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Everything posted by Jagan
Josh jumps out of the water. He looks around and sees harpymon. Josh: Weird. What would a harpymon be doing here? Hope the other's are okay. Josh sees a black cat jump up and battle it. Josh: The others!!!!!!!!! Josh jumps up and puts his clothes on when he hears a little voice. He looks around. Voice: JOSH!!!! Josh looks behind him and sees Gatomon and Patamon. Josh: Gatomon! You're back! I thought I lost you forever. Gatomon: I'll never leave. I'm yopur fiend. Patamon: Um .. Guys I think we should go. It looks like the others need us.
OOC: Cool! You make some great Rpg's Cruizr. _______)(_)____())) Name: Ryo Bio: *Explain more in story.* He has trained by himself ever since his dad died 9 years ago. He learned of what's happening and decided it could be worth it. Personality: Quiet, keeps to himself a lot. Quick to help his friends and defend them. His anger sometimes gets the best of him. Strength: 375 Speed: 400 Ki: 125 Defense: 100
Jsoh runs off into the woods, thinking about his family. He jumps a tree and looks out. Josh: Where are they? I hate it when the Digital World decides to play hide and seek and I'm it. Josh sends an e-mail to dustin. Josh: Dustin, I have an idea. You, Ari, and Hope go back to the real world. You know what to do. I'm in the woods looking at a lake. I'm going to try to find the Deva's. Hey, It helped the Tamers. It's definatly worth a shot. See ya. I have to go. I feel like I'm playing Hide and Go seek.
Jin: Weaklings. I was actually expecxting more of a challenge. What a fool. Frieza's scared. That's it! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! The White aura surrounding Jin fades away and Jin is stuuned at what happened. The group catches up to him. Gollen: What happened? You do all this? Jin: I can't remember. *Realizes what happened.* It's kinda blurry. Reid: Let's go! Found that chamber yet? Jin: Yeah. Let's get everyone and I'll show you where it is. That's weird. My scouter's off-calculated.
Josh starts to chuckle a bit. He stands up and slides down the mountain. He looks up and sees everyone. Hope: What's going on? Something's wrong. Dustin: Long story. How should I put this? Josh's digimon were killed somehow. Ari: Digimon don't die! Dustin: Let me finish please. Someway, Memoramon and I got sucked in a data stream and found him near the Dark Ocean. Hope: Dark Ocean??? Josh breaks his gaze and starts tolook at his D-Arch. Josh: I don't deserve to be a tamer. I wonder if the Deva's can help me out. Josh throws his D-Arch up the mountain and it hits Dustin in the head. He then turns and starts his quest for the Deva's.
Name: Josqin Humashin Age: 19 Class: Sith Race: Human Weapons: Red lightsaber, Rebel Blaster Pistol, Metal Pole(You'll see). Ship: The Jaguaro Ship descriptions: Modified X-Wing. It has back and red streaks on it and tainted glass that helps when flying. Faster than a normal X-Wing and it has remarkable handling and manuverability. Allies: Other Sith. Rarely, he allies with a bounty hunter. Bio: Rejected by Jedi Master's because he had a hot fuse. He turned to the dark Side and became a Sith. He was an apprentice until his master was killed in a bounty hunter battle. He has hated both jedi's and hunters since then. (Explain more in story.) Description: Looks exactly like Anakin from Episode 2 but has a black cloak on.
Josh falls on the ground. He sees Dustin and Memoramon also on the ground. He stands up and brushes himself off. Josh: OOW. Thanks Dustin. Where's hope and Ari? Dustin: I thought they were with you. Josh: No. I came here after I got back from th Real world. I'm confused. What's up? Dustin: Everything's whack. I got your e-mail. What happened? Josh: I don't want to talk about it.
Josh notices a rock on the ground. He picks it up and looks at it. It's green with blue and white swirls. He pockets it and keeps walking. He starts to cry a little bit. Josh: I wish Dustin, Hope and Ari were here. I miss all themm arguing and fighting.
Josh sits there and looks up and the sky. He then falls asleep. He wakes up on a beach with a lighthouse on t. He gets up and walks into a cave. He keeps walking and doesn't notices the strange, dark figures following him.
Josh sits in shock: Both his friends GONE!. He had never realized how much they meant to him until he met Hope and the others. He gets up and walks off. He opens the D-port and activates It. Josh: I have to go back anyways. Josh gets sucked into the Digital world and sits at the bottom of the mountain Hope is at.
Josh: Let's go! Valkrimon comes out and attacks but get hit by BWGmon's Terra Force. Gatomon comes out. Josh: Go back Gatomon. I don't want you to get hurt. Valkrimon: Let her go, Josh. I need some help. You up to it Gatomon? Gatomon: You bet. They both glow and hit their opponents. They disappear inot them. After about 5 minutes, BlackWarGreymon dissentagrates and Gatomon flys into Apacolymon. Josh's digimon come out. Valkrimon gets behind him. Valkrimon: FERAL SWORD!!!!!! The attack hits head on as Gatomon is blown into the sky and Valkrimon starts to disentagrate with Apacolymon. Josh: NO!!!!!!!!!!! Come back! Valkrimon: Goodbye Josh! I'll mett you again soedy. I'll send a friend to help you. You were brave. All things that a good tamers neede you had. I'll mis you. With that, she disappears. Josh fals and starts to cry. His D-Terminal is fused with his D-Watch and he recieves a new D-Arch. He starts to reply ustin. Josh: Dustin, I lost both of them(my digimon) just now in a battle between BlackWarGreymon and Apacolymon. I've got all the Japan digimon back in the Digital World. I've also notified the tamers all across the world. I'm staying in the real world. Josh stops and starts to cry again. He sends the e-mail. He falss to the ground. Josh: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE LOST THEM BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josh: Oh Great! Dustin's in trouble. I guess I have to save his bum again. ?: I think not!!!! Josh: Uh oh! Apokalomon! ??: Don't forget me. I want some fun! Josh: BlackWarGreymon too! Just my luck!
OOC: Cool. I'll join. Just have to think of something. Name: Mace Kilon Age: 17 Species: Human Home Planet: Tatooine Wing Number(after you have been chosen) R2 Name: R2-X9 Rank: Luitenant Weapon: Lightsaber. Blaster Jedi:Yes Personality: Friendly, He knows how to talk to traders and is very tricky. Delscription: White Jedi robes. He has Red eyes and spiked black hair. Other:
Josh: This goes against all my digital knowledge and instincts but I think you should go with Hope, Ari. I'm going back to the real world. I have some unfinished buisness. Josh links up to the D-port and is transported to the Real world. He looks around and starts on his journey.
Josh looks at Dustin. He looks at the others. Josh: I vote we should go after him. We'll have a better chance at figuring this whole thing out. Valkrimon, Take a rest. You need it. Valkrimon: Thanks, Josh. His D-Watch absorbs Valkrimon. He nods at Gatomon. Gatomon jumps up as a light surrounds her. Josh: Gatomon! Time to Armor Digivolve! Go! Gatomon: Gatomon armor digivolve to ... Nefirtimon Nefirtimon: Come on Josh! Josh: Let's go. Josh hops on her back and flies over to Dustin. Josh: Dustin, wat up! We need you. We don't know what's going on here. All we know is that digimon are coming to the real world. We need you because I'm going to round up all the digimonin the Real world. They need someone to help them. I can hold my own in there. The answer is up to you. See you later. Josh flies back to the group.
The play version is up for those of you who don't know. We're in the Digital World. You can be transported there. Just PM me and I'll get it ready, or just insert yourself.
Josh: Oh Brother! I'll get the D-port ready. Josh walks into an old stone building and puts his computer out. He hooks up his D-Terminal. The port comes up and a red light shows up. Josh: Come on, dumb port. Igamon! If you're there, help me out. Igamon: Ok. Josh hears the rest talking. BKGatomon: That's funny. How did he know who we were? Dougmon: Yeah. I wonder how. Dustin: Hey Hope. Your digimon actually agreed on something. Josh: Not again. A green light shows up. They all come over and hold out there Digivices. When they show up in the digital World Igamon is waiting for them. Igamon: Hey dustin! They start talking and learn that Josh isn't with them. Josh wakes up on an island. He reads hi watch and sees some digivices acros the lake. Josh: Got it! D-Watch! Digimon Emerge. Maildramon comes out of his watch along with Valkrimon. Maildramon dedigivolves to Gatomon and then with the digiegg of Reliability digivolves to Tylomon. Josh gets on Tylomon and swims to the others while Valkrimon flys. When they get their, Tylomon goes back to Gatomon. BKGaotmon and Gatomon see each other and start talking. Dougmon: Great. Thanks Josh! Now I have to put up with two of them. BFGatomon/Gatomon: We Heard that!!
Jin blasts 7 slugs. He gets blasted heavily by the other slugs as he falls to the ground. There is a huge explosion when he hits. Jin: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!! There is another Explosion. Jin is suddenly surrounded by a White aura(I'm not going SSj.) He looks at all the slugs. Jin: Time to play! My ball! He fires some blasts and destroys some more slugs. He looks around at the remaining slugs. Jin: Bye!!!!! He flies up and makes a Ki blast. He gets ready to fire it. A slug flies up with the others and surrounds him. Slug: You wouldn't! Jin: Watch me! Jin fires it and creates a huge explosion as the group comes flying. Jin flies up and looks down.
I wake up and read the e-mail. I work for about an hour on my computer. I then put on my jacket and walk outside. I walk to the park. Along the way, I see some guys teasing some girls. Josh: Leave her alone! Pick on someone your own size. ?????: Like .. YOU! Josh: Yes! The guys turn around walk towards me. I jump up and kick one of them as he falls into the other and they fall down. He sees Hope and her digimon. Josh: Hi Hope, Dougmon, Black Gatomon. Beautiful morning, isn't it. Hope: You! Where have I seen you before. Josh: I don't know but I have to go. Josh runs to the park and replies Dustin. Josh: Sorry but I won't be able to make it. I found a portal and I'm going. I might have picked up another tamer also. We're going. Wish us luck. We'll need it.
OOC: Here's where the plot starts. Thanks Angelus. !!!!!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Jin: I didn't do it for you guys. I have my reasons. Jin turns and flies off. His scouter picks up a high energy level. He lowers his power level and sees an armaic mass of slugs coming towards him. Jin: Interception time. I hope they are ready, but who cares anyways. Jin flies up and starts fighting the slugs as he gets blasted around.
I walk back over to the warehouse that Hope is at. I sit near it and reply dustin. Jin: I know. Everything's whack. Check the Digital World. I just don't understand. Is there a way to go to the Digital World? I'm gonna hack on to and try to find some stuff. Cya L8R. Jin turns around walks inside and into an office. He sits down and starts to go to work.
Jin lands on a tower and watches the battle. Jin: If they would of followed me they could've found it by now. Jin turns and walks in a door. He sees two people, a Namekian and a Genie. They start talking. Jin: Look, Frieza's coming. We are going to need to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, if thats alright. Popo: Ok. Go tell your friends. Frieza's not going to be beaten easily. Jin: Thanks. Jin turns and jumps down and flys at the slugg attacking his friends. Jin: Surprise!!!!!
Jin scouts the area. He sees no trace of what he's looking for. Jin: Where's that Trade Ship? I hate it when this happens. Jin detects something on his radar. A Trade Federation ship. Jin flies there.
Josh walks into his bedroom and gets on his computer. He sees Dustin was just on. Josh sends him an e-mail. Josh: Dustin, Something freaky is going on. I just saw Gatomon cause a car crash. Other people have also seen Digimon in the real world. What's up? Reply ASAP. -Josh Josh looks out his window and looks at the moon. He watches birds fly around freely and thinks of Hope. Josh: I feel so sorry for her. I wish I could help.