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About PsycoGoth

  • Birthday 07/13/1989

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  • Biography
    I'm 5'2 with spiky brown hair and hazel eyes. I'm currently looking for a girlfriend, so if you're available, let me know ;)
  • Occupation
    High School Student

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  1. A couple of weeks. We buy tons of DVDs, and if I have'nt seen an anime in a while, I just pop a DVD in or watch Adult Swim
  2. [QUOTE]Am going to say Deahthrow. ( I luv the multy player games.)[/QUOTE] That looks like an awesome game, and it's gotten alot of good praise, the only problem is that nobody freakin' carrys it :bawl:
  3. It would be a tie between Hiei and Kenshin Hiei because he's so fast, he's very intelligent, and he uses these skills to his advantage, manipulating most of his opponents and wraping them around his finger Kenshin because he is the ultimate badass in Battosai mode :devil: It's not like they call him Hitokiri Battosai for nothing. He's quick, he's deadly, he's vicious and he holds nothing back. Watching him fight as the Battosai is like watching a rabbit kill a kitten.
  4. PsycoGoth


    Goddamn, man...lucky you :eek: I would've killed for games with prices that low...
  5. I've only got 10 games, and 2 are unbeatable (NHL 2K3 and NFL 2K3), but I've beaten: DOA3 (all fighters, all difficulty modes) Halo (All difficulty modes) NBA Street Volume 2 (unlocked all legendary characters, unlocked everything) Star Wars: KOTOR (both sides, dark and light) I'm working on: Jet Set Radio Future ( I play something else when I have the time to play it...it's a deadly cycle! :bawl: ) SSX Tricky Sega GT 2002 Soul Calibur 2 Focusing on Soul Calibur 2 at the moment, then probably gonna move on to SSX or JSRF
  6. For unconditional love from the person that I love...that does'nt love me back...:(
  7. I'd love to go to Mars for a vacation...no people, just me and the person I love...it'd be perfect :love:
  8. I don't steryotype myself because I don't meet anyone's standards for a particular steryotype. I like anime and messing with computers, therefore, one group may call me a geek. I like metal, punk, and like to skateboard, so therefore, another group may call me a punk. I like to wear black every so often, and I often come across as meloncholy or depressing, therefore, one group may call me goth. I'm a compassionate guy who'll do anything for his friends, and even for people he does'nt know, goes to sunday school, and volenteers at a school, therefore, another group of people may call me a nice guy. People don't fit the standards perfectly. Not everything is black and white. And not everyone is only one of these steryotypes, either.
  9. I'd be myself... But if I had to choose, it'd be pretty tight to be Vash the Stampede (Trigun)
  10. I'm always thinking about death. Not afraid of it, just wonder how it'll feel and when it'll come
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]Heres are some questions I will ask all KOTOR players: Dark Side or Light Side? Color and Type of Lightsaber? Jedi Position?(Guardian, Consular, Sentinel) Favorite Force Power? For me on my 1st time playing it was: Dark Side, Red Double Lightsaber, Guardian, and Force Kill and now its Light Side, Blue and Green lighsabers, Guadian(I like to be strong) and Force Whirlwind [/B][/QUOTE] - Dark - Purple Double-Bladed Lightsaber - Sentinal (I should have been a Guardian, though; then my Level 18 character, Kalaarn, would be semi-god-like) - I like Force Whirlwind, Force Lightning and Drain Life
  12. I'm very glad, as it validates that a slim part of this war is over. We still have much to do, but I think this indicates that we're making progress.
  13. Dude, that bites!! o.o'' Anyways, I was skateboarding one time, and I hit a curb trying to ollie onto it so I could do a board slide, right?...fell straight on my face ^^;;; I also was in a fight one time, and he broke my nose...hehe, but not after I broke his arm and busted his right eyes open :devil:
  14. At the moment, it's Star Wars: KOTOR. It's not HARD, but it's not EASY...most of the stuff does'nt involve puzzles or anything, just talking to the right people, and I really like that. Also, the ability to become a Sith or a Jedi gives it more replayability, as I'll probably go for the Sith ending this time and then replay it and get the Jedi one :) Also, the level of customization is INCREDIBLE. BioWare did a bang up job on the lightsabers and all the other weapons. I also think the combat system was unique, as it let you play at your unique pace. Wanna hit that Dark Jedi with a Master Power Attack? No prob, just hit the white button, go to Master Power Attack, hit it, and hit the white button again. Very simple, very good tool. This HAS to be the most addictive game since Halo, and it's the best RPG to date on the Xbox as far as I'm concerned, and the best game yet for the Xbox, in my opinion. Period.
  15. Well, I was feeling that way until I got pulled down to the Valley to work for my Uncle for a week. Lemme tell you, I felt better after a day!! I was so busy, I could'nt dwell on it for long before they sent me more work. It's great :D Try that out if you're old enough :) O, and also try some things like reading, playing chess, writing...things that make ou focus on the work at hand :)
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