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Everything posted by Xai

  1. This could have had something to do with my age at the time, but this happened when I was in the first grade and we had the awards assembly. The third graders were getting called up for awards, and I thought I heard my name. So I went up there. Very, very embarassing.:bawl: The teacher had to come up there, get me by the hand, and take me back down to my seat. I almost cried from embarassment. For the next few days, kids kept asking me why I went up there.. Grr..
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bishie [/i] [B][COLOR=Crimson] Hmm O_o the worst EVER anime song i heard?!! *twitches and files through memory" Oh hehehe..i remember. It was the "sailor moon" dubbed theme ^__^ Seeing as that was the first EVER anime i have seen, it would have to be that. Im pretty sure everyone knows how the lyrics go, but i'll post alittle anyway.[/color] [B][I][COLOR=crimson] Fighting evil by moonlight, Winning love by daylight, Never running from a real fight, She is the one named SAILOR MOON!![/color][/I][/B] [COLOR=crimson] Personally i think the japanese version to this is less..cheesy *twitches* [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] UGH! I hated that song! *cringes* If I was posting this a few months ago... I would have mentioned not liking Trigun's end theme. I used to hate it since I thought it was whiny sounding, but now it's started to grow on me... But as for songs I hate: Dragon Ball Z- Rock the Dragon- It's just so... wrong sounding. :shifty: Big-O- It repeats itself too much. I don't wanna hear The Big-O! repeated over and over.
  3. I haven't done much this summer. Other than going down to the beach for a few days, coming back, and going swimming once. I've pretty much been on the computer all summer.
  4. I know I shouldn't but I tend to stereotype almost all people at school. [b]Goths/freaks:[/b] People who dress in black every day. Some of them are OK, but some people don't like them. [b]Preps:[/b] The people who insist in wearing expensive clothing and act like they're better than everybody else. These people tend to be annoying from my point of view, but a lot of people like them. They usually hang around in groups. Some of the boys in this group are jerks. [b]Jocks:[/b] People who play a lot of sports. Some of them(mostly boys) tend to be jerks. But some are OK. [b]Rednecks:[/b] Considering in the part of the country I live in, we have A LOT of these. They like to go hunting and they come to school a lot in camoflage overalls. You'll also see them wearing T-shirts with the Confederate flag on it. [b]Outsiders/anti-social:[/b] Quiet people. They don't speak much. Usually not the more popular people. [b]Nerds/geeks:[/b] People who are really smart. Self explanitory, really. [b]Troublemakers:[/b] People who continuously get into trouble and into fights. Very annoying. [b]Normals:[/b] People who don't fit into any category mentioned above. They don't get exceptionally good grades, nor bad ones. They're just pretty average people. Well, that's pretty much all of the stereotypes I find where I go to school. I'd probably fit into outsider or normal. Or maybe geek/nerd... I dunno.
  5. I had a dream once where there was an injured dog, which if I remember correctly, was a dalmation down at the creek near my house. I wanted to save it, so I flew down there Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon style. Though it was sort of wierd that I was flying that way since I had the dream before I had ever heard of the movie.:confused: It was fun...:D I was jumping from house to house off of each roof and gliding to the next. It was a fun dream (with the flying and such) but sort of scary in the sense that if I didn't save the animal, it would die. (I'm an animal lover) I had to keep going back and forth from the creek and my house because I kept forgetting stuff. That's all I remember since I woke up shortly later.:sweat: I've had many odd dreams, but that one seems to stick in my mind for some reason more than others.
  6. I believe my first anime was Sailor Moon.:) I remember my friend liking it and me making fun of her for it. Then I started to watch it and started to like it more. I didn't even know what anime was back then though. I think what actually got me into the anime fandom was either DBZ or Cowboy Bebop.
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