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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. Trik walks outside of his office. He looks down the storeroom to see his gundam, Pheonix, sitting there. Trik jumps down and hops in. -Trik: Let's go. I'm late for an important meeting. Just keep low and alert me when you see Earth. ok? The gundam lights up and blasts off into space.
  2. Name: Ishtar Marak Age: 13 Looks: Dark blue Cargo jeans, White tank-top with a black shirt and a long Red Trench coat. Green spiked hair. Deck Theme: Magician/Warrior/Dragon Rare Cards: Dark Magician, Magician of Black Chaos, Black Luster Soldier, Swordhunter, Millenium Sheild, Thousand-Eyes Restrict, BEWD. Bio: Abandonded as a child, he learned everything from how to steal to how to duel by himself. He knows his parents are alive and he entered this tournament to get money to search for them. After the Battle City tournament, Malik found a way out of the Shadow Realm, and he made his way back to Battle City. He met up with Tea and they had a child(me!!!). About 2 1/2 years after I was bor, Bakura found Malik and they dueled. Tea and I fled. Then, Bakura chased My mm. I was left in foster care, but I escaped and now, I'm looking for my parents and Bakura. Marak found a way to duel like no one else and he's going to enter Battle Palace to test it out and find a way to rescue his parents. Personality: Funny, Always has a joke about everything. Outgoing and really friendly. Other: Wants to win a powerful card to improve his deck and a millenium item to add his collection(has Millenium Necklace and Orb.)
  3. If you thought they were scary as a kid, come look at them now. The dinosaurs mutated into more powerful, hideous creatures who love blood. Five men were stranded on an island with these terrible creatures and told to set up a base for more troops to land at. Two weeks and still no back-up. "Barkley, where is that .44mm pistol with the silenced scope?" Jacob asked. He was going out to work on the jet and thought he might need some protection. He found his gun and left. Aroaring overhead caused everyone to freeze and activate Fline 1. Fline 1 is a system with radar and ultra-sensitive detectors evrywhere within a three-mile radius. Joe came running through the barrier at a high speed. He burst into the jet cockpit. I looked at him. "I spotted two C-130's comming this way." He sputtered, gasping for breath. Jacob got up and went into the landing area. Everyone was there. Nick shot a flare up and the planes landed. An admiral stepped out and met me at the end of the steps. "What's going on?" he asked. Jacob and the admirall walked through the compound as Jacob explained the situation to him. I ran up to them as fast as I could. First, I saluted. Proper military operations. "Admiral, General, We have a situation here." I said. "Barkley, the admiral is here." Jacob sternly demanded. "Sir, someone or something has broken through the barrier. It's headed right for us. The C4 is ready and in place." I told them. "Sir, any orders?" I asked again. "Get ready. Tell everyone to pack up and get in the planes. All the equipment, too." the admiral said. "Sir, Yes Sir." I saluted and ran back to post. If that thing got to us. I would meet it first. Everything was readsy when the ground started shaking and the roaring got louder. I readied my gun and put my finger on the trigger, ready to fire. Next thing I know, I'm face to face with the most hideoous, disgusting, ugliest creature that I had ever seen. We were in for a long ride. The thing roared and I saw almost all the way down it's neck. What choice did I have? I fired into the thing. Like? I'm still working on it and I have Chapter 2 half-way done and the sequel started. Help me if you can. I'm writing this for an English paper due Friday. Please help me!
  4. Teth: I'm a spirit so I can't fight. Frankie would never side with you. What are you up to? Daleth: Nothing. I just want to know how you turn into digimon. David: Teth, back off. Teth: Okay. I've had it all my life. That's how frankie knows me. I saved her in the wreck. I thought no one else made it but I was wrong. David: So that's it. Teth: Yes. I've let go and now I'm free. Daleth: Oh Holy #$^&!!! Teth: Bingo! You're going down!!!!!
  5. Ok. I know how you feel with the report. Pains on the neck, aren't they? unless they're about something fun.
  6. Minarmon: David, get back. I'm a spirit but I can still hurt. She's not right. David: I know this will work! It has to! Minarmon jumps at Sakuyamon and appears on the other side of her. He turns around and looks into her eyes.
  7. I like Davis, but Tk and Kari go together better. Think about it. They gone through all of Digimon together. I said Hope and Light go together Na'dou.
  8. Teth stretches his hand out to frankie. Teth: Aren't you coming? Renamon is your partner and David is your brother! Don't you even care?! I care... I'm going. You can come or stay. Teth turns into Minarmon and bursts off flying towards David's position. He sees some looney Mega Digimon dodging all of GCM and Megidramon's attacks. Teth lands in front of the digimon and glares at her. Teth pulls out his staff and holds it out. Teth: You okay David? David: Yeah. You? Teth: Dead but I'm okay.
  9. Teth: I know. It's not fair. It's too tough to get through this and stay the same or change. Why is it us? Frankie: I just don't know. Teth: I sent everything I had just now to you. You need to help them. I'm fully spirit now. I may visit you as Minarmon, because I'm free from Reality now. No locks, no bolts, just open doors and open windows.
  10. poor poor TK. TK does deserve her. He's known her longest and Hope-Light go together.
  11. Teth: Frankie...I did it for you and David. I knew I would have to do this. I'm happy though. For the first time, I'm realy truly happy. I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you. Omnimon: 5,4,3,2,1! Teth, it's ready. Teth: Okay. Teth's spirit puts his arm over Frankies shoulder and looks at her.
  12. Teth: Frankie, don't cry. Please? I only meant that I'm fine here. Omnimon is quick. He'll figure it out and I'll be back to normal before you know it. Frankie: I know. That's what scares me, Teth. I don't know who you are anymore. I'm staying. Teth: You don't care if David dies. Everything will be ok. I know who I am and that's all that matters. Teth hugs Frankie tight as she disappears and zips to near David's position. Teth looks at Omnimon. Teth: Is is time? Omnimon: I'm aafraid so. Teth: Oh well, I had a good little run there for a while.
  13. Good. It describes a lot of people. A lot of them describe me very well. You have a true gift for this. *not*
  14. Digimon: Slashmon Level: Rookie Evolutions: Stealthmon(champion), Strykermon(Ultimate), Rayvemon(Mega) Attacks: Ninja Blade, Southern Darkness, and Shadow Strike Personality: Quiet, Loves Dark places. Friendly, but mysterious. Strong for a rookie, loves a good fight.
  15. Teth: Frankie, go after him. Frankie: Not until I know what's wrong with you. Teth: Shut up! That boy is the only family you got. Now, Get up and go after him. I will come over there and hit you if you don't. Frankie: I can't... Teth bursts off flys at Frankie and hits her in the jaw. He looks at her as she rubs her jaw. Frankie: That hurt. Teth: Stop. Look frankie, You're nice. Don't try to be the "tough guy". Look what that got me.
  16. Very good. It's hard to think about it. It feels like the day after it happened it felt like ages ago. It still does too.
  17. Pretty good. I can't really say that anything was wrong because it was all great. Color codes were off a little for me, but oh well.
  18. Teth shuts his diary and puts his jacket on. He starts to head out but hears a noise and looks out in front. Kumamon and Frankie are walking out the door. Teth goes out after them. Teth: Well, Well, well. What do we have hear? Frankie, a little girl corcerned about a nice boy she just found out about? Now, I will destroy you all! Teth glows red and turns into a red shadow, then a huge digimon. Teth stares down at Kumamon. Teth: I am Hinotsumon, what are you running from?
  19. Teth: Frankie's nice but she left me in the snow. I'm repaying what she gave me. Kumamon: Sir...I want to ask you. Teth: Leave me Kumamon. Teth starts to write in a silver book as Kumamon goes back to Frankie. Frankie: Help me. Teth needs help. I have a plan. Kumamon: If you can protect me from Teth's anger, I will help you. What's the plan? Frankie: Release me from here and I'll tell you.
  20. Frankie tries to find Teth and David, but comes up with nothing. The dark figure returns and looks at her. She trips him and sees his hood come off. Frankie gasps. ^gasps^ Frankie: Teth! You monster! Teth: No! You did this to me. The first time I saw you, I fell in love with you. You came back for David and kept rejecting me. I was better off in the dark before I met you. You have no clue what it's like to be in my mind! It's Dark, Lightning, Demons everywhere, mostly of you and the others controlled by Daleth.
  21. Teth: I've been there before. I can't come back you see. When I we there the first time. I could come back if I was totally rid of my evil side. Daleth was formed. I tried stopping him, but he wouldn't listen to me. That's why you all are here. I wished for help, but in all that's happened, I forgot about it. Frankie: That explains it. I knew it. David: We need you Teth, fight with us. Teth: I can't. In two days, I'll go back and still be haunted by the past. Frankie: STOP RUNNING AWAY!!!! Teth: I have to.
  22. Teth: Frankie. I'm fading out. I can't come with you in life, but I'll follow you. Take him down! Teth gives a thumbs up as he fades out and falls to the ground. He looks up and sees Frankie's concerned face. He goes up to kiss her lips but goes right through her. He hears a mysterious laugh. Voice1: Ha Ha HA Ha.... Voice2: You have faded out again. We warned you. Now you can never go back!
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