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Everything posted by Haze
I don't really care for this one. For one, I don't like the blur effect. To me that just makes it look as though the pictures are really crappy. Also it looks a bit botched when you look at how the two pictures are put together. It just looks funny. But I will give you the text is pretty; however, on the "they are death" quote the word death is a darker red than the other quote. I'm not sure if you were trying to do that, but I decided to point it out anyways. And lastly the border on the right side is thicker by like 3 pixels than any of the other ones. I like the concept that you were using for this banner. I just think it could have been done cleaner. I don't mean to be rude or unpleasant with any thing I say. ^^
hmmm....I would have to say that I like v1 better. The girl is indeed a bit out of proportion. She is a bit odd looking too. I'm not sure she really fits in either. Also the text you added does not fit. It just looks a bit cluttered with both "Three tears I've saved for you" and "Roseate Discord" in there. The "three tears..." portion's font doesn't really flow with the rest. Perhaps if you faded it or changed the pink border to something darker. Not alot more dark, just a touch darker. Also the text "roseate discord" no longer flows with everything. It goes right over her face, which doesn't look too good. But once again great job. The actuall editing you did to that face looks awesome. Also the background and such still looks good, as I have said before. I just don't particurly care for this one as much. But I can't say that you didn't do great on it.
I would suppose that the word WHOA is in order. ^__^ Very pretty Kinetic. May I also add very moving. I guess I could start with "Vivid Paroxysm." The good things first. I'm really liking the reds and yellows you used. They are bright, but not blindingly so. Also the blue 3D portions are really spiffy. They add this futuristic (for lack of a better word) appeal. And is that a hand down there towards the bottom? It seems to be a hand clutching something...maybe it isn't. But it looks neat. Now for the bad. I don't like the greenish-blue. It justs stands out too much. I mean, it is so bright!! Perhaps if you darkened it a bit. Also I think that you could have left the text a little bit less-transparent. I realize you were going for barely readable, but as it is it seems a bit too fadded. All in all excellent work here. Roseate Discord: I am soooooo liking this one!! I'm not usually a big fan of pink in any quantity, but this looks pretty darn nice. The rose in the bottom corner makes for a subtle addition of reality/non-computer-generation. I love all of the textures. So far I can pick out about 3 different ones. And they blend so beautifully! The bits of black are perfectly placed to draw some attention away from the pink. But once again, I think you could have left teh text a bit-less fadded. With all of the pink, it makes it a bother to read in some places. But I must say these are masterfullly done. I could ramble on about how great you are, or how you will win our gfx battle, but hey. Who wants that?
awesome stuff there. It really looks good. I love the text you used, and the effect you put on the text. The picture is gorgeous. The colors rock. I only have two problems. 1.) it is 3 pixels over teh limit. I was just checking the properties on it and stuff, and it is 450x103. Of course if you don't mean to use it, the size is fine. And yes, I realize how nerdy/retarded of me it is to point out 3 pixels. I am a nitpicky person. ^^ 2.) That grid. I'm all for most of the grid. I just don't like how it comes out really far on the left, and it comes down further on the top right. Well, now that I think about it....the top isn't so bad. I just think that on the left side it was used as a space filler. Maybe if you reduced it to like 2 block lines. I would personally like to see more of the uneven lines you used on the top on the side bar as well. Anyways, really great job here. I pretty much love the banner throughout. Just 2 minor things. AWESOMENESS!!!!! ^^ now I wait for more...
..... ^__^ Pretty. Nice work on the cropping. THe animation is smooth, and the effect is nice. Not much to complain about really. Except that font!!! *waits to get hit by flying shoe* No, I don't like this one's font either. It's not that I don't like the font, it is just that it doesn't fit well. It is very jagged and sharp while teh rest of teh banner is smooth and clean lined. I must say you have come far in your .gif making skills. Make that your banner making skills in every type. If you changed the font, I would have to say that this is my favorite banner of yours. What program do you use to make these? I want to know. Then you must teach me how...my animation skills are rather low. ^__^ -me
heh. THat is pretty funny. And I know for a fact how bad it is with those rednecks. ^^ I like your drawing style. It is very Johnny-the-homicidal-maniac-esqe. Except for that nose. His nose is like a box. Don't like that too much. Other than the nose-thing, I really only have a problem with teh text. I don't find the font very appealing. Not to mention in some places it is filled in black, and in some it isn't. Maybe something thiner and cleaner. Try the font Arial. I think it might work a bit better. Also, is that guy's hand down his pants?? o.O The redneck guy...It's like his hand just stops when it hits the pants line. That is kind of....odd. Very nice work though. I really like that cow. It is cute. And that lady in the third frame looks really good. I think the man's head is a bit lopsided though. Just my opinions though. I really really like this though. heh. Now that I actually read what you wrote in your post, I see why it is so JTHM-esque. ^__^ maybe I should read before I post, huh? -haze
Awesome job Semjaza! I really really like all of these. I like the one about him burning her if she doesn't tell how she keeps her hair so shiny. ^__^ I really only have one beef with any of them. THe first one...the arrow that is drawn to show the person speaking is going up while the person is below even the talk bubble. I think it should point down, not up. Small thing really. I really really love the filter you put on there. Just gives it that comic-book feel, exactly how you intended. I hope to see more of your stuff 'round this part of the site. You don't post your stuff often enough. ^__^
Sorry about deleting that post before this one. My wallpaper wouldn't load right >__< So here it is. Now that I look at it, I think that it may be a bit bigger than what I originally said. Don't think it matters much though. Well, here it is. Good luck to you, Kinetic, altough I don't think you will need it. ^__^ -haze
I'll accept Kinetic. If you would be so kind as to give me until tomorrow, I would greatly appreciate it. It's not that I am making something new. I just want to do some touch ups to one of my existing pieces, and I have no time for that now. Mine is also somewhere around 1024x768. I will edit this tomorrow once I get home from school. So I will say no later than 6 o'clock. Is that satisfactory? Welcome back. So you were gone because you had a concussion!?!? Ouch! -haze
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Haze replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
I would assume that lyrics count as poems? In that case here are lyrics to "Televators" by The Mars Volta Just as he hit The ground They lowered a tow that Stuck in his neck to the gills Fragments of sobiquets riddle me this three half eaten corneas who hit the area Stalk the ground Stalk the ground You should have seen The curse that flew right by you Page of concrete Stained walks crutch in hobbled sway Autodafe A capulary hint of red Only this manupod Crescent in shape has escaped The house half the way Fell empty with teeth That split both his lips Mark these words One day this chalk outline will circle this city Was he robbed of the asphalt that cushioned his face A room colored charlatan Hid in a safe Stalk the ground Stalk the ground You should have seen The curse that flew right by you Page of concrete Stain walks crutch in hobbled sway Autodafe A capulary hint of red Only this manupod Crescent in shape Has escaped Pull the pins Save your grace Mark these words On his grave You should have seen The curse that flew right by you Page of concrete Stain walks crutch in hobbled sway Autodafe A capulary hint of red Everyone knows the last toes are Always the coldest to go -
Wow. That is great. I love whatever that is that you put in the background. I love teh grid too. It looks gorgeous. The only thing I don't like is the right hand side, which is plain black. I don't think solid black goes at all with what you were going for. The rest of the banner is flowing and smooth, yet the black is sharp and abrubt. It offers zeero contrast to the other side. I'm not sure what would go well there. Maybe you could keep the black, but do something to it. THat plain black just looks icky. May I also add that your cropping was great. ^__^ -Haze
hola! In regards to that little black box thing....It was part of the picture. The girl is sitting by a window with a table kind of in front of her, but not fully in front. And I accidently got part of the table. sorry Baron. I did in fact change the border. I decided to go different and add a white border, then add in a reddish-pink one after that. I like the look of it. Also I did find a color font. It was black. o.O Now why didn't I think of that before? I mean, usually it is the first color I try. Did I succeed in making it awesome? Or did I fail as usual? >__< -haze
[i]Damn you James...Damn you!![/i] Haze paced in her room. It had been about an hour since James had left the sim room. [i]Why did he run? More importantly, why was he chased like that?[/i] She rubbed her cheek where the administrator had slapped her for knocking the gaurds gun away. [i]I hope this is our chance...[/i] She did an intenerary of her equipment that was in her duffle-bag once more. [i]Now all I need is James to say the word and I am outta here...[/i] She walked into the hall and saw Kitsune and Mira embracing. "So are we outta here or what?" Kitsune nodded. "Hai. We are outta here for good." "Where's James?" Haze silently chided herself. [i]Way to make yourself look desparate. Idiot...[/i] Mira smiled knowingly. "He is in the hangar getting his mech." "Well then. I suppose I will join him." Haze reached back in her room and grabbed her bag. "See ya' in a few." Haze Porter walked out of the rooms she had lived in since she was too young to remember without a glance back. This was her chance for a new life. A better life. And by God, for once in her entire life, the Academy was not going to stop her.
Yeah I don't like Mr. Ninja too much. THe picture was crappy. But I was bored. o.O I actually did do somethings to my cat girl. I tinted her lots. Several colors in fact. But that and the text reaches teh extent of what I did. I love that one... I couldnot get my text right in this next one. I love the image. Just couldn't find the right color text. Anyone who wants to help me with it, feel free too. It was gonna be all cursivey and pretty. The quote was "Happiness is key" stupid quote I know. but Ithought it might fit. Any better suggestions. -haze P.S. and yes it does have a border...it is just really really light blue. ^__^
It moves!!! @__@ heehee. I like the first Naruto part. That picture is hilarious. I also really really like the border you put in. It looks nice. I'm not a big fan of that text though. The actual words are good, it's just that the font isn't flashy enough for me. It is really really plain. Also I don't like the white around the black. I like the Hellsing part too. It's just once again, I do not like the font. It doesn't fit well. Also it is too dark to see it clearly. Other than the fonts you did splendid. ^__^ -Haze P.S. From your sig..."Temari: My, i repeat My Wife Haze"....I am soooooooooooooooooooooo liking that! lol.
OOC: Just to let you all know, when I type in italics, it means that Haze is thinking. Also Legacy, that last post of yours made me want to cry. ^^ IC:Haze looked over at her clock. Its neon red lights showed 3:41. She groaned and resumed looking up at her ceiling. Soon she would need to get up and get ready for her morning detention session. For just one little....well maybe big....bomb she had gotten 2 weeks worth of morning and after school detention. Which meant no extra training, no sims, no friends, no life. [I]I hate this school. I wish I could just...leave? But where would I go? My entire life is here. It is all I have ever known.[/I] She got up. [i]I don't wanna think about that. No Mira. No Kitsune. No James...[/i] The thought of no James almost made her start crying right there. [i]No! I won't. I mean come on Haze! You don't need him. You don't need anybody![/i] But no matter how much she tried to convince herself, she just didn't believe. She quickly got dressed and grabbed her shoulder bag with all her books in it. As Haze stepped into the hallway, she felt a small chill. [i]Should have grabbed a jacket. Whatever. I'll be alright.[/i] She began walking down the hall to where James, Mira, and Kitsune's rooms were. When she was about halfway down the hall, she say Kitsune hurriedly walking in the opposite direction. [i]Wonder where he is off to.[/i] She knocked twice on the door Kitsune had just come through. James simply yelled "It's open!" from the interior. Haze walked in. "Heya James!" "Hey Haze. What are you doing up so early?" "Heh. Thanks to that Veil I now have 2 weeks of detention, but I suppose I should consider myself lucky. I have one more chance before I go into solitary." "Ouch! That bomb, that you had absolutely nothing to do with," James paused to give Haze a big smile "was pretty nice though." Haze grinned sheepishly. "I thought it would be a nice back to school present for the admin.s." [i]Jesus. He looks so cute when he smiles like that. Not that he isn't cute all the time...[/i] Haze quickly blushed from her unspoken thought. "So...uhhh....Where's Mira?" James gave Haze a suspicious look when she quickly changed the subject. "She's in there" He pointed towards Fox's room. "Haze?" "What?" "Are you okay? I mean, you have been acting a bit....off since we got back into classes." "I'm fine. Don't know what you are talking about." Haze tried to play it off. When in fact, she had become increasingly troubled. First she worried about Fox and his 'secret' new class. Then it was about starting back up with classes. Now it was Fox and Mira and James. From what she had seen yesterday, she was amazed Fox was even up and around today. And Mira because....well, Mira was Mira. And with school starting again, Mira was likely to be loosing stuff all over the place, which meant more trouble for her and the admin.s. And James... [i]Why did he ever tell me about his dreams of leaving the Academy? Now it is all I can think about. What it would be like to be free! No bossy teachers! Just my own time to spend however![/I] Haze snapped herself out of her reverie when she heard a muffled cry. She looked at James. Then in unison they turned towards Fox's door.
heya Baron. I kind of like it, but I kind of don't. I like the general theme of CandyLand, as well as the pictures used. It's just that when you put them all together, they seem a bit crowded and caotic. That really is the only reason I don't like it. Some of the pictures have become undecipherable, and lost in all the confusion. I really like that ball of light that is about in the center, though. Don't know what else to say. I like the text and border, like always. And I like the layer of red and white.
Haze walked through the corridors of Kakashki Academy humming some tune she had heard. She readjusted the black gym bag that was hanging off her shoulder and just barely suppresed a grin. [I] This is gonna be great.[/I] She slowly meandered down the stairs to one of the many floors of storerooms. She quickly looked around to see if anyone was around, and seeing the coast was clear, she stepped inside room A62. She went to work quickly, setting her bag gently on the ground. Haze pulled out a handful of boxes and began positioning them along the lines of shelves. After she finished surveying her work, she checked her watch. [I]Crap! I'm gonna be late![/I] She pushed a small red button on one of the boxes, and began to run. [I]Gotta go fast. Gotta go fast. Faster!![/I] As the bell rang, she stepped into her first class, Battle Tactics. The teacher had already begun droning on and on about the different tactics they would be learning for the next portion of the year. She slid into a seat beside James, and began to act as though she was paying attention. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Haze checked her watch. [I] 3....2....1[/I] [B][I] BOOM!!!![/B][/I] The room shook with the force from whatever had just happened. A voice came over the intercom "Attention all faculty and students: Please remain calm. Everything will be fine. We are discovering the source of this as I speak." Haze allowed her self a tiny smile. [I] What an excellent way to start the new school year.[/I] "Again Haze?" James said with an exasperated sigh. "What on earth are you talking about James?" She said. "Come on! You know what I mean." He said as a big grin formed on his lips. "Why James! I don't know what you are implying, but I had nothing to do with this!" She said in an incredulous voice. She put on her best "I'm innocent" face as two of the school gaurds came into the room to escort her to the office.
General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Male Otaku of the Year: Syk3 Female Otaku of the Year: Sara Staff Member of the Year: Charles Funniest Member of the Year: Charles Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam Best Newbie: Dagger IX1 Best Oldie: Shy Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Dagger IX1 Most Improved Member of the Year: Baron Samedi Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt Thread of the Year: Kill Adam Silliest Thread of the Year: Charles can I be a mod for?? Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): James Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): Charles Best Location (Best Specific Location): PoisonTongue Best Otaku Couple: Queen Asuka/Piromunkie Best Looking Otaku: Juuthena Otaku Clique of the Year: Adam?s Angels Best MyOtaku: Charles Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Mitch Writer of the Year: Mitch Orginal Story of the Year: OB: Enter the Net Role-Player of the Year: Arcadia Brawler of the Year: Raiha RPG of the Year: Kill Adam Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: James Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior Otaku Anime Otaku of the Year: Shy .hack//SIGN Member of the Year: AzureWolf Dragonball Guru of the Year: Burori Digipeep of the Year: Leh Gundam Member of the Year: Domon Least Disappointing Yu Yu Hakusho Member: Dagger IX1 Otaku Gamers Otaku Gamer of the Year: Shimaru Nintendo ?Mario? Award: Shinmaru Sony Award: Charles Otaku Artists Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): Syk3 Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): Sara Best Spriter: Dragonballzman Series Otaku Series Otaku Member of the Year: Desbreko Square/Enix Member of the Year: Zidargh The Triforce Award: Semjaza Azazel
I don't think your banners are all that bad. The first would have been great, had you just finished cropping on the left side. I think you could make a few changes to the second one. The cropping is good and all, but the pictures don't flow that well. Also you can't read the quote. Try flipping the colors. Use black for "Let a young man die..." and white for the other. That might work a bit better. Also you may want to use a font that is more "fancy." But it was pretty good. The third one is by far my favorite. I love the "solaraize" and "negative" effects that PSP provides. I also really really like that font. It looks great. As for your fourth....it is an invalid link. Won't go anywhere. Sorry. ^__^ I think all of them could be improved with one simple thing: a border. Are you not putting them in because you don't know how? Or is it something else? If it is because you just don't know, PM me and I would be happy to tell you how. Keep it up though! -haze
Arigatou to all of you! I think that is the most number of times that people have posted about one of my banners. Woot! My thread is on the rise once more! All I really do with PSP is cut some stuff out. I never really read that mondo-book like I was supposed to. I kind of found out how to crop then played around with it from there. It actually gets a lot easier once you have been at it for like a month. I liked my first wallpaper in here lots as well. It is probably my favorite I have ever done....which is saying something. I have millions upon millions that I have made. So I had this other banner up here....and everyone hated it so much that they would not comment. *sniffle* So I am changing it up. This guy is supposed to be a ninja. And I got bored and hyper one night...so the quote "whoa" came up and was used. Forgive me. -haze
*sqeals* YAY! Thank you much! It is perfectness! I like teh pictures. Cropping is good too. And those little orangey block lines are the best!
Heehee. The look on his face is funny. Very nice cropping here! My only real problem with it is that one picture is in black and white. I don't necessarily think that colors and b&w go together as one banner. They are both great pictures though. I find it a bit odd that the picture is balck and white, yet you have maroonish blood coming from it. o.O And I must say, that is one classy border. ^__^ Excellent work! P.S. Banner for me! banner for me! ^__^
Name: Haze Porter Age:16 Appearance: Haze is roughly 5 foot 7. She weighs about 140 pounds, though it most is muscle. Like all students at the Academy, she is physically fit and strong. Her brown hair is short in the back with long bangs in the front. The "bangs" start about 3 inches back from her forhead, and are layered to form something like a V when she is facing down. She keeps them pulled over to the left side of her face (Kind of like what Trowa does, just with more hair). When she reached 13, she began dyeing one stripe in the under layer red just to make the intructors angry. She generally wears blue-jeans, black t-shirts, and a jean jacket. Bio: Haze grew up at the Academy, like all of the other students. When she did get the chance to go home, her father pushed her harder in training than the instructers did. He forced her to jump higher, run faster, fight better, and fight with more weapons than the instructers ever did. So she owes all of her skills to her father, something she is not happy with. Her family has a militaristic history, and consider her going to the Academy a great honor. Being her naturally defiant self, she always made trouble at the Academy just to cause her family "shame." She never really knew war could destroy like it did, even though she spent all of her spare time in the training sims. She stays quiet most of the time unless she is around James, Mira, and Fox. Strangely, she has developed a fierce loyalty to James. Mabye something much stronger than loyalty as well? Perhaps it is because she knows that James dreams of getting out of the Academy as well. Mech name: Whiteblaze Appearence: Black and White. Looks just like Deathscythe Hell without the wings and staff. Weaponry: Hyper Jammer (the thing that makes it invisible on radar), White beam sabre, beam rifle, and missiles.
*Sits speechless for a while* O.O Whoa! THat is so un-Baron like. But I love it so much. It is probably my favorite out of all your stuff. The red adds the perfect amount of contrast to the yellow and grey. Nice choice of fonts too. I like how the border has that tiny bit of space between the image and yellow border, allowing for barely a pixel-width of white to show through. My only small problem would be that the last "N" is being kind of crushed, but there is nothing you can do about it. 10 out of 10. 100% amazing. Rate it as you will, it is superb. I love the avi too! -haze P.S. Where on earth did you find that picture?