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Everything posted by DragonofDestiny

  1. Woah....dark.....scary....death.... I like it! ^^ Seriously, it's very well done! I like the picture in the back, it's very mysterious and cool looking. Excellent job!
  2. FURUBAAAAA!! Wow, that was a very charming story! You should be proud, I like it a lot. Are you going to add more to it, because that would be really cool! I like the style, and the different points of view. Very well done!
  3. Ayah!! Right, the whole jpg thing, sorry about that. Here's another one in the right format. Spoiler banner, just so we all know.....
  4. Oooo!, it's good. It's nice and mello but it kinda makes me think about things, which is interesting. I don't know if that was your intention, but it is pretty dang good. ~DragonofDestiny
  5. I get down and bow to you! WOAH!!! That is the best ameteur dragon picture thing I have ever seen!!!!! That really is incredible, all the colors fit perfectly together, I can almost FEEL it, it looks so real. Excellent, excellent job, and if you have dreams of making it big, no worries there, you are most DEFFINATELY going to make it! Good luck to you, but you don't realy need luck with that kind of talent. [COLOR=limegreen]~DragonofDestiny[/COLOR]
  6. All I know is that I saw Kyo, Hatsuahru, Momiji(rabbit form) and Hatori!!!!!!!! *Runs around in joy* No, but seriously, that looks like it took you a long tiome, which is admirable, besides the quality. I know I couldn't even HOPE to try and make something like that! It's really good, although some of the images look a tiny bit blurred, but that's probably because they are smaller than they should be. Very nicely done and it's almost scary to think of what you're capable of doing when you're not bored! WOW.
  7. Hello.....uhm, i'm waiting on my photoshop pro to come in the mail and I was messing around with my boring paint program, but I discovered that these banners don't look half bad! At least...I think they do....^__^; Please review, and beware, the second picture I post will be a spoiler for the series.
  8. [COLOR=red]It's just something I doodled up while watching tv. I realize the dragon isn't that good, but after the girla nd the tree, I just needed something to fill space.[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen]Tell me if you hate it or like it, and be honest, I can take it.[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=seagreen]Well everyone, what's better than waking up on Christmas morning, running downstairs and finding your fav. animes under the tree? NOTHING! So, this board is for you to discuss any new animes that've you been eyeing. Tell us why you think everyone should ask for this for christmas! [/COLOR] [COLOR=red]I recently made a trip up to a video store and rented 8 dvds. I'd have to say that Fruits Basket is one of the better new animes I've seen. It's got comedy, action, self-discovery and all that other stuff that makes you rethink yourself. I'd recommend this for any body, young or old, becuase it's truely heartwarming and hillarious.[/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=century gothic]Well, its finally come, the last enstallment of the Lord of the Rings. I finally had the honor of seeing not but an hour ago and the movie is fresh in my mind. I decideed to open the board so that other Lord of The Rings fans could discuss anything and everything regarding, specifcally, the third movie. Other stuff is of course welcomed, but try to keep it to a minimum.[/FONT]
  11. Well, here it is, a first time banner. I think it turned out pretty good concidering that I don't have photo-shop or anything. What do you all think?
  12. Hey there everyone, Well, I fianally got the Akira special edition dvd in the mail and I have to admit, I was nervous about watching it. My friend had told me it was lame and there was, ahem, inappropriate stuff in it. So when my dad suggested we watch it, I panicked. But really, Akira was awsome! I couldn't stop watching it; the music, the art and the special style of the animated dialog that made it realistic has captivated me. Not to mention tht Jonny Youn Bosch is the voice of Kaneda-he also plays adult Vash and that what's-his-name who does Tetsuo's voice does young Knives! It's another movie which can be viewed on so many levels and of course, was controversial. ^^ If you've got any thoughts about Akira, please post them!
  13. (best when listening to 'Scattered Rain'-if you can. ^^) Vash wrapped Kanna's wound as best he could but his hands were trembling. When he was done he kissed her forehead and walked slowly outside. The wind picks up, billowing Vash coat around him. He takes out his silver .45 Colt Custom and walks down the steps. Putting on his sunglasses, he walk up to Gero and points the gun at his arm. "Now you can never pull a trigger again. You will never hurt anyone, EVER AGAIN!" Vash fires at both of Gero's arms and looks around. The other outlaws stare at Vash. Vashs' eyes seem to glow as he turns to face them. "Get out of here if you value your lives." The outlaws scramble to stand and Vash points the gun at them. "I've got five bullets left, if you swear to give up your lives of crime and take this guy to the sheriff, I'll reconsider doing to you what I just did to your boss here." They nodd eagerly and struggle to dragg Gero away and into the back of the truck. Vash aims and fires two of his bullets, grazing the cheeks of the outlaws in the back. "Drive, damnitt, DRIVE!!!" The truck speeds off towards town as the humaniod typhoon lowered his gun and turned around to go back inside.
  14. I actually haven't read the manga but I have the scene the series which is really cool! And also yes, Kir is pretty cool! "Give me a Kir Royal!" Yay Jing!
  15. "Oh Kanna..." Vash knelt beside her and a tear fell out of his eye. "Kanna, Kanna please...oh no... Kanna!" Kanna's eyes were closed and blood spread out from around her. Vash picked her up gently and brought her into the house. He set her down on a large couch. Vash started to panick and he searched the house for bandages. Finding none, he grabbed a large towel and went back to Kanna. He stopped dead in his tracks, dropping the towel, and rushed over to Kanna. Her eyes were open wide and she was staring at her hand, which was covered in blood. "Kanna...thank god, you're alive! What-what-what happened?!" She started to shiver but kept her eyes fixed to her hand. A drop of blood dripped onto her face and she blinked. "I-I couldn't l-let them...k-kill you...Vash..." Vash hugged onto her as Kanna closed her eyes again. "No...please...don't let her die...PLEASE...Kanna!"
  16. Triguns' H.T. is the best becasue the guitar and effects work is really well done, also the H.T.-destroying angel mix is also really techno and rock at the same time. It's just a good jam that I can't help but move to. *unfortunatly making a fool of myself in the process.* ^^;
  17. It's pretty interesting; you've got a very deep theme but the words are simple. That's a good skill to have. It seems a little bit weird but I like the way it's written. Not bad, not bad at all.
  18. Very slowly, some one came into the room, carrying large bags. They set them down on the table and turned around. "Vash, listen, I'm---" There in front of her was Gero and his gang standing over Vash. Gero put his boot on Vash's head and pressed down. "Nice little show you two put up back at the house but I'm afraid I can't have you both running off anymore. I'll get the deed to the land AND I'll be rich! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Gero clicked his fingers and Vash and Kanna were dragged away. They were thrown into the back of a truck and started to head out back to Kanna's house. "Kanna, y-you came back. W-why are you here?" "I-I wanted to apologize. After all that you've done for me and I just go and yell at you like that. I'm so sorry Vash, you aren't any of those things..." Vash smiled and leaned his bruised and bleeding head against the trucks' side. The car screached to a hault, sending Vash and Kanna flying out of the back. Gero's gang jumped out of the car and dragged them into a storage shed. Gero kicked Vash against the wall and dragged Kanna over to him. He stood them both up and smirked. "How's about a trade? All I could ever need for two one way tickets to the pearly gates?" He held up his hand and a gunman aimed, "Kill the Stampede first." Gero said just before dropping his hand. It all happened so fast; the gun fired, there was a shout and in a flash, seven people fell to the ground. A thick smell of blood was in the air [I]No matter how far I go, no matter who I meet, some one always gets hurt. What should I do? Rem, please help me, what should I do?[/I]
  19. Yay Last Unicorn! *sniffles* and to think...I thought no one would remember...
  20. Vash lost himself in his memories and he didn't even hear the door open behind him. He felt the familiar cold of a gun pressed against his temple and he looked up. He couldn't see who it was before he was over come with blinding pain and knocked to the floor. His head was bleeding and he lept for his gun, only to be kicked in the side from the other direction. He landed on his knees and again felt the cold gun metal against his head. "Just take it easy and no one else in this hotel has to get hurt. On your feet now and come along-quietly." Vash felt himself being jerked up and he attempted to look around before he was bashed over the head again. To be continued in the next episode: Half a Heart
  21. [QUOTE]Sh** happens[/QUOTE] and [QUOTE]You laugh because I'm different, I laugh becasue you're all the same.[/QUOTE]
  22. Kanna stumbled along, not really noticing or caring in which direction she was headed. She just wanted to get out away; and she didn't care if she died in the desert, she just needed to get far, far away. "Stupid Gero...stupid town...stupid worthless...damnitt!" She fell to her knees and felt the ground shake. She didn't bother to look around as a car pulled up beside her. Some one got out and kneeled beside her, then pulled her close. Kanna tried to get away put who ever was holding on on held tighter. "Kanna stop, there's no point in running away, believe me, I've been running all my life and look where it's gotten me." Kanna opened her mouth attempting to protest but she couldn't think of anything before she felt herself being picked up and placed in the car. The person started up the car and it trundled along back towards the town. When it stopped outside the hotel, the person got out and put the keys on the seat. "You can choose what you want to do now. The best way out of town is straight ahead, in case you really want to leave." Kanna didn't move but she looked at the person who was walking into the Hotel from the corner of her eye. She grabbed the keys and started to drive down the road. The words echoed in her head:[I]'There's no point in running away.'[/I] Vash the Stampede watched in dismay as the car drove off in a cloud of smoke. He went back to his room and sat on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. *Flashback* [I]'NO! I won't help you kill people! I won't do it!'[/I] [I]'Then why did you follow me into the desert and wait for me to return? It's becasue you're hopeless on your own isn't it?'[/I] [B]BANG![/B] "I ran away then...and in ways I'm still running from everything." Vash got up, very frustrated and went to sit in the arm chair. As he sat down he felt drained and frustrated. He put his hand over his face and leaned back so that he was staring up at the ceiling. "Damn you Knives..."
  23. :flaming: ARGH! Stupid Windows XP and stupid Virus! My computer has been blacked out for SOOOOO long! I'll get right back on the ball and sorry to have kept you waiting!:flaming: ********************** "Vash don't joke around alright! I'm really not in the mood!" She stood up, smacking Vash's hand away and walking towards the door. "And w-what makes you think I need help from-from some one like you! A terrible outlaw l-like you! Who needs you?! Who needs this stupid town?!" She screamed. Vash sighed and looked down at the ground, thinking to himself, 'I guess this is what I get...' Kanna covered her mouth and tried to think of something to say. She just shook her head and pointed at him, "You, Vash the Stampede, are no better than Gero and his gang!" She started backing up and opened the door, "T-this stupid town... W-why is this happening t-to me?! WHY?!" And with that, she ran down the stairs and out of the hotel. Vash ran after her but a huge gust of wind came and when the dust settled, he couldn't see Kanna anywhere. "Kanna! Hey where'd you go?"
  24. The CD is bomb but unfortunatly it doesn't have my fave. songs on it. Does any one know a good place to buy Anime CDs? (preferably cheap please. >
  25. Kanna slept for the majority of the next day. Afternoon sun trickled in through the window and Kanna stirred. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, then looked around. Everything was very quiet. She got out of bed and searched the rooms but Vash, Milly and Meryl (who she hadn't known were there) were gone. Kanna began to panic, what if Gero had taken Vash at night but hadn't seen Kanna? She had been burried under a blanket after all. What is Gero had Vash prisoner? Or...no she refused to think that. She ran towards the door, terribly frightend, but the door opened before she reached it and Vash came stolling in. "Oh, you're up. Good morning!" He said gently. Kanna flung herself at Vash, causing him to stumble backwards slightly. "Don't you ever do that again! Hear me? Don't....what, what if they'd gotten you...stupid..." Vash pulled her away, "I was just seeing some friends off. They came by last night and they left this morning." "Just don't ok? I know that gero's going to be on the war path since we escaped. He has an incredibly bad temper when his plans don't work out." "All right, all right, I'll be careful." Vash smiled and hed up a bag, "Hope you're hungry!" He walked over to the table and sat down, but when Kanna didn't move, he stood back up. "Kanna, you've got to eat something. Come on." Kanna walked slowly over and sat down, pulling a roll out of the bag and quietly munched on it. For a while Vash forgot about everything that had happened as he sat stuffing himself with doughnuts. When he finally came back to the real world and looked at Kanna, she was facing the window. "Hey...how are you holding up?" She looked over at him, "Better than I thought I would be feeling. My father lived a long and happy life. Maybe, maybe it was just his time to go..." "........" Vash stood up, walked over and sat on his knees infront of Kanna. He half smiled at her, "Kanna, everything's going to be ok. But you can't dwell onit forever. Maybe's there's still something we can do so your father's spirit can rest in peace."
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