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Everything posted by xXhieiXx

  1. it looks nice enough.i do like how u put the main parts seperate and sorta described them. Also i dont see how three words saying look at this and then posting a picture could be spam... -.-
  2. he used bryce for that...and i would give this a 5.8/10..u still do no 2d work so all u have is the bryce render,which isnt too good all by itself..
  3. im not insulting anyone..just saying i dont see how they can think it looks real..plus ive been to ur da account ur newer stuff isnt much better..
  4. too plain...and best format for good quality is .png ...but its a little big like wats 4 kb is like 10-20..
  5. some of this stuff is nice..but too simplistic and small..
  6. you really need to experiment more..make borders,blend the pictures better and read tutorials for better effects.
  7. looks alright..kinda hard to see stuff though..
  8. just browsing and i came across this..sad really that this is one of the best this forum has to offer..Anyway the quality is bad,colors arn't good,too repetetive (even for bryce),and i dont see how you people say that looks real..Also try using more than just the render...5/10..
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