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Everything posted by PsycoGoth

  1. s the best RPG I've ever had the pleasure to play. Everything's interwoven, everything can be tinkered with, everything can be customized...heck, you can be a Dark Jedi! Go check it out if you have'nt already! BTW, it's horribly addicting (I've had it for only 3 days, and I'm already 25 hours through it o.o''')
  2. PsycoGoth


    Your freakin' right it's gonna be huge :D It's shaping up to be the ultimate RPG
  3. Don't have any tats or peircings yet, but I'd love to have my chin peirced :D
  4. I bought a whole bunch of D&D stuff (around $90), and I've never played it except once -o-;
  5. I go back on August 9th. Well, I'm homeschooled, and my mom's a teacher, so when I say "go back", I mean go back to voluenteering at mother's school -o-;
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