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Everything posted by IwakuraLain

  1. theres am anime club in my hs too and we've got more members than we know what to do with since we only expected 10 people or so and our classrooms only have room for 30!! last year about 40-50 ppl showed up but only 15 or so ended up being hardcore fans and the rest of em were cartoon-network watchers. anyway we've got about 5 or 6 club officers who are the most psychotic anime freeks i've ever seen (they're my heroes haha) and its really great because everybody has so many dvds/bootleg videos and so there are so many options for what series to watch or borrow for urself. it was really hard to get the club off the ground since all clubs have to have some kind of educational basis so they just bull****d some stuff about learning/understanding japanese culture. anyway i'm the officer/hopefullypresident-in-training since all our officers are now seniors! :bow:
  2. i never knew i spoke with an accent until i hung out with my friend's brittish cousins who made me say "water" all the time while pointing and laughing! :blush: they told me i have that "flushing/brooklyn" strain of the new york accent... WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING!! i was obssessing over it for weeks, recording my voice and trying to figure it out. anyway if u've ever seen the show "The Nanny" (i dont think it airs anymore) i think thats somewhat close to how i pronounce words except that my voice isnt quite that annoying (i hope i hope i hope!!) and itsnt quite as heavy as "Fran's".
  3. !! i really liked serial experiments Lain- the plot is extremely dark and complex and i lovveee that kinda thing but you really have to focus and catch everything that they say when u watch it. the animation is really good and this series is unlike any i've ever seen so far! anyway, since i cant write a review bc i don't think i understand it enough, i think that for anyone considering buying the dvds you should borrow the series or rent them first b4 buying cuz you might not like it- its one of those slightly creepy/disturbing/complex/deep/confusing-at-times animes and it just might not be ur thing. but if u do its not that much of a waste of money cuz they're only 4 dvds in the series ^-^ hope i was helpful to somebody!
  4. i loved this movie and i loved the whole demon idea- it opens up a whole new world and makes the movie just so much more original and interesting. i thought they totally pulled off the storyline and the animation was just stunning. the only thing that didnt settle too well on me was the ending- it was too... perfect, but i still loved it ^-^ it was great how the movie made you want to believe it was real
  5. IwakuraLain


    i definetly agree- the professional/leon has got to be one of my all time fav. movies! mathilda is so streetsmart and sharp- u just have to admire her guts in this film.
  6. its ok, no hard feelings here baron ;)
  7. yayyy i got my electricity back!! i live in queens, nyc and my neighborhood just got our power on half n hour ago. [quote]It is probably the first time in their little, mindless hive lives that it has happened. One person cracks, and all of a sudden, everyone is crying and screaming. PAck instincts. I get powercuts, and it doesn't bother me. It is a part of life, and i suppose it just doesnt happen very often to most of them, especially the main of New York.[/quote] um, true this is the 1st time that i remember this happening, but nobody i saw was crying or screaming.i believe that a better generalization of a typical new yorker would never include that kind of behavior. actually, all the people that i saw were mad pissd to have to climb out of trains, walk along the tracks and across bridges and highways with hundreds of other people for miles in 90+ degree weather like my parents had to do. As bad as that sounds, everybody thought still thought it was pretty cool and exciting because tons of people were on the streets dancing and partying with music blasting out from cars all night. Restaurants were giving out free beer and ice cream all over the place and some people set up barbeques in the middle of the city. Yes, i guess it is just a part of life but there is no need to decry or make such generalizations about the character of New Yorkers, Baron Samedi, and i'm assuming you dont live here. I know i'm probably overreacting and i know that i'll eventually feel really guilty about what i said because it isn't something I'd normally do or say but i cant help but feel a little offended.
  8. how do u guys find out about these things??! by the time someone tells me about a convention its always too late! :bawl:
  9. a long time ago, i dunt remember what exactly my sis did but she pissd me off so much :cussing:that i took her toothbrush and dipped it into the toilet and rubbed garlic powder into the bristles but then 5 minutes later i felt really guilty :bawl: so i told her what i did and bought her a new brush. at least she knows not to mess w. me anymore! :naughty:
  10. apparently i sleepwalk/talk a lot but i dont remember doing it. except this one time that i vaguely remember where i punched my sister in the face after she was holding my nose while i was sleeping- at first i only thought it had just been a wonderful dream! its sorta scary though cuz u dont have any control over ur body and you dont remember doing anything.
  11. i'm a little bit afraid of blood but it's more of an extreme dislike rather than an actual fear. i guess its because of what it means, u kno? like blood=cuts=pain. i've never tried to taste my blood (havnt really thought about doing that yet lol), but i really hate the smell, it makes me want to hurl...
  12. um... can u tell me how you attach files/images? i'm sorta new... :blush:
  13. my school colors are "crimson and gold" which basically means burgundy and pale yellow. i'm not exactly sure what our "mascot" is but i'm 80% sure its a pair of hawks. its sorta kool cuz we have falconers on our campus (our building's on a college campus)and i can see the hawks terrorizing and hunting flocks of pidgeons from my latin class window :D. gruesome, but very entertaining :eek:
  14. in a moment of absolute boredom i was taking one of those online quizzes for "who is ur anime boyfriend" :blush: and followed a link here :)
  15. i really liked escaflowne, but i still havnt been able 2 see the complete series or the movie yet. i ddnt really like Hitomi (spelling?) at first because she struck me as... i dunno... girly and the typical damsel-in-distress; does she get any better later on?
  16. :blush: i feel really immature here now cuz i'm 15 and i still luv birthdays... but i actually like other people's birthdays more than i like my own. i guess i feel bad for people who dont really care and i want to make it more exciting in some little way... anyway i'm just wierd, but before i forget- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
  17. haha i did something like u did eternal dragon, xcept i scrambled my eggs, added mashed potatoes, spoiled bananas, tons of cornstarch, sugar, salt, mixed in various sodas and some orange juice before spilling it all onto the sidewalk- i was a very curious child back then... :)
  18. i...love... the akira graphic novels :drool: !!!!! i got so addicted after the 1st book but the rest of em were so xpensive :sweat: anyway, ranma 1/2 is great too! :)
  19. i dont start school for another month *muahahhaha* :bellylol: but anyway i'm going to be in 11th... blahh... oh well. anyway high school is almost like vacation 'cept u actually have somewhere to go so dont worry too much about it :) good luck
  20. yayyy another fan! (i luv this topic!!!) i just finished the 8th book last night too! have u seen the series yet? its almost exactly the same as the manga, but i actually like the series more cuz i think the manga is a bit cheesy and i think the show pulls the story off better. i'd say unless u were (or are) totally obsessed with the series like i am, dont get the rest of the manga cuz its not really worth it. in my opinion- they're just nice to have and :blush: photocopy pics of tamahome from :drool: anyway, if u do decide to get the manga, i think a good site to get it from is [url]www.animecornerstore.com[/url]
  21. i live in NYC too and many many people in my school are into anime. my friends make fun of me but that's only because they think i'm unhealthily obsessed, and everybody who did consider us dorks had never seen anime before and have since been sucked in. Our club is now one of the largest in our school with over forty members and it was just started a year ago! i'm the president-in-training :bow:
  22. i had two cats but one ran away =*( but i still have the sneaking suspicion that my parents gave it away while i was on vacation but ANYway... my other cat is named xinxin ("star" in mandarin) and i have three lizards named after the 4 brothers in "The Godfather": Tommy, Sunny, Michael (and we used to have one named Fredo but he died!) I'm also planning on getting a couple of netherland dwarf rabbits (one boy, one girl that i'll probably name after some anime characters like Kaneda and Kei) soon :excited:
  23. my 1st was my neighbor totoro when i was reallly young but AKIRA was the one that got me realllllly hooked
  24. i cant afford buying all those expensive imports so i just rent dvds on netflix.com- they have a lot of anime, but they sometimes dont stock all of the dvds in a series cuz there r too many :grumble: i cant help buying some of the manga of my favorites tho... :)
  25. i woke up after 14 hrs of straight sleeping to find... that i had locked my cat in my room by accident and he had poo-ed on my bed (very gross i assure u):sick:
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