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Everything posted by ninetails390

  1. Rammen, I'm a girl too and most (allmost all) of the characters I'm thinking of dressing up as for Halloween are boys. Oh, by the way, did you notice my avatar? Inuyasha has rammen noodles^_^ Here are the characters I might dress up as for Halloween so far, Ryou, Kurama, Inuyasha, Yukina, and "Yami Diane" (my role playing character. She's an ancient portal master. She's a rare black wolf spirit that looks half human half balck wolf. Actualy, she is reincarnated in a modern day girl named Diane, who's about 13 years old.). So which character do you think I should be?
  2. instantramen14, I think I might have an idea for you. Malik, from Yu-Gi-Oh. He has shoulder length blonde hair and lavender colored eyes. That sounds similar to your appearance. I'm looking for an anime character to be for Halloween to. I'm about 5' tall, have long, brown hair (I can change the color for the coustume though), and brown eyes. My personality is calm, gentle, creative, nature lover, etc. (like Ryou (Yu-Gi-Oh) or Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)) Any ideas?
  3. I'm not a real fan of yoai. The first time I read a shounen-ai fanfic (Malik/Ryou, from Yu-Gi-Oh), I thought the author had mistaken Ryou for a girl! I do like Kaworu/Shinji from Evangelion, though. It's one of my favorite pairings in general, but I don't like any shounen-ai or yoai pairings other than that really. Kaworu/Shinji is a really cute (and amazingly is actually is part of the show and not some fan-creation), but it still kinda creaps me out a little.
  4. I'm not a yoai fan. I don't have a problem with it in general, it's just that some *coughmostcough* fans try to put EVERY boy anime character in a yoai pairing. If it actually relates to the anime, I don't really mind it any more than any normal couple. The thing is, there aren't many of those, almost every male/male pairing I know of is fan-created. Some examples of "fan" yoai pairings are Ryou/Bakura (Yu-Gi-Oh) and Kurama/Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho). No offense to fans of these pairings, but Ryou and Kurama are some of my all time favorite anime characters, and I find these pairings slightly offending. Male/male pairings actually suggested in the anime itself aren't as bad. Not very common either, especially when you like mostly shounen (boys) anime/manga series'. (Yes, I am a girl, and yes, I like shounen more than shoujo.) Anyways, to the one and only yoai (well, it's mre of shounen-ai, but its male/male) couple I like at all. Kaworu/Shinji, from Evangelion. Kaworu actually says that he loves Shinji, and seems to really show signs of it, too. It seems like an actual part of the anime itself, especially since from what I've seen on the internet, the creator supports the couple. Ok, now I'm done talking (and talking, and talking, and talking...
  5. My favorite minor anime character would be, uh, oh dear, so many choices... Ok, I just make a list then. It's in no specific order really, but here they are: -Jin, (Yu Yu Hakusho), he's got a cute personality, and such a free spirit, he's just all around adorable. -Claire (Pokemon), she's a really caring and determined gym leader. -Is Ryouga (from Ranma 1/2) considered a minor character? I think he's really funny, he's always getting lost. -Shippo (Inuyasha), Ok, I know, Shippo is a main character, but he's so cute and he's really unpopular. I've seen so many Shippo hate sites that it's not funny. I love Shippo! Ok, now I'm done listing (most of) my favorite minor anime characters.
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