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Everything posted by Tw34kY
Damion awoke in te forest, not knowing that he was sucked into lore. he was bare. had just some lgiht clothes on and no weapon at all. he just started running. scared. it was becoming night and he didnt want to get killed. he kept running and running. hearing loud noises. he thought it would be the end. he turned around and saw a small wolf. the wolf had been hurt. damion ran fast even though the wolf was hurt he kept running faster then hell.
ok we should be equal. but girls are all different. some are winey little bitches if there damn mocha aint right. but alot of girls are nice and wont be a jackass and stuff. and if everyone thinks woman are smarter then men then why is the smartest peron in the world a MAN. i can understand that a majority of woman are smarter then men but they have an advantage because men get peer pressuered into stuff that makes them stupid and run there life into the ground. 1. smoking weed. ok alot of guys get peer pressured into it. woman can simply walk away from it. and alot of insances wehre men do weed theyre grades fall derasticly ill add more later but i have to leave
ok alot of ppl that get tatoos regret it and want to get them removed so when i get some money im going into the tatoo removal buisness. ill become a millionare :). and i got a ? for magdelena, are u a girl or guy?
Ok ive been confused with a couple of terms used on otaku and on games that i play can u plz help me out and give me an explionation on theses 1. Uber. ok i saw a gosu in wc3 use it. he said, "i need some uber sleep". im drawin a blank 2. >
my uncle shot himself the day before school was out. i found out and i couldnt beleive it. it totally ruined my last day of school. noone knows why he did it. its quite sad. i couldnt imagine if one of my best friends shawn died. i would have no idea what to do. he teaches me almost everything i know. he thaught me how to play warcraft 3. shawns 4 years older then me and i learn from his experiances. hes very responsible. (thank god).
Name: Damion Age: 14 Favourite Morph: Lion Backround: Kind of a loner. enjoys playing games and and learning. is always made fun of at school, but he doesnt care, he is way smarter then them and scored perfect on his Grad standards. his parents dont ereally pay alot of attention to him. but they do know how smart he really is Desc: Med Tall, Skinny, very agile and fast, black hair with blonde tips. hiar is in spikes, wears baggy clothes. glasses. skater shoes, ( he doesnt skate). Personality: Smart, Fast, lots of agility, playful. very loving to things that love him back.
damion was pleased the kyoryoku had arrived alive with the legion doom horn. he told him he could join the guild. he began to show him around the guild and all the advanteges of joining. he introduced him to all of his friends in the guild and showed him the tavern and the blacksmith and armor smith. damion gave kyoryoku a room for the night for returning the horn.
Name: Damion Age: 13 Gender: Male Desc: Med Tall, Med Built, coved in blankets Time: 5:00 Why: i wanna watch some cartoon network cuz i havent done it in awhile :)
Name: Damion Year: 2 Team: Fight Club Desc:[IMG]http://www.visualpractice.com/images/geek.jpg[/IMG] Bio: Plays games all day and is cocky about every thing. never talks to his parents. spends all of his tim on computer
Damion wondered if it was a bad idea to send the young ninja out to kill the archer, he knew he might be killed. he continued his adily schedule, eat , slept, reenfoeced the men, juts the daily stuff, while he waited for kyoryoku to return
Lore persona --------------------- Name: Damion Age: 24 Class: High Warlock Desc: [IMG]http://www.mwbandline.com/paul/ss18-thumb.jpg[/IMG] Real Life Persona ----------------------- Name: Josh Age: 17 Description: wears small glasses, med short, pale skin. Bio: All josh did was play lore until it sucked him into the game, he had no idea that he had gotten into
Name: Damion Age: 18 Desc: med tall, med built, very fast, Bio: HEs the only perosn left in the family. just wants to kill. Element: Lightning :D Weapon: Bow
just beware of the stealthy archer that guards it, she is very fast and high powered but 1 hit and shes dead. ive sent many members after her but all have failed. plz hurry before she summons more minions to kill us all.
damion agreed to follow j-pawn and the others. as he walked he remebered his fathers awsome abilities in combat and always merveled them. he wondered if he one day would be that strong
damion contued to follow j=pawn and the others. he wasnt paying much attentio to where he was.
damion was pissed he couldnet go out a nightfall? thats his prime fighting time. that night when j-pawn was sleeping, he woke her up, adn told her that he was going to go kill some of the evil around. J-pwan: no didnt u hear the kings orders there to hard! Damion: not for me and my bow trust me ill be back by dawn. damion ran out before j-pawn could say anything. he went out into the woods and climbed a teee and grabbed a arrow and his bow, ready to kill. he could hear everything in the woods. noone sleeped. he saw 3 trice walk by, he shot a piercing arrow at one. bam. right into the heart of the trice. it was beging to turn black and die. damion reached for another arrow, shot again. bam, dead another, bam dead. damion didnt bother to loot the corpses but moved to a different tree. he saw a large omniboyle rise up from the ground. he shot a piercing arrow. it hit the omni boyle. it didnt kill it. it stuck to him but it seemed that he had immune to damions black orb. damion reacched for his daggers. he found them and jumped out of the tree. he charged. the omniboyle attacked. it hit damion in the stomcah damion slahed at it until it died. damion climbed another tree and took of his armor to discover a huge bruise on his stomach. he lsept in the tree the rest of the night. he awoke in the middle of the day, he forgot that he was suppost to come back to the kingdom before everyone woke up, he was in trouble. he decided that he would hide in a tree just outside the castle and wait for j-pawn and meet up with her again. after he reaced his tree by the castle, he waited for j-pawn.,
OOC: ur saying it liek its a bad thing ------------------------------------ ok well go there. just let me finish eating and well head out. damion took his time because he was wvery very hungr. finnally he was done and he walked out the door and followed the others west.l
when they all met back up after running around the castle they decided they would wait till night and defend the castle against the orcs. they would split up and dwfend eadh a different side of the castle. when night fall came damion readyed himself for battle adn toog garrison on the norht side of the castle. he was in the northern watch tower. damion caould hear some loud thundering footsteps. he could see the orcs were attacking. he started to draw arrows, 3 at a time. shot them. he repeated over nad over again. untilhis fingers could stand no more. his fingers were in pain and there were 5 orc grunts, and 3 shamen down still attacking, damion went out the gate and attacked them with the daggers. he slattered them all in short time. he decided to run along the castle wall and defend against any other orcs. as he ran to the east side there were 10 grunts, a catapult, and some orc raiders. he grabbed his daggers and went into battle. he killed 5 grunts and the catapult. but the raiders were still left. they charged. damion slashed and one of the raiders. it cut of his leg and he fell to the ground he ran for the secons e and sliced off his head. the 3rd fled. damion ran to the catapult and destroyed it completely. he ran to the south and west side but they had already. killed them all. damion came back into the castle. he decided to get something to eat. inside the castle it was liek a town. there were blacksmiths, armor smiths, anything he could need. we went into the black smith. he looked at all the buitiful powerful bows, then looked at his fathers. he knew his fathers was better then all the bows the black smith had. he asked the blacksmith. "i need something that can help me in battle. im an archer" damion said. well said the black smith, u look liek a sturdy archer. u have every thing that i could supply u but 1 thing. what is that damion asked. an archer ring. u see, siad the black smith, i saw u fighting in the northern post last night and i watched how swiftly and acuratly u could slay the orcs. i saw your finger throbing after awhile. u put the ring on your finger, ti has a a metal post that u can use to pull the dtring back without using your finger. Wow damion said. how much do u want for that ring, asked damion. ill tkae whatevers in your pocket, damion pulled out all the gold he had from killing. well said the blacksmith, for helping us in tough times against the orcs ill give it to your for hal of he gold u have, damion couted half, which was about 300 and gave it to the man. the man handed him the ring. damion was happy. he left and went to the armor smith to see if he could affor some chain bracers but they were to expensive. damion went to the inn and ordered a room, he went upstaris and looked out the window, he saw an alchemist shop and decided to go check it out before it closed, he exited the inn and went to the alchemist shop. he asked the alchemist about the orb that he got of sylvanises daughter. the alchemist said, come back in the morning and i will supply u with all the knowledge i can find about this orb, just let me borrow it for the night. damion went back to the in, ate some food then went to sleep. he wondered what that orb would do. he awoke the next morning. adn went to the alchemist. when he arrived the alchemist was happy to see him. he told him that the orb could be used to enhance his bow andd power it up. the alchemist explanined how to use it with the bow. in order to use the orb with damions bow, he had to cast a spell that would bind the orb to the bow. the alchemist performed the spell for damion, then the glass orb, shrunk and just wopun around in a circle around his bow. he decided to go leave the castle and get soem target practice with his new orb + bow. he shot at a rabbit, the arrow turned black and traveled very very fast. it hit the rabbit in the head. it was dead. damion walked over. he would eat the rabitt for breakfast. he had to chop off the head before the darkness of the arrow spoiled the meat of the rabbit. damion sat down and ate the rabbit. just then j-pawn and the others walked in
after their fight they continued on through the last parts of the swamp and into a cavern. when they entered, damion pulled his immolation dagger as a light. they all then saw the trap they walked into. as the light shown there were maybe 15 trice up ahead. slowly coming torwards the group. damion turned around and saw a few asasins that waited for someone to go in so they could loot them, damion grabbed his bow fired 3 shots and all the assasins had perished. damion turned around to see both of his friends ready to fight. he grabbed both daggers and began slahing as many trice as he could. damion knew he was the meatshield thile the others used ranged attacks to kill. damion could see the trice falling left and right. finally the last were dead. all along the ground were some gold from other people who had walked into the same trape but werent so fortunate. as they were picking up the stuff. jpawn said, "this isnt over yet guys." damion turned around to see 25 assasins ready to kill all of them. damion reached for his bow and began to shoot. he was able to shoot 3 beofore he went into melee combat with his daggers. damion defended himself while j-pawn and the others killed them. when ther were only three left damion spun around real fast with his arms extended with daggers in hand. the assasins were all slashed by the daggers and were killed. damion said, " wow, can we go ahead now?"
Name: Damion Stormrage Age: 24 Gender: Male Description: med tall , blonde hair, black clothes, blakc overcoat Weapon(s): Pump action Shotgun, Auto shotgun, sniper rifle Occupation: bounty hunter (hehe)
Name: Damion Age: 24 Gender: Male Weapon: Bow Power: Dark-Lightning
ok theres someghing i must ask of you before u join the guild to make shure your not a spy or anything. u must go north 5 miles and slay the assasin that holds the legion doom-horn adn bring the legion doom horn back to me
off topic: what does ooc mean and what are u talking about? ----------------- as damion was being chased by the anacondi he drew his daggers, the anacondi made for an attack but damion slahsed the head with the dark dagger and slashed the same spot with the immolation dagger. the snake seemed to slither around. it was headed for damion until he stabbed the head with the black dagger. it was dead. he ran back to help the others. when he reached them they were out of breath. damion said, " well tired already?"
Name: Damion Race: Wolf Gender: male Special Abillities: feral rage, fast attack speed, fast movement Bio: his father was slain by the humans, damion wants to slay them all, his father would go into the woods and chop down trees with his very sharp claws. then he brings the trees back and crafts useful items suck as Bowls, knives, spoons and other useful items Occupation: Read above
damion heard a knock on the door. he opened the door and there stood a man that appeared to be a theif, welcome damion said to the theif. Theif: hi i was wondering if i could spend the night here. Damion: shure the rooms are upstairs on your left and the bar is down the hall and two the right if your looking for food and a drink. Theif: Thank you very much Damion: no problem, by the way do u wish to join the guild here?