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Everything posted by darkside

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trigun11 [/i] [B]*laughs* To me it is. What do you think you are psychotic or something? That's Mah Job . [/B][/QUOTE] I is..am..are....was....were?? ..... linking verbs...
  2. kinda yes kinda no I want to talk to a few poeple but I still don't want to back anyways I'm going to the 7th grade.
  3. I had that same problem in 1st grade.
  4. darkside


    I don't have many friends and the few so-called friends I do have a a big pain in the *****.
  5. 4 dogs 1 rabit countless chickens and whatever roams here from the pound and the occasional fish.
  6. I'll be lucky if I have 5 mins. alone because a very very very very very annoying brother.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by instantramen14 [/i] [B][color=purple] My summer has been great so far (i dont go back to school untill mid-september!!)I went to yosemite and music camp [/color] [/B][/QUOTE][SIZE=4]WTF[/SIZE] I go back friday.
  8. could you at least knock before entering my mind.:demon:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]Either you are really in a temper, or you cant spell. 'thin', is presumably 'than'. everyone here has said that there is not a big danger. Maybe try to stop worrying, and believe them. as my mother would say 'Take some big breaths. In through your mouth, out through your nose'. And if you are that worried, just sit on your couch for the rest of eternity. and dont watch scary movies.... [/B][/QUOTE] I ment thing I type too fast.
  10. If you think you r a slut because you were raped your wrong your a slut because you choose to be one.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]It's when the valves in your heart don't close properly and they leak blood...back or forth or both creating backpressure and blood collection, which can lead to other things. My family has that condition...I used to have a mild condition of that until I started to get in shape. Strengthening your heart usually helps out through some cardio-vascular exercises. Check with your doctor.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I ran crosscounty until I knew about this.! more thin my life could be in danger and some of you are poking fun?
  12. I relly don't remember many because I tried to erase them from my mind.
  13. once I dremt that when I was in kindergarden I stuck my head in the floor and dinos came out and everone had to move out of the state.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trigun11 [/i] [B]Dark side, I like that philisophical (sp?) sentence. I agree with that [/B][/QUOTE]thats philosopical there is hope for me yeT!!
  15. I have a heart murmur nothing mojor that we know of.:demon:
  16. angels are angels ghosts are ghosts its that simple people!
  17. one guy were both guys so were just friends.we met at camp he intoduced me to a girl who was my girlfriend until she dumped me the next day.anyways both me and him are almost like twins we even have have the same problems mostly physical.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trigun11 [/i] [B]He's Gone. Darn It. He was my favorite comedian. that's life when you find somthing to belive in its taken away
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]I am going back to school September 3rd, I believe. I [i]like[/i] school! School is the only place where I see my friends on a regular basis. I die of boredome when I'm out of school. EDUCATION IS FUN, PEOPLE!! *sent by the school board* ^_^ Seriously, I like school... It is not hell. It is heaven. ..hehe... I'll finally get to see my semi-g/f again.. [/B][/QUOTE] r U felling ok?
  20. mostly in school plays.very small parts.1-10 line at the most.
  21. a blind man walks into a wemen's bar he orders a beer and after a while he goes DO YOU GUY WANT TO HEAR A BLONDE JOKE? the woman sitting next to him sez the woman at the bar is a blonde.The manager is a blonde.I am a blonde and 6'1".The woman to your right is a blonde and 300 ibs. and a blackbelt in karate.and the woman behind you is a pro wresler!then he tells the joke and it doesn't turn out too preety.>o<
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