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Everything posted by Jagan
Toko put bosters full on. He could barely see the gundam's eyes anymore. ABut he could see the shell of the gundam egg. Tyoko set the ArchAngel on course for a desert whil he go Dash, his custom GM suit ready to go look for the gundam. He saw it falling towards a city and rushed over there in a hurry. ?: Get away from that suit. It's mine. Tyoko: What? I've been tracking this suit since I saw it in space. ?: Whatever you want to say is fine, but you're lying. It's mine. Tyoko: I've an idea. Let's let the gundam decide. Tyoko jumped out of the cockpit and walked towards it. the other guy fired to stop him, but the egg started glowing and the earthquake made the bullet hit the ground way off their target. Tyoko ran back to his suit and launched up in the air a few meters.
Name: Shawn Michaels Alias: The Showstopper Height: 6'1 Weight: 225 lbs. Finishing move/signature move: Sweet Chin Music Tag Team partner: Edge or Mick Foley, Kevin Nash Description: [img]http://raw.wwe.com/superstars/hbk/images/hbk1.jpg[/img]
Konner saw Marik and Alex from behind as Jon dealt with them. Konner hadd more pressing matters deep inside the pyramid. Konner walked through a series of tunnels and finally found himsel facing yet another labyrinth. [color=red]I'm getting tired of labyrinths. Gaia the Dragon Champion, Come Forth!. Guide me this path.[/color] [color=black][/color] Konner exited the mazed and called Gaia back ten minutes later. He looked up at a statue of the P{haroah and started getting to work.
[size=1]Tyoko looked up in space, and wondered what was up there. only recently had he gotten his mobile suit and transport. Tyoko set coordinates fro earth after reading the radar reports saying there were gundams there.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Tyoko saw a shooting star heading for earth. He saw then that it was an egg. He saw a green eye staring back at him.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Tyoko: That was my gundam! Setting coordinates, I've got to find out where that thing lands.[/size] [size=1][/size] [size=1]Tyoko jumps in the pilots seat and gets his V-Dash suit ready. When he lands, he'll find that gundam.[/size]
Konner sighed. He thought he had learned Jon better. [color=red]Jon, I know you can hear me! Return my dragon! It's a long story, but you must. I started this war. I must go back to Egypt and finish what I started and I will need Ra's guidance. I promise I will give it back to you. Also, to have true Ultimate Power, you must possess all the milenium Items, but you have enough now.[/color] [color=black]Konner appeared in the train again, like nothing ever happened and suddenly saw through Rik's eyes the events happening at Rikku's house.[/color]
[center][font=Times New Roman][u]Justice[/u][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman]By: Aztek[/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman] [/font] [/center] [center][u][font=Times New Roman]Prologue[/font][/u] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]It was a hot morning that summer when Jacob Moore, the 5'7, lettered cornerback for the Hennin Rebels, woke up to start his job at his uncle's GameStop store in the outside shopping center in front of the mall. Jacob had just gotten his first job and was continuing to save up for his first car, which he hoped was going to jet-black 1969 Dodge Challenger.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]He was dressed and ready by 7: 16 that morning. He had the opening shift, starting at 8:00 in the mornings to 1:00 that afternoon. After that, he was going to the movies with me, our friends, and his girlfriend, who he was absolutely in love with. Setting out on his bicycle, Jacob felt the wind in his hair. I met him promptly at 7:40 in front of the mall facing the highway.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]We had a good-sized town, so if something happened, word spread. I met Jacob at our meeting point and we spent the rest of the hour sharing pictures of our girlfriends, new trading cards, and other things.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]I worked at GameStop also, just from 10-1, then 9-11, which is closing time. Sometimes, I would be the only one there to close, so I snuck a few games and accessories out. I had accumulated three controllers and thirteen Xbox games that way. But it wasn?t stealing since I worked more during the fall. I had that money to pay for the stuff I got. Pretty genius idea.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]I spent the next hour and a half walking around with no idea where I was going. At 9:45, I clocked in and started helping Jacob out. We reset the game consoles in the stores with new games. It was a simple task that we had perfected to less than two minutes.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]The day went fast. We had a regular business day, except for one thing. An older gentleman, he looked in his late 60?s, came in with his grandson and traded in two Nintendo 64?s, four controllers, five memory cards, and twenty-two games in and got a few things and credit back. Luckily, this was at an off period, so there was no one in the store.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]Jacob helped the two carry their things out to an old Buick, and the man tried to pay Jacob! ?Here?s a ten dollar bill for helping us, sonny.?[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Sir, keep it. Get your car some gas and you a soda. You need this more than I do.? Jacob politely replied, hoping the old man wouldn?t refuse his offer.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Okay. You?re a good man. I hope you get blessed in heaven.? The old man said.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?I hope that happens to you too, sir.? Jacob told him. ?Oh wait! I didn?t get your name?? But the car had already vanished. Jacob ran back in and told me everything.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Creepy, but he was a nice man.? I complimented.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][size=2][font=Times New Roman]Three o?clock came and I was out of there. It turned out to be just me, Jacob, Kristina (my girlfriend), and Casey (Jacob?s girlfriend). So we ended up in my apartment I shared with Jacob, watching old movies. We cuddled up on the couch and floor and were out by ten.[/font][/size] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]I woke up between Casey and Kristina the next morning on Jacob?s bed. I wasn?t sure what happened last, so I eased my way out and I went outside. Jacob was standing on the roof, so I climbed up to join him. His golden, brown hair fluttered in the wind. He had a red rose over his left ear. My black hair was swaying in front of my face. It blocked them from seeing the reflection in my hazel eyes.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Hey. Beautiful sunrise, huh? Too bad it?s wasted on such an evil place.? I told Jacob. He showed no signs of reply or movement.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Do you ever wonder what?s there? I mean. There are so many things that we may never know.? I noticed something was different about him.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Dude, you know you?re may best friend, right? And you can tell me anything and have my word not to tell a soul.?[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?I know.? Jacob looked back at me ad the sorrow in his eyes was overwhelming. He started back for the ladder, but I caught his hand and swung him around. He looked surprised at this.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?What?s wrong? I know there?s something up. Tell me now, please.? I pleaded.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2] [/size][/font] [/center] [b][u][font=Times New Roman][size=3]Chapter 1: The Arrival of Them[/size][/font][/u][/b] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]Something was wrong and I could tell. Jacob never acted like this. He was playing my part. I was always the depressed one. He broke free and lied it was nothing serious. I let it go.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][size=2][font=Times New Roman] Monday morning, I was at school early to do some research and I saw two kids about my age with white hair. They were looking lost, so I went over to help. ?Excuse me. Can I help you two? You look a little lost? said the boy.[/font][/size] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?I couldn?t tell.? I joked. They laughed too, making me feel like I had made a new friend or two.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Can you direct us to the office? We need to register.? I agreed and we walked down the stairs and across the hall to the attendance office. I left them there with thanks and continued up to my locker. My first class was Medic Technology, where we learned and got on the job training at a hospital. Then I had Forensic Science and then Theatre Arts 3 and finally English 3, since I was a junior.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Welcome back class. Sorry for being late, I had to run down to the office.? said Mr. Johnsin. ?We have two new students. Welcome Alex and Ami. You can sit next to Garrett for today. Garrett, raise your hand.?[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]I raised my hand and waived for them to come back towards me. I cleared off the table I was sitting at alone for them to sit down at. I told them what was going on and then told them to call me ad I?d get them caught up to date with what the school was doing now.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]?Here?s our schedules. We have to leave at 2:45 everyday.? Alex said, giving me two papers. I put them in my pack and headed off to my Forensics classroom.[/size][/font] [/center] [center][font=Times New Roman][size=2]After school, I met Casey at the park because she said she had some important news.[/size][/font] [/center]
Konner stood next to the subway train station and watched the sky turn black, but no one but one really cared. Konner saw Rik lean against the wall. [color=red]It's going to happen. She'll find out. We did all we could do.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]Wrong Rik. We did more than that. Jon'll try and find me to get the ultimate power, but I'll be long gone by then.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Konner wallked onto the train and dissappeared.[/color]
Here's a pic of Justice Gunadm for you. It's a thumbnail, unfortunatley. Oh well.
Name: Yikona Age: 17 Gender: Male Nationality: American Beast Form: Arctic Fox/Wolf Fighting Style: street-fighting mix with ninjitsu. Appearance: 5'6, long black hair, Plugg baggy pants, and a white shirt. Personality: Likes to keep to himself, but is friendly once you get to know him. Short Bio: Gew up in alaska and when he came to Connecticut because of his father's job, he became really depressed. Even more so after his parents died. He went to Z-Technologies and signed up so that he could show the world his pain and earn money on the side. He then was recruited by Zeos to stop Z-Technologies and Jason to stop Zeos, so he's kinda working both sides of the field. Evil Clone:Yugo the Anubis
Good colors and backgrounds. I was impressed with the border. Keep it up.
The year is 2006. Nothing has changed since 2004. Iraq was liberated and now has a newer, better democracy. The U.S.A. captured Osams bin Laden. ... ... Microsoft recently developed a new game called Tyope, where players have to interact and develop their own world with other players around the globe. Hackers saw this opportunity and brought about a plan to execute the Us's presidential cabinet. This plan was never brought out. A bigger force erupted and massacred the hackers. Now, demons from another realm are geting into the real world through this game, even though no one knows it. Several gamers found out and are now being recruited to send these monsters back into the game through a program called Dropzone, where they can lock themselves into a 12-man tournament with the players fighting the demons one-on-one. The man behind the demons is known as Japuro. He is protected in the other realm, since no one knows what to call it, by the most powerful fighters alive. You have recieved an e-mail with a copy of Dropzone I, the first version of the program. Will you accept the challenge and be a hero? Or will you accept and become a demon to serve Japuro, the mysterious man behind all this chaos? It's up to you, but you have a destiny to fufill nonetheless. Let's Go! What I need to sign up is: Name: Age: Occupation: Grade: (if student) Personality: Description: Bio: Affiliation: Weapons: Other: (if I missed anything)
Drake lokked the girl up and then looked outside. He spotted Tai and Mika coming with others. He looked back while he headedinto his room to get some sleep. Drake tossed in his sleep, having all sorts of strange dreams. ____ Dream #1: Drake is walking down a crowded hallway at school, when he is knocked put of a window, and he falls to the ground. He sees everyone laughing at him and he screams out. He glows red then emerges as a new being and destroys the schhol in one swipe. _____ Drake wakes up screaming in a cold sweat. He looks around and notices DarkPatamon in the corner.
Konner drew his card and decided to play. He set a card in defense mode and then a magic card. [color=blue]Welcome Alex. Now, I play mystic Plasma zone and Ultimate offerings. I bring out Dreamsprite in attack mode at a cost of one thousand life points. I'm at 3200. Now, go.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Konner watched the field on Squall's side. His Ushi Oni was at 3650 and it was only succeded by Jon's Dark Magician. Konner had Robin Goblin, Shift, and Solemn Wishes face down with his monsters face up.[/color] Squallmade his move with Fiend Kraken, attacking Konner's face down card. Konner activated Shift to Dreamsprite which then activated it's effect and sent the attack at Dark Magician.
Drake spotted a young girl walking araound heading towards a beach. He stopped her and went to talk. Kyotomon came too. "Who are you and what are you doing in my world?" Drake shouted. The girl was shocked. "This is the digital World. It doesn't belong to you, punk!" she replied with grace. Drake was taken back by this. Fury enswelled him. He made a high whistle and Kyotomon blasted her with a sweep of his wing. She fell back and her digimon digivolved to Garurumon and attacked Kyotomon, getting hit by it's wings of the night attack. Kyotomon grabbed the girl and flew back to Drake's castle. Drake walked over to Gabumon. "You're data will be scanned into primary village. But remember, I WILL RULE THIS WORLD!!!!!" ~~~ This wasn't one of your characters.
Konner drew his card. He had Yami, and a dark magician in his hand with a monster on the field. Konner first destroyed his mountain, played yami and flipped Ushi Oni with black pendeant ,bringing his monster to 3100. [color=red]Who are you two? I end my turn, but we'll win, so it's no use concealing your identities.[/color] [color=black]__________[/color] Jagan walked through the maze unnoticed at first he was watching HJon and Kponner, then he spotted Alex.
So what exactly is going to happen? Not too much depth, but a little would be appreciated so i/we can make ready.
What are tajiri and flair's matches?
Konner looked at the two men. One he recognized from the past in Australia, but the other was new. THe duel was about to commenced and Yuri took over. Konner talked to Jon telepathically. [color=darkslategray]Jon, what's the plan? Should we bring out Ra or SLifer?[/color] [color=#2f4f4f][/color] [color=black]Konner placed a monster in defense mode with Mountain and two more m/t cards.[/color]
Xion looked out his window and watched the rain. He enjoyed having his own place in the digital world. He noticed a small beam of light in the distance and ran out of the castle. [color=magenta]Xion, you must hurry. The goodness is spreading into the digital world. You must help stop it.[/color] [color=black]Xion stopped "Who are you?" he yelled. He decided to ignore it. THey would never stop his darkness. He wanted the digital world for himself. His own paradise.[/color] His digimon, darkpatamon, flew up to him. "Ita happened again didn't it?" He asked. Xion ignored him. "We're going on a quest. People are coming. We must greet them." hhe said with a grin. Darkpatamon glowed white. "Darkpatamon digivolve to ... Kyotomon!" The large white dragon scooped Xion up and tthey sped off. ~~ OOC: My character works alone., buat will meet up with others.
Konner looked around and realized he was in the labyrinth. He returned Ra to his card and summoned Wall Sahdow with Magical Labyrinth. He saw everyone as the walls oved but completel;y blocked himslef out. He sent wall sahdow to look around and it did not return for a long while. Konner went out to look for everyone ,but soon realized he was trapped in a to long, four wide L-shaped box.
[i][color=#008080]Name: Xion Draven[/color][/i] [i][color=#008080]Nickname: Drake[/i] [i]Age: 14[/i] [i]Description: 5'6 with long black hair and brown eyes, athletic build[/i] [i]Real World: Wears red shirt and white dragon overshirt. Carpenter pants(blue with a green lizard on the back pocket.[/i] [i]Digital World: Black carpenter pants with white dragon twisting around left leg. White A-shirt with a red shirt. Black Trench coat he naver unbuttons.[/i] [i]Personality: Usually quiet and cold unless you make friends with him. He has a strict honr code he sticks to and is very smart, but plays dumb.[/i] [i]Bio: Lived in a unfriendly home, he was beaten and abused until one day, he got an e-mail from a person with no name or anything. He was transporterd into the digital world and inplanted with a dark spore by daemon(long time ago) and then he became evil. He has never known many people from the Real world because he spends most of his time with his digimon.[/i] [i]Digivice Color: Black[/i] [i]Partner Digimon: DarkPatamon[/i] [i]Good or Evil: Evil[/i] [i]Digimon[/i] [i]Name: DarkPatamon[/i] [i]Description: Black where it was tan and red undervbelly.[/i] [i]Attack(s): Breath of Thunder, Blackland Fire[/i] [i]Digivolved Forms: [/i] [i]In-Training: Black Tokomon[/i] [i]Rookie: DarkPatamon[/i] [i]Champion: Kyotomon[/i] [i]Ultimate: Duskmon[/i] [i]Mega: Anubismon[/i] [i]Human Fusion: Vegamon- human with black armor and silver mask has claws attached to hands.[/color][/i]
Look man, I've been in half your shoes. What I did might be something for you. I wrote a page letter about how I feel about her and mailed it. I didn't give it to her or her family. Plus, I avoided her as much as possible. Now we're best friends. Her name is Chelsie Black. She's in Denton, Texas. Anyone know her?
Linkin Park is awesome! Best Band out there now. Plus they sing about human emotions.(i.e. Hybrid Theory LP) Albums good. I think in live they sound different.
[QUOTE=Daermon_Nashabe] 1) Mick foley vs Randy Orton 2) Edge vs Kane 3) Chris Jericho vs. Christian & Trish Stratus 4) Triple H vs Shawn Micheals vs Chris Benoit 5)Lita vs. Victoria [/QUOTE] 1.> Mick Foley wins. He's got more experience, endurance, anger, and everything on Orton, plus, orton's a tricker. If mick brings out Cactus, it's over. 2.)Have you seen edge in the past weeks, He's beaten Kane in every chance. Plus, IF Taker comes out, Kane won't be affected as much as at Wrestlemania. 4.)Showstopper baby. He's been in the business longer, but he;s also smart. Let HHH and the Crippler beat each other senseless and then Tune up the band. 3. I think Trish will win, but I want Jericho to win. 5. Lita, but it's goingto be a tough fight.
I would. I'd tell my friends how much they mean to me and my girlfriend(?) what she is to me. I'd probablly change the Osama bin Laden escape so we could get him, but it always affects the future. Read a sound of thunder by ray bradbury.