doesn't really bother me much anyways, since I mainly just dress pretty plainly, but a lot of people I know complain about it.
The most embarrassing thing that's happened to me would have to be the time I went up to the stage at the wrong time at an awards assembly(first grade). I thought they had called my name, but they didn't. The teacher had to walk me back to my seat. -_-; I couldn't get it off my mind for a few days because of the embarrassment.
I started out with platformers, but then got obsessed with RPGs a few years ago, and I've been playing mostly those ever since. The only ones I actually dislike enough to mention are sports games.
Around here gas is usually about $1.85-$2.00, it's still quite a bit more than it was a few years ago. (I think it was about $1.20 then) It depends on where you buy it though.
[font=Tahoma][color=red]We got out at 12:15 today, even though there wasn't snow on the ground. :P Oh well, it'll probably do something later.[/color] [font=Tahoma][color=red]It snows quite often here though, I've been off several times so far this school year, one time for a week.[/color][/font] [font=Tahoma][color=red]I think the most snow I've ever seen here was when I was in the first grade and it snowed two feet. We were off for 2 weeks, but we had to make up for it.[/color][/font][/font]
[font=Tahoma]I've read volume one. Out of all the characters, Sakaki, Chiyo-Chan, and Osaka are my favorites. It Isn't really something you'd really expect me to be reading, but I enjoyed it and would like to see the anime. ^^ [/font]
[color=gray]Level 16-18 is good for this battle. I used Shion, KOS-MOS, and chaos. It's a good idea to transfer healing ethers to other characters just in case you need an extra healer. I suggest that you don't use your A.G.W.S, they are a little too slow for fighting it. Try to stay high in HP. Shion's Medica All works well for healing everybody at once. When you need to, use an Ether Pack S to replenish lost EP. Take out the two Oudogougues first(they both have 1000 HP), because they can heal him and they use an ether attack called Hell's Flash each time that damages the entire party. Use close range attacks(KOS-MOS' R-DRILL works nicely) to beat them. Each time you beat an Oudogouge, Gargoyle/Cherenkov will power up. When the Oudogouges are gone, the battle will be much simpler, even though Gargoyle is fully powered now. He has a strong physical attack called Obsidian Claw and another called Hell's Lance. If you get the status effect Physical Def. Down, get rid of it as soon as possible! You'll recieve much more damage while in this status if you get hit(there's a good chance you'll die, too). Remember to heal and/or revive when needed also. chaos' Heaven's Wrath and KOS-MOS' R-DRILL are useful in fighting him. Shion is best for healing/curing status effects. (sorry if there's anything I missed, I haven't played in a while)[/color] [color=red][size=1]Whoever moved this, Xenosaga is not a Square Enix title. It was done by Namco and Monolith -- Semjaza[/size][/color]
[color=silver]I love anime eyes. ^^ They're so expressive. One of the reasons I like anime so much is because of its style(The eyes, oddly colored hair, and whatnot..)[/color]
[color=silver]I thought it was kind of cheesy at first(Yuna.. a pop singer?) but I grew to like the game. I just beat the game last night. I didn't do many sidequests/sidemissions this time around, so I only completed with 40-something percent. I'm going to start another game and try to get 100% this time.[/color]
[color=silver]I have to at least watch 5-8 episodes before I give up on a show. Even if the first episode isn't particularly exiting, I still like to see where the story goes after that. Although there are exceptions.[/color]
[URL]http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~nanko/movies/ff7ac-jf.wmv[/URL] [color=crimson]Here's a new trailer. The quality isn't too good(wierd angle...). It's got some old footage from the first trailer, but it does show a few new things that weren't in the first, all with "Holding My Thoughts in My Heart" playing in the background, and also, you'll hear a few characters' voices(I think).[/color]
Anime what video game do you think would make a good anime
Xai replied to ninj4_monkey's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE]personaly i could really see a xenogears/saga making a good anime[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Actually, a Xenosaga anime is in the works. :) I'm exited about it. I think it will work well since 'saga had the sort of story/characters you'd expect to see in a good sci-fi anime. And it basically played out like a 3D anime. Lots of cutscenes. (note: I haven't played 'gears as of yet so I can't really comment on it now. *will pick it up soon*) I'd also love to see an FF7 anime(if it was done well) for the same reasons as mentioned by Dagger. But I doubt it'll happen anytime soon since we have Advent Children coming. (I guess that could kind of be considered an anime...?)[/color] -
[color=crimson]I kind of like the idea of Vash/Rem. If she had lived longer, I think it would have worked. But in any case(like Meryl), she's still human and he would outlive her by a long shot. In the end, Vash is destined to be alone unless he finds someone with a long lifespan such as his. In the Manga, if [spoiler]Vash's hair keeps getting darker, I feel that it won't have such a happy end like the anime.[/spoiler] I hope not though. I'd be really dissapointed. (man, I'm so negative...) --- I wish they would have developed Legato's character a little more.. You don't really find out much about him other than his name and that he's Knives's right hand man. I think Nightow should do a short spinoff comic about him(like he did with Wolfwood), to y'know, explain a little more about Legato's past and how Knives picked him up. That would be interesting. (Oh, and a little useless info about Legato's name while I'm on the subject: Legato is a musical term meaning "smooth".) Another thing is you can switch around the first two letters and spell El Gato, meaning "the cat" in spanish. Both make sense if you think about it. :)[/color]
[color=crimson]Well, people will pair up characters that they think look good together, regardless of how well it would work. I think that goes for both shounen/shoujo ai and hetero stuff. :-) But I kind of see why so many people like the Wolf/Vash pairing.. it's hard to explain why. But I agree that they are a VERY popular pairing. Almost every time "Trigun" and "Yaoi" are discussed together Vash and Wolfwood are mentioned. Now I'm not a big yaoi fan, but I think a yaoi pairing in Trigun that really could work(outside of fanfics) is Midvalley/Wolfwood. I've heard that they had some sort of relationship in the manga. Some people say that they were just friends though. I guess it just depends on how you interpret it.^^;*shrugs*[/color]
[color=crimson]SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. [b]A[/b] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [b]A[/b] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [b]A[/b] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [b]B[/b] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [b]Everyday, although I rarely post.[/b] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [b]I think they're fine.[/b] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [b]Yeah.[/b] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [b]It's fine how it is now.[/b] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [b]I guess.[/b] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [b]Yeah[/b] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? --- 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [b]Yes[/b] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [b]Otaku Anime[/b] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? [b]Nope. I don't care for those things.[/b] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [b]No, and I wouldn't use it.[/b] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [b]Yeah, I guess.[/b] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]I think it's fine as is.[/b] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [b]I wouldn't remove anything.[/b] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [b]I don't know...[/b] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [b]9[/b][/color]
[color=crimson]Although I haven't seen all of it yet, I love ES.:) It's definitely one of the funniest anime shows I've seen. My favorite episode would have to be #4(the date sim one). Man, I've just gotta see the rest of it![/color]
[color=crimson]Looks good so far. The graphics are nice, it reminds me of FFX. Van looks like the upbeat, carefree type of protagonist we've had in the past few games.(I just hope he isn't too much like Tidus though... I HATED Tidus >_
[color=crimson]I don't really think there are many people in my family who are into anime. They accept it, but usually think it's wierd, or don't understand it. My dad thinks manga is a waste of money(well I kind of agree with him to a point though, I only read it a few times and then put it down and let it collect dust). But still, I guess it doesn't matter since I usually buy things with my own money. I remember showing my aunt a manga(Inu-Yasha) one time, and her reaction was funny. She didn't really care about the nudity, but went on and on about the violence and fighting. O_o It went something like this: [b]Me:[/b]This is what I was talking about. [b]Aunt:[/b]Oh my! They're fighting each other. Look! She already killed a girl!(referring to when Kikyou pinned Inu-Yasha to the tree with her arrow) [b]Me:[/b]Um... that's a guy. His name is Inu-Yasha. And he's not dead. [b]Aunt:[/b]*turns to another page that happens to have nudity* [b]Me:[/b]*braces self for her reaction* Erm... what do you think of that? [b]Aunt:[/b] Oh, it's just a boob. But this book is just so violent! It's awful! [b]Me:[/b] O_o I guess I should try to find something more "family friendly" they would like and sit them down and watch it. Might open a few minds.[/color]
[color=crimson]In terms of voices, probably Crest of the Stars. >_< Well... it's not really the sound of the voices, it's the acting that's bad. I could tell was horrible the first time I heard it, and I'm usually pretty lenient with judging dubs. Content wise, there are a lot of bad ones. Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, Yu Gi Oh, and many others.[/color]