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Everything posted by Jagan

  1. In Friends till the End 1, aren't the rare hunters supposed to be under Marak's control?
  2. OOC: No Worries! IC: Sesshioko slashes Sessan at her waist. He turns around and rushes at Scander when he's thrown half way across the village by Sessan. Sesshioko: I thought I got you. Sessan: You fool! Sesshioko gets up and looks up at Sessan. He smirks as he wipes blood from his lip. Sesshioko: Never thought you'ld be looking down on me, huh? Look, no hard feelings, but I never ask for it and I NEVER WANTED IT! Sesshioko charges at Sessan and slashes faster in order to catch her.
  3. In the latest ep, Red eyes atacks Joey. Joey's life points go from 4000 to 2400. Red Eyes Attack is 2400. When Joey washed up Mako's sea, what happened to the kiler wahle? Obelisk did attack the BEUD!
  4. Swift watches the incident. He turns back to his food. His friends sit down and they watch everyone in the mess hall. "Isn't Cassandra the girl that blew you off the other day?" "Yeah. It's so boring that it feels like that was years ago." Swift gets up and goes to the firing range. He puts on his goggles and earmuffs and picks out three guns.
  5. Trik stumbles forward right before he colapses. He floats around in space. He feels his body picked up and carried off. Trik: Where are I going?
  6. Swift looks at his watch as he lays down on his bed. "I got 5 minutes to rest." Swift sets his alarm and goes to bed. Swift sees his motheer and father walking in a park. There are kids around, plenty of noise. A man in black comes up to them and shotts them in the stomachs then presses a button and the park explodes. Swift yells as he sits up sweating. He looks up to his watch. "C***! I'm late 10 Minutes."
  7. Trik: I swear I'll get you and Arthur by the time this is over with! Trik's eyes glow black and Epyon glows blue as trik pulls out Epyon's whip. Ken: What the #***? Trik: Fury Mode! Let's go! Trik pulls out a beam saber and charges the group of suits. He slashes and whips suits and then opens a com link to Ken. Trik: ::Ken, go! I can handle myself. Find Pyro.:: Die Creon!!!!
  8. OOC: I know. IC: Swift notices Clark alone as he sits down. He says something to himself. "Any of you guys see that new Sniper teacher?" "Charli's ben replaced?" "No, dumbhead. *whack* The new guy" Swift starts to go over to Col. Clark, but sees that he's concertrating hard and sits back down. He starts to watch Clark intensely. "Watch. I bet you Clark will go back to his dorm and wait for his class to get ready. Charli will go to the firing range and meet the new guy and we'll get Seth's class off. I have a full day now that the new teacher is here." "Yeah. He made me do twenty laps last night for missing five shots." "Yeah. We gotta get him good."
  9. "Dang, Clark didn't like that guy. Hope he won't be too mean." Swift saw that Clark had indeed gotten 17 shots to the head, but Swift remembered hearing 20 shots. Swift just shook it off and kept watching from the roof through the rifle he misplaced before the guy arrived. "I have 15 shots from the PSG-1 Sniper Rifle." Swift was now merely mimmicking people. He smirked as he looked through the scope to the kids, then the teacher, then the end of the lane. Swift recalled the rifle, turned over and went to bed.
  10. Swift looks around for the girl that blew him off. "Where'd she go?" Swift feels a hand on his shoulder. He jumps five feet in the air. "Hello."
  11. Trik wakes up and looks around. He sees a big screen with him on it. He's strapped to a chair and sees someone move towards him. Creon steps into view. Creon: What are you trying to pull Xander? That's right Xander. I know all about you. Blood Type, DOB, Brother was killed by Arthur. Trik: You ****in' B@$!***. I'm gonna kill you. Creon: How? You're strapped to the chair. You can't get to Ken, who is about to be rocketed into earth at about 200 Km/p/m.
  12. OOC: Both are fine by me. ________________________ IC: Trik hears Ken and finds him. He shoots the lock and tosses Ken two pistols. Trik: If things get dirty, use them. Don't worry about me. I'm getting my gundam from the judges. Trik and Ken bust the back wall and runthrough to find themselves in a tile maze. Ken: Great, just great! Trik: Careful, one false move and you're down. We split up. Go that way. We can get out better and faster. Ken and Trik split up and run the route they chose. Trik takes a left, sees a light, malles a right to a dead end. Suddenly, the tiles surround him as he blacks out.
  13. When Joey duels Weevil, he beets Moth. Then Weevil brings out Insect Queen with it's ATK at 2700. Moth's ATK: 3500. The boy said the Quen insect was more powerful than the Moth. I think it was Keith or someone, they used Curse of iend and instead of switching battle positions, it switched positions and ATK/DEF power.
  14. Note: Dear Ren, Meet me at the main gate at 1 AM tomorrow night. I'll explain later. -Swift ```~ Swift hurried and wrote about a fourth of a page about what he'd learned so far in Clark's class. He looks around. "Clark's acting weird. Wonder what's up?" Swift surveys Clark but finds nothing. "He's like a stone."
  15. Kuske gets outside of town and sets down. Kuske is breathing harder as he watches the sweat drop from his forehead. He looks up to see Seth coming up to him. Seth: What's wrong? Kuske: Scared the ##** out of me. I just need some time. Go help Sakura and Marie.
  16. Sesshioko looks serious yet scared at the sight of the demon. Sesshioko: [I]Sessan set me up. I don't care. Revenge, Retribution, Restitution. It's all worthless. I'm getting to Sessan. Lin can hide because he's important. I won't let Sessan kill anymore innocent peopole, especially my family and friends!!!!!!!!![/I] I WON'T!!!! Sesshioko's armor glows white as he grows shorter black hai, and transforms into a full-demon form. Sesshioko: Sessan!! Down Here! Sesshioko jumps on the roof as he readies to attack. Kaya: Sesshioko, me and Lin are away. Come on. Sesshioko: We shall finish a other day.
  17. Swit hears Ren scream and sees him run out. He walks up to the kids who were talking. "What's happened? I heard something about Seth's a murderer?" "Someone pinned Seth for Murder. He can't get back here." Swift shakes the kids' hands and goes to find Ren. "I got some questions about class for Seth." Swift runs into his bunk and scribbles a quick note. He finds Ren's bed and sticks it in his pillow. Swift walks out and goes to his class.
  18. Trik puts on his trench coat and loads up with guns(just in case) and jumps into a dark blue Gouf unit. He sets the Zaku's and another gouf to follow him. Trik explodes out of the asteroid base and recieves a message from Pyro. Pyro: ::com. link:: Trik, Ken's in trouble. He's been captured. Go to Creon's base. The jail cells are on the east side. ::end communication:: Trik: Pyro, I should've known you'd pull something like this. I'm on it. Trik blasts off. He reaches the west side of Creon's base in no time. Trik moves around to the southe side as the suits begin firing on the base. Trik jumps in and races around the corner and knocks three guards out. Meanwhile in Creon's office {ALARM!} Creon jumps up and looks over at his computer. He sees four suits attacking and sector 5 intriderr. Creon: What the...****!! Pyro's trying to get Ken out of here. Silly fool. Trick doors are much easier to use.
  19. Trik lands on a deserted asteroid base. He jumps into a crater. Trik: I heard there were some spare mobile suits here. Yes, they were right. Trik jumps down a hole and ends up in a storage bunker. He looks around. He notices something wrong. Trik: Goufs, Zaku's, mobile suits from every federation.
  20. Kuske pulls his Dimesionhole card up, looking around. Kuske:[I]I can't activate this card. I've never used it. It's only a theory I had. Scared the ***t out of me the time I used it.[/I] Oh well, Ready!!
  21. Swift looks up from his jogging. "What was that about?" Swift notices three girls walk out of the mes tent and start running around the compound. He runs up to one of them. "Hi. What's all the commotion about?" "Nothing. Go away Swift." Swift stops, dumbfounded. He just watched. "What just happened here?"
  22. Kuske hops on his dragon. He watches Seth attract the toons to him. Kuske: I hope you're right. Kuske races over to the Toon World. He sees a lot of Toon Aligator down there waiting for something. Kuske: I've got it. Kuske runs as fast as he can over to Seth. Seth: What's up? Kuske: I've got it. If we bring all toons to Toon World. We can use a DimesionHole to send them away from here. I have a dimension Hole but I would have to get sucked in with the toons.
  23. So far, it's okay. Not great or good YET.
  24. Sesshioko looks outside. He nods to himself and wakes Kaya up. Sesshioko: Kaya, take Lin and run as fast as you can away from here. Hide and We'll get there later. Sesshioko runs outside and turns into his true demon form. His black armor shines and he notices a large flying lizard. He looks around for Nayro. Sesshioko: I got Scales!
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