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Everything posted by Haze

  1. :sweat: I don't see the difference Boo-san. -__- All I see is that it is smaller. -__- Heh. Anyways, thanks all of you for your input. Like you said, I do need to crop out some on the Riku banner. It was really big, but I just liked all of it, so I didn't crop any out. It is rather simple...but I liked it. Yeah, I need to put more text on there.... I just didn't have a good quote for Sora. X__X I chose to use really simple fonts for all of these for the reason that I didn't want to draw attention to it. I will go back and fix the Riku one momentarily for you Baron, but I don't think I want to change the Kakashi text. The text would have been loads smaller, but that size is the only way you could actually see what it said. I wanted to draw as little attention to the word "sharingan" as possible...simply becuase I wanted to draw the eye towards the actual sharingan on Kakashi-sensei. But because I love you....I will try another font for it. *sigh* While I'm at it, I'll take out those silly white pixels...I was just too tired to remove them when I first made it. ^__^ Give me a few minutes and I'll update with all of my edited stuff....... E D I T : More of Kakashi-Sensei!!!!!!!!! w00t! Yeah... I changed the font on my Riku banner, and then I cropped out a lot of stuff. So it is smaller, and (hopefully) prettier. ^__^ I also got rid of the white pixels. Hooray for me! The first Kakashi banner will most likely become a mO theme. I really tried to keep it simple with the text...that is why I just used Arial. It is mostly the same as the banner above, but the background is different. I have [u]never [/u]done a background like that. I was just messing around with various settings... I might change it, but who knows. The second Kakashi banner is rather dark. I can't find a way to lighten Kakashi, but keep the background colors bright. >__< I don't really know if I like this one yet... And the final Kakashi banner. Yes, it is the same as above....only the edges are smoother. ^__^ w00t. C & C Please
  2. Wow. It has been quite a few months since I have last started a thread on my banners and such. :sweat: I've been pretty creative (for lack of a better word) for the past few weeks. I made a few banners and a few banners for my [url="http://www.myotaku.com/Haze"]myOtaku page[/url]. *nudge nudge* Anyways, I must say that this bunch is quite possibly my favorite bunch ever. ^__^ Majority of them feature the great Hatake Kakashi, everybody's favorite [strike]sexy beast[/strike] ninja from the kick-booty show Naruto. ^__~ [size=1]Please Note: [i]These are all [u]my[/u] graphics. I created the background images and placed the stocks. The stocks all belong to their respective owners. Do not use any of my creations without my permission. If you choose to ignore my warning, I will make you regret it. [/i][/size] [u]Banners:[/u] [img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/KHHope.png[/img] Sora from Kingdom Hearts. The kanji in the background says "hope." It took +30 minutes to create. [img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/Riku.png[/img] Riku from Kingdom Hearts. This one is specificly created to use on OB, as the grey background will blend into the background of the site. This one took +40 minutes. [img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/kakashi.png[/img] This one right here is my favorite that I have EVER made. Honestly. It took about +1.5 hours to make, simply because I had to get it just right. I'll be using it in my sig shortly. ^__^ __________________________________________ I'll post up more once a few people reply. Comments & Criticisms welcome and appreciated.
  3. Sarutobi-sensei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* He rocks my face off. As do your banners. I love how you have integrated kanji into all of them. With that you don't even need any type of text (in english). But the english text looks great too. I absolutely love the border on the Mega-Man banner. It is so techie. I like it loads. What program is that you are using? Yeah, they are all really amazing. Post more!! >:|
  4. Azure...you know you gotta send me that wallpaper, don't you? Tsukihime rocks my face off!! ^__~ Mine is a Kino No Tabi paper. I love it to death. It isn't what my desktop is now, but hey...it's all I have at the moment. ^__^
  5. Ermmm.... I just took this to me you wanted InuYasha on it? It is fairly simple. If you want any changes, let me know.
  6. I'm not posting up a banner. I just thought I might throw this out there... On the banner Ruby made you, "lonley" should be spelled "Lonely." Just thought a spelling freak like you might want to know. ^__~
  7. [color=darkslategray]Heh... I've always loved that title. ^__~ Anyways, I created a new myOtaku.com layout the other day, and I just uploaded it. It looks pretty good as far as I am concerned, but that isn't what is important. [/color] [color=darkslategray][/color] [color=darkslategray]I want your opinion on the header. I worked for a while trying to get the text exactly how I wanted it. I did, in fact, purposely blur some of the words and not others. It looks pretty neat that way. But let me know what you think about it. [/color] [color=darkslategray][/color] [color=darkslategray]The character is my latest obsession: Kino from [i]Kino No Tabi[/i].[/color] [img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/Kino'sblue.png[/img]
  8. [color=slategray]They are pretty good. I'm assuming that they are both the same, just different sizes? [/color] [color=slategray] [/color] [color=slategray]The very first thing I would change would be the white around all of your stocks. It really makes your paper look very unsophisticated and of low quality. Clean crops are always the best way to go. I have no idea how Photoshop works, but I am fairly certain that there is a better way to crop. It looks like you just used an eraser tool and went around them [on the Megaman wp]. The Final Fantasy one looks pretty good. There are a few spots where I can still see white, but that's ok. [/color] [color=slategray] [/color] [color=slategray]Also just as a general rule, I try to avoid using stocks that are cut off, like all of those except the largest one. If you do use stocks that are cut off, I would suggest aligning the cutoff side with the egde of the paper. For instance the image in the top right should go on the left edge of the paper so it looks like he was intentionally cut off. [/color] [color=slategray] [/color] [color=slategray]And lastly I would suggest adding some type of texture to the background itself. The plain blue looks a bit boring, to me atleast [on the MegaMan wall]. Just go crazy with the back layer. ^__^[/color] [color=slategray] [/color] [color=slategray] [/color] [color=slategray]They really do look pretty good. The things that I said where fairly minimal, so I don't think you would have any problem fixing them.[/color]
  9. [font=Verdana][color=slategray]I suppose since DeathBug's sig was already rated, I get to rate James'? *Dances*[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=slategray][/color][/font] [color=slategray][/color] [font=Verdana][color=slategray][b]Avatar: [/b]I really really love the idea for that. The colors are beautiful. The yellow border looks awesome inside of the black border. It really adds alot.[/color][/font] [font=Verdana][color=slategray][/color][/font] [color=slategray][/color] [font=Verdana][color=slategray][b]Banner: [/b]I love the banner too. That was one of my favorite scenes from Volume 1. The animation itself is very clean. The transition looks great too. I like the little "J" in the corner too. It is very cool. Did you take the screenshots yourself? Regardless they look really nice.[/color][/font] [color=slategray][/color] [font=Verdana][color=slategray]The set looks awesome.[/color][/font]
  10. [QUOTE] "How much did you see?" "Everything." "Damn." [/QUOTE] That was my favorite part. Heh. It rocks my socks Piro. I don't know what DW will do about this one.... there is no way he can top this. Except to make your sprite better. That thing scares me.... it's like Moses on crack. ^^ I look forward to volume 2.
  11. [QUOTE]Everytime someone is brainwashed, God kills a kitten.[/QUOTE] Way to go Lrb!! As scary as this whole thing is, I, too, will join the ranks of Piro. DW's sexy tea parties must stop. *nods* Down with DW!! >:|
  12. I made you a set. I'm not sure whether you will like them or not, but here they are.
  13. Erm....what kind of avi do you want? Character? Colors? Anything particular at all? I'll tell you how to use it after you tell me what you want on it. ^__~
  14. Are you using MS Paint? I'm not really sure how that one works. You need to try to crop the image rather than just force it to be a certain size. I can help you, but I don't know what program you use. Which do you use? ^__^ Did you create the background yourself? Or did you just use a stock that already had a background? If you did just use a stock, I would advise learning how to crop then creating your own backgrounds. If you really wish to get better, that is the next step. It really isn't that bad for a first banner. All that was really wrong was that it was squished together.
  15. [QUOTE] [i]Originally posted by [b]kazuki:[/b][/i] life is too short to cry so shut up and dry ur eye. tomorow will come soon, for i shall die at noon. then...i will be free. i love all that inspired me, for my death we shall see, a sorow face of depression, for i cried. :( :( my fav movie is spirited away. it inspired me to draw.i hope u enjoy life, becaus its too short to cry[/QUOTE]What the devil???? How was that relevant at all? -_- Anyways, they look pretty good. It appears that all you did was crop a stock, then add text, but they are pretty. I like the text effects you used. They add a bit of class to your banners. One more thing that might add more would be a border. That simple line surrounding a banner makes all the difference in the world, even when they are only 1 pixel. Try that out. Not much else to say. I look foreward to some more of your stuff....perhaps some that have the character cropped out and put on a brand new background?? ;)
  16. [b]Name[/b]: Haze [b]Magic[/b] Type: Water [b]Type[/b]: Sorcerer [b]Picture:[/b] [b] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19971&stc=1[/img] Moves[/b]: [u]Drowning[/u]: Water engulfs one enemy, causing 400 damage [u]Shock Wave[/u]: A giant wave crashes into opponent, rendering them immobile for 2 turns. [b]Color[/b]: Purple
  17. Urgh.....I suck. >__< I have [b]never[/b] done something like this before....so needless to say it is awful. I really hope I will be able to get into the next round. Looking at the two of yours....I am a bit doubtful. Oh well....here is mine: [img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/Spideyposter.png[/img]
  18. YAAAAAY!!! Thanks Justin! I just had to empty my cookies. ^__^ Just one more question that is going to make me look stupid.....How do I submit Game and Original Anime Wallpapers? I see no place for them on the list when you go to submit one. >__<
  19. This one is for the Wallpaper section of the site. When I try to click on the "800 x 600" or "1024 x 768" button to enlarge a wallpaer I like, I'll get this message: [font=Verdana][size=2][QUOTE][font=Verdana][size=2]You must be registered myOtaku.com member to download wallpapers. [/size][/font][url="http://www.myotaku.com/"][font=Verdana][size=2][color=#800080]Join now free![/color][/size][/font][/url][/QUOTE] [/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] I always get it, no matter what I do. And I know for a fact that I [i]am [/i]registered at myOtaku. Thank ya
  20. It is alright. I like the idea of the negative version of the image. I think it could use some work though. Most importantly, something needs to go in the background. It is horriblely bland right now because all it has is a guy on a grey background. Even a texture or something like that would work....just spruce it up a bit. Also I think that better text could be found. It is too plain and boring right now. Perhaps some free-flowing script or some creepy font might work a bit better. It really is a good start though. I think this could turn out to be an outstanding banner with just a small amount of more work. ^__^ For more of an idea of what I am talking about....look at the banner in your sig. only with text. The one in your sig looks pretty darn cool, and I think this one can too. E D I T: Just one more small thing. I noticed you are saving your stuff as .jpeg's. If I were you, on something like this, I would start saving it as a .png, since those types of files allow for more colors and they don't pixellate your image as bad as a .jpeg would.
  21. Whew that was rushed. Sorry I just attatched them. ^^ Here is my entry: [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19873&stc=1[/img] [img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19874&stc=1[/img]
  22. [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Sorry I didn't post this earlier. We had a really bad storm come through, so my computer had to stay off. [/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Wow....I am starting to get a bit worried about this competition. Your graphic is awesome. It looks really good. [/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Best of luck!![/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]This stock is from Naruto.[/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Mine:[/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][img]http://www.freewebs.com/rockemsockem/contest2.png[/img][/font]
  23. See, the whole reason I did the colors like I did was based on what would look good with each person. I really didn't factor in all of the different personalities of the characters. I actaully tried to stick with the colors from the official site (see link in my sig.). I can see what you mean about their personalities though. I won't be able to redo them, however, because of the fact that I didn't save any of those backgrounds before I added in the stocks. >__< And for that animation......Jasc Animation Shop did that for me. ^__~ I am glad both of you like it. Thanks for all of the great comments.
  24. [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]We haven't had one of these in a [b]loooooong[/b] time. [/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]For all you folks that have never heard of one of these here are the basics:[/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]You make a piece of art to "compete" against mine. People will vote on whose is better, and the winner gets....well...nothing. ^__^ But you do get the satisfaction of a good battle. [/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Anyone up for it?[/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Here are the rules for this one:[/font] [list=1] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]This is a 1 x 1 thing. You vs. me. [/font] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Any size under 800 x 600. I don't think it is fair for someone to put up a wallpaper against someone else's (in this case mine) smaller art.[/font] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]It may have anime stocks in it.[/font] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Any program can be used.[/font] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]The first to 9 wins. Once one person hits 5, it's over[/font] [*][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]I'll post mine after you accept and post yours. [/font] [/list][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Now for all you voters. The only thing I want to say is that if you do decide to say something, please don't spam. I don't want this closed before the battle is over. ^__^[/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode][/font] [font=Lucida Sans Unicode]After it is over, Syk would you close the thread?[/font]
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