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Everything posted by DragonofDestiny

  1. Oh yeah, has anyone ever heard of The Last Unicorn? That was an anime movie about the last unicorn, duh, who has to save the rest of her kind. I love the Unicorn, she was so beautifl, as was her voice. Totally magical!
  2. Night falls quickly and Milly and Meryl fall asleep on the couch and armchair. Vash is left alone and walks into Kanna's room to check on her. She is still sleeping and Vash sees that her pillow is soaked with tears. He sighs and goes over to the bedroom window, opening it and staring out at the night sky for a second time. His eyes scan the town, everything is quiet, 'almost too quiet...' he thinks. ********************************************************************* On top of the Inn's roof, the infamouse Trigun cat Nyeows into the night and stares up at the moon. ********************************************************************* Vash turns back around and hears muffled crying again. He walks silently over to Kanna's bed and put a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him, apparently, she was never asleep. "Hey, how are you holding up?" Kanna looked at her pillow and pushed it away, grabbing a new one, "I've been better I suppose..." She says to him, trying to sound cheerful but failing miserably. "Do you want anything? Maybe some food or something to drink?" "Just don't leave ok Vash? Please, stay with me...I don't want to be alone right now...." Her voiced trailed off and she sunk back into her pillow, starting to cry again. Vash sat down on the floor and leaned againt the wall. "Don't worry, I'll stay here all night."
  3. Kanna slammed the door back and ran into the bedroom, diving onto the bed and burrying her face in a pillow. Vash came in after her, slightly panting and shut the door. He sat down next to her and sighed. He looked out the window, across the dusty ground. The wind was picking up and Vash stood to go and close the window but Kanna's hand shot out from under the pillow and grabbed his. "Please, don't go anywhere ok? Just stay in the room..." She said quietly, nuzzling more into the pillowand letting go of his hand. "I won't, don't worry..." He walked over to the window and looked outside. Some one called to him from the street and he ducked inside. But he recognized the voice and looked again. "Heya Mr. Vash!" "Hi Vash!" It was Milly and Meryl, both looking very tired. Vash waved to them, "Hey there! Come on up, it's room 009!" Milly dashed off, clearly eager to get out of the wind, with Meryl on her heels. Vash closed to the door to the bedroom, as Kanna had fallen asleep and went to the door. he let Milly and Meryl in and poured them some drinks. "So Mr. Vash, what ahve you been up too?" Milly asked before chugging down her drink. "Yeah Vash, no damage at this town I see. What's been goign on?" And so, Vash relayed everything to them about Kanna and her situation. "She's in the bedroom asleep now. She's had a rough couple of days." "Is there anything we can do to help out Vash?" Meryl said, looking over at him. Vash smiled, "That's just like you guys, always wanting to help out but don't worry, I can handle this." Milly smiled and hiccuped, "Well that's good 'cause we *hiccup* have to go back to the office tomorrow for a week or so. *hiccup*" "Milly, you have a drinking problem, don't you?" Meryl said rolling her eyes. "I'm JUST fine THANK you. SO what IF I HAD a FEW drinks? *hiccup* *hiccup*" Vash laughed as Meryl scolded Milly and watched in vain as Milly drank Vash's and Meryl's drinks.
  4. "Kanna..." But Kanna was tired of waiting, she wrneched herself free of Vash's grip and looked in the window. She gasped, her father was lying on the floor, dead. She slumped down next to Vash and started to silently cry. She hugged onto Vash and cried. Vash hugged her and patted her back. "Kanna...I'm so sorry..." She replied in a creaky voice, "No....no, there wasn't anything you could do...I knew this would happen...It's not your fault...It's all mine..." Vash looked at her and pulled her away slightly, "Kanna, it's NOT your fault. It was Gero and his gang who killed your father, not you." She pulled away completly and stood up, visibly shaking. "I don't want this place anymore. Gero can have it...I...I just want to get out of here..." She said quietly. Vash stood up beside her, "Are you sure that's what you want Kanna?" She nodded silently, "Ok, let's go." Vash looked around and started sneaking towards the outskirts of the property. KAnna followed him, some what clumsily. Once they were clear of the house, Kanna started running and Vash followed her back to the town.
  5. Vash kicked at the door, rammed himself into the door, then tried his head. Unfortunatly, that didn't work and he tumbled backwards. "Vash give it up, we aren't going to be able to get out of here..." Kanna said quietly. "Don't say that!" he yelled, kicking at the door again, "There *bang* has to *bang* be a *bang* way *bang* out *bang* of here!!! *bang*" Vash fell back down and pouted, muttering under his breath, "Stupid door...bet I could get it open if my arms weren't tied up...stupid...stupid...stupid..." Kanna rolled her eyes and started looking around. She could hardly see a thing in the thick blackness bet she made out the shape of a hoe. She crawled over to it on her knees and rubbed her ropes against the sharp edge of the hoe. Soon, her ropes were breaking and she slithered out of them. She crawled over to Vash and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, I think I found a way out of these ropes." She said showing him her wrists. She started untying his ropes and eventually got them off of him. Vash stood up and took out his gun, "Cover your ears, this is going to be loud." He took several shots at the door, penetrating the thin metal. Now Vash was able to kick the door open and he helped Kanna out. He snuck around the shed so he was hiden slightly and scanned the surroundings. "Do you see anybody?" Kanna came beside him, also trying to hide. "I think I hear soemthing coming from the control house. Come on, follow me." Vash dashed across the ground, stopping to hide behind trees or tanks along the way. Kanna followed him, doing like wise and eventually, they were outside the control house. Vash looked in through the window but pushed Kanna away from it as he slumped onto the ground. He held onto her wrist, pulling her down beside him. She hit his shoulder. "Vash, why won't you let me see? What's gonig on in there?" "Ssssh, keep your voice down." She whispered, "Vash, what did you see?" Vash lowered his gaze to the ground, and then returned his gaze up to her.
  6. :bawl: Oh you are very nice Ruby! :bawl: It makes me want to cry!!:bawl: Kanna snuck behind a boulder and beckoned for Vash to follow. He crouched next to her as she pointed over the boulder at a large white house with several metal tanks around it. "There it is. My father must be inside the house or the control house." She ponted at a small brown shed on the far side of the property. "I've hardly ever seen so many trees in one place. How did you managae it?" Vash asked her. "I'm not sure but my father always said that geoplant landed here and his father took care of it. It's dying though, they haven't been watering..." She said frowning. Vash stood up then helped Kanna to her feet. I'll check out the control house and your house. You check the the tanks." Kanna nodded and they snuck away. ********************************************************************* Vash crept up to the control house and peaked in through a small window. His eyes roamed the room but there was no one inside. He headed for the house and went into through a back door. He snuck along and started walking up the grand stair case when he heard a scream from outside. "Kanna!" He said under his breath and ran outside. He barreled down the front steps and straight into Gero and his gang. Vash stopped and was quickly surrounded. He saw Kanna, who was being held by a rather stupid looking gunman with a patch over his left eye. Vash glared at them and started to pull out his gun. "A-a-ah Vash the Stampede, I wouldn't do that if I were you..." Gero smirked and snapped his fingers. The man holding Kanna put a knife to her, sending a small trickle of blood down her throat. "Be good now Stampede and we just might let her go." He snapped his fingers again and other bandits began tying up Vash. They hauled both him and Kanna away and put them in a small shed near one of the tanks. Vash yelled out when they shut and bolted the doors shut. "You said you'd let her go! Gero, release her!!" Vash managed to stand and glared out through the tiny window on the door. A side of Gero's face filled the other side and he smiled at Vash. "I never said I would Stampede, I only said I might. And I have to be married to a member of this family to have the rights to own this water plant, so..." He laughed deeply and wickedly, "I think I'll just keep her around for a while." He laughed again and shut the window's little door, plunging Vash and Kanna into total darkness.
  7. Kung Pow Enter the Fist was HILLARIOUS!
  8. When I saw the first Gremlins movie, I was scared out of my mind but I was 7. Now I think Resident Evil and Brotherhood of the Wolf were REALLY scary. Oh, and the Howling too.
  9. I cried when Gandalf fell into shadow in the first LOTR movie.
  10. [COLOR=deeppink]Here's my Anime version of Tonks from teh 5th HP book. How does she look?[/COLOR]
  11. Vash stopped eating and reached across the table, putting a hand over hers. "I'll help you get free and get your father and land back. I promise." Kanna stared at him, then slowly smiled, "Thank you Mr. Vash." Vash pulled back and finished his doughnut. He stated through a full mouth, "Just call me Vash, Kanna." ******************************************************************** Vash and Kanna set out later that day for Kanna's home. KAnna kept glancing at him, and finally got the nerve to ask him. "Vash, were did you get the scars all over yourself?" Vash slowed his pace, staring up at the sky, "It's what I have to deal with since I won't kill any one. Love and Peace Kanna, that's what I beleive in." "You aren't anything like the 'Vash the Stampede' I've heard so much about. I thought you were some kind of ruthless killer or something." Vash satyed silent, as did Kanna, thinking she said something wrong. The two continued walking down the dusty road.
  12. Vash fell asleep in the arm chair, which he had pulled over to face the window. Kanna came out of the bedroom and laughed becasue Vash was up-side-down in the chair; snoring loudly. She pulled a shall out form her pocket and tied it around her face. She took the key out of Vash's hand and went outside to get some breakfast. She went to a bakery and bought some doughnuts, rolls and coffee. She walked carefully back to the Inn room, balancing everything in her arms. She couldn't open the door sho she knocked on it with her foot. Vash opened the door and stuck his head out. He smiled and opened the door fully. He took a box for her. "Hey, you got doughnuts!" (Inner Vash- YESH!! YESH!! YESH!! ^^) He put the boxes down on the table and pulled a chair over for himself. Kanna set down the rolls and set down a cup of coffee for Vash. "Leave some for me!" She said grabbing the box out of his hand seeing him reaching for the last three. She frowned and muttered under her breath, 'Pig...' Vash took a big swig of coffee, swallowed and yelled. "OOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!! That's hot!!!!" He yelped, fanning at his burt tongue. "Well of course it's hot, it's coffee after all..." Kanna said smiling and sitting down. "Look, Mr. Vash, I wanted to thank you...for saving me last night..." She looked down at her coffee cup, somewhat embaressed. Vash swallowed and smiled at her. "You're welcome but I should thank you as well. You helped me a lot but I'm very sorry you got hurt at my expense. Why did those thugs say they had your father?" Kanna looked to the window, "My family owns some property with a large amount of water on it. We give it out for free to all the people who need it. Gero and his gang wanted to buy the land and sell the water to get rich. My family refused and they were all killed, except me and my father. They were originally going to kill him to but I gave myslef to them so they would spare his life. My dad operates the purifier so the water stays clear and clean and Gero keep me around for kicks."
  13. :love: I think that is an excellent series. The pairing of Keiichi and Belldandy is perfectly done. I imagine love like that. (Not calling a goddess hotline and making a wish to live with the goddess-silly people:cross: ) The animation is very warm and I guess a good feel good series. :excited: I also think that HunterXHunter is a good series because Neon is really cute, even though he's an assasin. And Gon is just so innocent and kind. I wish he was my little brother, he is so awsome! :love: And of course Escflowne! (movie and series) Great all around with fabulous music and character/mecha/backround art. The story line is also pretty good and the movie has a good amount of blood in it!:devil: Hee hee hee. I also am in love with Van!
  14. Almost deffinately Belldandy and Keiichi from Ah My Goddess. The way that they are each so shy, yet so completely devoted to eachother is one of the most well-done romances I've ever seen. It isn't love at first site, Keiichi is a total innocent spaz(which makes him all the more cuter!) and Belldandy is a Goddess who has two sisters;one who wants Bell and K to go further than either are comfortable with and another who wants Bell to come back with her becasue she is lonely. The series alone is wonderful, colorful and has a good-mood feel. I would deffinatly recomend this series on a rainy day or when it's snowing out becasue it's plot line gives out so much warmth!
  15. Princess Mononoke because it freaks out the people I show it to! EPlus I think Miyazaki is one of the gods of anime. And Escaflowne becasue it was beautiful and just all around great.
  16. My first anime was probably the movie My Neighbor Totoro shortly followed by Sailor Moon. Totoro turned me on to Myazaki, who is one of the gods of anime and Sailor Moon got my into the other style of anime-i.e. big eyes, funky hair, super powers, ect. Then came Pokemon. I still love them all!
  17. I consider myself some what like Belldandy(Ah My Goddess), Vash (Trigun) and Van (The Vision of Escaflowne-series) because I am loyal, kind and lovinglike Belldandy. I'm silly and kind-hearted, yet very skilled like Vash. And I have a lot of honor, pride and dignity, not to mention I will do anything for the ones I care about.
  18. Kanna rolled over, her head was pounding. She sat up and looked around; she was in a small bedroom and there were only a few lights on. She saw the brightest light coming from the bathroom and picked up a lamp. The first thought that ran through her mind was "I've been kidnapped!" She snuck silently forward and pressed her back against the wall. She gripped the lamp tightly and reached for the door nob. Inside, Vash had wrapped a long towel around his waist and also reached for the door nob. Kanna opened the door. They stared at eachother and Kanna finally screamed! "HEEEEEEEEEELLLLPPPPPP! I've been kidnapped!!!" She through the lamp at Vash and sprinted for the door. Vash dodged the lamp and started after her. Kanna broke out into the hallway and slammed the door behind her. She breathed out heavily but sucked it right back in when she saw Gero and his alckies down at the other end of the hall. She gasped but Vash opened the door and pulled her back inside. She squirmed in his tight grip on her shoulders. "Let me go!" "Do you want those guys to find us?" Kanna stopped and looked at him, cocking her head to the side like a bird. "B-but you're Vash the Stampede..." "That didn't stop you earlier." He smiled at her and walked back towards the bathroom. "I really owe you for helping me out back there." Kanna looked down at her feet, her head was still throbbing from the hard impact from Gero's throw. She stumbled and kind of slumped down onto the floor. Vash ran to her side, "Hey are you all right?!" Kanna glanced up, seeing several Vash's looking scared at her. She fainted again and Vash put her back in the bedroom. He bandaged himself and put his clothes back on. He threw the towel into the shower, it was stained with blood. He sighed and went to sit on the couch. But Vash became restless and stepped towards a large window. He opened it and leaned into the now cool night air. He stared up at the stars and felt the cool wind careess his face. Vash closed his eyes and leaned against the window sill, enjoying his moments of peice.
  19. Vash slid inside the Inn and set Kanna down on one of the couches. He walked silently over the the attensent behind the desk. "Have any rooms for a night or two?" The attendent nodded slowly and handed Vash a key with a wooden circle attached to the key's loop ring. "R-room 009, it's just to the left up the stairs." "Thanks." Vash put the wooden handle in his mouth and went back over to Kanna. He picked her up and walked up the stairs. The key jingled against his chin and Vash smiled as he stood in front of the door. "This must be it..." He held Kanna with one arm, which was rather difficult and opened the door. He slid inside and looked around. There was a table with chairs, a couch and an armchair, a bed in another room, a lavatory and shower. Vash put Kanna down on the bed and stretched. He doubled over though and started gasping for breath. The deep wounds on him had not yet closed up and he sat there on his knees regaining his breath. Finallly regaining strength, Vash stood up and went into the room with the shower. He shut the door and started the water. After taking off his shirt, he studied the deep cuts along his side and chest. There were many other scars all over him and these were just some new ones that would probably take some time to heal, he asumed. Something unknown had attacked him, Vash bearly had time to dodge. He finished and stepped into the shower; the water was pretty cold and Vash yelped, adjusting the water temperature. The blood was washed away and trailed down the drian. Vash got out and stared at his reflection in the dusty mirror. "....this is what I get I guess...."
  20. :excited: I FINALLY got their new cd and I have to say, I don't think I like it as much as the first one. My favorites are #7 and #13. :excited:
  21. The band of outlaws got up and headed out after him. The thundered out onto the street and Vash stopped walking. "So you're Vash the Stampede? You look like something a cat dragged in." They all laughed and the leader, a big burly man pointed his gun at Vash's head. "We'd like to thank you, Vash the Stampede, for all the money we're gonna get off your sorry head." He began pulling the trigger but Vash wheeled out of the way, appearing next to the leader. He pressed his silver gun at the leader's temple. "I'm not in the mood if you don't mind. So go have some more drinks and don't give me any trouble." He lowered his gun and started walking again. But the leader yelled and punched Vash in the back of the head. "Why you sorry excuse for a gun-slinger. I'll kill you with my bare hands!" "Leave him be Gero!" Gero, Vash and the rest of the outlaws turned and saw a woman standing in the street, a large machine gun in her arms. Her brown hair fluttered in the wind and she narrowed her steely blue eyes. But Gero started laughing, as did the other outlaws. "Go home Kanna. We all know you won't hurt us. Especially since we've got your daddy." He laughed again, and kicked out at Vash. Too bad Vash wasn't there. He was up and in front of Gero. "Why you!" Geor lunged again, but this time at Kanna. He grabbed her and, being so huge, got her in a painful headlock and lifted her off the ground. "If you let us turn you in, we promise not to kill the girl." Vash stopped moving, pocketing his gun, "That's no way to fight. She's not your target, I am. Put her down adn i'll fight you." Gero smirked and threw Kanna away. He pulled out his gun and started shooting at Vash. Vash, who still hadn't taken out his gun, kicked Gero in the face, sending him flying backwards. Vash ran over to Kanna and picked her up. He ran away to the shadows as Gero yelled after him. "I will kill you Vash the Stampede! You're as good as dead!"
  22. The warm and dusty wind hit the small town out of no where. The Saloon sign creaked and banged agianst the building as it was rampaged by the wind. A lone shadow figure walked slowly down the diserted street. It was a dark night, almost no windows held light inside. The figure walked up the steps to the Saloon and opened the door. Another blast of air swept into the room and everyone turned to see the man that struck fear into so many hearts. Vash the Stampede. He shut the door and took a seat at the bar. He ordered his drink and otherwise remained silent. Visibly bleeding but completely calm, Vash waited for his drink. A few outlaws in the corner moved their eyes onto Vash. The snickered amoungst themselves. This was the legendary Humanoid Typhoon? They laughed and started planning on getting their hands on the 60 billion double-dollar bounty on Vash's head. Vash drunk quickly and stood up, flipping some money to the bar tender. In a dry, yet kind voice he said, "Thanks for the drink. Keep the change." And with that, Vash left the saloon and walked up the street to a small inn.
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