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Everything posted by AuroraDragon

  1. Not sure if you're talking about .hack//Legend of the Twilight, also know as .hack//DUSK, or not. I myself found something on it a few days ago. [url]http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-21458/[/url] I also bought the DVD of it a week ago, it was good. :3 You'd probably want to ask Ani_Freak about anything .hack ;)
  2. That's why I love Naruto too, all of the chararcters are developed well, you know what their personallity is. To tell you the truth, I have a slightly larger forehead then most people too, though no one really notices it. And I also have this inner me that curses out a lot of people because I never have the heart to say what I'm thinking. Naruto is kind of a way of life to me too, when Friday and Saturday roll around, I'm usually checking for a new chapter every hour. XD Another thing that Studio Peirrot may do is let 4kids license Naruto and bring it to America. Naruto is not a kids show, and 4kids already ruined the Shaman King, in my opinion.
  3. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][Spoiler]And did you hear about the possibility of the show's introducing a major character that did not appear in the manga? I hate it when that kind of thing happens. Damn them...>_> [/FONT][/COLOR][/Spoiler][/QUOTE] [spoiler]Yeah, Studio Peirrot said that Naruto needed some "Comic Relief." They claimed that this new person would appear after the movie release in Japan. The way they described his character in the Newtype artical, he sounded just like Jiraiya to me. None of this idea makes any sense, and it ticks me off.[/spoiler]
  4. That's kinda forcing DW to let you.... that's harsh man. o.O At least give him credit if you're going to take it and run. As a friend of mine would say, "Holy copyright infragment, Batman!"... Oh, yes, I'm stocked up on quotes tonight.
  5. Armadillos Gavynn? XD What will you think of next? Your ideas are always the best though, keep it up! Poor Shinmaru, he's never given a break....
  6. That was the awsomest DW. *glomps* Taught me..... absolutly nothing. XD Except Syk will make you wash underwear. (been awhile since I've been here, but you always keep me coming back DW!)
  7. Well, I have been gone for more then the holidays, as it's been so very long since I posted. ~went to grandparents house last Sunday for an early Christmas ~went to see the lights at the zoo ~went to see Lord of the Rings some day last week, can't remember when o.O ~played some video games ~did some computer graphics out of boredom ~read a lot ~had Christmas ~had a soup night...er yesterday I think ~went sledding ~slept in :P
  8. Okay, Gav, I'm not gonna start this quite yet. I just wanna say that this is sounding a lot like Skies of Arkadia for Dreamcast. Not that that's a bad thing! ;) And that, my friend is why I cannot reply quite yet. *digs out Dreamcast and blows some dust of it* Now, where is Arkadia? *digs some more* Ah. here we go. *starts up game. Opens saved file of newer game. Looks on in confusion* Where the heck am I and what was I doing!?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by haruno_sakura [/i] [B]Naruto never fails to make me laugh, which is why it's my favorite anime right now. Anyway, one of the funniest moments is in Episode 3 when [spoiler]Naruto is staring down his rival Sasuke, because Sakura, his crush, really likes him, and then someone bumps Naruto from behind, forcing Naruto and Sasuke to kiss while all the Sasuke fans stare on in horror. Also, in the same episode, I couldn't stop laughing when Naruto transforms into Sasuke to get closer to Sakura, and when they're about to kiss, Naruto gets diaherria (sp?). OMG, it really came out of nowhere, and I couldn't stop laughing.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] I know! [spoiler] That whole episode freaked me out! It was even worse in the anime! My brothers in Japan right now and he sent me the first few episodes because he knows how much I love Naruto. Another funny moment from Naruto is when Naruto keeps on calling Haku a girl even though it's a boy. XD[/spoiler] A big Inu-Yasha one : [spoiler] In the second movie, after Inu-Yasha and Kagome kiss [omg, I loved that!], Miroku stares at Sango. Sango raises her hiriakutsu, saying, "Oh, no! Don't you dare get any thought you pervert!" Or something like that.[/spoiler]
  10. Umm, yeah, I'm not seeing it Gav. And you're not on AIM, so yeah. . . o.O Yay, I was picked! *tracks down cat and tells her that she is never alowed to look out the window again. o.o
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]And I do know where your bedroom is, Kate. MUHAHAHAHA! [/B][/QUOTE] WHAT?! Did the cat tell you?! MILLIE GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]Silence, you! It won't get you in sucking up like you are! Go to your room =3 But she's right anyways. Still need more :) [/B][/QUOTE] You don't know where my room is so ha! =P I laugh at you now! Puhahaha. But, I am currently sleeping in my brothers room cuz he's in Japan and his bed is comfy. BUT, you don't know where that is either! [it's just down the hall from my room, acroos from the bathroom. But, you don't know where any of these are! =3] But, I was right. About how many people do we need?
  13. Do I get bonus points because I had you in it, Gav? =3 It 'twas so true too. ;) Bonus points for Kaitlyn? Nice good everyone! I think we need some more though.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] Kate: Gavynn? Gavynn: Kate? Barney: Kate? Kate: Barney? Gavynn: Barney? Kate: Kate? Gavynn: You are Kate. Kate: Yeah. [/QUOTE] Yay, I was used. But, Barney? o.O Payback time! Here we go: [i]There's a fox running by Gavynn and Kate.[/i] Kate: Lookie! (Pointing to the fox.) A fox! Just like I am. Gavynn: Yeah, right. Kate: I'm innocent like foxes. You said so yourself, doofus. Gavynn: . . . (With a little odd expression on his face.) [i] Both of them begin to ponder.[/i] Kate: What's a fox doing around here anyhoo? Gavynn: I have no clue what so ever. Kate: That's because you're dumb. Gavynn: I'm sexy. Kate: . . . Gavynn: What?! I am! Kate: Yeeaah. . . [i]Ten more foxes run by.[/i] Kate: What is going on? Gavynn: Don't know, don't care. Kate: I bet they're running away from you. Gavynn: Then they're the males. They're running away because I'm so sexy. Soon, the females will come. Kate: Uh huh . . . [i] A hawk flies by and picks up Gavynn.[/i] Kate: Ha ha! (Rolls over laughing.) Gavynn: What?! NOOO!! Nice hawkie. . .
  15. Gav, you've out done youself! *is speeckless* Far better then anything I could ever do! How long it'd tkae ya?
  16. Yeah, I was in choir, last year. Unfortunetly, this year, you had to pick one out three: band, choir, or ochestra. Being the clarinet player I am, I picked band. My second would of been choir though. And, yes, I think the school spends a lot more money on the sports than the music department of it all. The band/choir/orchestra room in the basement of the school. We have a few half-windows, but still, not a great amount of sunlight. We keep our instraments in the closet. We don't even really have enough stands for just two people. I think that school systems should a least some more money into the music department. Especially our school, it's passed the levy every year it ran. ~aurora
  17. Okay, that's fine with me. I wouldn't want any bugs or anything else to happen and I understand. I just wanted to know around what time it would up. Thanks for the information! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chaos [/i] [B][Plus if you squint reaaaallllllyyy hard, OBv6 kinda looks like LiquidOtaku. XD] [/B][/QUOTE] Sorta. XD
  18. I have a lot of wacky things happen to me. Most of them are dreams though. This one dream I seem to have like once every other month. I'm in this little classroom with a girl, boy, and a teacher. when suddenly, an alligatot comes out of who knows where (uh....yeah...). We all head for the door but they lock me in and forget sbout me, then it ends. I like alligators too. I don't understand it at all. Another time, I woke op screaming scream and I had no clue why. That creeps my entire family out when they even think about that 5:00am Saturday. And I've got so many other ones that I could swaer are real.
  19. Yeah, When will V7 be up and running? I hate to be inpatient, but to be honest, I don't really like this V6. Can we have something along the lines of the liquid version (which I miss)? I'm all for something new, and I can wait. I just want to know arouns when it will be up. Thanks, Aurora
  20. Well, just the other day, I forgot my colored oencils for science, so being the nice teacher I have, she let me go get them. On my way to my locker, my friend was also in the hallway. Being the nice, goofy friend he is, he asked what I was doing. I simply replied "I forgot my colored pencils for science, ^^;;; you?" "geez Kate, same thing here. odd." I have many more, but that's the latest one.
  21. Yeah, I know about the rough looking thing, and right after I posted I noticed it needed a border. So, here's a new one. It's still rough, they will be for awhile, until I can get my PhotoShop up and running better. Well, comments welcome, but not on the roughness topic. I tried a different kind of border for my style, tell me how you like it!
  22. Cool! I would come, but the fear od stalkers from my parents. Already have one, I think (he mighta stopped) I don't need my parents yelling at me. If I was alone (i.e. living alone, I'm too young, once I turn 21, I'm outta here!)) I surely would. I live in Ohio, right my the Michigan border. All I have to do is ride my bike up the street less than a mile then I'm there. (haha, I love hopping in between state borders while saying that I'm in two places at one. I did once or twice at the Ohio/Michigan/Imdiama border.)
  23. Okay, I've neen really bored lately with way too much time on my hands, so I've done a lot of avatars. The first *counts* 12 are Card Captor Sakura: The Sakura Cards ones. The ones after that are pure randomness. As you can see, I have a new avi too, no one can have it. Until futher notice, you may take and use them as you wish. Credit to moi is much appriated! Well here's the first one that I had made for a friend but she never used it - it's not really one of my better ones, but oh well. Comments please! [espcially since I need to post more ;) ]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by destro53 [/i] [B]Well, I hadn't slept for 3 days, was on the biggest caffeine rush ever, combined with an insanely huge sugar rush, and was flat out in a crazy mood. So yes I was quite messed up. Actualy it's not written, just planned, but I'm in the process of writing it. [/B][/QUOTE] Haha, the classic caffine/sugar rush! When I get that, I'll run around the house, drive the dog crazy, jump on beds, ride my bike insanly fast, and jump down the stairs. Or just sled down the stairs with a pillow and get some really bad carpet burns.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by destro53 [/i] [B] Also I forgot about the time I got messed up enough to actualy write a Fooly Cooly fanfic. That is near impossible. [/B][/QUOTE] Dear Lord that is immpossible. How could you ever even stand to write one? I couldn't! I feel sorry for you to have to do that. After that, you musta been like :drunk:
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