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About AnonymousSource

  • Birthday 09/17/1987

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  1. Fallout Boy... very creative lyrics. Very catchy stuff. Many simple sentances... I don't know much about Hawthorne Heights, but from what I do know, I'm going with Fallout Boy
  2. My last name is dutch for "Thornbush." I just think that's kind of funny... someone in our family tree must have really pissed someone off to earn that name!
  3. I don't know if what they're doing is a "bad" thing, but the fact that they have the ability to take property scares me quite a bit. This could continue, domino-style, until we lose the right of property all together and the government can just chose what whatever land you're on is to be used for and could even evict you for disagreeing with something the government does. You lose all right to property completely!
  4. I peed my pants at church camp... on purpose. It was hilarious at the time, but once my mom got to camp and I had to explain the urine smell in my dirty clothes bag it lost the hilarity... ok no it didn't, it just got better! But, of course, my cabin was a bunch of loudmouths and the entire camp ended up hearing about "Commander Pissypants" and I was the joke of the whole camp for about a day and a half... meh.
  5. With super accountant action! See him do a thousand taxes in a single bound! Action Hubert comes with his very own laptop, pocket protector, and his very own cubicle! Get one while supplies last!
  6. First off, I really like this idea... Second of all I had never actually heard of either band... So I started researching on my RealRhapsody. Modest Mouse Very catchy vocals, especially "float on" The vocals and instruments flow very well and are very smooth. Negatives is they seem to reuse a chord progression and just change the key or make it louder/softer. But they do disguise it pretty well... I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't looking to pull them apart... I love the end to "The World at Large;" Just a side note Franz Ferdinand Not as smooth with everything. Very cool guitars, I think. They're sound is kind of... I don't know... original. Overall, pretty close in my opinion, but my vote goes to Modest Mouse by a very small margin I'd say, in case of a tie, cancel my vote... that close.
  7. Jimi was such a trailblazer... I had heard of him for my whole life but never actually heard his music until early this year (I'm such a loser). Ever since I've had Jimi in my life I've been striving to be more like him, as a guitarist that is. He had such an intimacy to his guitar licks... nothing crazy like AC/DC or Metallica solos or nothing... but it's almost sexual... seriously!
  8. I personally never thought the Ramones were any good. Almost all of their songs have the same guitar pattern and I rarely hear much difference in the vocals either. Despite that, The Ramones seem to be way more popular then their contemporary Punk Rock bands... I just don't get it. On the idea of "in. I never really cared if it's popular or not, I just listen to what sounds good... Music really can't go out of style, styles just change from the one they fit in, I think.
  9. Gwen Steffani anything mostly, but especially "If I were a rich girl." No respect for the classic musicals... She takes the song and rapes it.... Numa Numa - Overkill... it was funny seeing the dude lip syncing it the first time... and hearing it a few times afterward... but every time I'm in the lab they have it playing! Let it die... Anything gangster rap these days... "Everybody in the Club Gettin' Tipsy..." How does one sing a WHOLE song based on people getting drunk? And the fact that 1/4 of their lyrics is them saying their own name and bragging themselves up...
  10. Personally, I love Mouse. He's useless and he rambles a lot... what's not to love? If we're talking the people who mattered to the plot, then it's spoon boy. But Mouse was just so naive and cool. Plus he died taking a ton of officers with him - he's heroic!
  11. I'm a huge fan of 80s rock. I appreciate Led Zepplin the most because they were the precursor(sp?) to much of modern rock. Not much else to say, I love Ozzy, AC/DC, and Aerosmith... as well as Old School Punk - Dead Kennedies, Ramones, stuff like that. Old school Metallica and Iron Maiden did a lot for modern rock, too.
  12. [quote name='Arcadia][size=1']I'd have to say that my brother plays guitar better than these guys do. If you know the basic cords, you can play their songs. There really isn't a whole lot to the music besides that. Just a few more guys getting their fifteen minutes.[/size][/quote] Welcome to the world of Punk Rock... But on to Jet. I don't really know much of their stuff, but Are You Gonna Be My Girl is most cool song. I've listened to it twice or so, but our band is in the middle of working out a cover of it. Totally agree with Arcadia in the fact that the guitar part is like an Emo-Fest(not that I'm dissing emo... it's just very easy guitar music) and I can't run a tamborine to save my life... plus the song is so blinking out of my range at the chorus (they wonder why I can't get it down), but besides that the song is great, it's an awesome change of pace from the norm these days. It's almost like an old classical rock song exept... new...
  13. You know, I was thinking about that after I posted that... What genre would I put Rancid in? I never thought they were really Punk (Ramones, Dead Kennedies, etc) from the beginning... I was thinking Grungy or something, but not quite up to Nirvana grunge. I don't have a clue what genre to put them in... Anyone have any ideas?
  14. Ironic that you use Signs as an example in the original post, when he's the same guy who's doing The Village (not trying to be a "know-it-all" I just throw around my knowledge whenever I...uh... have it). Well, I'm having mixed feelings about this. The plot and everything looks like it can go either way... super lame or my next DVD. My friend, who also LOVES the director, is most likely going to bring me (willingly or otherwise) so I know I'll see it... but hit or miss? Still undecided.
  15. Rancid; the only song I've heard by them is "Maxwell Murder,"(I DLed and AMV to it) and I have to say I loved it! The insane beat, the awesome Bass solo, the perfect use of almost every style of rock guitar... I love it! Having heard that, I wouldn't call them punk either... though they are close. I don't have the problem you guys have; our dances have a lot of rap as well (which bugs the crap out of me) but they play an aweful lot of 80s grunge/metal/rock and Punk (even some Emo...*shudder*) because, oddly enough, Punk is cool at our school! Believe it or not, Punk is almost in "style" here (which goes against everything Punk stands for... going agains the trend. How does one go agains the trend when the trend is punk? Really...)! I'm not sure if I'm on the thread topic, I sort of hit a few topics there... but that's my oppinion, I suppose. P.S: Nirvana and Dead Kennedies rock my socks... Long live Kurt Cobain, and long live... killing the poor...
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