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Everything posted by Jeff
oh seriously? i've became born again christian not too long ago either. about 4 months ago. sorry that i assumed you had better knowledge of end times than i. i'm not saying i'm better than you because of that either. well lastly..Jesus said we'll know the season of time..but not the day of time. yeah.
lol. no. i was agreeing with you about using your own methods of opinions rather than using bible..because it has chance to say what you had to say if it is your opinion..but when i start mentioning bible or Jesus, i'll get shut off from the beginning and wont get a chance to tell anything. i was dealing with so called christian ppl at other board..who actually got offended what bible had to say. i was giving an example. sorry if i gave you wrong impression(which i think i did 0_o). lol. i've been sorta reading your replies lately and looks cool to see how you give a chance to mention God in your posts to other ppl.
there is only one begotten Son. but in all, He is God. there's only One God. you dont believe it because your heart is hardened. it's totally up to you to make the choice though. but you should believe it because your life depends on it. there is only two sides. good and evil. God is good, satan is evil. if you dont belong to God, you are asiding with satan automatically.
oops..quick reply to deus. Jesus said this generation shall not pass...when fig tree(israel) was born in 1948. when fig tree is fully matured(lack of words on my part), birth of pang starts. famine, earthquake, crime rate, love will grow cold etc. i'm sure you are familiar with matthew 24. and yeah..Jesus' return is imminent. nobody knows.
i know what you meant. that's why i explained what would take place after that. but wasnt replying to you but was in staying on the subject. anyhow, i said what i came here to say. dont worry about me causing trouble or anything.
it's funny. ppl rather listen when i dont mention what bible(Word of God) has to say. but when i start using bible, ppl starts to get offended..even for those who claims to be christians..-_-
rapture is part of miracoulous sign to tell ppl that God exist. following that will follow 7 year tribulation..the period of God's wrath pouring on earth. even during that 7 years, many ppl still refuse to repent..it sucks though. if there wasnt a unbeliever in the world, we wont take that judgement in first place anyways.. rapture or not, Jesus' 2nd coming is certain.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B]It's simple when you think about it. God didn't [i]decide[/i] what everyone is going to do from the beginning of creation, he just [i]knew[/i]. It's even easier (kind of.. you have to think about it though) when you realise the full extent of his omnipresence.. he's not just every[i]where[/i] (which is difficult enough to imagine, as it is), but he exists through all eternity too. Not as a point, like us, but spread out. Imagine youreslf, sitting at your computer now. You are, quite definately, at your computer, at ONE point. if you walk away, you could draw a line of where you walked, and say you existed everywhere along that line at some point, but at any one time, you existed at a point. In contrast, God, at any one time, exists throughout the whole universe, and at any one point (not "point in time" just "point") he exists throughout all time. Not did exist in the past" or "will exist in the fute" but "does exist through all time"- which is the difference betweenm immortality and eternity. Bearing that all in mind, it's easier to understand how God can know who will believe in him form the beginning of creation, and still give us free will. [/B][/QUOTE] hmm..interesting. like some ppl explained it to me this way too. our timetable is like a book. God opens up and can look into future like we read our books and skip the middle part and see the end of it. but God exist all through eternity, which means past present and future..because time doesnt matter to Him. and to jesus chicken..God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ..so we can have everlasting life with Him those who believe in His Son. God definitely knows what we go through..because God Himself came to the world as in flesh, suffered and died for us. so we dont die in our sin. and arisen after 3 days, proving to us that only He can defeat death.. that's how much God loves us.
umm..no..he said he had no idea on what's to think on phychic..unless i mis read it. if so, i apologize.. anyhow, read this testimony other peep said. this almost wet my pants. "My mother went to see a doctor of spiritual healing. The woman told my mother she has "special powers", and must come back. Over several visits my mother was indoctrinated into a form of channeling. Channeling is where you summon spirits. My mother said that she could see bright and beautiful lights, and she felt wonderful and full of power. One night she was practicing and a demon came. It was a hideous thing that clutched both the necks and hearts of my mother and father. It held my mother at bay while it turned to my father, and turned his face a slimey green. At that point my mother croaked out a cry of help to Jesus, and the thing was forced back. She said it was extremely angry that it denied it's pleasure. My parents live very clean lives, and after that scare my mother learned her lesson. You see, there are demons, and a devil and a God. We are spiritual creatures, and we need Christ, or we will be judged. Please seek out the testimonies of others, and read your Bible. Pray about it with a truly open heart and give the Holy Spirit a chance. Accept Christ's gift of grace and forgiveness, it is yours for the asking. You have everything to gain, and nothing to lose." -snowbird
cough. i'm not jeff which she is mentioning. just to clear on that. back to the subject..something amazing event is gonna happen soon....the time started to ticking when Israel became nation again in 1948..are you..rapture ready..? hate to say this..but we truely are living in last days..only if you ppl realize what will take place..:\
i'm also confused in this. in the bible, it says we are pre-destined/determined when we were choosen by God to believe Him. because God is all knowing, omniponent etc. but it means God knows who would not believe..but God isnt forcing us to believe Him..we are not buncha robots..He gave us free will. but He already knows..anyways, in secure way, predestined sounds good to me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus Ex Machina [/i] [B] Anyway, as for [i]psychics[/i], I have no idea. I believe we can hear things from God, but that's about where it ends. And I believe people in the occult can probably hear things too, but that's a different matter, from a different kind of being entirely, and the kind of thing I wouldn't trust. [/B][/QUOTE] umm..bible strictly forbids phychics/magic arts because it is considered using satan's power..
i'm korean. no..you are not going overboard, anime_gurl. a lot of korean-american dont believe what i tell what's really going on if i tell them some truth. even if you get raped by your daddy in korea, it's not police's business to arrest the man because it's the matter of in"family". true. true. that's how screwed up they are. there are more screw jobs but i dont wanna list them all. teachers will not get arrested if they "hit" their student with thick wooden stick..usually hitting them on legs and arms. i think one PE teacher was fired from killing one of his student for pushing him too far. he was not arrested. koreans are the most ignorant, self centered race(just go to korean church and you'll find out). not all of them are that way..but most of them are. it's the fact. here's the fact. my grandma got pushed off from the train station and no one bothered to help her up. she lied down on the side for good 10-15 mins. and that's just one example. school kids in korea has ranks..who's the strongest punch(fighter) and who's the weakest. they pick on you and take money away, blah blah. i'm sure that kid was getting beaten 'cause he couldnt speak the korean language very well. and if you are the one who gets picked on, it's possible kids will stay out of your way so that they dont get beaten. that's probably reason he didnt have any friends. i've been beaten a lot..by my parents. because i'm a brat. i'm still a same brat even though i was beaten so bad..:p my grandma once beat me with women's shoe. she got me on head, back. see..there could've been a possible beating by that poor kid's grandma. my grandma goes whatever my dad says. that grandma was probably the same. i lived with my dad for about 2 years. whenever he lectures me, my heart pounds so hard..he kisses me one minute saying how much he loves me..next minute he slaps me across my face. do you know how frighten that is? i'm sure the WHOLE story wasnt tell..but his father probably slapped him a little..kicked him few times while he was lecturing. i still remembers the pain my father gave me..but that's just 2 years. and i was around teen years. but that boy had gone through his whole life going through that crap. i feel his pain. here on the topic- if you dont achieve well in korea, they dont look you as human being. they look down on you. father probably think of his reputation only and didnt care for his son. it's father's fault. come on..what drove the little boy to murder? it's just not a simple moment of rage. the years of loneliness, the years of agony..the years of abuse(physical or verbal)..the years of rejection. i'm sure most of you dont know what's COMPLETE rejections and loneliness is about because most of you have friends and somewhat loving parents. just think..you dont speak language, go to different country ALONE..for so many years. no love..no love..he was a just child dammit cant you tell if you push certain ppl far, you just know when he/she gonna snap? father was a dumbass. i know the just type. they dont care. they just wanna reputation from other ppl. if he loved his son, why would he seperates himself with him for so long? there are a lot of ppl weaker than you. dont compare to him with you..you didnt go through what he've gone through. i'm sure you had 1000x better life than him. even though i compared with him myself :p
it's rated MA. mature audiences only. if children watches and ****s them over, it's not south park's fault i'm still laughing about game hitler. hehehe..you stick your finger through your *** and put the **** on other ppl's upper lip..make them a hitler mustache..gahahhaha XD EWWWWWW :p
i saw it. it made me so mad that they killed him. i'm not mad about they killed him because he was gay, but it made me mad because they killed a such a gentle soul and good person that he was. i was browsing awhile ago at his tribute site..every time i think about him, my eyes burn :(
when i was freshmen in highschool, "used to be" my friend started to throw some papers at me with his friends. and one of his friend was "gallery forniture's son"..bastard..anyway, i have low self esteem(due to years of tease and crap like that), so i didnt bother to tell them to stop(mom told me to ignore them when i was in this situation..boy how she was wrong). it has gone for pretty long time..but outta the blue, the new girl started to stand up for me. she talks to me and didnt tell teacher when i try to cheat on my test :p she was cool. i'll never forget her for what she done for me. other one was..i walk my head down so i dont eye contact with people. this was because some girl yelled at me for starring at her when i couldnt even speak english at that time. anyway, it was after school, i was walking and this jerk *** hole looking guy comes all smiling..and i was like..damn..he gonna make fun of me..but then he asked "what's wrong? why is your head down? get your chin up!", and he started to cheer me up like he can read my mind. that was really cool of him and i realized there are still good ppl around.
whoever said, "what has god done for me?" i ask you back, "what have you done for god?" and for those who said, if you fall in love and that's all it matters..no matter what sex they are and it is not a sin..hehe..then it's not a sin to date a someone outta your species? like a dog or cat..lmao! it doesnt matter cause as long as you are in love! bwahahahah..my my! let see who i'm gonna **** today. i'll try grasshopper! wheeeeee..did bible ever said beastility is a sin? it doesnt say it..but it doesnt mean it's right..so what you think right isnt always right. i know i'm over exaggerating. guys..it is sin to sleep with other ppl before you even get married. guh..-_- but who gives a **** these days..almost everything is sin ya know?..i mean god..we are born with a sin what adams and eve did. and i dont even believe in genesis!! and about suicide..if you really want to die, i can tell you is try it. if you really want to live, you wouldnt kill yourself. i kinda think same way as deathknight did about how god could view on point of our side/problem. and how the hell did school kids found out that you are lesbian? 0_o
something you are not clear about. where this happend? did you see him trying to rape your girlfriend? if it was, you did perfectly right thing. few seconds could have change everything you know. there's something strange..so if i see my lover getting harmed, i calmly walk to pay phone and call the police? while my girl is getting ****ed, i calmly ready to explain to police what would happend while police are coming? and after my girl is ****ed, i calmly go to her and encourage her to tell to the police..umm..
yup. that's really me. it wasnt holloween custom..i put on make up to impress girls who seeking for asian men..it's community somewhere around at lj.. if you are a girl, thanks..if you are a guy, no comment :p
i want a steal pf's thunder so here's my [url=http://cloud4cloud.freeservers.com/stinger.jpg] pic [/url] muahahha:naughty:
i am saiel's big monkey daddy
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]sooner or later a lot of members will start posting up pics [/B][/QUOTE] is your name dave or david by any chance?
urgg..there's one thing i can't stand..thinking of yoda swining lightsaber...that is just ridiculous. my bro told me that he will use special power instead of oversized(for him) lightsaber. thank god for that
i've been betrayed so many times, i'm afraid to go outside. it sounds silly, but i'm afraid of ppl. i would like to pay them all a visit who have tormented me and hurt them real bad..not saying i'm tough..i'm saying sneak attack and run :p i have no advise for you..but one thing is clear what my mom said. if you hate someone, that person controls your life. which why my life gotten this bad.