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About KPhenil

  • Birthday 02/02/1983

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    Hamster Christ
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  1. I know what you mean. The storyline is pretty complicated and if you don't know the basic history then it gets to be really confusing. It took me almost two weeks to actually understand enough of the story to be able to start enjoying it. Don't give up on it yet, it gets better! ^_~ By the bye, if you think Mobius is hard to get, did you watch The Soultaker when it was on TT? Man I watched every episode of that and I STILL don't understand what happened! x_x
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Oyeah [/i] [B]No piercings! Piercings are for girls and gays![/B][/QUOTE] Naw bubba naw! I know many deliciously straight guys who have some hot body piercings. :whoops:
  3. ::chortles:: I wouldn't go so far as to say we're evil. How about crafty? Anyway I don't know how I think half the time so even though I'm a woman it's kinda pointless for me to try and shed light on your mystery. Sorry. As for guys, black fingernail polish and heavy black eyeliner are definitely a good start!
  4. [SIZE=large][FONT=arial][COLOR=darkblue]Is anybody else into this show and/or the manga? It was created by the same guy (Kia Asamiya) who did Martian Successor Nadesico (I worship that show's craziness!) and Dark Angel. If you've never seen/heard of the show, then you won't know that's where my username and icon come from ^_^ Okay well now you do. For those of you with cable or satellite, you can catch the show Monday - Thursday at 12:30 am on TechTV. It's got one of the most moving opening theme songs I've heard. You should watch just for that! Definitely check it out though. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  5. My fave is definitely Escaflowne!! I have a weakness for shows/films with kickass soundtracks and in my eyes Yoko Kanno can do no wrong. ^_~ I'm insanely jealous of all you people who've seen the Bebop movie!!! Anybody know if it's on DVD yet? I love that show! ;_;
  6. I have both my eyebrows and the bridge of my nose done. Everybody thinks the bridge hurts - hell, I did when he was about to shove the needle through - but guess what? It doesn't! Ja and I also have six holes in my left ear and three in my right. What can I say? I love needles. (and I am not a druggie! lol x_X) Not sure about tats. I'm thinking of getting The Queen of Swords card from the Waite tarot deck on my left or right hip. That'd be mad cool. I'm getting my nose pierced sometime in the next year (whenever I can afford it).
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