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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. Kopnner walked down the street and noticed some other teens running towards each other and he shook his head as he sat down on a bench. "Why did I have to come here?" Konner pondered when he was interrupted. "It has been decided for you. It's your destiny." Konner jumped. Instinct told him to sit. Konner made out a figure next to him. "Who are you?" Konner asked. The figure stood and streched out his hand. "My name is Yami. I'm with them." Yami said, pointing to Yugi and Joey.
  2. Jagan


    Name: Konner Michaels Age: 14 Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Buster Blader and Black Paladin Bio: Konner was born in Australia where he spent most of his time playing cards and surfing when he wasn't at school. his father's job moved him th Domino City and he started hanging out with Yugi. He recieved the orb as a christmas present from his mom when he was 12 and the nacklace he bought with his birthday money at 13. Description: about 5'6 with spiked up black hair that when let down reaches his shoulders, he wears some black cargo pants, and a red dragon shirt with a cresent moon scar above his eyebrows on his forehead. He has brown eyes ansd is vrey athletically built. Millenium Item(Optional): Milenium Orb and my spirit: Name: Yuri Age: looks 15, but is probably about the same age as Yami. Gender: Male Favorite card(s): Buster Blader and Dark Magician Bio: Not much is known about Yuri except that he was a good helper of the pharaoh. He helps others when they need it but also uses that to get what he wants. Description: 5'6 with a black trench coat, a read shirt and blue carpenter pants. Black spiked hair and hazel eyes.
  3. Yeah! Really good, but you may think about breaking it into sections like: Anime, RPG, Petry, Stories, Member Area. and have other Members help you. We could make it like an OFFICIAL newspaper or something.
  4. It's okay for the first part, but it needs to be longer and a little more detail please? Other 'an that, it's pretty good.
  5. This is also my new RPG so check it out and join. Chapter 1: Beginnings We start out with an alarm going off and a boy falling out of his bed. Koph gets up and looks at the clock. 8:15 AM! "Oh man, I'm late!" he screams. Koph throws on a pair of carpenter pants and an Anime shirt from a convention he went to 2 years before. Koph is a 14 year old boy with shoulder length black hair, pulled back in a ponytail. He is about 5â?10, with hazel eyes and an athletic build. Koph races to his school, which is about 10 minutes away. He arrives just in time to hear the first bell ring. He greets his friends and goes to his locker and starts to get his books. A cute 14 year old girl stands behind his locker door. â??Hey there handsome.â? She whispers. Koph jumps up in the air. â??Hey Tea. You scared me. Weâ??re still on to double-date with Vau and Kanna?â? Koph asked in his usual voice. He kissed Tea gently before gazing into her perfectly green eyes. â??Yeah. Then, you promised to help little bro with his computer. Mom said you can stay over. Itâ??s okay with your parents.â? Tea said. â??See you at 7.â? They kissed again before heading off to their separate classes. â??Vau, weâ??re still on. Tomorrow, we have a meeting with the boss to discuss getting new members.â?? Koph silently said to Vau in his mind. Vau and Koph were both psychics, so they could talk to each other in their minds. Koph reached the gym to see that sparring partners had been posted up. He caught a sharp mind-shout from across the room. â??HEY WIMP! Looks like I get to beat the stuffing out of you.â?? It was Jin, Kophâ??s rival since first grade and Vauâ??s brother. They both stared at each other until the coaches came in and told them they were first. Koph slid in as Jin climbed into the ring and circled each other. The referee didnâ??t dare get into the ring while they where in it. Their match was move-for-move. They pulled off the same moves at exactly the same time. It was a down-toâ??the-wire match that no one wouldâ??ve guessed. Jin triumphed when the coaches declared it was a judges decission, but Koph was okay with it because Jin would never be as smart or talented as he was.
  6. Good story. Can't wait to read the dual. Try to get on more to post the story?!
  7. [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Digimon: Quest for the Spirit[/size][/font] [size=3][/size] [size=3][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Prologue I[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]It's been 2 years since the Digi-destined vanquished Daemon for the final time they hope. (Shaun's: Return of Daemon) A lot has happened since then. Kari and Davis are still going out. They double date with Gatomon and Demiveemon sometimes.[/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Ken has started advising the police on cases. Ken and Yolei are starting to date. They have fun solving mysteries together. Matt is touring America with his band. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Mimi and Joe still live in America. Joe's practicing to be a doctor and Mimi's a fashion consultant. They keep in contact with the others. [/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Tai and Sora are currently coaching little league soccer team together. They are engaged, and no one was shocked by this. The wedding is in a month. Matt is extremely happy for them and is Tai?s best man. Izzy has started his own web site and is a web designer with a booming business. He?s even a bigger computer geek now, but no one really cares. He?s still the one to turn to if things get awkward.[/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]As for TK, well, no one knows. He mysteriously vanished after Daemon was beaten. Kari took it hard. Macayla took it harder though. Cody is a junior Karate instructor, going and hosting kendo and Martial arts tournaments in his dojo.[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Nothing really serious has happened other than that.. A few Ultimate level Digimon escaped from the Digital World, but by the time the Digi-destined got there, the digimon was gone. All they found was a model of the digimon and a note with a model of the digimon defeated. This most recent attack was the worst. More casualties than all of the other combined, plus a digi-destined died.[/font][/size] [size=3][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Prologue II[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"The snake weaves it's way towards its' prey, then it strikes!" Mr. Munibuchi explained as the class listened intently. Yoshii Krata just looked outside and waited until class was over so he could meet my Digimon, Vimon. Vimon was a small, round blue ball with wings. Yoshii snapped back to reality when he heard the bell ring. "Have a great summer." Mr. Munibuchi told them.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Yoshii ran to the park and found Vimon in a tree. He grabbed him and they raced each other to the beach. There were people tripping over each other before they even got downtown. Then, a hole enclosed a building as a red snake with five wings flew out. Yoshii looked over at Vimon. "Digivolution! Vimon digivolve to Lincemon!" A blue angel stood in front of the boy. He looked like Angemon but with an extra pair of wings and a dagger in his belt.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]The snake had also digivolved into a skull snake known as Belgamon. Lincemon gallantly lunged for him. "Knight Lance." The attack missed, giving Belgamon a chance. Lincemon fought back as he was lifted into the air and drained of his life energy. Then, a black armored person with eyes all over his body came up to the boy and attacked without warning.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"I am Duskmon. Die Digi-destined!" I plunged his sword into the very heart of me. Lincemon cried as he disappeared. Yoshii had just enough life in me to see me slash the snake into a million pieces, then see me step through a hole and gracefully make my exit.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"L-L-Lincemon." he managed as he collapsed for eternity. People screamed and gasped when they saw me reappear. I turned and my blade turned black.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Darkness Blade!" A black line whipped out and whipped through the crowd. There were people running, hiding, jumping in cars, all trying to find a place to hide from my killing spurt.[/font][/size] [size=3][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Chapter 1: Old Friends[/size][/font] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]"Izzy, what's with calling us at 6:20 in the morning?" Davis moaned as he sat down on Izzy's bed. Davis was not an early waker. It took some time for Matt, Tai, Sora, and Yolei to get there. They all met in Izzy's room. Izzy loaded a file into his computer. Everyone gathered around to see a newspaper front page. "You called us here for a newspaper?" Davis said.[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Look at the article. Monsters in Kyoto!" There was a giant red snake in Kyoto that attacked without warning. Luckily, a young boy with a monster that looked like a black angel stepped in and fought a large skeleton snake. Then, an armored freak stepped up and killed the snake, the angel, the boy, and many others. The police are gathering eye witness and are working around-the-clock to figure this perplexing mystery out." Izzy looked over at Kari, then went back to his computer and pulled up a clear picture of the ?monster". He cleared the image up as everyone gasped. The "monster" looked almost exactly like Angemon! No one spoke for a little while after that.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]The silence was suddenly broken by Kari's cell phone going off. Kari hurried to get it and started talking. "Mama, I told you I'm at Izzy's." A low voice spoke on the other end of the phone.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Izzy, I need to talk to Izzy." Kari looked puzzled as she handed the phone over. The voice suddenly got lighter. "Izzy, open up a file called Mentor.exe. It's a link to Gennai. He found some things you might want to look at. the voice stopped while Izzy loaded the file and a small, bald man looked up at the group. Kari thought she remembered the phone number and voice.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Hello, it's Kari. Hello! Hello!" Kari was practically yelling by this time.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Have a nice day Kari. Tell everyone hi. By the way, Gatomon can go past her angel stages and Nefertimon." Kari gasped as she stumbled over to the kitchen.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"T.K. Is that you?" Kari softly inquired. She knew it had to be but wanted to see if it was or not.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"I love that voice. Joe, Mimi, and Macayla will be in Osaka in 2 days. Joe's getting a transfer." the phone went dead. Kari looked at her phone in disbelief. How could TK know here number if she had just got the phone? Kari walked back in the bedroom as Ken put his hand on her shoulder. Davis leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Gennai spoke. "Hello Izzy. We have quite a predicament here, don't you think? I'm glad I could get to you. We must meet at my old sea house. But you'll have to wait since Joe's not there. I'll gather up your digimon and meet you.?[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Gennai faded out as Kari motioned to Davis and Matt to follow her outside. Kari sat on the railing. She explained the phone call and the mysterious voice on the other end. Davis and Matt almost fell over the rail.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"TK! He's here!" Matt screamed, while trying to regain balance. Kari nodded. She looked behind her as three white doves fly out into the sky as the wind blew her hand in her face. Davis studied her face.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"When Davis and I started dating, he was depressed. He fell into a world of darkness. We tried to cheer him up. I'm sorry." Kari said.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Davis kissed her. "It's not your fault." The three went back into the apartment to find the others having snacks while waiting for someone to contact them.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Tai spoke for the first time that day, "It's almost a reunion without TK, Joe, and Mimi." Kari hugged him.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Yeah. I guess it would be." Sora laughed. "Remember when we beat Myotismon? We were all so happy."[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Izzy's computer beeped as a familiar figure and voice came on it. "Kari! Izzy! Is anyone there?" Everyone rushed to the computer. It was T.K.![/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Kari jumped up and down. " T.K., We all missed you. Where'd you go?"[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Nowhere. Go to the roof." The group rushed to the roof and looked around. He wasn?t there.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Matt put a hand on Kari's shoulder. "I'm sorry. We must've missed him."[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]A voice shot out from behind them, "Missed who?" The group turned around to see T.K. on Pegasusmon's back. T.K. jumped down and rushed up to everyone. "It's good to be back and having fun for a change. I've been working since we whipped Daemon. My boss's a hard old guy, but don't let him know I said that." T.K. joked. He looked around and saw Kari by herself. He excused himself and went over to her. Davis started to go with him, but figured that they needed to be alone.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Hey Kari. Long time, huh?" T.K. said nervously. Kari looked past him to Matt and Tai. Suddenly, Kari embraced him in her arms and bawled hysterically. "Let's go downstairs and I'll explain everything." he yelled to the others. The whole group ran downstairs and had a big party that night. T.K. and Kari had an especially good time.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Davis pulled him aside. Kari was glad to see the two shake hands and start horsing around. "Still good." Davis complemented. TK just grinned. The party soon ended and the gang all fell asleep. Everyone had happy dreams, except TK. He kept rolling over and finally got up to go outside.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]The night air was cool on his skin and the sky was a polished diamond. T.K. had hoped to go look leads on this rebel, but he couldn?t get to Izzy?s computer. He still had something to do, though. He took his laptop and went into the digital world. From there, he uploaded a link to New York City, a few blocks from Joe?s apartment. He alerted Willis, Justin, and all the other digi-destined in the world with an e-mail while he was walking to Joe and Mimi?s place.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Joe was still up, researching and slaving over a bunch of new medicine magazines when TK knocked on the door. Mimi and Macayla, a cute girl who Mimi introduced to TK before, were asleep in the bedroom. TK and Joe sent them to the Izzy?s house. Then Joe went, followed by TK.[/font][/size] [size=3][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Chapter 2: Arrival[/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Tai woke up to the smell of fresh coffee and laughter. He looked up and Joe was standing there with Izzy, watching Ken play a game on the computer. "Joe! How's it going?!" He screamed loud enough for everyone on the block to hear. TK stepped in with a fresh pot of coffee for the rest of the sleepy bunch.[/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman][size=3]Joe looked at TK for a moment. [/size][/font] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Where'd you learn to brew coffee and fry eggs?" TK smiled and told him it was part of his job. Macayla was the only person who knew where and who TK worked for and she wasn't telling. When the group finally got up and eaten, they met around Izzy's computer. They would've gone, but Izzy got a chill. He looked at the grid of the digital world, feeling that something was wrong when TK took the mouse and clicked on another grid.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"That should take us straight to Gennai's underwater house." Izzy opened the digi-port as the group all got ready to go. T.K. looked over to Macayla. She looked scared. "What's wrong?" T.K. asked.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"I've never done this. What if I mess up?" She looked really scared now.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]T.K. grabbed her hand and stared at her. "It's okay. We'll go together. Now, Digi-port Open!" Everyone held out their digivices as the port turned green and everyone got sucked inside. They landed with a hard thud on the wooden floor of the house.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Welcome Back Digi-Destined!" an old man said, coming out of the shadowy part of the living room. He was holding a breaded piece of fish and some popcorn, and being followed by a white cat.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Gatomon!" Kari yelled. They hugged each other while telling each other how much they missed each other. Gatomon walked over to T.K. and hugged him too.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Gatomon started talking. "Hey you. Long time, No see huh?" T.K. had to laugh.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"What's it been? Two hours?" T.K. asked. He petted Gatomon's head as he went looking for Patamon. "Patamon, where are you boy?" Gennai scooted the others towards the couch. The group sat down as T.K. returned with the wing-eared digimon in his arms.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]T.K. stood against the wall as Gennai explained to the others what has been going on. "The reason you're all here is the same reason's as before, and it will not change. Our world is in trouble. It seems a young boy from your time has come here and unleashed something. We're not sure. Me and T.K. were up all night trying to figure it out."[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"I can't figure it out either." Ken started. "It has to connect with the kid dying and all the other attacks, but that's all we know."[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Us too." T.K. interrupted. "Gennai called me here last night, and we worked on this last night. All the flights to Japan were closed, so I got Joe and brought them through the digital world to your apartment Izzy." Most of them laughed at Joe, but they all knew this was serious.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]Gennai pushed a button and a 3-Dimensional map of the Digital World appeared. Gennai pointed to a tall castle on a mountain. "This is where we think the evil came from."[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]T.K. stepped up from the wall and drew a circle. "This is where we think the evil is now, but we are not sure. We're pretty sure it came from IceGreymon's palace. We probably will have to split up to cover the area." So, the whole gang left, with the digimon that were there. The people that didn't have their digimon went to look for theirs' in two groups.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]T.K., Davis, Kari, and Macayla reached the palace by nightfall and set up camp at the base of the mountain. When they went to bed, a huge bat-like digimon swung down and then back up. He landed before a white dinosaur.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Lord IceGreymon, I have disturbing news. There are four human kids down there. One if the Digital Queen Kari, and one of the others is Gennai's Apprentice, the Digital Warrior Takeru." reported the bat.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Good. I'll have fun with them. Tell the others to get ready. We'll have fresh meat and new visitors tomorrow. Go now!" the dinosaur roared.[/font][/size] [size=3][font=Times New Roman]"Yes lord." the bat rushed off, half flying, half running. The large dinosaur looked down.[/font][/size] [font=Times New Roman]?We shall feast tomorrow!? IceGreymon roared. He stared down at the four humans and laughed. They would be no problem to destroy, even if they did have good digimon partners.[/font]
  8. Cool. This should definately be good.
  9. Name: Ku Yung Age: 19 Origin: Subaiyashi Affiliation: Ryu Ronins Occupation: Blacksmith Weapon: A longsword and a 2-shot pistol. Style: Jeet Kune Do Appearance: 5"8, long black/brown hair, Cargo jeans, White Dragon shirt, Black Trenchcoat. Bio: Once a martial artist on his way to glory, he was betrayed by his country. He was imprisoned in an old jail for three years while he comtemplated his revenge. He killed the guard and joined the Ryu Ronins to get back at the people he once trusted. His heart is truly a black leadened stone. Ability: Nearly perfect sight. He can see things clearer then any animal. Pet: Silver furred Timber Wolf that can talk.
  10. I think it said that Superstar was Lui Kang in the first two movies and doubled as Shang Tsung. It was great. It comes on at about 10: 00 for me.
  11. "So Reg and Dai want to fight?" Swift says to himself. Swift puts the phone he was carrying in his pocket. He looks around for Reg, Dai, or Courtney but doesn't see any of them. "Reg can se Courtney any time. I have Dai a few classes from now." Swift walks to his next class and sits down in his meditating position.
  12. I'm so happy! I'm so happy! My fav show is back on the air! Anyone else love or seen the show?
  13. Swift catches up with Courtney. He looks at her eyes. "How come you always tease Reg?" "She's annoying." "If you really want to fight her or anything, I might can help you." Swift runs off to make a phone call. H3 dialls the number and listens for a voice. "Passcode?" "51J: Suku" "Swift, what's up?" "Not much Jay. Listen, you owe me a favor, right?" "What's the plan?" "Use that costume of me and steal something, tell them your name is Onji Sukazu Kutinoa. See ya later!" Swift rushes to his bunk and scrummages for his pack.
  14. Swiftt looks up to see Seth wheeled in the front gate. Swift hides his laughter as he gets up. He starts walking when he hears a shout behind him. "Look out!" Swift jumps to the side as a girl passes him. "That was close."
  15. Yes, interesting in deed. I've already signed up MaxSonic.
  16. Trik settles down to take a sleep in his gundam and startrs to remember something that Creon told him when he was captured. Creon: Satalius was created by me. I'll still have control even if Pyro or Arthur seize it. Trik: You're crazy! Trik hops up and looks for his way to the engine room.
  17. "Never mind sir." Swift say looking down at his watch. Swift sneaks to the mess hall and grabs some food. he speeds to the hole in the ground Seth made. He covers th hole up after he jumps in. "I don't think they'll mind if I ditch my next two classes for today." "What'd you say? Who's there?" ASwift covers his mouth and duck down in the shadows.
  18. Trik lashes out and flies out into space, towards Satalius. Trik: Where are you? I'm lost so you're going to have to help me Sata. Trik looks for Satalius, but he doesn't see anything near him. Trik turns the radar on and opens a com. link to Ken. He looks down when he talks. Trik: Help me.
  19. Swift woke up and went to the track. He jogged a few laps and layed down to rest. He sees people goiing to and from the mess hall and scuffs. "Pitiful." Swift smirks as he heads to Gen. Hathoway's office. Swift walks in and salutes. "Sir, I overheard something about you had something to do with me. What's this about?"
  20. "No, tell Nayro I'm going after Dredus and I'll keep Sessan alive for her." Sphra dissappears into the woods and Sesshioko returns to Sujin. Sesshioko looks around at th blood and meat that was scattered in the fight. Sesshioko transfuses into his small wof stage and runns into the desert. He looks around for a sign of Sessan and notices a trail of blood with an occasional sword stroke. "Sessan!...I'm coming for yiou DREDUS!" Sesshioko rushes after the blood trail.
  21. Nicer than before. I haven't kept up with the story this week.
  22. Good. BlackDragon will explode rolly. The stroy's coming along pretty good.
  23. Sesshioko twirls his sword as he stands up, clothes tattered and blood stained. He looks at his sword, then at Sessan, then to Scander. Sesshioko: No more useless bloodshed. NO MORE! Sesshioko plunges his sword deep into Sessan's stomach and let's it go. Sesshioko turns around and wanders aimlessly through the forest until he reaches a clearing. He sits at the base of a tree and looks at the canopy. Sesshioko: Such senseless killing. What's it for? Power, Respect, Loyalty Proof?
  24. Trik looks at the gundam carrying him. It's a dragon-looking gundam. Fang: I just got upgraded so I tried to find you. Ken: Picked sort of a bad time. Trik jumps up and rushes back to Luna. Trik gets blasted back by Creon as he turns to Ken. Trik: What's going on, and who are you two? Ken: Uh Oh! This is not good!
  25. Swift picks up his third gun and aims it at the target. He feels the sweat drip down his forehead as he sights the human holding the knife, while noticing the hostage and gunner. "Wrong day to rob a bank, man." Swift pulls the trigger and delivers three rounds into the knifer's stomach and four in his head. He shoots the gunner in the foot as he jumps back, leaving an open shot. The hostage ducks on the ground as Swift delivers five shots into the guy's head. Swift reaches up and pushes a button, then takes the helmet off. "Sure am glad I brought this virtual Simulator. Very realistic in detail, acuracy, and realism." Swift takes a jog around the track and finds himself at General Hathoway's office. He entersw and ses the General at his desk. "Permission to speak sir?" "Granted." "Sir, I was wondering how Ren was doing after the incident today. I'm too scared to see him in the sick bay." "He's doing fairly well, but that's not the reason you came, is it?" "No sir. My first day here, Seth used a bomb to scare us. I was thinking that there might be more bombs or that one was deliberate." "Well, I don't know, but I can look into it." "Thank you sir." Swift salutes and turns around. He runs to his bunk and puts his helmet Sim. up. Swift runs back to the mess tent but goes behind it and starts whittling a little flute out of a peice of wood he found.
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