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Everything posted by DeviLina

  1. [color=silver] o do post some of those convos i find that i was rather amused by all of this i'm extremely interested now... [/color]
  2. [color=crimson] i'm often called the Devil so i just added an -ina to it...so yeah it's explained in my poem... :babble: [/color]
  3. [color=crimson] i Love taking pictures never took a class or anything but i do enjoy taking as well as being in pictures! i have a digi-cam so film isn't a problem too often for me i just use the internal memory if i run out on my card...whatever :rolleyes: [/color]
  4. [color=crimson] i like both... to be alone gives me time to think and to ponder on things... and to be around people...well it'd just better be people i like! [/color]
  5. [color=crimson] my name is the name of the Devil only i'm like the femal version of him...sort of it's all explained in my poem ----> [b] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27813[/url][/b][/color]
  6. [color=crimson] i have 10 cats 'Duki' aka 'Philip' 'Muffin' 'Fluffy' aka 'Big Mama' 'Petite' 'Spooky' 'Demona' aka 'Mona' 'Mala' 'Amber' 'Kit-Ann' aka 'Miss Ann'
  7. [color=crimson]okies! now for this one i have two choices and sowi...but i cannot choose between the two.. first choice would be Sasaki for obvious reasons! she protects mankind from the effects of drugs... my second choice would be Kaida because she may be small but dragons are fiecre creatures not to be messed with and in my mind she is a petite character...[/color]
  8. [color=crimson] i would say the name Slade because it seems to add a sense of mystery to the owner of the name and simply because i do not like the name Jace that's my opinion...[/color]:smirk:
  9. [color=crimson] i've always been fond of van gogh...renoir...degas is alright and of course...Monet :love: van gogh is my idol though :love: [/color]
  10. [color=crimson]the last movie that made me cry was Soldiers Girl i'm usually not that kind of person to cry at movies...mostly because i'm a bit void of emotion but when he died...was quite sad true story too... i hate the ignorance of humans[/color]
  11. i liked the first one it was very...interesting and different! good job! keep it up
  12. i like the idea you have of night and day the night is when you're alone and the day is when your Love is near that's a nice idea you have there i Love this line ----> 'When shall I be with you....every moment of my life?' i feel that way sometime nice poem
  13. DeviLina

    Utada Hikaru

    i like her well enough it's odd because after Kingdom Hearts is when i got sick of her muzik i'm also surprised because more people seem to like Ayumi i like Aikawa though
  14. i think the public likes the un-rehearsed feel they get from shows like that i, myself, don't care for them either heh
  15. i find myself in Love with this poem so much emotion and it was really well written short simple and to the point...nicely done
  16. this poem was nice a bit too hopeful and cheerful for my taste as far as form goes this was a nice piece never stop writing you can only improve
  17. DeviLina


    i liked Halo it was pretty good, nice story to it i wish i got to see Halo 2 at E3...that line was just a bit too long for me to care though
  18. i Love ICP and the whole Dark Lotus Family i Love Mr Happy and Radio Stars
  19. yes it was good i enjoyed it it was hard choosing though it was Nip/Tuck or Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Lucky for me they repeat
  20. i don't have my tat yet but i will soon it's going to be of a lotus flower with a tilak in the centre of it in all these funky light colors
  21. i dreamt i was in the game Fatal Frame and as i walked past a poster the guy in poster came out and attacked me but before i died completely i healed myself that's when i woke up nice dream, no?
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