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Everything posted by Carnage

  1. Castle in the Sky! I rented that movie because there weren't many anime selections at the video store. I was expecting the movie to be crap since it was made in 1986, but I was wrong! The animation isn't all that good, but the story was amazing.
  2. Even though Sora is a player killer, I think Crim could defeat him any day.
  3. Family guy is an awesome show!! I even bought both seasons 1 and 2 on dvd. The people at FOX are idiots, it's their loss when they cancelled family guy. Luckily the final episode that never aired on FOX, will be aired on Cartoon Network sometime in February.
  4. I've been playing SSBM for a while now, and I've seen some SSBM screenshots on the net with Toad in them. Is it really possible to unlock Toad in the game?? If so, how?
  5. Wow... the EB store near me sells 'M' games to me! :-P Glad I don't have that problem...
  6. Finally, dancehall makes it's way to North America! All thanks to Sean Paul. I've been listening to dancehall for a while, and people used to make fun of me, because they couldn't understand the singer's words, but I did. Now Sean paul is one of the biggest 'hip hop' artist, and everyone around me listens to it, even though they don't understand the words. I'm glad to see dancehall is finally being heard.
  7. All the missions were easy, I hope the next GTA will be more challenging.
  8. LINKIN PARK ROX!!! Their best song on Meteora so far is 'Breaking the Habit'
  9. I've read in a magazine that Counter-Strike will be releasing for X-box! The best part is that it will include more features that the version on the PC! Do you think that the soon to release X-box version will do better than the PC's version?:drunk:
  10. I have four piercings, and one tattoo. I have two ear piercings on each ear. No i'm not a girl, lol.
  11. I'm sorry about what happened.
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