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Everything posted by Jagan
Josh: Wait a minute! A black rose with blue petals means that you are cared and loved for but there is something I'm forgetting. What? Hope: Are you a Myth geek or something? Josh: No. Thank you hope. If I'm going to pull this off I'll need dustin's help. Josh pulls out some of his cards and swipe one.
Josh: Plus, how would you know it's a dead end because earlier you told me that Piedmon and friends were destroyed. Hope: I don't understand. Mysterio: Long story. Josh: Question, Howdid you get my stuff and come in this place? Mysterio turns and walks around. He finally pulls out something and tosses it to Josh. Josh looks at it. Mysterio: My D-Tector.
OOC: Yeah Ugamon. Jedi Apprentice.I hade an idea that I was going to do but I won't. PM me to hear it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IC: Josh: We can't go back. It's a trap. Dustin: It's him, isn't it? Josh: Yeah. If we go back, we're stranded but if we stay, it's a Mysterio: Dead end. I know. Hi again Josh. Josh notices him and jumps on him. Everyone rushes to get Josh off him and break up a fight. Ryo: Calm down!! Rika, look at this. Where'd you get that scar? Mysterio: When I was about 8 1/2 months old. I fell and cut it on a piece of glass. It's always been a reminder of my family. Boy! They must have gone through alot when I got trapped in the digital world. Rika: Ryo, we need to talk. Josh: *points his finger at Mysterio* Rika, Is it possible?
Josh races up the road and meets a fork. Josh: Great. I don't have time for this. Go left. *Hears something* NO! Hope and dustin! Wait. That little traitor. Kredion. Gatomon can you still armor. Gatomon: Maybe. Tylomon or maildramon. Josh: Either. We need more speed. Voice: over hear. Josh walks over to a tree. A boy jumps down. They start talking. Josh: Lady Garudamon is up ahead. Thanks, but I already knew that. What's your name? I'll mention it to dustin. ?: Call me Mysterio. Give this card to Dustin and his family. ??: Come on. Mysterio: Coming Xanatos. Hold yor Unimon. BTW, Piedmon and his fiendish minions have been destroyed. Don't ask I don't even know. Mysterio runs off. Jsoh notices a package for him on the ground. He picks it up and finds his digital gear. Josh: huh?
Betamon: Ok. Got it? Josh: Yeah. See ya. Josh dashes into a lightning dash, ignoring the cold and everything else. He knew where and what to do. All he had to do was survive long enough to get there. Josh: Soon Piedmon. Real soon. I'll meet up with the others and we'll find you. Go ahead and run like a coward, but Be warned. I'm coming for you.
Josh walks on through the snow. He sees a small pack of digimon in a cave but decides to stay away from them. He wonders where he is. He walks over to a lizardlike digimon. Josh: Excuse me. Do you know where we are? Betamon: Sure. We're in the Arctic Dome. Why? Josh: I need to get to Coela Beach. Betamon: HAHAHAHA. that's funny. Josh: I'm not kidding. Betamon: Well. It's a long ways. Josh: Hurry up. I'm freezing to Death.
Ryo flys straight at Vegeta. Tiny ki's in his hand. He throws one handful of kis and they sink into the ground as vegeta jumps above them. Ryo jumps behind him as seifer attacks form the front. Ryo puts his hands up to vegeta's neck and lets his blast go. Ryo: This guys good and fast. It's tougher now though. What'd do you think seifer? Help Crash and siren or stick with vegeta? Makes no difference to me.
Josh awakes with a cold sweat on his face. He looks around and sees nothing but blackness. He finally sees two digimon come at him. Josh: What happened? Piedmon: You and your friends keep meddling in my buisness so I'll have to eliminate you. Josh: YOU HURT THEM AND I SWEAR I'LL SHOW NO MERCY IN KILLING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Piedmon: Such temper but we thought not if we kill you first. Josh: Try Me! Boamon: You need some manners. * Wraps around Josh's ribs and squeezes* Josh: *Gsaping* I'll get you. *All goes black* Josh wakes up in front of a digiport in the arctic somewhere. Josh looks for his stuff. Josh: NO!!!!! They got all my gear. I hope Dustin doesn't come into the Digital world. Josh starts to walk towards somewhere. Josh thinks about where he was. Josh: It's frezing. I wish I hadn't found that digivice even if it did lead me to dustin and Hope.
Josh: Wait a minute! Where are Gatomon and Patamon? BWGreymon: *Laughs* You're all alone. oh well. Piedmon'll have fun torturing you. Josh falls ocver gasping for breath as he sees an Army of digimon appear and Blackwargreymon carry him off. He sees dustin through the screen and uses his d-power to shut the portal down. He sees a Seadramon destroy the TV. Josh thens falls unconcious. Hope: I hope josh is okay. With all we put him through. Dustin: What!!! The portal is busted. Great. Hope: *hears Josh say her name* NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JOSH!!!!!!!!!!
Josh: I need to scan this card. Hey, What about that labratory? Kazu: Huh? What Labratory? Josh: That lab you used to help destroy the D-Reaper. We could use it and get back into the Digital World. Jeri: He's right. It's a long shot though. Hope: Let's go before Rika explodes. Takato: Too Late. 5 Minutes later they're all in the labratory. Josh grabs his stuff. Josh: I'll go. If I get into trouble. Come in after me dustin. DIGI-PORT ACTIVATE!!!! Josh disappears into the Digital world. He walks over to a rock and sits down. He hears a mysterious voice. ?: Welcome Back! Josh: Blackwargreymon!
Josh walks up to Takato. He grabs his cards and pulls one out. Josh: Dad, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I didn't think you would understand. But I need your help. Takato: It's ok. What's the problem? Josh: This card I have. Josh pulls out his Silver Card and flips it to him. They look at it. Jeri: Where are Henry and Suzie? I wish we could stop all this madness. TAKATO TAKE THOSE GOGGLES OFF!!!!!! Henry: Suzie, are you sure we're at the right place? Suzie: We should be. Josh: Catch Henry. *flings the card at him* Henry: *looking at the card* What's this? Josh: I was hoping you'd know.
Hi. Been Gone for a week and about a half to colorado the my comp started screwing with me.
Josh: I can explain. It all started about a month ago. After me and Dustin came back from the digital world. I recieved and e-mail from an unknown. At first I thought of it as a joke from dustin. Then, 3 weeks ago I found these strange cards. A blue, red and a Silver one. I kept them until it showed up. I kept seeing premonitions of me, dustin, and 5 other people in the digital world. Then, Piedmon attacked. I wanted to tell someone but no one would believe me. Dustin: We would've. You know that. Kazu: Rika. Let's get Takato and the and then meet at Shibumi's. Rika: OK numskull.
Josh: *looks at dustin* Um Mr. Kazu, we tghink the d-Reaper's back although it seems like it's mutated and is taking over digimon. Dustin: Yeah. We could use yours and your friends help. We need to get back into the Digital World whee the D-Reaper hasn't gotten to. Kazu: Great. You kids better follow me. And if there are more then just you four we'll find the too. I'll take you guys then come back and get the girls. Josh: Thank you sir. Can I talk to you alone? It's private. Josh and kazu walk a little ways away. Josh: Hope probably is your daughter. She told us some stuff about her past back in th DigiWorld. Also, cn a human digivolve into a Digimon? Kazu: It's possible. Why? Josh: Hope transformed into a Lady Devimon when we were in a battle once. Kazu: Great. It's worse than I feared. I think we should go. We need all the time we can get if what you and dustin say is true.
Ryo: Man, how are we going to fight if we don't even get a break. Oh well. Plus, It's their turn. I'll just wait up here for a while. Ryo watches as the tall figure rushes towards Crash and attacks. Ryo lands behind him and starts to gather his energy. ?: You weaklings won't beat us with that puny of an army. Ryo: We don't have to. You guys will. Ryo unleashes his energy at the small guy.
Josh: You crossed the line this time BlackWargreymon. You'll pay. If only I could remember what it said about Blackwargreymon. *flips out his card and looks at it* Piedmon's a coward! Hiding behind his minions. Them doing his dirty work. He's a disgrace to digimon. Dustin: Be careful what you say Josh. Josh: I'm only telling the truth. If he wanted to fight or try to destroy us, Why didn't he do it himself? Patamon: He's a bit cocky and stupid. Gatomon: Got that right.*laughs*
Ryo grabs Raditz and flys into the air. He puts his hand on his chest with a Ki blast separating them. Ryo: Bring us back a souveneir. Ryo fires the blast as Raditz falls to the ground, screaming in pain. Ryo: That was fun. It's all yours. He's out.
Josh: Calm down Hope!!! It's because we care that we're sending you back. Hope: So you do think We're weak. Josh: That's not what I said. What I mean is that WE care about you and don't want to see you and Ari get hurt. The J-Reaper is not stupid. He would find you, hunt you down, fight and haunt you the rest of your life. And If that's not enough the experience and memories will sting worse than a wasp bite. I'm sorry You had to hear me say that but you have to understand. Ari: Understand what? Dustin: We can't explain it just that we have to get out of here.
Ryo: Well, Jubei is persistent and stubborn. They watch as Raditz lands a hard punch on Jubei. Ryo flys up. Ryo: That's my cue. Hey Raditz! Look out! Jubei: Good job Ryo. Three Ki blastsfly past raditz and blow up. Ryo and Jubei gang up on Raditz he deflexcts all of their atacks.
Josh: Gatomon, Patamon ready? Gatomon/Patamon: Yep. Josh: Digivolve!!! Gatomon and Patamon illuminate(wotd) and digivolve. Josh: Told you I'd figure out an answer dustin. Pegasusmon: Feels good to stretch my wings again. Dustin: Josh, That ain't even funny. How you do that anyways? Josh: Warp Digivolution. Oops. I forgot something. I won't be long. Josh runs back to the lake and grabs his rock. He looks at his digivice, then back at the group. He walks back to the group looking a little shaken up. Dustin: What happend? Josh: He.. He's coming. He's back dustin. Ari: Who????? Josh/Dustin: The J-Reaper!! Hope: J-Reaper? Dustin: It's a modified version of the D-Reaper. It's mutateed since the last time. Josh: I have a plan dustin. You guys get out of here. Me, Pegasusmon and Nefertimon can handle getting the digimon out of here. If this works, that means we can't come back straight into this area. Piedmon will use it. Let's go!
Josh: Calm down! Dustin, I need to see you privately. Ari, Hope stay put and stay out of trouble. Dustin and josh get up and walk away. They suddenly stop. Josh: I'm afraid it can't wait until morning.
Ryo looked at Crash. Ryo thought to himself then walked to Mr. Popo. Ryo: I'm going back in. He's not dead yet. Havoc: He'll destroy you. Ryo: No he won't. We know what he has up his sleeve now. Plus Crash helped out and gave us a few tricks. Relax, trust me. I know what I'm getting into.
Josh: Piedmon would never expect a head on attack so that's what I'll do. I wish there was more I could do to help you hope but honestly I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. Josh throws a couple logs on the dimming fire. He looks up at the stars. Josh chuckles a bit. LadyDevimon: What's so funny? Josh: My star's brighter. Must be a sign or something. Zodiacmon! Josh laughs and lies down for the night. Josh: Wish us luck.
Josh looks over at hope. Josh smiles and takes out his deck. He sorts through it and gets the cards he needed. Josh: I feel sorry for her. I have to get her out of the Digital world. LadyDevimon: Josh, You are a true friend. I agree with you. What's the plan? Josh: First, Get hope and Ari out of the Digital World. Secondly, I'm going straight for Piedmon. Thirdly, Figure the Digital problem out and Fix it. I just hope it's not something like the J-Reaper. LadyDevimon: ? Josh: Modified version of the D-reaper. Josh gets up, walks over to Hope, leaves a note and then walks towards the lake.
Name: Ryo Age: 13 Description: Gohan after he beat Cell. Bio: Lived in peace till Hildegarn showed up. He destroyed his village and almost killed Ryo after he tried to sneak attack him. Ryo has trained and is waiting for his chance to kil Hildegan. Personality: Serious at time, Easygoing, Relaxed. Great fighter. Likes to work alone. You have to earn his respect.