I like the borders and colors, too. They are pretty neat. Good job on that, I think it's a good picture. I like the third one, he seems happy! But I think the last one looks weird.
WOAH that is so awesome! I really like that, I like the colors! The girl is so cute, I don't think she resembles Sakura that much. Really good job! I think it's cool.
I think the background is sort of weird, there are too many colors, if you get what I am saying. I like the light in the middle, though. good job on your first banner.
Lol, the eyes are kind freaking me out, but it's good banner. I like the text, it's pretty cool!! Good job, I like the idea of the line splitting the two halves.
The third banner is good and all, but I don't like the background. I don't think it fits very well. Good job on everything else, though! You're good at making banners.