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Everything posted by Xai
[color=crimson]Even though I was really tomboyish when I was little, I still played with Barbie dolls. I used to take all of their clothes off and dress them in toilet paper. o_O I also had one of those Barbie Corvette things and I'd put one doll in the car and run over the others. And I always made them kiss... and um.. do other [i]things[/i]. lol[/color]
[color=crimson]My favorite would probably be Vash/Meryl. I don't know, I just liked their interaction in the series. Although it'd be almost impossible for a long term relationship because of [spoiler] the age difference.[/spoiler] It's kind of difficult for me to say [i]why[/i] I like certain couples. I'm really picky, I tend to go for a lot of non-canon stuff.[/color]
[color=crimson]Okay, here's mine. First Name: >_> Umm... Brittany Age: Hmm. I've decided not to say. Some people might know if you've looked at my myotaku page before, though. Gender: Female Hair Color: Brown with blonde highlights. Eye Color: Hazel Height: 5"8 Wardrobe: Usually jeans and a T-shirt. I'm too lazy to bother with clothes too much. Personality:In public, quiet. Usually anyways :P. Most people at school think I'm wierd. At home I talk a lot though. I'm also really lazy, and a procrastinator. I always wait till the last minute to do anything. I usually(somehow) get it done in the end though. I get irritated easily, and I am prone to get in arguments. I'm not too keen on being told what to do either... Hair Style: My hair is fairly long, but I keep it in a ponytail because I don't want it in my face. Favorite Music Type: I listen to a lot of anime and game music, along with a little J-rock and J-pop. Favorite musical Band/Artist: Gackt, Utada Hikaru, and The Pillows. And for composers, Yoko Kanno, Nobuo Uematsu, and Yasunori Mitsuda. Hobbies:Video Games(RPGs mostly), anime and manga when I can afford it, and the internet. Favorite games: The Final Fantasy series, Xenosaga, and the legend of Dragoon. Favorite animes: Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Excel Saga, FLCL, and Ghibli movies. Favorite Mangas: Naruto, Azumanga Daioh, and One Piece.[/color]
[color=crimson]I'm taking Spanish 2 this year(I'm in the 9th grade). We have to take (at least)2 years of foreign language at my school in order to graduate. All my school offers is Spanish and French, though. Not much of a choice eh? I decided to take Spanish in particular, because I figured it'd be useful considering the amount of Spanish speaking people in this part of the country. I'd like to take Japanese for the sake of learning it, I probably couldn't find much use for it here in Virginia. ^_^;;[/color]
[color=skyblue]The only shonen ai/yaoi pairing I've ever been somewhat interested in is Cid/Vincent(from FF7). Yeah, it's wierd... I have a few doujinshis that I downloaded featuring them.(no, not hentai, just humor, lol) Other than that though... I usually swing more towards the hetero couples. I have no problem with yaoi, however, though I did think it was kind of wierd when I first got into anime that people liked that sort of thing. I guess I'm just more open minded now.:) I know a lot of people offline who would [b]freak out[/b] if they ever found out what yaoi is. :eek: Namely my parents.[/color]
[color=skyblue]I'm a big RPG fan. I've only been into them for a few years, but there are a few I've played that really stand out.:) - Top 3(in no particular order) [b]The Legend of Dragoon[/b] I'm currently playing this game(I'm on the 3rd disk). It gets mixed reviews, some people hate it while some love it. I admit it does have some drawbacks, like the translation can be sort of poor in places and it started out kind of slow, but other than that, I like it.;) It is underrated. [b]Xenosaga[/b] I love this game. It has some of the greatest music I've heard in an RPG, along with an interesting story. A lot of people are bothered by the large amounts of cutscenes, but personally, I like them. [b]Final Fantasy 7[/b] Man, I was OBSESSED with this game for a while.:D I just love everything about it. The story, the characters, the music. Everything. It may not have outstanding graphics by today's standards, but they are not bad considering it was made in 1997. There are other good ones I've played, but those are my overall favorites.[/color]
[color=skyblue]I made another banner, which I'm rather proud of(yeah, I change my siggeh too much...) Basically just messing around with different brushes and stuff. It's kinda plain, but I like it. (Sorry if the font is a little hard to read.) The character I used is KOS-MOS from Xenosaga. The jpg-ness makes it a little fuzzy looking though. >_
[color=indigo]It's just a matter of quality, as said before. I've seen some pretty awful ones, and I've seen really good ones. Probably the best one I've ever seen is "Tainted Doughnuts", which is about the Bebop crew chasing after Vash for his bounty. It was put together REALLY well, and funny too.:D Any fan of Cowboy Bebop and/or Trigun should check it out.[/color]
[color=indigo]Official Dark Horse retailers got it yesterday, and everywhere else will be getting it next month. I'm outta luck now too, since the only bookstore here that sells manga is Waldenbooks, and they don't have it yet. >_< *waits patiently for November to come around*[/color]
[color=indigo]Am I the only person who thinks the new Seph is ugly? >_< Holy crap. He looked okay in that first magazine advertisement thing since you didn't see him up close, but in the newer images...ick. Cloud looks okay though. I hope they don't mess up the other characters.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by IloveBebop [/i] [B]I know that there wasn't one in the series, but there might have been one in the manga (I wish I could read Japanese!). I don't really know, but someone else probably does.[/B][/QUOTE] [spoiler]Legato does not die in the manga. He gets crushed by Knives for trying to kill Vash, but he doesn't die.[/spoiler] [color=indigo]I think Knives lived because it would go against Vash's character if he had killed him like that. He only [spoiler]killed Legato[/spoiler] because he [b]had[/b] to. Remember how devastated Vash was after "Sin"? He didn't seem that way at the end of "Under the Sky So Blue". He was smiling. I don't think he'd be so happy after killing his own brother(or anybody). But that's just my opinion.[/color]
[QUOTE]oh there was this thing called "Trigun Oddesy". it is sooooooo adorable... Vash has like a little braother and stuff... has anyone else seen it besides me? please tell me what you think of it!;)[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Um... could you please elaborate? What exactly [i]is[/i] it? Probably some fan-made thing, like a doujinshi or something. Never heard of it.[/color] :confused:
[color=crimson]Well, it doesn't actually show them meeting up, but it shows Vash walking back in the town in the credits, and Meryl and Milly see him and smile. Pretty happy ending, but I wish there was more to show what happened after Vash got back, and what Knives did when he woke up. >_>
[color=crimson]About the edited ending everyone is talking about: It just mainly consists of: -a closeup shot of Vash's gun he threw down, -a shot of the well back at town(with water spewing up from it), -Kuroneko floating(or swimming?) in the water, -a shot of Milly and Meryl smiling, -A shot of the outskirts of town with a lone figure in the distance(Vash), -Vash with Knives over his shoulder, -and then a closeup pic of Vash with a wide grin on his face. I found some actual screenshots at [URL=http://www.0system.com/trigun/]>>a site
[color=crimson]Heh, I've been meaning to post in this thread for a while...:sweat: Trigun is my favorite. I'm getting the DVDs one of these days... (and I am SO getting the manga when it comes out) I really love Vash's character... his devotion to Rem is really sweet. He's still holding on to her philosophy after all those years. I also really like meryl, Wolfwood, and Legato. My favorite episodes are Paradise, Sin, and Live Through. The saddest episodes in the show... They didn't really make me cry but made me feel really sad and a little empty inside. Live Through had a happy ending, though and I liked the part where Meryl confronted that guy that was going to shoot Vash and she reminded him(Vash) of Rem. The hug scene was cute too.(I guess you can tell I like the V/M pairing. heh. ) I like how the series starts off with humor, but gradually gets more serious as it goes on. (even moreso when ep. 12 comes around) I also really like the music, my favorites would have to be Rakuen and Sound Life, among others.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by WW2 [/i] [B]Um... why do you think [spoiler]they all died at the end? We clearly see them escape the northern cave on the highwind. We then see Meteor be stopped by the lifestream. So, its a good bet they all lived. That part about Red XIII happens about 300 hundred years after the game.[/spoiler] Just thought I'd let ya know. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's just the way I saw it then, lol. I just remembered this line from Bugenhagen near the waterfall scene on disk 2: [spoiler]Bugenhagen: It is up to the planet to decide. What is best for the planet. What is bad for the planet. All that is bad will disappear. That is all. Ho Ho Hoooo. I wonder which we humans are?[/spoiler] I just gathered clues from earlier in the game, and that was the impression I got from the ending movie.(the one before the end credits) I guess I was wrong though, with a sequel coming and all. *shrugs*:sweat: I'm not trying to argue. (Sorry if this is off topic)
[color=crimson]I'm usually not for movies based on games, but this one looks pretty cool. I like Cloud's hair. Though it's kind of wierd since it's going to be 2 years after the game. :eek: I was under the impression that [spoiler]they all died(except for Red, of course) in the end.[/spoiler] FF7 had an open ending though, so I guess anything's possible. What I'm wondering is if they'll release it in the states..[/color]
[color=crimson][b]Trigun?[/b] My personal favorite would be Vash. Out of all the good looking guys in Trigun(Vash, Wolfwood, Legato, Knives), Vash's overall character just appeals to me the most.. And despite all the scars, he's still nice to look at. :D He also happens to be my favorite anime bishie. [b]Inuyasha?[/b] Naraku. I like him mostly for looks though.:blush: I like his voice, too.(yeah, I'm referring to the English version, so sue me ^_^; ). I don't watch .hack//sign, so I can't really comment on that.[/color]
[color=crimson]I live in Virginia... Though I don't think it'll be really that strong where I live(not near the coast), but it'll probably be really windy anyways. I think we're getting out half a day tommorrow, because of it too.[/color]
[color=crimson](I also posted this on myotaku) I had the strangest dream last night. I dreamt that I tied my hair back with some sort of wierd rubber band, and it turned me into a boy. I think some other people were with me and they did the same thing. *twitch* But before that, some other wierd crap happened that was totally unrelated to that, but I don't remember well. And I remember turning back into a girl by the end of the dream. I was glad, too. O_O I did some strange stuff in that dream.[/color]
[color=crimson]I'm on my second year of Spanish..:) I can understand and write stuff, but I'm not very good in actually speaking it.:sweat: It was my worst class last year, but I have a 93 so far this year. Another language I'm interested in is Japanese, shame my school doesn't offer it.[/color]
[color=crimson]"Total slaughter, total slaughter. I won't leave a single man alive... La-de-da-de-dai, genocide. La-de-da-de-dud, an ocean of blood... Let's begin the killing time...!" That's how it goes.:) The Genocide Song[/color]
[color=crimson]Another Yoko Kanno fan here!:D I LOVE the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. NY Rush, Rain, The Real Folk Blues, and a bunch of others are just plain great.:) I'm also quite fond of the Trigun, Inu-Yasha, and FLCL soundtracks. From Trigun, I like Rakuen, Sound Life, Scattered Rain, and Never Could Have Been Worse. I like most of the endings from Inu-Yasha, especially Fukai Mori and also some background music. And in FLCL, I like the ending song, Ride on Shooting Star.;) And from Excel Saga, I like the opening song.[/color]
[color=crimson]I live in southwest Virginia, so I kind of have an accent... The best way to describe it would be mild southern-ish sounding. It was a bit more noticable when I was younger though, and I used to use words like y'all and ain't casually. I really like the way I sound.:)[/color]
[color=crimson]I have a soft spot for animals... If I see a really sad movie involving an animal's death(especially dog or cat), I'll cry my eyes out. I also cry sometimes if I get into an argument with my dad. Doesn't happen a lot, but sometimes I just get so fed up with him, I have to let it out. It's usually pretty hard to make me cry, though.[/color]