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Everything posted by SpirtOfAnime

  1. Char. name:Arc Male/Female:Female Age:uknown Group name:Angel Type:Light Spell LvL 1:holy airrow Spell LvL 2:light shower Spell LvL 3:light beam Spell LvL 4:holy spikes Spell LvL 5:Light bomb Gate type:Holy Aura type:Holy Weapon:A silver blade made by her great grandmother past down to her Description:long light blonde hair,wears a long white gown with long white gloves
  2. She got up without looking at anyone she left to get some rest."God i made a big fool of myself."she said opening her room door.She walked in and sat down and opened a bottel of wine and took a big swig of it.She thought of her past and how he hurt her."I will find you father and then you will pay."she said taking another swig of her wine.She got up and walked to her bed she laid down on her back.She begain to fall asleep....
  3. She looked at him right in his eyes."How how can u know what i am thinking."she said in her mind.she began to walk over to him but then stoped."Knives did u have a brother."she said in her mind.she walked closer.Then pictures of her past filled her head.she fell to the ground.She could hear her father screaming at her hitting her."Whats happing to me whats going on."she thought to her self."Why am i seeing this,this past that has hunted me for so many years why now why here."she said to herself.she looked up at knives again.
  4. Lost Angel stood there waiting to see if Knive noticed that she was new.She took out one of her katanas and looked at it then she put it back."I wounder if i should introduce myself to him."she thought to her self.Today was her 26th birthday and her frist day as a part of the Armeggedon Gang. She had waited for this for a long time and now it was hear and she could not do anything but stair at Knives.She felt a wave of pain come from him it washed over her like a wave.She held her head as she closed her eyes she saw to young boys they looked the same they both had long yellow hair they looked happy.She opened her eyes again."What was that"she thought she look up at Knives.She felt some sort of conection with him.What could it mean she thought looking at the ground.
  5. Can u pm me when we start playing k thank you :) Name:Yuri Blake Age:14 Activity:choir Description:Long purple hair goes past her shoulders,wears a blue skirt with a white shirt,wears black dress shoes Bio:Yuri is very shy she only talks when she is ask to,she likes to read.She is new and does not now anyone yet.She lives in a medium house with her father and cat.Her mother died when she was 5.She likes to swim and walk on the beach.She also love to sing and hopes to show off in her choir class Schedule: 1st Period: Homeroom - Mr. White 2nd Period: Cooking-Mr.D 3rd Period: S.S. Mrs. Bacon 4th Period: Gym - Mr. Brown 5th Period: Ms. Kim - Math 6th Period: Mrs. Scott - Science 7th Period: Lunch 8th Period: Choir-Mis.Lizz 9th Period: Homeroom - Mr. White Items:a blue school bag,class books,note books, loose leaf paper, folders,hello kitty pencils and pens,binder with hello kitty on it,and a book called Falling Down.
  6. can u make me a banner
  7. OH i will join i love trigun! Name:Izumi Hiya Hair color:red Eye color: pink Characteristics:she wears a yellow skin tight vest with a callor,and yellow shorts,she wears black boots and black gloves with the fingers cut out.She pulls her hair back in a ponytail the hair spikes out at the ends she has bangs that come down to her eyes. she is 20.She loves to cook and sing old songs weapons:dubble short swords,and a combat knife skills:light slash blinds enemys for a short while,and wave of mist,makes a misty fog so the enemy cant see other:she knows nothing of her past but she is known as the Angel of peace, shes helped many people ______________________________________ "SoooooOOoooo on the last evening a peble from somewhere out of nowhere drops apon a dreaming world...."
  8. Name:Atsuko Hasimoto age:unknown Abilities:wind demon/side evil she can cut human and demon flesh with her wind powers. weapons and armor:she has two nunchakus and a ninja sword.She wears a black suit she has baggy ninja pants with a black belt and a black riped t-shrit also wears a cape and a one sided mask of a frowning face.And raps around her feet to her knees and from he elbows to the end of each finger. Bio:she is a very fast wind demon that has masterd the art of wind. know one knows where she has come from. but she has a record of killing over a 500 humans just for fun. she eats hearts to gain the powers of others. she acts like its all a game and will kill anyone who gets into her way....or kills anyone peroid! [SIZE=4]I AM NOW KNOW AS WIND MASTER[/SIZE]
  9. Name:Kami Ruru Age:unknown Race:Angel Weapons: a inchanted harp (will explain in description) Spells:song of mist,balad of fire,angel rings Apperance:Has long light blue hair with white eyes,wears a long white kemono Description:was born in the heavens and train to protect the inosent she was give a magical harp by her mother when playing certent songs it has an echanting efect
  10. Name:Naomi Oban Age:22 Weapon:2 samuri swords,the where made by the gods the gods of love and peace Description:She has black hair pulled in a tight bun she wares a mask overher nose and lips,has on a black jump suit with black shourts and black boots Bio:she comes from a far land she was trained in the ways of the ninja .When her master died she swore she would kill the man who took his life
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