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Everything posted by AuroraDragon

  1. I don't find it stupid at all. My cat, Angie, when she died we kept her colar. man, I miss her
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crimson Spider [/i] [B]Well, I would take my puffer more if it didn't have this bad side-effect. I guess Albuteral was not made for my system. You see, after I take it it makes me shake constantly. You know like when you are really cold? Like that. No one knows why. [/B][/QUOTE] man, I have that one too. I hate it! it makes me shake for like three hours non-stop. I have Flovent too, but lately it hasnt been working for me at all, so now Ive been stuck suffering either way, shaking, or just not breathing well. anyways, yeah, I it have really bad. Ive had since...like I was six. but, one good thing is that my older brother has grown out of it so I'm hoping I will too. acording to my asthma doctor though, aparently my asthma has actually been better this summer-though I didnt notice. I'm still waiting for my once a year trip to the ER because of it. but, if I make it to New-Years without one, I will be having a celebration!! at least now I'm not on five different inhailers, now I'm back to three, I guess that Clairinex pill is a good one for both allergies and asthma. ~Aurora
  3. ah yes, I know what I forgot...... I have a pet tiger, I'm sorry if that sounds weird, but I love tigers, so I have to have one if no one minds...a white tiger....its name will be....uhh...um....hmm...gimme another day to come up with that....
  4. oh, the funnest thing I've ever done in a store was one time I was at Office Max when my Brother was there and the power went out-all of the employee's-even the boss-pulled out the computer chairs and we had races up and down the store. man, that was fun!!
  5. yay! I'm gonna join!! Name: Aurora Age: 19 Race: Human Gender: Female Occupation: wall guarder-mage, part time waitress at the Inn House Type: a good size brick house Looks: eh, I'll just look like Ayeka in this pic. [IMG]http://villageanime.com/tenchi/images/ayeka.jpg[/IMG] Small Bio: has a part time job at the Inn, mostly during the day, mage and guarder of the wall at night. was trained by another powerful mage, therefore, very powerfull herself. usually kind-hearted, but when you get her mad you better watch out. usually carries her magic-embeded sword. ended up in Black Haven from job losses of other mages in other areas. doesn't like to beataround the bush-strait to the point. when she has something to say-she'll say it outright. eh, that's all I have for now.
  6. yeah, I remember when that happened to a friend of mine...my mom made us pick of of 'em up...we didn't get the ice cream that we were told were getting that day..... one of the stupid things that happened was my brother and I were at Toys R' Us one day in the video game area...at the time he worked there, so, he put Marvel vs. Capcom 2 in the Dreamcast on his lunch break. and I was there but why-I forgot. Well, anyways we got to fighting, and about an hour later his boss came out and said "that is for the costomers, I know for a fact you have that game at home, your break is over NOW." no he didn't get fired-now he has a job at Office Max-10% discounts once a month booyah
  7. I'd have to vote for Dragon Warrior too, I don't really know that many people on OB yet-but i hope to. but, I would vote for him because we've talked a lot, and he's a great artist-both musically and with art. His helped me with a few things too, and I guess we've become friends over a month.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hyper [/i] [B][size=1][*]High post quality. Need I say more? [*]Personality. Judges should arbitrate based on what they think, and personally is a great tool here. [*]Humor and wit. This is a fun contest, and to emphasize that, fun judges are required.[/list] And don't worry if you're not chosen as a judge; You can still try and showcase your talent as a contestant. Currently we're focued on finding the perfect judges.[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, first off I would like to be a judge. I'm not all that great at competing...so that's why. Second, the only time that i have had a bad post quality is when i was trying to help someone who had just joined. Third, I know I'm a newb and you may not want one of us as a judge....? Lastly, I have a great personallity, and a little humor. thanks, ~Aurora P.S. I seriously need to know when this starts "cause I'll be away the 3rd to the 11th
  9. i love Invader Zim, yah their just not making any new episodes :( i miss Gir......lets sing the nickeloden (sp) is doomed song...."dooom doooom doom doom......"
  10. i agree with KnightOfTheRose, i think angels are just good ghosts, nothing possibly "sent by god", just spirits that want to do good
  11. wow, amazing, you've got awsome talent; keep up the great work!! if i ever need a new one i'll ask ya
  12. well, i dont really know what my name is. i just like it, i love both Aurora's and Dragon's....so.....viola: AuroraDragon. besides, i find it creative, names sometimes express feelings, emotions, likings, belifes (sp) etc. nick names can express many different things
  13. well, i wouldnt like that at all because i would have to go back to the other anime forum that i used to go to. which, would be very, very, extremly bad 'cause that place sucked. second, i would actually start my manga with my friends *stares at the scetches on the table, then, sticks her tounge out at 'em :P * and probably play my clarinet more i dont really know what i would do, i mean i wouldnt like curl up in a corner and die, but i would do some more things.
  14. ooops sorry 'bout that. will you guys be having another one soon that i can sign up for?
  15. wow shippo, i love the megaman one, and the Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru one was awsome too. you're really good at these thanx sooo much again for mine!! i love it!!
  16. wow, those are all great. i might enter two of my fave pics of mine....if i can get my scanner to work *snickers at the scanner above her*
  17. aww thats awsome. its going as my new desktop
  18. wow, amazing *is too shocked to say anything else*
  19. my one cousin seems to be the only annoying one in the family, just the slightest bit of sugar makes him never shut up and act like a maniac. every time he comes over we have to hide all the pop but for some reason whenm we're not looking he goes and finds it. and viola, hes the hyperest kid alive and wont shut up. god hes so annoying.
  20. well, my mom is always saying that i do have those abilities. a lot of times--actually about once a day--ill have that deja vu feeling; always connecting to a dream or something weirder. and like Black_Phoenix i do have the ocasional glimpse into the future thing. a lot of times my dreams come true. infact it happens so often that sometimes i afraid my nightmares are gonna come true. sometimes-sometimes ill even be able to sorta read someones mind. eh, i dont care if u belive this crap or not... but like my english teacher said: "evolution effects us all-some of us faster than others. sometime in the future we wont need to talk-we'll all have that certain abillity to read and send messages telepathically" smart words, that they are
  21. well, yes i do belive in spirits, my mom even says i have telepathy (sp?), or i can read minds, see spirits, and some other stuff that sometimes i wish i didnt have. i have three main stories to tell here: first one (the more kinda understaning one): well, about four years ago our family cat died, smartest cat we ever knew. (we hadta put her down) well, now every once and awhile any of us at any given time will see a flash of white outa the corner of our eye (she was white, duh), sometimes i will even hear her meow, because i still remember the diffence between the two cats' meows. a lot of times ill even wake up at night and see a white blurr sitting in my room, but then ill fall right back to sleep. i miss her and in some ways i think she'll never leave us until we join her or something like that. my mom belives that shes either waiting for me or her, because she says that shes like "my gaudian" in some ways. well, the second creepyier one: at my aunts at a christmas party we were all sitting in the family room when the lamp on the end table started shaking, we all stared at it-stunned. then it started to move off the table, we were all so stunned we diodnt get up to stop it. when it fell off the one little fake candle holder on it was bent. no every time i go over there i see it and it always sends a chill down my spine. the last: a lot of times ill be so chilly that i swear that someone is following me-especially when i go to bed. so i get so scared of this fact that ill go to take the night light from the bathroom to make me go to sleep or else ill be so afraid of whatever it is that ill shake. i know this may sound like im a wuss, but its so dang creepy i have so many other creepy ones that i cant remember-or dont wish to remember-that id love to tell but this post is to long
  22. okay, first , as being a girl i would think that getting money would be bad on my boyfriends part because that would kinda say to me that my boyfriend knows absulutly nothing about me and doesnt have the first clue as to what to give me-thats just my opinion. second, no dont give her a paperweight third your idea is great so far Legacy, if u dont have enough cash then go to a resterant thats still very nice-just maybe a little cheaper lastly, maybe a gift she can keep-necklace, a lil' statue that means something special, rose/roses/flowers, sunchatcher, or maybe even a gift certifacate to someplace you know she likes to go i dunno-i cant think of anything else at the moment.....
  23. i love your design work, but i dislike how your chose the pic. with Aeka/Ayeka crying-she doesnt deserve to cry!! i like her shes my favorite character from Techi Muyo, can your make another one or her?-w/o her crying? ohhhhh BOOYAH this is the first post thta was acually counted!! booyah!!
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