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About ilikepie

  • Birthday 11/28/1989

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    Paperboy, slave to parents

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  1. i feel that the whole evnt was definitely planned by both Justin and Janet AND MTV and CBS. For one thing, clothes do not just "malfunction". Normal clothes, as far as i know (:D), are much stronger than that. For another thing, when you have a half-time show produced by MTV, there's bound to be something crazy (cough VMA's cough). And the thing that makes me believe that this was planned the most is that CBS didnt do a thing to stop it! All live broadcasts operate on a 7-second delay. So, we actually see what happened seven seconds after what actually happened. 7 seconds may not seem like much but actually count up to 7. In that time, any normal human being would be able to press the button to stop the broadcast yet they didn't and the only logical reason for this is that it was planned. Personally, I feel many people are blowing this WAY out of perspective. She was only exposed for one second and it wasn't in your face, it was decently far so that you couldn't see much. I find it fascinating poeple complain about this but don't complain about many of the other things in the superbowl that could be considered "kid-unfriendly (the commercials, Other parts of the half-time show ex.Nelly grabbing "down there") I think that our society has many worse things being put into children's brains than this.
  2. I think there are many important qualities. Things I look for (in order of importance cuz im cool like that ^_^) 1- The Animation The animation absolutely MUST be well-drawn and very smooth for me to like it. This is probably my favorite thing about anime. I just love the art in anime. 2- The Plot Kinda obvious. Needs to have an interesting and original plot. 3- The Music I like an anime a whole lot better if the music is good and it matches what the the series is conveying. I think .hack//SIGN does a great job with this. And that's it! Voice Actors are important too i guess but if Iliked the anime enough i really wouldn't care too much what they sounded like. And if worse comes to worse, there's always subtitles ^_^. It also makes an anime better if it matches the manga but i really don't think its too important.
  3. ilikepie


    Uhgh.... I've never had good luck with my teachers. My 8th grade english teacher called everyone in my class's parents white trash. (even though 2 people werent white). My English teacher this year constantly rambles about "The God's of Education" who say that that the Audio/Visual eqiupment is melting our brains with SportsCenter's Verbal Dirreahea. Also, my math teacher is a zombie because he always talks about how the math books were better in 1890. ALSO!, My biology teacher talked to a plant, got in a fight with it, and threw paper at it.
  4. Good title! I like almost all food in existence! Espically NOODLES! I love ramen noodles and those delicious Pasta-Roni's! OOH! and , bagels! I love bagels! And toast! And pizza! And Cereal! Now im getting really hungry!:scrambles to kitchen:
  5. I really wish i had one of those calculators! Everyone in my class is always playing them (my teac hers are too stupid to catch them :D) and I want one but they cost too much money! :(
  6. Hmm.... I live in Buffalo,NY i've never noticed it but when i go somewhere else people always say i have a strong accent. I guess Buffalo is kind of like a New Yorker accent. I really extend of my vowels like Hoow are youuuu dooing tooday? I'm too lazy to even talk right :D
  7. I've been at a private school since kindergarten and i've really liked it. I was with the same class for 9 years so you eventually know and are friends with everyone which is good and bad in its own ways but i've never had a problem with going to a private school, the only bad part is you have to wear ugly hot uniforms....
  8. .hack//SIGN, FLCL, and Excel Saga should all get a movie. Or even better! A combination of all 3. Wouldn't that be..........interesting! *laughs as he thinks it up in his small head*:D
  9. I like a lot of the openings to anime. I'd probably have to say that Excel Saga is my favorite opening but I really like "Freckles" in japanese and Obsession from .hack//SIGN is really good,too. I don't really see why people like Tank! from Cowboy Bebop so much. I find it kind of boring but thats just my opinion. Personally, I think that the closing themes to most animes are better than the openings, though.
  10. I'm sorry for all of you people who have lost pets. Pets are like a part of your family and when you lose them it fells like you lost a close relative. I don't find it weird at all to keep a pet's possesion and it may help you to work through the grief and remeber all the great times you had together.
  11. O.o what a creepy thread! Hopefully I'll never have to kill myself but if I did I would kill myself in a quick and non-painful method like an overdose on drugs.
  12. Definitely tissues! Hankies just seem so unsanitary, you sneeze all that junk out of your nose and then later when you have to sneeze again it gets all over your nose and eww! Tissues are nice and soft too!
  13. I love the rain! It's so relaxing, peaceful, and very calming. Its so mesmerizing; I could stare at the rain for hours. I love snow too. I think it's so peaceful to see a light snow falling and the light from houses and Chritmas lights glistening on it. Thunderstorms are awesome to watch too! Such raw power :devil:. Snow thunderstorms are really cool too becasue they dont happen too often and when they do it's really eerie and cool!
  14. GOD! That's just wrong! It's like a whole bunch of those "crack artists"(as K.K.C could tell you about lol) got together and made an attemp to draw! Subaru's hair looks like pac-man! at least BT still looks the same :D Im scarred for life!:drunk:
  15. 1-K.K.C 2-OtakuSennen 3-Yami*Maho Keno 4-Stardust 5-Shy 6-James Hey! I can count!:D
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