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About sasameyuki

  • Birthday February 12

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  • Biography
    I'm a sophmore in HS and like Anime...
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  1. Big Party at my house like every year. So much cleaning...
  2. Anyone heard the song "Burger Dance"? I don't know who it's by but i just wanted to find out how many people knew it. :) :wigout:
  3. sasameyuki


    Pirates of the Carribean and Lord of the Rings soundtracks are both really, really good!
  4. I never have tried but my cousin accidently split red die all over her clothes and all over the floor and stained everything it touched.
  5. I'm trying to import a custom avatar in and there's a problem. It loads it but never shows it when i post or when i check to see if it works. I checked the size and it fits. Any suggestions?:confused:
  6. I'm not sure the artist but the ending theme song of Naruto called "Wind." I think the artist is named Akobashi.
  7. I watched it and am very confused...
  8. I would like to buy a pair for me and my best friend. Any sites or anything.
  9. I have been looking on CN for episodes and they went poof. Really bugs me...
  10. YEAH for YAOI! I'll check out the story after i'm done reading this current one. Yes, Millie, there are *shudders* 1xR fics you might like!
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