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Everything posted by Haze
It has been a while, huh? These pieces are a new batch of stuff I have cooked up in order to create/finish my new website. I felt like making them different and new. I like 'em lots. They are so large because I created them to be website headers, much like the one right up there *points up*. I make my headers thicker than normal, but that is simply because I like the way they look like that. Not overly skinny, not way to chunky. They are in a happy medium. ^__^ Back to the headers. This first one is quite simple. It is of Shu Rahwinia from War of Genesis 3, I believe. I didn't do much to the background because I felt the simple orange with white streaks looked nice. To read the text, just read from left to right, then first line to bottom. Just like normal.
[quote name='Baron Samedi][color=darkred][size=1]I've looked around, but I couldn't find anything...so, is there any way to duplicate the "blinds" effect in Adobe Photoshop 6? Can I download some plugin or something to do that particular effect?[/size'][/color][/quote] I am pretty sure what I am about to say is the right "blinds effect." Don't hurt me if it isn't. ^__^" Depending on what program you use, I believe that there is. PSP 8 definitely has it. On the menu bar you go to "effects." Then down to "Texture effects." For me, "Blinds" is the very first one mentioned. Baron, I know I have asked you a-bajillion times what program you use, but of course.....I have forgotten. If I am not mistaken, PSP 7 is extremely similar to version 8. If that isn't what you have, then I don't think I can be of much help. ^^
I hope you don't think it is too pink. If you don't like it, I think I will use it. ^__^" I think this one turned out fairly well. I had a lot of fun making this....which is why it took so long. I played around with alot of stuff, but this one was the best. I hope you like them. Also if you need anything changed....anything at all....let me know. I would be more than happy to fix it. Oh and I am sorry about not putting Hideki. I couldn't find any decent pictures of him. They were all of him looking stupid. ^__^ Enjoy! Haze
I will gladly make you one! Is there anything specific you want on it? I have started on one for you. It is pink. Is that a problem? I hope not. Lemme know, ok?
WOW. You did all that? That is pretty neat. It is really good too. I do have a couple of problems with it though. The first is that those larger spots look fake. Real fake. All the other stars are fine. It may be that they are too bright or something. I don't know. But it is better than I could ever do so I will let it slide. Secondly I think you may have too many in the groups. They look extremely clustered. I don't think I have ever seen a star cluster that clustered. ^__~ Anyways. Awesome work here Baron. It looks good.
*mouth drops open* [b][i][u]HOLY CRAP!!!!!! [/u][/i][/b] That is amazing Kinetic. I love this (and for the record I love the other new pipe-like style too. ). The first word that comes to mind (after HOLY CRAP!!!) is perfection. I seem to use that word alot when speaking of your work. This one, in my mind, is sheer perfection. The color is lush and inviting. It is just appealing to the eyes. It makes you take in the piece as a whole rather than as a blue section then a white section then another blue section. It smoothes it out. It's just so darn pretty! ^__^ It's like sex for the eyes....it is sensory overload. Nice simile, huh? ^__~ The actual shape in the foreground is quite amazing. I don't think I could ever do anything such as that. It is sharp and jagged yet at the same time smooth and flowing. Rather neat, I think. It seems as though it is the place where all ideas collide. The stairs are kind of dead ends; the ideas that lead to nowhere. Further to the left side there are shapes that look like roots; the ideas that have taken hold. And the ropes....those are teh almost ideas. The ideas that have either almost taken shape or even those that are about to become "roots". Sounds crazy... I love that half-border thing you have going on there. The blue-print feel to it is cool. As Mimmi said the center is lighter so it draws your attention. I think that is the case because it kind of lets you see that it stretches on for a looooooooong time. You can just barely see it stretching down. Kinetic, you are awesome. The roxors some might even say. And don't you dare say I heap to much praise on you. You deserve it buddy. Great Work yet again! ^__^
I want to thank both of you very much! I was, infact, speaking of HTML Code, but DW thanks loads. I understood what you were saying, and it helped alot. Also Syk thank you for giving me the HTML code. Thanks!
I am starting this thread for 2 main reasons. The first is to get commentary on my lateset banner. It is a moving one so be prepared for crappiness. I use Jasc Animation Shop, which is what comes with PSP 8. It is a poor animation program, but beggars can't be choosers (unfortunately). I do what I can. This one is of my latest band facinations, The Kicks. Really good band. I used a wallpaper that they have on their site to create this one. It is in promotion of their newest album, which comes out April 20. Tell me what you think. Secondly, does anyone know how to put a html link in a banner or in other words a button? I have made a few for my new site, and yet I can't find a way to link the site to the button. Please help.
Well that was an ....interesting request you had there. Harle was my favorite character from Chrono Cross so I couldn't help but make you a banner/avi set. ^__^ I made two because I couldn't decide between the two backgrounds. The picture is pretty blurry, but it is the best I was able to find. I hope you like them. Here goes:
Wow. I love them all! 1: That font is awesome! It fits so well. And those squares just add this abstract quality to it. That guy looks weird. 2: Quite possibly my favorite. I love how you have started all these abstract banners. The Jazz City taks it to a new height though. The green looks great. All those squares in the background look neat. 3: I don't know what the surprise is. >__< BUt it looks good. Clean style. 4: That fourth one is....whoa! ^^ The girl's picture looks satue-esque and futuristic. The text looks great, and the quote is cool too. The background is deep and dark so it fits quite well with the banner as a whole. Good Stuff Baron!!
Art My 4th Banner The Hardest and longest banner i worked on plz rate
Haze replied to kiandabomb's topic in Creative Works
6.5/10 It is still really really fast though. That is fairly good. The background is pretty nifty. The pictures are a bit iffy though. The one of Kenshin is alright except for some cropping issues around the hair. Also that sword to the right looks heavily pixelated. The font is not that great. The 'Samurai X' text does not match all that well. Maybe something softer than red? It clashes a bit with the background. Also that blue is a bit too bright for me. Maybe something darker? The moving text is partially unreadable. The text sometimes crosses that black swirl, making it difficult to see. That red blur around it is a bit distracting, and it makes the words even less legible. So your only major problem is colors. If you absolutely need that red and that blue, I would suggest changing the background colors instead. I hope that helps you. -
I am in the process of making one. ^^ Just keep that in mind. I will upload it tonight when I get back from school. okie? E D I T: Woot! I made you 3. I probably overdid it on the number of them, but hey...I have to beat my Uzumaki, don't I? ^__^ You probably won't like the third one. It is rather crappy. I also made an avi for ya'. If you decide to use one of them, don't hesitate to ask for changes. Also if you would be so kind as to credit me in your sig. if you use one of them. ^^
I looked all about in here, and did not find my question/problem. So here goes. When I try to submit a wallpaper I get teh following message, "[font=Verdana][size=2][color=#ff0000][b]Greeting cards must be 350 by 350 pixels or smaller" [/b] [/color][/size][/font]I'm not sure how to fix that either. I have tried clicking on wallpaper, and even tried by going through the wallpaper site to the submit page. It seems as though I am the only one with this problem. I'll keep working on it, but could somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
These two wallpapers I made today to kind of pay tribute to my "epic poem." The poem is still not complete, although it is already almost 4 pages in size 10 font. I'm proud of what I have so far, but it needs more. It is called "The City of Day." I have no idea why I did what I did with these papers. I just thought that the blocks would be neat. In a way they represent the city and all of its busyness. The squished sections are those areas that every city has that are packed tight with people. And the less tight ones the more rural aspects of the city. Thinking back on it, I don't think that was my exact reasoning behind it. It is quite complicated to explain if you haven't read the poem. The foggy-look on the background is from my poem...I think I called it "a fog of deception." Anyways, C&C appreciated. OH! Before I forget...please don't tell me that the names are switched(i.e. the night should go with the black one and the white the day one). That is [color=indigo]NOT [/color][color=black]the case. [/color] E D I T: This wp is a 1024 x 768. If your computer automatically shrinks pictures that are too large to fit in one window, you need to enlarge the picture. If you don't then majority of the boxes will look "broken" nad crappy. Those of you whose computer gives them scroll bars on an image...you should be fine.
Heehee. I almost replied to this on deviant. Fortunately I did not. ^^ It is so un-Kinetic. I never ever expected something like this from you. But I really love it. The colors are smooth, mellow, and lovely. The actual background kind of looks like you can see other copies of the shapes in the foreground. That makes it seem like it goes on and on, back in time. Really neat effect. The shapes in themselves are neat. I like everything about them. You should be really pleased with this. It came out amazing. I'm not sure I can say anything else; unless of course you want to continue with a string of compliments? ^^ I have said it before, and I will say it again... KINETIC IS TEH ROXORS!!!!!!11 ^__^
So I was in an arguement with my brother a few days ago. We were discussing his artwork. Somehow the discussion moved to a certain piece of art of his that is hanging in my room. It is kind of big, yet gorgeous. It is unfinished which is one thing I like about it. He hates it though. Go figure. ^^ To settle the arguement I will bring it to you. Is it good as is? There are a few notes I wish to make. The first image(01010001) is teh entire piece. Image 01010002 is the bottom right corner. The spots on the butterfly are watches cut out of a magazine. The wings are also magazine clippings. The butterfly under the word "but ter fly" is made entirely of dots. And teh butterfly below that one has some strange sticker thing that I don't know about. It isn't supposed to be there. *shrug* Image 01010003 is teh bottom left corner. The pencil part is what is unfinished. Image 01010004 is the top left. It was done in markers and paint. Image 01010005 is the top right. It was done with watercolor and inks. Now tell me what you think.
[color=indigo]You wanted those "Gundam Something's" fixed? I did it for you. ^^ [/color] [QUOTE=Boo][color=gray] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] Trowa [color=indigo]Barton[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam10.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=#4b0082]Shenlong Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam11.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name: [/b][color=indigo]Deaths[/color][color=indigo]ycthe Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam12.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] Duo Maxwell [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam13.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Wing Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam14.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Shenlong Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam2.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Sandrock Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam3.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] Quatre [color=indigo]Raberba Winner[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam4.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Heavyarms [/color][color=indigo]Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam5.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] Trowa [color=indigo]Barton[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam6.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Chang Wufei[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam7.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Shenlong Gundam[/color] [img]http://apoco.250free.com/avatatergundam9.jpg[/img] [b]Category:[/b] Gundam Wing [b]Name:[/b] [color=indigo]Wing Gundam[/color] Could some Gundam masterfreak name the "Gundam Something"'s? T.T [/color][/QUOTE]
LOL Very nice Godel-chan. I'm curious to know if you really have 11 people in your group. That is lots. Sounds fun too. I know with the 5 in my group we are laughing and cutting up all the time. So I can only imagine what that is like for 11... You drawing are better than I would be able to do on a computer. You did draw those right? Anyways, I like them. The brush you used is unique indeed. It adds a "old-school" (if you will) look to it. Very nice. My only beefs are these. First off I don't like the font with his particular wp. It just doesn't look right. If you do want to keep it, I would suggest toning it down a shade. Maybe a dark grey. Beef 2: that background color. That is an aweful shade of blue. For a D&D thing it really is. Something brighter would work well. It looks way too muted as is. Very cool though. I would like to know which one you are. I am also really curious to know if the bucket is actually a character? ^__~ E D I T: I think I found out which one you are. Might you be the one with all of the yellow-majesty (the shiney-lines) around it? ^^
So many people play saxophone! I too play the alto sax. I started in the sixth grade and have continued. When I entered high school last year I was able to make it as second chair in Concert 1 (our band are divided into 3: Symphonic[the highest], Concert 1, and Concert 2.) I thought it was pretty good considering that Symphonic was filled up with 5 of tehbest alto players my school has ever seen. This year I am second chair in Symphonic. woot! We recently went to District Contest and got straight ones....come to think of it, all of our bands got straight ones. But special us in Smphonic managed to get all A's (the individual judges give you letter grades for categories like intonation, tone, etc.). we were pretty excited. We travel to state on the 17th. I play piano too...in a way. I have been teaching myself to play for about 2 years now. I donot use my left hand for the lower octive. ^^ Instead I use both to play what the right hand would normally play. Hey, I never said I taught myself to play [i]correctly. [/i] And I suppose I can sing well. I sing as often as I can, although I hate singing in front of people. I love singing. When I hear a song I know, which means every last one on the radio, I sing to it. It makes my brother mad that I know all of the songs on the radio. 'Course I don't listen to teh radio much anymore so I guess I no longer know them all. >__< Ah well.
[font=Tahoma]I have made lots. I have been at this for about 2 hours now. Most of mine are music...scratch that... ALL of mine are music, except for one. I don't know if you can use it or not, but we'll see. The Flaming Lips Images look like they are bad quality, but if you have seen the album covers you will know that the pictures were painted, or at least they appear to be. [/font] [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-flamingLips1.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Flaming Lips: Pink Ball [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-flamingLips2.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: The Flaming Lips: Orange Guy [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-flamingLips3.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: The Flaming Lips: Star Light, Star Bright [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-flamingLips4.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: The Flaming Lips: Space Ship [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-flamingLips5.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: And I saw Him Standing There [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-FL6.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: The Flaming Lips: Shadows [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-FSF.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Further Seems Forever: Flames [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-Greenday.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Greenday [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-guster2.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Guster: Birdie [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-Hatebreed2.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Hatebreed: Sing-A-Long [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-JonesSoda.jpg[/img] Category: Don't Know...Miscellaneous maybe? Title: Jones Soda [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-JZ.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Jay-Z: Gangsta [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-lp2.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Linkin Park: Robot [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-LP3.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Linkin Park: Bug Man [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-LP.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Linkin Park: Wings [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-movingunits.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Moving Units: Piano Keys [img]http://server5.uploadit.org/files/TemariChan-pinkFloyd.jpg[/img] Category: Music Title: Pink Floyd: Prism I have more, but my uploading site only allows for 20 files at a time. So I have reached my max. Let me know when I can delete a few of these.
heh. Your subject said a .hack banner. I don't know why I came in here, but now that I see Naruto I am glad I did. Who do you want on this? What colors? Any phrase that you want? Lemme know and I will make one for you. ^^
It's not showing up. But I will go ahead and say what I said on deviantart. I love this so much Kinetic. I love the purple. I for one, really like how the rose stands out. It draws your attention to the rose and kind of focuses everything around the rose. Kind of neat that the "center" of the piece is at the actual bottom. The "three tears I've saved for you" is a bit hard to read in places. Mabye it is because it is white on white. Also the "Roseate" part is really really really hard to read. It looks all rotted away, which is cool, but it lacks the clarity that "discord" has. I think the purple has a softness to it that the pink did not. While it is still quite bright, it is balanced by the darker purple. It is absolutely amazing. I love the face you used too. I think she helps with the sadder aspect of the picture. What exactly does "Roseate Discord" mean? I've tried to figure it out, but I can't. Remind me once more what program you use. I forgot. >_<
Very pretty! I love love love the piggie! ^^ I really like the black background you did. As you know, I am no help of who to put on banners. Sowie bout that. You have improved imensely since tha last time I saw any of your stuff here. It is really really good. I don't know what else to say. It has all been said before. ^__^"
I counted 13 total, which I think includes singles. I don't have all of them. I found a website that had all of their albums, so I just counted. *shrug* [i]Amputations[/i] is my second favorite song by them. My first being [i]Title and Registration[/i]. I really like them all. ^^ satan665, I don't think they would be good live. I mean, they just don't seem like a "live" band, if you know what I mean.
BWEEE! ^__^ I love Yellowcard. I like this one. It is simple, yet pretty. Did you add in the orange to the picture, or did it come like that? All I can really say for improvements is that I think you may need to find a font that isn't so pixellated. It is jagged and doesn't really flow with the smoothness of the banner. I like that font color though. Very pretty. And very very very well done for being done in Paint. Good work!