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Everything posted by Tw34kY

  1. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    25th post w00t w00t ----------------- damion pulled out his immolation and black dagger and yellled to th others, " i got the monoso. ". he jumped at the monoso asn slashed it, it did almost no damage at all. so he jumped on its back and stabbed it in the eye with the black dagger and stabbed the other eye with the immolation dagger and slowly let the life drain from monoso, meanwhile he saw j-pawn and the others cocquering the 2 trice like it was a walk in the park. he looked down again to see that the monoso had died, so he pulled the 2 daggers out and put them away. he went over to j-pawn and said, " i like your style of fighting, its highly effective, dan useful"
  2. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    as damion followed with his new found friends he looked at his new black orb and dagger. he wondered what they both did. he was going to try to use the dagger in the next battle, then he will ask at the next town how to use the orbs.
  3. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    i will glady help u j-pwn and theif. i need the experience. i will help u till i think i am powerful enough to slay sylvanis windrunner, then i must leave u for maybe a week. if thats alright with u, i just think if i received these great items what i will get from the actual sylvanis. then i would be able to fight the dark messenger
  4. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    Damion looked at j-pawn, wow have u really missed alot of action. i killed wind runner jr. i need to train more and become more stronger before i beleive i can take on the real sylvanis windrunner. just 1 question.... canwe go fight now?
  5. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    when sylvannis fired 1 arrow is seemed to split into 3. damion didnt know what he was up against. he drew his bow and made a shot. she evaded easily. she shot, missed damion and hit a tree, split the tree in 2, damion ran, sylvanis was faster. damion shot an arrow, miss. damion didnt dare go into melee combat with sylvanis, because he knew he would be torn apart by her evil. damion hid behind a tree, she shot an arrow and the tree split, he quickly stood up and shto an arrow as fast as he could, bam, it hit her in the stomach. she was stunned, damion tryed to shoot a penetrating arrow, but she recovered to fast and as a result, damion missed. damion devised a plan, he would shoot 1 arrow to stun her and penetrating arrow to kill her. he hid behind a tree got an arrow, shot, miss. he ran behind a tree, she shot, split the tree, he stood up, shot, hit, another arrow, pulled back as far as he could, shot, hit her in the leg. damion knew he was in good shape because this would considerably slow her down alot. damion fired aother arrow, it hit. he tried again, miss. ran behind another tree, sylvaniss shot 3 arrows. wplit the tree in 4. damion ran behind another. he put hus back up agianst the tree, he didnt realize that his left shoulder was sticking out. she shot a penetrating arrow, it grazed the top of his shoulder splitting it open. he could feel the blackness seeping into his blood steam. he could harldy hold his bow. he knew he didnt have much time. he had to kill her. he grabbed an arrow, pulled it back as as far as he could go, she shot the tree, it split, he shot, sylvanis tried to run away from it but actually ran into it, the penetraing arrow hit her in the heart. she fell to her knees. damion pulled back again, released, she was still on her knees. he approached her, pulled his dagger out. she started to speak as black blood poured out of her mouth, " you think u killed sylvanis windrunner.... Wrong im her daughter. and i poses a fraction of power that she does. and u, are not even in the ashenville forest. you see you are in the maple forest. because all these trees are maples, not ash, hahahahahahahaha. then she fell to the ground. damion looted the corpse, found a small black orb, 300 gold, and a black dagger. by the time he found this, her body had perished into the ground. damion had to see a preist to heal his wound. he would have to go fast. he ran through the forest with all the speed he could, his arm was starting to turn black. he ran and ran and ran. weaving through the trees. he jumped over most of the river and landed in the water with a refreshingg spalsh. he comtinued on through the valley which he had slain the archer and finnaly the path ended, he was back at durotar. he ran and ran up the hill to the church. there the preists were able to heal his wounds. it cost him 250 gold but that would be worth his life. damion slept in the church that night. he knew he was finally home same and he possesed some great artifacts.
  6. hi guys this is off topic, i screwed up in the begining, u guys pick where u start out and tell about your journy coming to the guild. sry guys. so just edit your posts. the town name stays the same.
  7. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    damion walked around town looking for people and places. he stopped at the tavern to chat with some people. he spoke to many different people but finnaly came upona great sage sitting in the corner scribing something. damion asked the man if he knew about a woman named sylvannis windrunner. the great sage opend his eyes wide, and said you young one seek sylvannis windrunner? "yes" damion replied to the sage. the sage studdered for a second and then said, " syvannis wind runner lies in the ashenville firest 10 miles east of here, there are many enemys to fight before u can reach her. Damion nooded his head, he knew what he faced, now he just had to do it. damion walked outside and looked at the moon. it remindid him of his intelegent father. he walked out the gate of town, and off onto the path. damion ran along at a moderate pace. he heard some rustling in the bushes. he grabbed his immolation dagger, ready to fight. damion paced back and forth. suddenly a great force struck him, an assasin jumped from a small tree and landed on top of him, damion didnt know what to do he grabbed his dagger and stabbed the assasin in the groin and the assasin dropped his dagger adn damion sliced him. the assasin started choking on his own blood. damion grabbed the assains dagger. and looted the assasin only to get a chain helm. he tried it on, to big. damion put it in his sack to trade when he came into town, he continued along again and walked on the path all through the night into the early morning. he had walked about 3 miles now being cautious of an ambush. he came to a large open stretch of field. he walked along joyfully. then he caught out of the corner of his eye something stand up. damion turned around and saw a pack of 6 archers and 4 assasins. he drew for his bow and made a shot. he pierced an archer in the stomach. he collapsed. the assasins chardeged damion shot another arrow and hit an assasin. he drew his dagger and slashed the 2 assains. they collapsed. damion was running for cover when he was hit in theleg with an arrow. damion knew he had to kill the other before he could rest. he drew his bow and made a shot. it missed and smashed into a rock. he drew w arrows and shot them both hitting 1 and missing the other. damion crouched down in the tall grass. he knew this final archer was nto like the rest. this must have been the lead one. damion stood up made another shot, missed again, damion crawled behind a rock. there he saw a poisen dart frog. as he was crouched behind the rock. he stabbed the frog with his arrow. he knew this could kill the archer IF is struck. damion was very careful. as he peeked out the side of the rock. he saw the archer waiting for him to pop up. he pulled back his bow, quiclky stood up and shot. the archer was unaware of damion standing up, and he was hit in the throat. Damion decided to rest, bandage his wound and loot hte corpses of his enemys. he walked along in the grass. found the corpses and brought them all together. through looting all of them he found 3 crude daggers, 3 throwing stars, hard leather armor, and 50 gold coins. he packed up the coins and daggers. but put on the armor and kept out the throwing stars. damion saw a tree about 10 meters away. he tried throwing the star at the tree. miss, he went to pick it up and tried again, hit tree but didnt stick. damion got annoyed and decided to take care of his wounds. he bandaged them and treated them just as his father had tauhgt him. he walked into the woods and got fire wood and killed a small turkey and cooked it over the fire. he ate this and rested. when he awke it was already the next morning. damion thought to himself, man i wasted a whole day in this field, perhaps i shoudl get moving. he walked along the path. he continued to walk until he reached a small river. he crossed it and continued on the other side. damion saw the trail end and the trees were more taller ahead. damion thought. have i reached ashenville forest? damion walked along cautiously he knew sylvanis had many minions. he heard footsteps, he hid behind a tree he saw an assasin creeping along, he quietly took out his bow and grabbed an arrow and pulled back the bow creeked. the assasin turned around, it was already to late, the arrow struck him in the head instantly killing him. he continued into the forest stooping behind trees. as he took garrison behind a small tree, the tree started to attack him. whacking him with its limbs. damion walked back and grabbed his bow, adn pulled back the arrow and let it fly, it hit the trees bark and broke off. damion grabbed his immolation dagger and started chooping at the limbs of the tree. as he did so the dagger would turn fire red burning the leaves on the tree. damion slashed the trees bark. parts of it fell off. damion grabbe dhis bow again while pacing backwards. he shot an arrow where there had been an absense of bark from his dagger. the arrows would then pass through the skin ito the body of the tree. damion dhot more arrows into the hole until it collapsed. damion took no time to loot the corpse because there would be nothing, after all it was a tree. damion walked down the path again, he walked behind another tree when he heard a commotion. trhere were lots of footsteps. as he drew his bow there were a horde of 20 assasins. 1 stood taller then any other. damion grabbed 5 arrows and shot them all at the same time. hitting 3 targets and killing htem he drew the arrows again and repeated this time killing 2. the assasins turned around and charged, the larger assasin drew a long ferocious blade and walked slowly torwards damion, damion shot arrows killing 5 of the assasins. he then drew his dagger and began slashing at them, he hit 1 and he started on fire. damion charged 1 and stabbed him in the chest. it fell to the ground. damion turned around and was hit witha spear int the chest. it didnt penetrate, it hit hte armor. damion stabbed another assasin. as he turned around to kill another he gelt a sudden pain in his back. he had been hit by the long blade of the big assasin. damion stabbed and slashed at the assasins, killing all but the large one. he could hardly stand up, he had been hit with all types of weapons, he had bruises all over his face. damion charged the large assasin. and slashed the large assain, it did no damage it hit the metal armor damion ran behind a tree and began to climb it. (damions father taught him how to climb trees faster then ever) as he flew his way up into the tree the assain began to laugh and walked torwards the tree. the assasin slahed the tree 3 time ans the tree began to fall over. damion leaped to another tree and drew his bow, he shot aht the assasin, but it yet agian bounced off his armor. the assasin went for the other tree, slash slash slash, the tree began to fall again. before the assain could chop the tree down he leaped to another and hid among the leaves. the assain looked about for damion. damion took out a rusty dagger and set it on the branch, he drew his bow and retreived an arrow. he pulled the bow back as far as he could. then he kicked the dagger off the limb, it came crashing to the ground with a clunk. the assasin quick turned and damion released, before the assasin could react, he was killed. damion began to set up camp. he shot a few rabbits. and cut wome wood from the trees and started a fire. damion sat in a tall tree healing his wounds. he didnt feel as good as he did when he left his tree house, but he knew that he had become a stronger man then before. he threw some logs on the fire and went to sleep in the tree. damion awoke in the middle of the night, feeling alot better but noticing 7 assasins examining the corpses on the ground. damion grabbed his bow and shot at them. killing them. damion came out of the tree to loot the corpses. he found over 200 gold. chain armor, 7 more throwing stars, the giant sword, and some metal boots. damion put the gold in his sac with the stars and his old armor along with the sword, but put on the metal boots, and the chain armor. he moved along swiftly into the forest and he began to hear light footsteps coming moderatly fast, damion dashed into a tree. he looked down only to see something he wish he woudnt have, there was sylvannis holding an item that appeared as it had belong to his father. damion couldnt quite remeber what it was. as sylvanis ran by, damion could see the darkness burning from here eyes. adn the darkness burning in her foot steps. damion was scared. he knew that it would be a great challenge to kill her. he continued along into the forest. fihgting more assasins and getting mroe gold. he hoped that he could face sylvanis 1v1 and not have to woory about others. on his 5ht day traveling in the forest he saw a cave. and some omniboyles damion stayed in the tree until all the omniboyles walked away. he then carefully and quietly walked out of the tree and followed the omniboyles. when he was a ways away from sylvanis he attacekd the omniboyles. they were powerful but he was able to over come them 1 at a time. he looted nothing from them. he came back to wehre he was in the tree. and sylvannis saw him and fired arrows. Damion was in trouble
  8. Damion paced back and forth in the tavern in the guild. he had no clue how to run the guild. his father had died and now the guild belonged to him. damion sat down and had a drink. he decided to turn the controls over to one of his trusted ninja captains, he would control it until damion could think he could handle it.
  9. great guys, more people can join in but ill start the rpg! jubei plz change 1 of your emements i already have that combo sry :(
  10. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    damion replied, " im sry but i have some unfinished buisness to attend to replied damion, im sry if i let you down. how about we meet back here in o say 2 weeks?" damion wodered if he could slay sylvannis in that time. he knew it would be a hard journy to get to the ashenvalle forest.
  11. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    i like the jagged one on the left it appears as if it would do some damage so what so ya say ill give u this dagger and 20 gold coins for that dagger there. what do ya say?
  12. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    damion slowed for a moment podering which way to go, suddenly a man bumped into damion, damion turned around and said, " hi." the man replied, hi i was wondering if u sould trade your dagger for 1 of mine. damion replied shure what u got to trade.
  13. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    its a pleasure to meet u aleus, altough i fear i dont have to much time to talk im going to cash in my goods from hunting and see if i can get a new dagger. mine is extremly weak and poses little to no power. ill leave u 2 to talk. ill be back in an hour. damion walked out the door and went dowstairs. and exited the inn.
  14. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    i am damion he replied i am seeking vengence for my fathers death when he was slain by sylvannis windrunner. she resides in the ashenville forest, even though i have no clue where that is. i weild my fathers bow, and all his wisdom at the same time.
  15. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    The man turned around. it appeared as if he was a drak wanderer. damion could not see his face. the man said, " damion i know u seek to avenge your fathers death, that would quench your thirst for blood. the creature that slayed your fathers name is Sylvannis Windrunner. she resides in the ashenvile forest, she is so evil u can see the darkness burn from her arrows and her eyes. one important thing is u can not be touched by the arrows before they are vampiric and drain your life until u faint." damion replyed, "what are u-" suddenly the wanderer turned around and just vanished. damion was confused. he layed down again and dozed off.
  16. great guys your all in i forgot to say u can use 2 weapons instead of 1, and i updated the top post and i included my 2 skills
  17. Welcome To The elemental Ninja Guild, Whose who sign up will all be formed into a legion to perform quests and tasks for your guild master and other townsfolk. There has to be a mix of elements because some monsters have immunitys. Signup Sheet: What u need Name: (first and last) Age: (realistic plz) Gender: (Male or Female) Element: (list below can be a mix of 2 or pure) Bio: (Optional) Desc: (the basic stuff) Weapon: (swords, ninja starts, knumbchucks, anthing a ninja uses, NO GUNS)( can use 2) First 2 skills: (just make up 2 that consit with your element/s Elements: Fire Water Ice Lighting Earth Light Dark Ok heres mine Name: Damion Stormrage Age: 24 Gender: Male Element: Dark-Lighting Bio: Seeks revenge for the death of his brother. has been Training for 3 years. is now ready to go into the world and fight. Desc: Med Tall, Skinny, Black Clothing, Red Head Band. Weapon: Ninja Stars, katana First 2 skills: Thunder star- a bolt of lightning that shocks the ninja star and gives it an stuning attack Dark Drain: when the enemy is slashed darkneess seeps into the wound and drains the enemys health Have Fun!
  18. Name: Damion Stormrage Age: 20 Occupation: Alchemist Location: Town
  19. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    Damion looked at the large wooden gate and above it was a small sign that said, "Welcome To Durotar". damion stumbled into town not knowing where to go. he bumped into a fairly large woman. damion said, " excuse me miss but where is the inn?". the woman replied, well im the innkeeper, oh dear u look like u need a room. yes damion replied. by now damion could hardly walk. he had to almost crawl. he knew he needed to sleep. as he tripped into the inn the innkeep helped him up. damion could see a man looking out the widow. the man came to help damion. they dragged him into a room. he fell asleep instanly. Damion woke up in the morning and saw the man lloking out the window again. Damion said, " Hi"
  20. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    Damion awakend the next morning knowing he would have to ravage through the swamp. He ate a quick breakfast of small rabbit knowing that he would be able to eat at the town but he couldnt fight or travel on a empty stomach. as he walked down the path eating berrys taking his time and saving his energy for fighting and running. as he took the last steps on the trail he stopped and looked at the murky swamp. he took his first step in adn just quietly waded trying not to awaken anything that would make an attempt to kill him. he continued to walk in the swamp until it was hard to see due to fog. as he walked into deeper water he heard eerie sounds adn walked as fast as he could. The water became more shallow and damion was walking on land again. but he knew there was more swamp to walk through. suddenly a medium size hydra emerged from the mist and damion was quick to draw his bow and shoot an arrow at it. he hit a direct shot in one of the heads. but it seemed to do no damage what so ever so he drew his rusty dagger and slashed the hydras head off. as damion was pacing back the hydra grew 2 more heads. damion knew he could not kill it by chopping the heads, he would have to stab and shoot the body. damion grabbed his bow and shot 2 arrows at the hidras stomach each penetrating and drawing blood. but the hydra was as energetic as ever. damion fired another shot and the hydra made an attack at damion but he was quick to evade the counter. he shot more and more arrows. he drew 2 arrows and shot them at the same time. as damion reached for 2 more arrows the hydra countered and bit damion in the tricep. damion could feel the venom. he was enraged with anger and his heart rate increased. he shot more and more arrows as fast as he could. the hyrda could not counter because it was constantly stunned with arrows. then damion drew another arrow and pulled it back as far as he dared for he feared of his fathers bow snaping. He released. the arrow traved with extreme speed and struck the hydra right in the heart. the arrow continued out the other side of the hydra. the hydra fell to the ground stone dead. damion was quick to loot the corpse only to find a dozen coins. damion figured that he could use these for room and board. he continued to truge in the swamp till almost dusk. then a wolf emerged. damion drew his dagger knowing the wolf could be easily slain. the wolf tryed a swift attack but damion slashed the wolf in the neck. it tryed to flee but damion drew his bow and put the wolf out of its misery. damion was tempted to loot the corpse but he knew there would be nothing. as night apprached damion took the last foot steps in the swamp and came to a dry dirt path that would most likely lead him into town. he was cautious walking on the path. he had a strange feeling of an ambush of assasins or raders just wating for him. damion drew his dagger and slowly walked being ready for an attack. as he walked along a bride his instincts were correct. there had been a pack of 5 assasins waiting for him at the bride. he drew his bow and picked 1 off. the assasins charged. damion dropped his bow and drew his dagger. he turned around and slashed the 3 assasins. as he turned around he saw the other assain fleeing with his fathers bow. damion thrwe the dagger and it sloopily hit the assasin in the back sbrining him to his knees. damion approached the suffering assasin and pulled the dagger from his back and stabbed it in again and twisted it, ending the assains life. damion took the time to loot all the corpses for another dozen gold and this time finding a non-crude dagger from one on the assasins. damion didnt want anymore fighting. he could feel himself growing weak from the poisen of the hydra. he ran clumsily along the path until he reached a large wood gate, He had reached the town.
  21. Name: Arthas Alignment: Good Race: Human Gender: Male Weapons: Pump and auto shotgun Age: 19 Desc: Med tall, skinny, wears all elven clothing Bio: Arthases father was slain by a vampire when he was only 9 but arthas remebers it like it was yesterday. he seeks vengence on these "creatures"
  22. Tw34kY

    Dark Messenger

    As damion set out for the nearest town, tired of being alone, he would use his stealth to sneak past enemys and keep running until he found civilization. as damion was running and weaving in and out of trees 3 bandits were awakend and attacked him, damion climbed a tree and used his bow to kill 2 of them. the 3rd ran in terror. damion looted the corpse only to find a rusty assain dagger. he was very pleased for his fathers dagger was stolen by the mereles enemys that slayed him. damion slept in a tree and the next morning continued to walk through the forest. damion remebered that when he was young his father brought him to a high cliff where he could see the valley below. damion tryed to rember wehre the cliff was but only knew that it was north. he walked north for 3 hours until he walked past the final tree to the cliff. there he looked into the valley below and saw the misty swamp. damion wondered what lied before him and decided to set up camp. as damion ate a small rabbit he shot, the sun set. damion was reminded how much he loved his father. right before he went to sleep he looked over the cliff for the last time that night, it was comletly dark, except for some shining lights that could be seen through the trees. damion didnt rember them when he came here with his father. damion expected a small village was founded since the last time hed been here nearly 10 years ago. damion knew now wehre to go. but didnt know how to get past the swamp. all he knew was that he had to use all the skills his father had taught him to sneak by all of his enemys.
  23. Ok im starting an RPG about WC3:TFT u will be hunting prince arthas and all of his evil accomplises. In this RPG u will use your hero to fight arthas and his amry. u will loot them for gold. and use the gold to buy untis from mercenarys and towns that u travel through in this rpg. Heres the heros u can pick from: Pit lord Dark ranger Beast Master Naga Sea Witch Pandarean Brewmaster Palidan Archmage Blood Mage Mountain King Blade Master To join u need to post the following: Name: Hero: First Skill: Pm me if u dont know your skills First Item: (Potion of mana/Health) Ok heres mine: Name: Dameon Stormrage Hero: Blade Master First Skill: Mirror Immage First item: Potion of health
  24. Name: Azrael Race: Human Age: 24 Class: Ranger Allignment: True Neutral POB: Tavern Bio: Azreal has no clue what he wants to fight or why but he wants to fight. he has a thirst for blood. Description: White with black hair, Midnight blue cape, chain armor, Leather Pants, metal boots, Plate gauntlets,Ranger Hat(temp until he finds a metal helm), Weapons: Poison Bow, and a vampiric long sword to quench his thirst for blood.
  25. Name: Damion StormRage Age:22 Gender:Male Class:archer Weapon:Skilled With Bow And Daggers Appearence:Blonde Hair, Green Eyes, Skinny, Black cape,Leather Armor, Thin leather shoes,Archer Ring. Bio: Damion was reaised by his fatehr in a tree house and his father taught him how to live on his own. One day when damion was 15 he saw his father slayen and will seek vengenge on anything that stands in his way on his quests. Weilding his fathers bow. hes all alone.
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