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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. Joey: Hey bud. Mind if I chill with you for a while? Marak: No. Come on in. What's up? Joey: Yugi's having a deep trance-talk with his milenium spirit. Marak: I do that too sometimes. Joey: I heard you can see the past and future. Marak: I can. Why? Joey: I wanted to know about ancient egypt and the Millenium Items. Marak: What specifically? I know lots, but we can narrow it down. Joey: Yugi's puzzle. Marak: You don't happen to be planning on taking it, do you? Joey: take the puzzle?! no way. Marak: Good. Let's go back in time. Get ready. It'll be a shock at first. Joey: I can take it.
  2. Marak: Bakura, you shall pay. *Gets idea* My turn. I place time wizard on the field and sacrifice my two monsters to summon Blue Eyes. Time Wizard, Time Roulette! Get me no skulls. Time Wizards' spinner lands on a ......... house(whatever you call that othee icon). Marak: YES! Blue Eyes transform into Youth Blue Eyes with a 300 attack/defense bonus. I lay on trap card face-down and end my turn. Rex: I sacrifice to bring out Twin-Headed Fire Dragon. Go! Marak: I play Dream Clown in Defense and attack with Blue Eyes. Marak Life Points: 7000 Rex Life Points: 3400 Rex: I play Gravity Bind. Now, omly level 3 or lower monsters can attack. End Turn. Marak: I just drew your defeat. Mystic Probe! I negates an continous trap/magic the turn it's activated. Blue eyes attack his life points. Now, you only have 100 life points left. What are you going to do now? Rex(nervous): I summon Doma the Angel of Silence. Marak: You can't. Rex: It's your turn. Marak: My hand. I have Deepsea Warrior, Umi, and Fire Kraken. I play Umi and Sacrifice Dream Clown to summon Deepsea Warrior. It's over next turn. Make your final move. Rex: I play one card face down and end my turn.. Marak: I play Power of Kaishin, equip it to Deepsea and attack. Now, for my prize, I want your rod Bakura. Yami: Don't do it Marak. Marak: Stay out Yugi. Shade: Marak, it Marak walks over, takes Rex's bdges, his cards, and goes to his room. Marak jumps on his bed and looks into the past using his Millenium Necklace his aunt gave him. Marak: Father. There is a knock on the door, and Marak turns to get it.
  3. Trik: Chaos, I'm going to search around. See if I can find the Exodia peice. Trik went off into the darkness of the temple and noticed a thoudand eyes Restrict. Trik readies his sword and runs back to the group. He looks at Blue Eyes and nods "yes" to him.
  4. Marak walked through the palace and noticed from a bridge the battle betwen Comis and Tristan. Marak: Man, I wanted to duel Tristan. He sees someone else watching on the far side of the bridge and decides to duel him. Marak: Rex! I challenge you! Rex: ok. Let's duel. Marak goes first. Marak: I place one magic card foce-down, and Cyber Falcon in attack mode. Your turn. Rex: ok. I place on card face down and one monster caard face-down defense position. I'm not crazy, but it's your turn. Marak: I am crazy. I place Beaver Warrior in defense mode. End turn. Rex: You're an idiot! I place Cold Wave down and attack Beaver Warrior with Uraby. Marak: Doesn't hurt me. But I will lay one monster face-down. Rex: I will...AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rex starts grabbing his head screaming. Marak looks at Rex and sees a shadow behind him. Bakura steps oput, holding the Millenium Rod. Bakura: Just like your father. He was weak. Marak: SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT MY DAD!!!!!!! He was a great duelist, a great person, and the greatest father. I'll get you back for him. Bakura: Revenge or Retribution?
  5. SwordHunter looked past the dragon. He noticed the hol in the throne. SwordHunter: Blue Eyes, we need him alive; remember, they know this realm better. Valkyrion, Chaos come with me. Chaos: Why? Swordhunter: He said we were too late. The dark forces must be here. They'll get to the stone first if we wait for Ti-horn to tell us.
  6. Trik looks at the package. He graabs it and brings it in. He opens a link to Ken. He looks up. Ken: Trik, where are you? Trik: Outside Luna. Tell Pyro I have a package for him. Ken: Pyro's out. He's down. Trik: What? I got info on Mercurius and I need him to see this. I'm on my way. #closes link# Phoenix, Flash. We need to get there in...well, just hurry there.
  7. Tea runs after Marak. She grabs his hand. He looks at her. Marak: Go away! Tea: If you fight Bakura now, you'll get killed! Marak: I don't care! Bakura and I have an age old score to settle. Marak looks up and sees Yami Yugi. Marak looks into Yami's eyes. Marak: *goes Yami: Welll, It's Yugi Mutoh. *Yami: You are your father's kid. *Marak: You are you calling a kid and what do you mean by that?!
  8. After defeating the great demon Skorne, the Gauntlet all went to the diffent regions of the quest. The colors decided it. Everyone went to their respective region and remained there. However, about 6 months after the Skorne reign, a message was sent out to all regions to meet in the Caverns. All regions knew that when Skorne was destroyed, the Heavens and the Abyss opened up with the guardians of those regions(White/Pink, and Black) had been newluy formed and had not yet been eliminated of Skorne's minions. So the Red, Blue, Yellow , and Green Guardians met in the Caverns. (That'as where we'll be. If you want to be one of Skorne's minions or a boss at the end of a level, pm me.) ~~~~~~~ Name: Age: (Keep it reasonable) Guardian: (Color and Race) Side: (For those of you who want to be bad) Region: Weapon(s): Experience Level:(none over 25...) Appearance: Bio: White and Pink are the same thing. and the Abyss is the most dangerous because it has the most guards, 2 bosses, but more gold and power-ups. Have Fun and I hope this thing works.
  9. Trik is sharpening his sword when he hears other blades slicing through clay. Trik simisses it and returns to the group. He looks around at everybody and frowns. "The temple has got to be inside that volcano. I've checked and I can't find a trace of a temple anywhere." Trik adds, "It's the only logical reason I can come up with and It's insane."
  10. Marak: I'm going to find Bakura and take his Millenium Items. Marak looks at Bakura and sees a smile. Marak glares. Marak: Yeah, smile because you won't get a chance to later, after I take your millenium items and your soul. Marak rushes into his room and throws his pack on the bed. He opens the window and sits on the edge. After 5 minutes, he throws his coat on and heads out. He finds Tea's room. He opens the door and enters. Marak: I'm sorry for intrrupting you but I have a message to deliver. *hands Tea a letter in a black envelope* I knew your son. He died two years ago. Tea:I'm sorry. Were you good friends? Marak: Yeah. We were social to each other. I'm sorry. Marak turns and walks out, looking for a duel.
  11. -Trik: I wish to see the Mercurius file. I 'm doing a research projkect for Comm. Creon about it. Trik reads the file and carries it to his gundam. He races off into space. He tries to find Pyro where he left them. -Trik: Pyro, meet me in Ilun III. It's a new develpoemental colony that is wa from here. We need to meet.
  12. Trike lands on Luna and hops out of his gundam. He looks at the faactory above him and waves to a few workers. Trik walks to an elevator and looks down. -Trik: I abandonded them when they needed me. I shouldn't be here.
  13. -Trik: How did I do that? I haven't had that dream in a long time. If I could just see that gundam's pilot, It'ld all be clear to me. Trik jumps in his gundam and takes off toward Luna. He replays the battle between him and Creon. He folds his arms and sighs. -Trik: That's one powerful gundam. I could use it's and pheonix's power to create an even better gundam and use it to defeat Arthur. *thinks and sighs* I just need an opportunity and more knowledge about the Mercurius. ^Trik hears Creon's message. He hears Pyro tell Ken to look for him.^ -Trik: Now what? He wanted to fight alone, I'll let him until he goes for the kill. A life for a life.
  14. Trik steps forward and draws his sword out. Trik: Come in! There is much to do in little time. The council will meet tomorrow morning. Trik sheaths his sword and turns around. He walks to the throne room and recalls the days of the great war. Trik: He stood right there and told us to keep the Dark realm back. What would he do now?
  15. Trik looks over the hill, and a temple is in the light now. Trik ran for it. He wals up to the temple and sees an Alpha Warrior. Trik pulls out a sword. Trik: What's up?
  16. Just wondering *looks around and whistles* This should be a good RPG.
  17. Trik walked in the gate. He looked around. No one. He pulled out his sword and finally started walking. He reaches the end of the graveyard. Trik: Beyond here lies the Earth Temple. 2 days, I'll reach it. ?:Are you sure? I'll not let you past. For I am the Dark Assailant! Trik turns and sees a dark figure. The figure shows itself. Trik lashes at it. Trik: I don't have time for you. *slices figure and turns* Now, I'm almost late. Trik rips the gate open and continues forward.
  18. Trik flashes a light and sees Arthur slicing a gundam into a million peices. Trik rushes in and attacks Arthur blindly. Trik gets blasted in the shoulder and falls to one knee. arthur is about to slice of the mobile suits head when a different gundam interupts and sstops Arthur. Trik feels his shoulder. He pulls his sticky hand into view. It's red with blood. Trik blacks out. -Trik: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trik sits up. He gets up and heads into Pheonix. trik notices the alarm is on. He presses it and drops his coffee.
  19. -Trik: No way! That's stronger than Excalibur Delux I bet. No way in heck I'm gonna let him beat me. Pheonix, Get up! The gundam turns around and floats back to the cruiser. Trik points his gun at the cruiser and fires three holes into it. He looks at it. -Trik: I've gotta get in Mercurius for two minutes. I have to memorize it's ITO patterns. Next time, though. Trik flies off into another system. He lands at a bar. He rushes inside and sits down next to a hooded figure. The bartender fixes his drink and gives it to him. Trik turns around and loojks at the person next to him. -Trik: So, heard anything about Arthur? I heard he was having a hard time fighting a weak gundam and two Mobile Suits. The figure stands up and looks at Trik. Trik smiles.
  20. Shade...Earth to Shade...You there>?
  21. Ok. I was just playing around. I just realized I have aevery card in this Rpg.
  22. -Trik: Oh well, Time to see what they can do. Keep scanning the frequency, Duck. Trik ran to his gundam and hopped in. He blasted off into space and saw a large convoy heading for him. He picked a MS before they saw him. He saw a man on his screen. He activated his laser cannon. -Trik: You attack and I'll shoot Earth! -Creon: Hold up! I have a buisness deal for you. I want you to pilot one of my new suits. We'll pay graciously. -Trik: No thanks. I won't do it. I can see past that fake smile. You want Pheonix. I'm developig a new suit as well. I'll test you as to who can beat the other. Pheonix and I will never give into anyone unless he wants to. I go with him. Trik turns around and slices two MS's in halves.
  23. Cool...Pulls out a deck of Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards. While we're waiting... Duel anyone?
  24. Name: Trik Card Name: SwordHunter Description: Card photo Bio: A survivor of the war, he guards on of the peices of Exodia and now searches for the others to make sure that they are guarded safely. (more in story) Gender: Male Special Abilities: Sword of the Deep Seated, Dark Hole. Is that good?
  25. Trik wakes up and sees Earth in view. He locks his scanners on three GM's and a GM Cannon. He flies past one Gm and looks back at him. -Trik: I can't have anyone messing with my plans. Trik locks on all the Gm's and fires. He lands his gundam and jumps out and runs towards an abandoned old building. He opens an elevator door and unlocks the floor tiles. He slides down and turns his security system off. -Trik: Nice. Now, to hack into Creon's frequency.
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