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Everything posted by Jagan
Konner remained steady for the four turns and then made his move, nothing had happened in those turns, now it was Konner's chance. [color=red]First, I draw. [/color][color=black]Konner had Swordhunter, Spellbinding circle, mountain, polymerization, and cold wave in his hand wtih the card he drew. [/color][color=red]Now, all my monsters are destroyed for prophecy. and I play a card face down. Also, cold Wave and your turn.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]I play moster reborn, giving my your buster blader and now attack his fresh new card.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]The card was Electric Snake. Konner picked up Monster Recovery and Reverse Trap.[/color] Konner now had seven cards in his hand, bringing ra's (face-down) defence to 7000. The buster blader was at 4100 because of Ra, Serpent Night, and Baby dragon. Konner knew that an attack could mean the end of the duel. But Jagan had a full contex of magic/trap. Konner had 2750 life points and Jagan was at 3500. Konner couldn't draw a card, but he flipped Ra and began his assault. Jagan, in turn, flipped Enchanted Javelin. Konner picked up his cards and snapped his middle finger. [color=red]See ya in the shadow Realm.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]You picked up your cards. I Win!!!![/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=red]Wrong, you lose. You LP's. Good luck getting me now.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=black]Konner walked out and began to search for Jon. He found Jon watching a duel between a Rare Hunter looking person and Aex.[/color] [color=red]What's happened so far?[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]Just started. You won. How?[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=red]Simple he had 3500 Life Points, i attacked with Ra at full hand and he used Enchanted Javelin. His life points went over 10,000.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]AH! So do you know who the huunter is?[/color]
[quote name='Zanarkand Abes][color=blue']Do you get the feeling we're being followed?[/color][/quote] [color=black]Konner walked into the bathroom at his house. He felt strange and got undressed and put on his swimming gear. He started swimming in the apartment's pool and suddwenly had a vision of two figures in an old temple. They were shrouded but Konner saw that one of them looked exactly like the shape of Seto Kaiba.[/color] [color=magenta]Marik, why have you sent for me.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=blue]I have a plan to get the pharoah's power. First, you need to keep the pharoah busy. I will take out his guards Rik and Yuri, then join you. I need you to also get the egyptian god card to Rik and Yuri so they can lose them to me.[/color] [color=black]Konner jumped up and got dressed so he could find Jon. Konner knew he was with Seika after seing them earlier. Now, he thought, where are they?[/color]
Name: Tyoko Susaike Age: 17 Gender: Male Mobile Suit: [font=Arial][size=1]GAT-X207 Blitz Gundam and SD-VB03A V-Dash [/size][/font] Bio: Ever since he was a little boy Ty wanted to pilot a gundam and see space, so he became a pilot and searches for work, mostly transport and odd jobs. So he uses a smaller version of the Archangel.
[color=magenta]This willl end son[/color]By now, Konner had felt like he had dueled Jagan 100 times over. He ws getting annoyed by Jon's constant interference. He cleched his fists and walkedback to the duel floor. Konner started glowing Black and his orb floated in front of him. [color=magenta]JAGAN!!! WE FINISH THIS DUEL NOW!![/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=red]Konner, I can't allow this kid to unleash obelisk.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=magenta]Then take him on later. Just GO!!!!![/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=black]A mighty blast from Konner sent Alex and Jon flying. Konner appeared in front of them.[/color] [color=magenta]This will end soon if I have to blow you all upp and then imprison the gods again, draining my life force. Now, find Alex's duel and get on with it. I will allow you to watch my duel, but I heed you, DO NOT INTERFERE IN MY AFFAIRS AGAIN!!!![/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=black]Konner dissapeared into the temple and resumed his duel by playing swords of revaeling light. He summoned Yuri to take his place and the temple was lifted 2 feet of the ground, because of the amount of energy being projected.[/color]
OOC: I am folowing Joey. The neew power is you, jon.(read last post) ~~ IC: Konner came back out and saw Joey running after his sister. Konner contacted Yugi with his Yami and chased Joey. [color=magenta]Joey, wait up. Yugi and Tea are looking for you.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=black]Joey stopped and looked at Konner. Konner told Joey his story and then thhey met up with Yugi at the park. They found Joey's sister and then resumed their search for Jon.[/color] Konner excused himself because he had other business at home and left. [color=blue]Konner it wasn't nice what you did. You shouldn't interfere in things you can't help.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=magenta]Yami, yo honestly thought I would do it. I just want to get rid of a pesky trouble.[/color]
While Tea and Konner were walking, Yugi ran up to them. [color=darkred]Tea, we'v egot a problem. Joey's taken off and i can't find him.[/color] [color=#8b0000][/color] [color=blue]I might know where he is. I'm getting a strange feeling from a kid I saw. Jon, i think his name was. He might be with him. It's worth a shot.[/color] [color=black][/color] Tea, felling stupid, apologized and introduced the two to each other. Then, they started off to look for Jon. He walked for awhile, before splitting from the group. and making a call. He dialled the number and then a three digit number and got a answering machine. [color=red]I kow you're busy, but I have an exciting new deal for you. I can deliver you Yugi Muoth and that new power. What do you think, Seto?[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=darkgreen]I'll keep it in mind.[/color] [color=black]Lately, Seto ahd been getting into the milllenium items, but had yet to obtain one. Konner had heard about him in australia while on the beach. Now he had the chance to meet the man who revolutionized Duel Monsters.[/color]
Jagan placed two monsters on the field and activated Sparks, taking 700 of Konner's LP's away. (K=2600, J=1800). Jagan noticed a new power watching their duel. Konner placed another magic on the field and brought out buster blader. He now had it set for Ra's glorious coming. Jagan saw this and played Card destruction, but Konner in desperation, flipped Prophecy. [color=red]Simply put, it allows me to remove one card from my hand and remove it from play for 4 turns and then it destroys my monsters and that card i put in its place. I also playy Destiny board and Imperial Order to double my chances of winning. Now , why have you come here?[/color] What Konner hoped to do was keep ra safe, while giving Jon a slight chance of time to figure out his problem for Konner had already solved his.
Konner walked around feeling an extremely new sense of feelings. His new home was nice, but he missed his friends back in australia. He lookeed up at the city and wondered where everyone was. While looking up, he walked right into a young girl about his age. [color=red]I am so sorry about that. Here let me help you.[/color] [color=black][/color] Konnner noticed she had shouldered brown hair and was prettty cute. He blushed. [color=red]Hi. I'm new. Konner Michaels.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]I'm Tea Gardner. Wanna me my friends. You look like you could use some.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=red]Sure thanks.[/color]
Konner emerged from the temple, glowing with a yellow aura. He held Ra in his hand. He entered the dpth of the shadow Realm and saw jon walking around. Konner entered another temple, this one black, and unenterable by those with good intentions. [color=blue]Jagan, where are you? Come out and let's play. We finish our duel here.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]A menacing hiss was heard as Jagan emerged from behind a statue of the pharoah. He approached Konner and eyed him.[/color] [color=red]Something's different about you? What is it? What happened in that temple?[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=blue]Just Shut Up and Let's DUEL!!![/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Konner laid Robin Goblin on the field with another magic and Feral Imp in defense mode. Jagan conutered with two trap cards on the field.[/color]
Thanks. I couldn't get my Adobe Photoshop 6 to work with my computer, so I used the Windows Imaging and Microsoft Photoshop at the Library. Sorry.
It will probably have a storyline, but you know the serires, after every tournament, a big evil rises up and we have to stop it any way possible.
So far good. but a litte story and not just summarry, dialogue and suspense. Other than that, it's a good story i feel.
Konner watched people passing by from his window seat in the moving van. He suddenly saw a young man with red hair rushe by. [color=red]You'l get to meet him later. You must first follow your destiny.[/color] [color=royalblue][/color] [color=royalblue]Which is to find My path and protedct Ra. I know.[/color] [color=#4169e1][/color] [color=black]Konner arrived at his new house and ran to his room. He grabbed his necklaces and ran out to go find the mysterious kid he saw. Konner ran towards downtown while putting on his necklace. His best bet was to watch from Kaiba Corp.[/color] Besides, he wanted to meet Mokuba Kaiba. Mokuba was the reason he was a duelist. He saw the match betweenhim and Yugi after the Battle City finals and it was inspiring to him. [color=royalblue]I feel that kid near me, but I don't see him.[/color] [color=#4169e1][/color] [color=black]All of the sudden, a faint figure illuminated Konner. It was Jon's Yami, Rik.[/color]
The figure glowed black as he pulled up his hand of cards. [color=darkslategray]I know where Ra is. Beat me and I'll tell you. Meanwhile, I play 2 magic and lord of Dragons in defense mode.[/color] [color=#2f4f4f][/color] [color=red]My turn! I play Giant Trunade then I use your monster and my magic with change of heart and flute of summoning dragon. I bring out Hyozanryu and 1000 Souls Torment. I attack with both dragons. You lose 5800 LP. (konner=7000, Jagan=2200)[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=black]Just then, a light filled the alley. Konner was lifted up into the clouds. Before him were 6 seats, each with a symbol above it. Duel Monsters filled in from three doors behind him.[/color] Dark Magician, Blue Eyes White Dragon, the three egyptin god cardsminus Ra, and Yami sat in their places. They looked at Konner and started talking amongst themselves. Konner sat and meditated while they talked. Suddenly a boom shook everything. A faint figure stood i front of Konner. It was human. It was Jon. [color=blue]Koner, we ahve helped you all we can. You must help us now. Unlock Ra. It's imprisoned in a millenium Item I must have and protect. That's all I can tell you.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Konner was returned to his duel. He noticed two cards in defense mode and two monsters in defense. Jagan's life points were at 1800 now.[/color] [color=darkslategray]Make your move![/color]
Konner saw Jon waiting for Rikku. But the time was not right konner felt. [color=blue]Jon, are you sure about this. I have aquired all the information about Ra. He is imprisoned in an Ancient Egyptian Temple. I wil go there tomorrow.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=sandybrown]We have no choice, we must stop Rikku.[/color] [color=blue]Okay, but don't hurt her. just make her remember.[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Konner walked off and saw his man from the subway. He followed the guy and fell into an alley. The man turned and revealed himself to Konner as a dark fog surrrounded them. A shadow duel. Both players pulled out their decks and slappeed them in the duel disks.[/color] [color=blue]It has begun! [/color]
Name: Kurama Race: fox demon age: 17, but is really 317 gender: male History: average family, only child. he grew up and recieved a great education until he left his parents and was found by Hiei. Bio: Actually the fox demon Yoko who was thought to be killed 17 years ago, Kurama is a cunning, cutthroat fighter who will not back down form a fight unless needed to. weapons: roses he can turn into whips. The Death Tree.
Name: Konner Michaels Age: 14 Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Buster Blader and Black Paladin Bio: Konner was born in Australia where he spent most of his time playing cards and surfing when he wasn't at school. his father's job moved him th Domino City and he started hanging out with Yugi. He recieved the orb as a christmas present from his mom when he was 12 and the nacklace he bought with his birthday money at 13. Description: about 5'6 with spiked up black hair that when let down reaches his shoulders, he wears some black cargo pants, and a red dragon shirt with a cresent moon scar above his eyebrows on his forehead. He has brown eyes ansd is vrey athletically built. Millenium Item(Optional): Milenium Orb and my spirit: Name: Yuri Age: looks 15, but is probably about the same age as Yami. Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Buster Blader and Dark Magician Bio: Not much is known about Yuri except that he was a good helper of the pharaoh. He helps others when they need it but also uses that to get what he wants. Description: 5'6 with a black trench coat, a read shirt and blue carpenter pants. Black spiked hair and hazel eyes. ```Name: Jagan. No one knows real name. Age: looks 16. Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Blackfire Knight. Five God Dragon Bio: Jagan grew up evil. His parents were never around, so he grew up under the care of Marik. He was well knowledged for his years and surpassed some of his ancestors in strength and cunning. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He i very secretive, and usually disguises himself in baggy jeans, a blue shirt and lether jacket. Description: se avatar or banner. Millenium Item(Optional): Millenium Orb(see story)
Name: Jagan. No one knows real name. Age: looks 16. Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Blackfire Knight. Five God Dragon Bio: Jagan grew up evil. His parents were never around, so he grew up under the care of Marik. He was well knowledged for his years and surpassed some of his ancestors in strength and cunning. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He i very secretive, and usually disguises himself in baggy jeans, a blue shirt and lether jacket. Description: se avatar or banner. Millenium Item(Optional): Millenium Orb(see stary) and Millenium Ring
Konner watched the young man from under his newspaper. HE never ooked directly at him, but he could feel his eyes staring a hole in him. Konner got ou tafter the third stop and walked into a busy street. He manuvered around and saw Rikku running towards an old house that looked haunted now to Konner. [color=blue]Yuri, what news of Rik, Jon, and the Jagan. What's happening back in Domino?[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Nothing. I haven't been able to locate them. Something's blocking me.[/color] [color=#556b2f][/color] [color=blue]Do you think it could be another of the 1 million milenium items?[/color] [color=#0000ff][/color] [color=black]Yuri sensed the sarcasm in Konners voice, but managed a small laugh. [/color] [color=darkolivegreen]Anything is possible.[/color] [color=#556b2f][/color]
My first banner! Anyone want it, I can get you a better coppy, maybe.
Konner walked out of an abandoned building and into an empty subway station. He paid a lady for a newspaper and boarded a train, bound for Gala City. [color=magenta]Rik, something's not right. We know Slifer and Obelisk's part. But what of Ra. He was imprisoned for something right? Where is he? I'm headed for Gala City to find some more clues.[/color] [color=#ff00ff][/color] [color=black]Konner sensed a strange power unlike any spirit or being in the world. What was it? Yuri seemed calm.[/color] A young man about 16 boarded. He had long blue hair and a white robe. He took a seat 2 rows, 3 seats from Konner, so they could watch each other.
Konner stepped out of his house, feeling the fresh breeze on his neck. His Yami had gone to see the Jagan, who noone had ever seen in the light. Konner searched with his millenium orb to see where Yugi was. Konner and Yuri had questions to be answered now. [color=royalblue]Yugi, I need your help. My name is Konner. I have the Millenium Orb. What does it do? I don't kow anything about it or Yuri.[/color] [color=#4169e1][/color] [color=red]Well, I don't know anything about it. You have to find it out alone.[/color] [color=#ff0000][/color] [color=royalblue]Another, what was my part in your pharoahnic reign? I know I was there.[/color] [color=#4169e1][/color] [color=black]Yami was providing no help. Maybe Jon would be useful. Where was Jon? Last time he knew, Jon was headed to Rikku's house. Konner started walking, trying to figure it out.[/color]
[font=Times New Roman][size=3]Chapter 3: Discovery[/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Davis woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. He was ready to eat in half a second. Kari and Macayla were huddling over a campfire enclosed by a glass dome. ?T.K. thanks!? Davis yelled. T.K. looked at him.[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] ?This was Kari?s idea. Thank your girlfriend.? T.K. said, not faltering in his voice. This was the first time T.K. had said anything to that effect. 30 minutes later, they were starting up the mountain. It was an easy climb. Cold, but it was a ice freezer.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] Once inside, it became a little warmer. Davis and Kari searched one side while T.K. and Macayla searched the other. They found nothing when they met in the middle. The ice started melting and Macayla fell through and towards a frozen pool.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] Veemon armor-digivolved to Flamedramon and melted the pool quick. Then, Gatomon armor-digvolved to Nefertimon and sent a Rosetta Stone for her to grab on to. Angemon then swooped down and picked her up.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] The group raced outside and found IceGreymon waiting for them. Three more digimon popped up. ?Allow me to intoduce you to my friends. IceDevimon, and HarIkkakumon!? Kari and them split and took them on but then another evil digimon came and blasted the good guys away. ?Oh, I almost forgot. Here is SnowSatamon!?[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] I watched this from human form and could stand it no longer. A cauldron of anger, fury, and rage boiled over inside of me. I transformed into Duskmon and walked over there. I could feel the darkness energy surrounding me. ?And allow me to introduce you to my Darkness Blade!? I yelled as I charged and knock SnowSatamon and HarIkkakumon out of the fight. ?Are you ok my queen?? I asked.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] Kari nodded as Angewoman picked her up. ?Go away from here. I?ll find you.?[/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]They fley away with the rest of the group and their digimon. I turned to IceGreymon, the only one left. ?I will not let you hurt more people!? The dark energy now consumed me. I turned my sword to him. It glowed red. ?Black Vengeance!? The blade shot out a red energy beam and IceGreymon fell on his stomach. [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman] I turned, not willing to finish him off now. I would always be more powerful than him. Plus, I had to locate those kids. I walked, the eyes on my body looking everywhere to find him. [/font][/size]
Konner watched all the excitement of the chase freom a roof and wondered why everyone was chasing her in human. "Fools, get you're spirits to help." Konner jumped down and ran to cut her off. He tried to connect to Jon in his mind. [i]Jon, you don't know me. I'lll try to stop Rikku for a little bit.[/i] Konner jumped out and landed in front of Rikku as Yuri, his millenium spirit. [i]Rikku, you're destiny awaits. Stop running. Let them help you. You make the choice but remeber me.[/i]
An evil has erupted 3 decades after the Z Warriors died. He sent powerful warriors to Namek, Earth, and Vegeta. The universe's strongest warriors are beating him, but he is now showing e can fight by blowing up star, planets, whatever he can. Goku and the others left the original dragonballs to help out. Rules: 1.)No SSj5!! 2.) You can be any creature from any planet. 3.) Goku, trunks,... all have only 1 grandchild. You can be one not taken. 4.) 3 people may start out with level equal to ssj1, not ultra. 5.) you may be a dead z Warrior. Sign-Up: Name: Age: Side: Power Level: Specialty: (speed, strength, knowledge,...) Species: (demon, angel, namek,...) Personality: Description: Bio: Pet: (optional)