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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    [U][U] In Hope's Head:[/U][/U] Josh: [I][I]I wish Hope would wake up. Tell me when she wakes up Timpo.[/I][/I] Josh jumps on a horse and rides off to a cliff. He looks at the sky and whispers something to the wind. A few rose petals fall on his hands but are blown away by the wind. [U][U] Outside of Hope's Head:[/U][/U] Josh: This is it. All my anger, sorrow, and pain is leaving me. Josh stands alone but then falls on the ground. He sees a rose fall apart and blow in the wind. A horse comes up and nudges him. He gets on the horse and falls asleep. Josh: Let's go Funsaki.
  2. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Where's Hope? It has to be the J-Reaper or a digimon! That's all it could be. Josh thinks about it for a while and then sleeps for about 15 minutes. He wakes up and sees a face in the tree he's under. Josh: Hey? ?: Josh. I miss you. Come with me. Let's go back to start over. Josh: No! You betrayed me! I can't forgive you for that until I straighten some things out. Leave me alone, Jo! Josh: Friendship's Destiny!!!!!!!!!
  3. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: ( I'll settle this my own way! I'll prove to them what I've been trying to say. ) If I'm not there when This is over with, will you take care of Hope, Gatomon? Gatomon: Sure, but be careful. You know Hope cares for you. Josh: That's why I have to do this. You understand? Gatomon: *crying* Yes. I do. Josh: Ok. Light-Digivolution! Digivolve to ... ?: WarAngemon!
  4. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: I think the J-Reaper has only 3 weaknesses since the last time we met. If He has gotten stronger, he only has one weakness. Three hunman sins are Greed, Anger and Temptation. Got it! Dustin, Hold up! Hope: You're slow Josh. Josh: I haven't Bio-Merged. Josh flys above them as they race towards the J-Reaper.
  5. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Pegasusmon, Let's haul it. They are not understanding me. I've been working on this since I first discovered digimon. Rika, want a ride? Rika: No thanks. I'll wait for Ryo. Josh: Ok. I'll keep an eye on Dustin and Kredion for you! Josh catches up to Hope. He sees Dustin and Kredion ahead. Josh: Hope, I'm going to catch up to Kredion. See ya! Josh flies off towards them and thinks about everything that has happened.
  6. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: I wish you would listen to me for one second. [This Rpg reflects my life.] Kredion: I know what you're talking about Josh. I agree. Dustin: Josh! You're suicidal. Josh: Naw! Just act like it sometimes. Let's hurry on this card. Josh connects his laptop up to dustin's and they start working. Josh edits his own card and then helps out with dustins.
  7. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: I don't get this. Did you hear me say I was going to kill myself? I created a core that I can attach to myself to keep from getting blown up in an explosion. Kredion: If we think about it, you and dustin are right. He's got to reveal his weaknesses sometime. Josh: I know. I'm going nuts here. Josh looks up at the sky and rubs his head. He sees Hope and ignores her. He looks around. Josh: Where is Dustin?
  8. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Let's go! ShiningAngemon! ShiningAngemon flies up and forms a ball of light. He puts it up and saves it. He flys away towards Dustin. Josh: Your right dustin. I do keep bottled up. Send my message, Tell Hope We care for her. I'd tell her myself after this is all over with but I don't think I'll be around then. I'm going to blow myself up to stop the J-Reaper's rejuvenation and destuction. You and Hope have helped me see the light and I thank you for it. Josh flys up and stands near the sun. He looks at dustin and Hope. Josh: I've been so bottled up and selfish that I hadn't yet realized the most important things in my life. I know have reasons other than my old used to be ones.
  9. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: I can fly too but do you want me to say behind? I can still mode change to bust up someone. Josh pops his fingers and neck then waits for someone to answer him.
  10. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: I am truly sorry for this. It had to be this way. Shining Burning Arc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the end. Flaming Arrows appear! 3 arrows appear and are set on the arc. BurningArchAngemon pulls them back and lets go. After the rest are blown Josh and Angemon de-fuse and land on the castle. Josh works at trying to get one of the doors open. Josh: Dustin, Come on. Get in. Now! What's up this time? Something's wrong. I can feel it. Myotismon: What could possibly be wrong? You walked right into my crysalist.
  11. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh separates from the others. He attacks the castle with Pegasusmon. They fly away and are ambushed by Myotismon's gang. josh notices the others come in and flies into the sky. Josh: Sorry guys. I'll miss you. Shut down all Gates! Gatomon: you ok? Josh: Yeah. Josh's digivice glows and floats up to him. He holds it and watches as the digimon stop attacking him. Josh: Now, Bio-Merge Digivolution! Pegasusmon: Let's do it. A bright light surrounds them, and they merge into one digimon. ?: BurningArchAngemon!!!!!!!!!
  12. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Finally! I've been trying to explain that to you. We'll have to attack him head-on. Dustin: what? Josh: that's what he's expecting. We don't have much time on our sides. John: Come on then. Kredion: If you think that he's expecting you, it's great. Hope: plan? Josh: Kredion and hope go to the east side. John and Ari from west. Dustin, you got the south. I'll come from north. That's where his main force will be. I'll get them away and so you can board the place. Meet me on the main bridge and we'll go from there. I'll tell you if we have to switch plans.
  13. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh stares the stars. Josh: They're beatiful, aren't they? Dustin, you told me when we met to stand up for yourself, right? Hope, you told me once that If I went back to the digital world to make sure I was going back for the rights reasons? I am. Dustin: Yeah, but We can't let you get away with this. Kredion: You're an idiot if you go back. Josh: It's the only way. Don't you see that if we keep running, then he'll just keep chasing us. Josh looks at his d-power and then up at kredion. Josh: I'll see you there. Try and stop me! He wants you to do this. It's all a big game.
  14. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    OOC: Ok. I'll try to post this all atn once. ############### IC: Josh gets up and looks and the group. Josh: See ya later. I have to settle and sort some things out. Nothing personal. I just have to. Kredion: No! Josh: Look, I'm in no mood to argue so move. Dustin: You're not going. Josh: I'm going and don't try and stop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Josh punches dustin in the gut and kicks kredion. He looks up at the stars then at Hope. He puts his hand out. Josh: I'm going back. We can't keep running. We can get away and leave this place behind us. We both know we want to. After We defeat Myotismon, we can get lost. Just us. Be alone. Come on. :angry2: It didn't have to be this way. I didn't want you or dustin involved. I got you in, I'm going to get you out of this mess.
  15. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    OOC: [url]http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11249[/url] There's the sign-up thread. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IC: Josh starts to cry and falls to the ground. Josh: Why did it have to happen like this? It never should've happened. Hope: Josh, I ... Kredion: *puts hand on Hope's shoulder* This is Josh's battle. It's not our position to interfere. Hope: But I just wanted to Dustin: We all did, Hope. We all did.
  16. I'm kinda lost too Hope.
  17. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    OOC: I'll get you the sign up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: IC: Josh picks Kredion up and throws him on the ground. The others hold him back. Josh breaks free and punches him and grabs his shirt. Josh: Why? Dustin: Josh, stop it! Matt and Tai throw Josh against a tree and pin him. Almost everyone looks at Josh. Josh: Why?
  18. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: What happened with Hope? she turns Devil and now can time travel. Dustin: Travel in Time? Josh: It's confusing. We'll explain it later. Who's the passenger? Dustin: Don't know. Hope: Dustin, Josh come on. We've started the escape. Joshjumps on Pegasusmon and ridesup to watch the group leave. He follows and picks Dustin and the stranger up. They get to the real wolrd and land in the park. Josh: Ok. What just happened? Hope: No clue. Dustin: You and Hope went mental on us. Josh/Hope: I had no choice.
  19. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: No possible way! Huh, what happened? It's gone. Hope: Josh, come here. Josh: Kari! Is it really you? How've you been? I'ts been awhile, huh? Kari: Yeah. It has been a long time. What's up? Josh: The floor! Things are not adding up and the digital world is wacked! We have to get dustin and get out. Hope: Right. We'll have to Split up. Josh. Josh: I'm gonna have to go solo on this. Get out. Get Kazu and then get away from here. I'm gonna blow the place up. Tai: You're crazy! Josh: Yes. I have to do this. Besides, I've alreay placed explosives. You can't stop me. Everything's planned out. You can escape easy. I'm going for dustin. Josh runs up the stairs and runs around the palace looking for dustin and the explosive triggers,
  20. Name: Jaso Karan Codename: Shadow Organisation: Foxhound Starting weapon: Knife Bio: Not much is known about him. He grew up in the mountains and is a stealth fighter. He is one of the fastest of the group. Description: Schwartz Bruder from G Gundam but wears his uniform all the time. Personality: Quiet natured, fast and smart, athletic
  21. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Let him know I'm coming. I'll try and find the others. Hold 'em of for me. Josh jumps off and runs in the castle an to the top. An explosion starts and a bunch of digimon rush outside. He looks in a room and sees Kazu. He rushes and cuts the rope off. Josh: Sir Kazu, wake up. Where are Hope and dustin? Kazu: Go you need to help dustin and hope out. I'll be fine. Josh: Ok. I'll leave the dor open. Try and get help. Josh erushes down the hall looking for his friends. Myotismon's guards see him and chase him all the way aroun the top of the castle. Josh jumps off and finds a trapdoor into the castle dungeon. He looks around and sees a statue of a human girl(not hope). Josh: No Way! It can't be! WHAT'S FREAKING JOSH OUT SO MUCH? (THIS IS CRAZY!!!!) FIND OUT ON THE DIGIMON: DIGITAL MONSTERS.
  22. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    OOC: Got that Right! Wacked!!!! !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: Josh concentrates on dustin. Josh: He said something about a fake DNA having to feed of it's host. A parasite! I've got it. Now, we strike!
  23. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: This is crazy! there gone just like that. It's gonna be different this time. Pegasusmon, Let's go! Pegasusmon: Hold on! Next stop: Myotismon's castle. Josh flys off and prays that the rest of them are ok. he loks up and realizes that The digital plane has shifted and is off-kilter. He looks at the castle. Josh: Hold on Hope. It's me, Joshua. We're going to get out of this, all of us together. I swear it.
  24. Shiro: Be careful. It's tricky. Goven: What? Shiro: What are you looking for? Maybe I can help.
  25. Jagan

    Digimon rpg

    Name: Xion Crest: Light Age: 12 Fresh: Oklimon In Training: Loumon Rookie: Yugomon Champion: Leopardmon Ultimate: Usayamon Mega: Kohryumon
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