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Everything posted by IckleKoth

  1. I Agree. TTM Was an awesome movie, I've always missed the beginning But i do agree. Teklken The Movie was awesome!!!
  2. I've seen it only once, but was impressed. TOTDM was one kickass anime. A tale of Fire Manips, Demons, Love, and hate. Im My opinion there's not many more good SHORT anime's then this one. If you have heard of it/seen it post here and tell me whatcha think. I'd give it a 9.9
  3. I know i've missed every episode in SJ cept the first one, BUt Who In Their Right God Darned Minds Would WANT!! to cut Shaman King.If They're going to put it on something, LEAVE THE FRIGGIN VIOLENCE IN!!! That's what thew kids these days look for. What's tv without a few people dying, or some blood flying across the room? Aye..Aye??
  4. Thank You Ruby. It Was For A School Project. I Got A 70 >:\ ***** Teach. it Took Me 'Bout 10 Minutes So I Guess That's Why T_T.
  5. Today, the day of the Apocalypse Death, destruction everywhere I turn, The 4 horsemen have taken everyone Everyone I love Everyone I Loath Everyone I know I have survived but know not how, I now wish i havent I may be the last. I may be the final person left. I don't know, so I search, I am going insane Everything, gone, no birds, animals, nothing. I search for friends I search for anything to keep me sane. I may be the last, but there is always hope. Today is the day The end of the world, The day of the Apocolypse. This Is the CHANGED Version. See The Original at [url]www.poetry.com[/url] < Last Name, Murdock. First Name, Joshua.>
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