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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. Jin watches everyone. Jin: I'm coming Frieza. Jin takes his armor off and flies towards the Chamber. He thinks about what Frieza told him. Frieza: You saiyans are as stubborn as those I fought earlier. I wish you would die. Jin: Some things never change, huh? Frieza: I shall enjoy watching you die. Jin: Rot in H#@l Frieza! As Jin is thinking, his scouter picks up the group following him. He speeds up and reaches Kami's tower. He flies staight up and fires a ki to make sure there are no slugs near him.
  2. Jin: I can't. I have to go. Jin flies away but Juiz stops him. Juiz: What's up? Jin: I encountered some high ranking slugs talking to Frieza. I destroyed the slugs but Frieza is too powerful. We'll not going to beat him like this. We have to get more training and not stop for at least 1 year or more.I don't belong here. I'm endangering you all. I heard Frieza speak of a Time chamber that trains you in 3 ways. It isolates you, Gravity and it also changes the training a lot. I'm sorry. I'm going. Jin flies off and trains Jin: My secret is safe.
  3. Seto runs up and pulls out his lightsaber. Seto: Get ready, Seifer.
  4. Jin finds the ship and blasts off. On his way, he sees Craig's ship. He flys by it and throws something in it. He then blasts off. Andrew: I think that was that Sith that attacked me. Craig: Yes, It was. What's that? Andrew: A letter to you. Craig reads the letter. Craig: He wants me to come to Tatooine with you. He's always been a great strategist. What's up this time? Andrew: We'll never know unless we go. Jin flies off to his Master.
  5. Seto works furiously on his computer. He finally finished his pictures and is getting everything ready for his website. Suddenly, he receives an E-mail. He clicks it and is gone. He wakes in a beautiful mountain near a stream. Something is sitting on him. Seto: What? Where am I? ?: The Digital World, where else silly. Seto: Impossible. That would make you a digimon. ?: Yep. Seto looks up and sees a creature holding a digivice, tag and crest. The creature sets them down. Seto: No way! You're Syketrimon. I created you on my computer. Syketrimon: Yep and now I'm your partner.
  6. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh looks at Hope. He remembers a terrible memory. He goes over, picks her up and carries her to his favorite hiding place. He covers her up and walks to his house. Josh: Good night Hope. On the way home, Josh sees a little child playing in the street. He also sees a cat. He realizes that it is Gatomon. He pulls out her card. Josh: No way! It's impossible. The cat runs across the road causing a car to swerve and hit a tree. Josh: What is happening? Josh decides to forget it and walks home. Josh: Loco Gato
  7. Jin pulls out a Com Link and calls Razar. Jin: Razar, I'm sorry. Tell the master that phase 1 has worked. Andrew is now questioning it and they are on their way to the ambassador's ship. Over and out. Jin jumps on his swoop bike and races to the city to find a ship to get off this planet.
  8. Jin: Oh Man! I almost had it. I'll go get some more sensu beans. I know just who to go to. Jin flies off but seems to disappear. He appears behind the Slug and grabs him. Jin: Bye!!!! Jin appears in the sky and drops the slug. Jin fires Three Ki blast's. Jin: TRIPLE MASENKO!!!!!!!!!!!! Jin's attack hits as the slug dodges one and is reduced to shreds. Jin: Okay. Now I'm going. [I][I] Juiz, I know you can hear me.I want you to explore Frieza's ship. There's some Saiyan Armor and things we can use. [/I][/I] Jin flys off to get some sensu beans.
  9. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Never mind that. !#############
  10. OOC: Never mind. ~~~~~~~~~ IC: Jin falls behind and whips around Frieza and flies into his ship. Jin: I hope this works. Where are those dumb things. If Frieza absorbed Cooler and the slugs then there may be a way to break them off of Frieza. Jin watches as Frieza fights them all. Jin: I can't. Not enough time. Jin jumps out and flies staight at Frieza.
  11. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh: Ok. Josh and Hope get most of the food cooked and served. Josh: Well, I have to go. It was fun. I hope we meet again, Hope. Josh walks over to a Card Store. He sees a card simulator. He walks over to it and inserts his deck. He sees a realistic battleground and his opponent just played Devimon. He looks at what he's got. Josh: This should do it. Go, SkullGreymon.
  12. Jin runs up to the surface. He sees Craig ride off. Jin: Oh well. You get more bees with honey. Jin hides behind a rock and pulls out his lightsaber. Jin focuses and moves the casket a little before Andrew notices. Just then, Jin jumps out and rushes towards Andrew with his blade extended. Jin jumps up and a big battle occurs.
  13. Jagan

    Digital Spirits

    Josh gets up. He looks over at Ari. Josh: Remember. This Friday. The tournament. Strengthen your decks. You'll need them. Josh gets up and walks into a restaraunt. He sits down and orders a Number 3. He sees a young girl working. Josh: Need some help?
  14. It's been a long time since the D-Reaper was vanquished by the Tamers. Now, a new, More powerful, more dangerous and deadly enemy has arisen in both worlds. A group of kids have been chosen to fight this new enemy. Noone knows what this enemy is or much about it. You must chose what to do. When these kids were chosen. They recived new digivices which allowed them to go back and forth through the 2 worlds. It also calls their digimon to help them fight in the real world. The Spirits bio-merge with their partners and grow stronger. OOC: You can sign up still. I'm just startring the Rpg. IC: Josh walks down the streets to the park and sits and reads his book. His friends walk up and they start playing with their digimon cards. Josh wins 3 straight games. Josh: Come on. I've had a harder challenge tryign to understand Pokemon.
  15. OOC: Yeah. You can make them up. You can have 2 Digimon. IC: Name: Josh Age: 12 Bio: Josh is a caring person who knows a lot about Digimon. He always helps others and is a good friend. He is usually quiet but is real smart with computers and strategies. Description: Camo windbreakers, His favorite Rennaisance shirt, and a White Hawaiian Shirt. Digivice: Blue D-Watch Digimon: Valkyrimon, Maildramon
  16. Jin manages to get up but gets blasted a couple times by some slugs. Jin: Chaos Beam! Jin fires a ki that hits the slug in the chest. Jin flies over to Cruizr. Jin: Can you hold them yourselves? I just got a killer idea.
  17. It's been a long time since the D-Reaper was vanquished by the Tamers. Now, a new, More powerful, more dangerous and deadly enemy has arisen in both worlds. A group of kids have been chosen to fight this new enemy. Noone knows what this enemy is or much about it. You must chose what to do. When these kids were chosen. They recived new digivices which allowed them to go back and forth through the 2 worlds. It also calls their digimon to help them fight in the real world. The Spirits bio-merge with their partners and grow stronger. I'll get more when I find the dumb peice of paper I had everything on. Here's what you need in your sign up: Name: Age: Bio: Description: Digivice: Color of Digivice: Digimon(Rookie): I know there was something else, oh well. Enjoy! BTW, I'll make the Play right now. I have some free time!!!
  18. Jin flies high above the Battlefield. Jin: [I][I] Cruizr, Reid get out of the way. [/I][/I] Jin powers up to unleash his attack. Jin: Phoenix, Hear my plea. Grant me you Spirit, Soul, and Power. GRTANT MY WISH!!!!!!!!!!! Just then, A fire comes down and consumes Jin as he directs it into his attack. Jin Fires it directly at the Slugs. The attack hits them directly. When the smoke clears, 9 slugs are gon and Jin lies on the ground. Jin: Oh no. We have to go.
  19. Jin pulls out his lightaber. Jin: What's that? Something odd is happening. Jin powers his lightsaber up and slashes a wall. ??: You weak fool. Jin: This isn't happening again.
  20. Jin follows Craig up. Jin: If I can get Andrew out of the way. Craig'll be no problem.
  21. Jun watches as someone cals after the jedi's. Jin runs after them.
  22. Seto gets on his speeder and goes down a while. He parks his speeder in the middle of the road blocking craig and Seifer's path. Seto: Now, All I need is time. Seto runs off into a nearby cave.
  23. Jin: No wonder. Saibamen are stupid and slow. Reid: Who said that? Jin jumps down from his hiding spot landing in front of Reid facing the slug. Jin: Weak fool. Slug, you want a real fight? Slug: Yeah. You'll make a good warm-up. Jin: Sorry, you're not fighting me.
  24. Jin sits down and medatates. Jin: Craig and Andrew have the casket. Jin stops, gets up and dashes after Craig and Andrew.
  25. Seto continues racing after Craig when he sees them. He parks his speeder on a cliff near them and watches them.
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